The First 75 Years
This article was written by Dr. David Arthur and Joseph Shriri for GHC's 25th Anniversary Journal.  It was reprinted in the Dobbs Ferry Historical Society Publication The Ferryman (February, 1997)Years 1-25
This article was written by Rabbi Barry Kenter, Rabbi Emeritus, D.H.L., for GHC's 50th Anniversary Journal.  It was reprinted in the Dobbs Ferry Historical Society Publication The Ferryman (April, 1997)Years 26-50
This article was written by Naomi Feinkind, Alan Kravitz, Michael Taub and Deborah Jagoda.  Years 51-75

Important Dates

January 28, 1947         Greenburgh Hebrew Center is incorporated "Davis Heads Greenburgh Hebrew Center"
June, 1948                   Sisterhood formed; it is originally called the Women's Auxilliary and the Women's Guild
April 19, 1949               GHC acquires 515 Broadway property  Part 1  Part 2  "Hebrews Take Title...."   Deed
September 11, 1949     GHC dedicates first building, originally the Tyre Estate
November 13, 1949      GHC holds first annual dinner dance at the Great Northern Hotel in New York City "Hebrew Center                                                Tells Plans"
December 7, 1950        GHC opens its library  "Hebrew Center Holds Book Tea"
January 4, 1952            GHC has 80 family units  "Jack Marrus Re-Elected by Hebrews"
February 5, 1952          Dobbs Ferry Nursery School of GHC opens "Nursery School Opens in Dobbs Ferry"
February 18, 1952        Mens Club formed  "Center Men's Club Elects....."
November 6, 1952   Junior Canteen of GHC formed  "Canteen To Meet"
November 9, 1952   Kindergarten Class starts at GHC Hebrew school  "Kindergarten to Open..."
August 11, 1952      GHC purchases 23 Shady Lane, Dobbs Ferry, as residence for Rabbi Shanken
March 22, 1956       GHC starts $250,000 building drive headed by Jack Sonkin
April 27, 1958         Groundbreaking for new building
May 28, 1958          GHC sells 23 Shady Lane, Dobbs Ferry
August 27, 1958      Construction begins on new buillding
April 19, 1959          Cornerstone, containing time capsule, is laid
Sept. 11-13, 1959    New building dedicated  Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4
January 20, 1961     GHC approves plans for an additional 4 classrooms
December 5, 1961    GHC Religious School certified by Westchester Association of Hebrew Schools
October  7, 1970      Sculpture entitled "Out of the Depth Have I Cried Unto Thee, O Lord" created by                                         Frances Bessner Newman unveiled
October 28, 1976      GHC Purchases 11 Pietro Place   Deed   Map
June 1, 1981            Fran Singer installed as first woman President of GHC
June 16, 1983          Long-time Cantor, Sidney Rosenfeld, retires; Martin Goldstein hired as new cantor
November 28, 1986  GHC begins building campaign to expand and improve facilities
September 20, 1987 Groundbreaking ceremonies held for re-building of center facilities
July 1, 1988             Construction announced to begin October, 1988
July 8, 1988             Naftali Bezem, designer of sanctuary's stain glass windows, visits GHC
October 23, 1998      GHC sells 534 Broadway   Deed  Map
August 26, 2004       Midchester Jewish Center of Yonkers, NY merges with GHC
Rabbis of GHC
1.  Gershon Feigon      1947-1952 
2.  Frederic Sommers  1952-1953
3.  Jerome Weistrop    1953-1955
4.  Sidney Shanken     1955-1958
5.  Mordechai Brill       1958-1964
6.  Immanuel Lubliner 1964-1976
7.  William Marder       1976-1978
8.  Lyle Fishman          1978-1984
9.  Barry Kenter          1984-2015
10. Jay M. Stein          2015-
Cantors of GHC
1.  Sidney Rosenfeld
2.  Martin Goldstein
3.  George Giventer
4.  Amy Kanerek
5.  Janet Leuchter
6.  Anna May  [current]
Other Stories of Interest
Large Estates of Dobbs Ferry  Part 1   Part 2
History of Dobbs Ferry School System 
525 Broadway  Part 1  "New Building Site..."  Part 2 "Science Gets Building Permit"   Part 3  Photo 
                         Part 4 Dedication
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