In honor of our children and grandchildren
and with gratitude to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hollander
for their friendship and many years of dedicated service
to the our community.
Mazel Tov to Young Israel of San Diego
for celebrating 31 years and congratulations to
Rabbi Eddie Rosenberg as Young Israel's incoming Rabbi.
Robert and Claire Sigal
Dearest Rabbi and Temi, Your beautiful presence in our family's lives over the years has been a growing experience both intellectually and spiritually. From the classes we've attended to the insights, caring, and guidance we've come to expect, the times we've shared with you have always been fulfilling. May you continue the next chapter in your lives surrounded by much nachat and good health. From strength to strength, stay strong and beautiful, sending love and appreciation ... David, Yael, Rachel, Sarah, Miriam, Aaron, and Amichai
Alpert family
Hakarat Hatov to
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hollander
for 21 years of dedicated service to
our community. Renee Feinswog
Mazel Tov and best wishes for a very fine teacher.
With our gratitude always to Rabbi and Temi Hollander for your friendship and kindness. You are always there for us.
With much love
Eugene and Dorita Gotlieb
Mazal Tov to YISD on this incredible milestone! We'd like to give a huge Hakarat Hatov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hollander for instilling years of Torah, dedication & sensitivity into our little heimische shul. You've shaped a precious chapter in our lives and we wish you and your family nothing but health, happiness, and continued brachot!
Goodwin Gang
My family and I are grateful to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hollander
for their dedicated service and commitment to teaching and inspiring
a Torah way of life. Mark and Natalie particularly hold Rabbi Hollander
in a very special place in their hearts for all the personal support
and guidance he provided to them. He is forever their Rebbe.
Mazal tov to Young Israel of San Diego in the celebration of 31 years
as a Congregation to me, my family and the San Carlos Community.
Marilyn Stern
Alan & Kathleen Stern, Eli and Ethan
Dr. Mark Stern
Yoni & Natalie Hirsch, Zoey, Izzy, and Ollie
Hakarat Hatov to
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hollander
for 21 years of dedicated service to
our community. Liz Thompson
Best wishes to
Young Israel of San Diego
for celebrating 31 years.
Geoffrey & Carla Berg
With our most heartfelt thanks, gratitude, and love to
Rabbi Hollander and Morah Temi for all you have done for our family and San Diego's Jewish community.
Abraham and Pamela Broudy
With much gratitude and love to
Rabbi Hollander and Morah Temi
for the Torah teachings and goodness
that you have given
to four generations of our family.
Don & Ruthie Broudy
Hakarat Hatov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hollander for 21 years of dedicated service to our community.
Mathew and Carrie Colona
Hakarat Hatov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hollander for 21 years of dedicated service to our community.
Barry and Brigitte Galgut
mazal tov to the new Rav and Rebbetzin
Hakarat Hatov to
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hollander
for 21 years of dedicated service
to our community.
Fay and Bill Bloom
Hakarat Hatov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hollander for 21 years of dedicated service to our community.
Yoram and Abigail Cohen
May all the Torah wisdom
and acts of loving kindness
you have spread far and wide
come back to you a thousandfold!
Avraham Dov & Ros Dimenstein
Thank you Rabbi & Temi Hollander for your many years
of outstanding dedicated teaching & leadership to San Diego!
Hakarat Hatov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hollander for 21 years of dedicated service to our community. Horn family
Hakarat Hatov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hollander for 21 years of dedicated
service to our community.
Ann and Howard Katz & Family
Kol Hakavod to
Rabbi & Rebbetzin Hollander.
May YISD grow from strength to strength!
Daniel & Karen Korobkin
Hakarat Hatov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hollander for 21 years of dedicated service to our community.
Dear Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hollander,
We thank you so much for your years of dedication
to Young Israel of San Diego. You have always been
so dedicated to our Shul and have always shown
such friendship, hospitality and caring for us
and for everyone in the Congregation.
We wish you many more years of health and happiness. Ian and Diane Kutner
Hakarat Hatov to
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hollander
for 21 years of dedicated service to
our community. Yehoshua Leake
Dearest Rabbi & Rebbetzin Our infinite gratitude and appreciation for You're incredible dedication to our community
Liat & Doron Malka
Rabbi and Mrs. Hollander, in your quiet, understated way,
you've always modeled humility,
and on every occasion, put others first.
Rabbi, your sensitivity to the needs of your students,
including our sons, has been unmatched
during the almost 40 years that we've been privileged
to know you and learn from you.
You bring an "Ayin Tov" to everyone you meet,
and have taught us how to have a good eye,
a good heart and a good mind, anchored in Torah,
with warmth, a good feeling and a smile.
Your legacy will continue to be our inspiration. Paula and Michael Mantell
Thank you
Rabbi & Rebbetzin Hollander
for being
such great leaders by example.
We will always value
your teachings. Liz and Lawrence Mudgett
Hakarat Hatov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hollander for 21 years of dedicated service to our community.
Mark and Sura Rozenberg
Thank you for being role models
of chesed and learning,
and for teaching of our children.
