Dear Friends,
We hope this finds you and your family safe and healthy.
The reality of the pandemic hit Temple B’nai Abraham hard and early with the loss of our friend, fellow congregant, and Temple President Dr. Bruce H. Greene to COVID-19 last April. Bruce’s yahrzeit falls during the week of April 5, and, as is customary, his name was read at services during the preceding Shabbat. We would now like to offer the community an opportunity to remember and pay tribute to Bruce with a virtual tribute journal on the occasion of his yahrzeit.
The virtual tribute will be hosted on the same platform as the journal we created in Rabbi Dantowitz's honor last Spring. It will allow us to see the journal growing in real time, as we all submit our thoughts and tributes to Bruce. The site will also host photos, as well as tribute letters from the clergy, past and present, and other key TBA staff and lay leaders who worked closely with Bruce.
Temple B’nai Abraham was a cherished institution to Bruce, as it continues to be for Susan, Mark, and so many of us. Let’s come together, at least virtually, to remember Bruce on the occasion of his yahrzeit and support the institution he loved.
To submit your tribute to Bruce and for available opportunities to support TBA, please click the Place Tribute/Donate tab and follow the instructions. If you require assistance with placing your ad, please contact Laura Wold ([email protected] or 973-994-2290 ext. 216). 
Thank you in advance for your messages of tribute and generous support. They will be appreciated and cherished by both Bruce’s family and your fellow congregants.
Julie A. Silbermann, President
Erica Facktor and Illana Lebersfeld, Ways & Means Co-Chairs

S e p t e m b e r  1 8 , 1 9 5 8 - A p r i l  1 6 , 2 0 2 0

T e m p l e  P r e s i d e n t
M a r c h  2 0 1 7 - A p r i  l  2 0 2 0

A  D y n a m i c  L e a d e r
A  D e v o t e d  F r i e n d
A  R e m a r k a b l e  P e r s o n
Full Page
Susan and Mark Greene
Glenn and Steve Greene
Peter & Ellen Klein
Eileen and Jeffrey Klein and Family
Susan & Richard Kogan & Family
Cliff and Robin Kulwin
Sharieve, Mark, Ian and Jesse Meller
Officers and Board of Trustees of Temple B'nai Abraham
Linda & BJ Reisberg & Family
Julie and Max Silbermann and Family
Ethel and Bob Singer
Half Page
Arlene & Richard Bookbinder
Merle & Marty Kalishman
Debbi, Max, Illana, Jason, Gracie, Addison and Charlotte Lebersfeld
Sara Ann & Bob Sanders
Three Line Listing
Joni and Alan Cohen
Terri & Mark Friedman
Deborah & Gregg Jacob
Claude and Beth Krause
Tara & Richard Heyderman, Beth & Rob Fink & Nancy & Steven Pokotilow
Deborah Prinz and Larry Neher
Marc & Stacey Rosenberg
Jeff and Ginny Roth
Stanley & Elaine Shapiro
Bennett and Honi Wasserman
Two Line Listing
Barbara and Scott Birnbaum
Barbara and Bob Davis
Amy and Jason Esralew
Erica, Bryce, Gabi & Lexi Facktor
Caren and Herb Ford
Tara, Jakob, Isaiah, Naomi and Jordan Halpern
Valerie, Rob, Lexi, and Jason Katz
Ruth Ross
Myrna and Marvin Wertheimer
Marjie & Scott Zucker
One Line Listing
Lucy and Joe Borg
Barbara Drench
Helen Farber
Cathy & Bruce Fischberg
Tina Greenberg & Richard Goldsmith
Randi and Greg Jeddis
Arlene & Dan Kollin
Bobbi & Barry Kolton
Jane and Alan Mark
Gail & Barry Milchman
Marlene and Alan Moscowitz
Judy & Scott Moskowitz
Linda & Carey Pack
Rona and Bob Parker
Arthur and Brandi Podnos
Lisa, Adam, Ethan and Jonah Reisboard
Geri Schaeffer
Bunny & Stephen Schwartz
Abby, Barry, Matthew, Daniel, Justin & Amanda Silverman
The Gendel Family
Name Listing
Suzanne and Saul Berkowitz
Bobbi Bromberg
Steve Delman
Pat Sebold, Essex County Commissioner
Sharon & Larry Feinsod
Marsha and Dr.Steven Fiske
Susan and Alan Gallinson
Nurit and Ronen Gans
Stella Geller
Amos and Evelyn Gern
Bradley Glassman
Sue and Joel Goldstein
Jessica Goldstern
Lesley & Neil Greenstein
Justin Hirschtritt & Steven Horn
Alyce Miller
Karen and Steve Rockoff
Rene’e & Edward Rosenthal
Ruth Ross
Marci, Dara and Luke Seidman
Laurie Siegel
Barbara Z. Silber
Christine, Wayne & Gabe Strassman
Suzanne & Jeffrey Weinick
Randi, Scott, Jordan and Jamie Wolfson
Jonathan and Melanie Wurtele
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