Lili Bosse, Beverly Hills Mayor
Distinguished Leadership Award
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Beverly Hills Mayor, Lili Bosse, is currently serving her third Mayoral term. She has spearheaded numerous initiatives regarding public safety such as the City’s Real Time Watch Center that monitors the City’s surveillance network 24 hours a day, and BHPDalert which keeps the community informed.  Mayor Bosse has also led the charge assisting residents with power and utility outages, in order to ensure that the community has resources during emergencies.
Mayor Bosse is the daughter of Holocaust survivors and has spoken out about antisemitism around the globe, most recently at the Antisemitism Summit in Athens, Greece.  She has been a leading voice condemning antisemitism and hate of all kind, speaking on numerous occasions to local and national news outlets about anti-semitic flyers distributed around Beverly Hills and nearby cities, and the recent defacing of a menorah in the City. In December 2022, she was also a guest speaker on the Dr. Phil Show, discussing antisemitism and the damage it does to society.
Both Mayor Bosse’s parents were members of Beth Jacob Congregation, and her father attended synagogue every Saturday up until his passing. She and her husband Jon were married by the Synagogue’s former Head Rabbi, Abner Weiss.

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