A silver lining is a sign of hope or a positive aspect in an otherwise negative situation. The phrase is often seen as part of the proverb, "Every cloud has a silver lining," meaning that there can be hope or something good found in every bad situation.
Here is a special message from Rabbi Goldsmith

On Thursday, May 13, Congregation Emanu-El of Westchester will host our annual benefit: Silver Linings. The Talmud teaches by saying 100 blessings a day we foster gratitude that can see us through any difficulty. While this has been a tough year, there have also been many blessings. We will take this night to celebrate those blessings – those silver linings.
The benefit itself will take place on Zoom and will feature a lively cocktail reception, a moving look back at this last year, an Emanu-El themed game, and a few surprises. As for honorees, this is your chance to honor anyone who brought you comfort and joy during this pandemic year.
In addition to tickets and a journal, we will also have an exciting silent auction filled with unique experiences donated by congregants, staff, and clergy.  There is also the opportunity to sponsor Silver Linings Support items which maintain and enhance our vibrant community.
All funds raised support the Annual Fund which provides Emanu-El with critical budget support and ensures that we can welcome anyone as a member, regardless of their financial circumstances.
Honor your friends and loved ones.
Celebrate Emanu-El.
Make sure that we can continue to be there for everyone.
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