The 60th Anniversary Gala will be a memorable evening to celebrate our historic milestone - our
Founders, and the outstanding leaders investing in our shared future. In 1965, the earliest members of our shul
pursued an audacious vision: Establish a vibrant Jewish home for their children and future generations.
60 years later, our Honorees embody the same values and commitment to our community and Am Yisrael.
Then and now, a love of Judaism and our tradition unites our diverse community.
Congregation Har Shalom - Many Paths, One Future.
NEW THIS YEAR! We will begin the evening with a cocktail hour including dinner stations and passed appetizers, signature drinks, and more! Following the reception everyone will be invited to the Burke Sanctuary for a special 60th anniversary program including video presentations and a tribute to our honorees. We will cap off the evening with delicious desserts, DJ, and dancing.
Distinguished Honorees
Jeff and Mikki Ashin
The Amudim Award
The Amudim Award
Ari and Abbey Meltzer
The Ahavat Chesed Award,
for Loving-Kindness
The Keter Shem Tov Awardees: The Crown of a Good Name
Marie Kramer
Keter Shem Tov Award
Keter Shem Tov Award
Joan Levenson
Keter Shem Tov Award
Hanna Lee Pomerantz
Keter Shem Tov Award
PLATINA Platinum
Hanna Lee Pomerantz
Candi Kaplan & Ron Lipsman
KESEF Silver
Mikki and Jeffery Ashin
Joy & Ron Paul
Joe & Rachel Katz
Ira & Mj Sherman
Judy Abrams and The Stier Family
Phyllis and David Coburn
Dan and Rose Shames
Jackie and Len Haynes
Linda & Richard Isen
Adam and Ryan Munitz
Sandie and Lowell Satler
The Meltzer/Burchman Families
OZER Helper
Phyllis Magram and David Lovewell
Helen and Bill Branda
Lesley & Ron Cooper
Laurie & David Ehrlich
Jillian and Brad Bernstein
Ken and Karen Lechter
William and Elaine Miller
Shelley and Stew Remer
Aimee, Allen, Sam & Lila Segal
Sonia and Bernie Beekman
Full Page
Ashin and Miller Families
Quarter Page
Laurie and Hal Freed
Jodi & Peter Susser
Name Listing
Rebekah Harris
Kathy and Kenny Ingber
Bonnie & Rick Meltzer
Melanie and Josh Olds