Words of Honor

Words from Rabbi Dr. Jeffrey Rothman, Executive Director
There is nothing that happens at the Yeshivah of Flatbush that Shifra Hanon isn’t involved in, doesn’t know about, hasn’t worked on or wasn’t consulted on. It is important to distinguish between the public Shifra and the private Shifra. The public Shifra was an outstanding English teacher for so many years and then instead of retiring she created a whole new adventure for herself. She created the Pathfinders Program, which has benefited our students in myriad ways throughout the years.
There is no other school that has Pathfinders, and that is because none of them have a Shifra Hanon. Shifra has infused her creativity, her ingenuity and her desire into helping each and every student find his or her path. She has learned things like robotics and architecture, just so she could bring them to our Yeshivah. She has pushed to grow this program each and every year. She has found alumni or community members in every field to speak to our students, sometimes in fields in which many of us are not even at all familiar. Pathfinders is her passion and literally her baby; something she has nurtured and has set up for success as her hand-picked team continues it into the future.
The other Shifra is more private and behind the scenes. Shifra is there to help any student, staff, or community member who is struggling. She helps those who struggle with school, with finances, with health and with those who have lost or ill loved ones. She either raises money or often pays for things herself to help those in need. She is the first one to inform us who should  be included in our tefilot and unfortunately who needs to be mentioned in a shiva notice.
Shifra might be retiring, but we certainly have not seen the last of her magical touch at YOF. We all know she will not be able to stay away completely from her home away from home. While we will miss seeing her in her day-to-day role, we know she will stop by and is always a call, email or text message away.
I wish Shifra all the best in this next chapter of her life, as she enjoys it all in good health with her husband Ezra and their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Rabbi Dr. Jeffrey Rothman
Executive Director
Abie J. Hidary, President, Yeshivah of Flatbush
If you ask anyone at the Yeshivah of Flatbush how to get something done, they will inevitably tell you to ask Shifra Hanon. A true aishet chayil, filled with humility but overflowing with kindness, empathy, class and a certain brilliance that is all her own, Mrs. Hanon has touched the lives of an unfathomable number of students, faculty and community members.
So many families were comforted knowing that when their kids started high school, Mrs. Hanon would be there to take care of them. It put their mind at peace knowing someone would be watching out for them and making sure that they made the necessary connections to succeed at Flatbush and beyond. It has been said that Mrs. Hanon is magically capable of turning little encounters into something that blossoms. Her mentorship is absorbed by all who know her and have connected with her, whether it be at school or just in and around the Flatbush community. She uses these ties to arrange internships, lectures and class trips for the Pathfinders Program, which she herself spearheaded. I have had eager groups of students visit my Manhattan office on numerous occasions.
However, this powerhouse of a woman never asks for credit; never asks for acknowledgement or a pat on the back. She has taught her own biological tribe to be like she is and to give, give, give. Her influence has inspired countless students to go for that job, apply for that internship, work on that resumé. It is people like Mrs. Hanon--although there is no one like Mrs. Hanon--who embody what the real Flatbush Family is all about. 
As a school, we were privileged to have had her grace our hallways for so many years. As a community, we are proud to call her one of us. Mazel tov on your well-deserved retirement!
-Abie J. Hidary
Yeshivah of Flatbush
Words from Nicole Malliotakis, Member of Congress
I join you in our bittersweet send off of Rabbi Dr. Raymond Harari and Mrs. Shifra Hanon, true rocks of
our Yeshivah community. Rabbi Harari and Mrs. Hanon have contributed a combined seven decades to educating JBHS students in both Torah and secular studies, through which they have left an indelible impact on not only our own community, but K'lal Yisrael as a whole. 

In their years of service, Rabbi Harari and Mrs. Hanon truly led by example, showing generations of stud. the impo1iance of education, civic engagement, and strong Jewish identity. I had the unique privilege of meeting with the community they helped to create during my visit to Yeshivah of Flatbush just a few weeks ago. 

I wish Rabbi Harari and Mrs. Hanon many years of health and happiness in their retirement, and thank them, along with the rest of the Yeshivah community, for the lovingkindness they have shown to so many through their years of teaching. 
Nicole Malliotakis
Member of Congress
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