Ellen and Jack Zyroff
Saluting Worthy Honorees
Rabbi Chaim and Temi Hollander
Your lives and influence
reshaped our Community
Betty and Simcha Weiser
Hakarat Hatov to
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hollander
for 21 years of dedicated service to our community.
Charles Rubin, Catering by Charles Rubin
Rabbi Hollander, a mensch and talmid chochom teaching so many in S Diego.
Rabbi Yonah & Leah Fradkin, Chabad of S Diego County, its 26 centers and 32 Rabbis
Chabad Centers of S Diego County
Hakarat Hatov to
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hollander
for 21 years of dedicated service
to our community.
Jutta and Guenter Cohn
In honor of
Rabbi and Rebbitzen Hollander
l'zecher nishmas Batya bat Yechiel
Mechel Eliezer Akiva Estersohn
Hakarat Hatov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hollander for 21 years of dedicated service to our community. The Aron Family
Thank you for the
metaphorical diamonds and rubies.
We changed for the better
from your words of Torah.
The Wilson Family
Hakarat Hatov to
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hollander
for 21 years of dedicated service to
our community. David, Mary, Ariel, Natania and Eitan Feifel
Hakarat Hatov to
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hollander
for 21 years of dedicated service to
our community. Eli and Iliana Glovinsky
Hakarat Hatov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hollander for 21 years of dedicated service to our community.
Sara Goldman
Thank you to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hollander and Hatzlacha to Young Israel for many years to come!
Reuvie & Chaya Goodwin
Hakarat Hatov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hollander for 21 years of dedicated service to our community. Orin & Liora Green
Hakarat Hatov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hollander for 21 years of dedicated service to our community.
Izhak & Sara Kaminski
Our huge appreciation
for your years of dedication
and the large impact
you have made on our children.
Judy and Bob Kelin
We will miss you!
Jay, Jennifer, Nathan,
Max and Miriam Kugler
Hakarat Hatov to
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hollander
for 21 years of dedicated service
to our community.
Jerry and Doris Kugler
With respect, affection, and gratitude to
Rabbi and Temi Hollander,
thank you for being such stellar role models.
Ava and Philip Lepor
Best of health and happiness
to you and your family in 5781 and beyond! Dr. Mordecai and Esther Lightman
Best wishes to Young Israel of San Diego
for celebrating 31 years.
May you go from strength to strength.
Sandra and Itiel Doron
& Linda and Marty Kugler
Hakarat Hatov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hollander for 21 years of dedicated service to our community.
Danny Maman
R' & R' Hollander:
Joining generations of SD Jews,
we THANK YOU for your pure intent
& sincere love of educating!
Ben & Kristen Mantell
Deep gratitude to my Rebbe.
Your legacy lives on in me and
my children. Jonathan Mantell
Hakarat Hatov to
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hollander
for 21 years of dedicated service to
our community. Portnoy
Hakarat Hatov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hollander
for 21 years of dedicated service to our community.
Neta and Daniel Rosen
Best wishes to Young Israel of San Diego for celebrating 31 years
Ron and Jinx Schottland
Hakarat Hatov to
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hollander
for 21 years of dedicated service
to our community.
Elke Seitel
To a Tzaddik, Mentsch, great
teacher,and all around nice guy.
We, Nili, Tami, and Neuriel
wish you and Rebbetzin well. Howard and Esther Shore and Family
Best wishes to
Young Israel of San Diego
for celebrating 31 years.
Shelley Sonabend Temkin
Thank you
Rabbi & Rebbetzin Hollander
for your tremendous support
and encouragement to
the youth of San Diego.
Curt and Marj Stehley
Heartfelt blessings to
the Hollanders and YISD.
Thanks for your scholarship and friendship.
Ruby Wilks & Family
Hakarat Hatov to
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hollander
for 21 years of dedicated service
to our community.
Joan and Marvin Yelles
General Donation
Ethel Adatto
Rabbi Moshe and Ariella Adatto
Susan and Lonnie Adelman
Rabbi Rafi and Chaya Andrusier
Joyce, Daniel, Ezra & Lily Arovas
Anatoly (David) Broyde
Ariel & Stephanie Buchwald
Rabbi Yisroel & Rochel Dinerman
Samuel and Meryn Ellis
The Krinsky Family
General Donation
The Podolsky Family
The Raskin Family
Irwin and Ana Friede
Joel and Marlene Gerendash
Marc and Felicia Gipsman
Aviva Gleiberman
Ellen Goldberg
Shoshana Grossbard
Abo Gulkarov
Jorge, Judith, Dania & Bernardo Halperin
Dave & Aniko Hastings
General Donation
Yoni and Natalie Hirsch and family
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hollander
Doris Jaffe
Anne and Len Jurkowski
Lionel Kahn
Marilyn and Leopoldo Kahn
Larry and Esther Kaplan
Perla Kimball
Michael & Esther Kragen
Gary and Ellen Kugler
Sam and Jan Landau
Lang's Premium Kosher Foods Lang's Bakery
General Donation
Lucy and Eliezer Langer
Elaine & Fred Lepow
Joseph and Jennifer Lerner
Rand Levin
Rose Lewis
Ira and Ava Liss
Martin & Lea Mally
Rena Milstein
Adele & Mervyn Myers
Rachel Nissim
Tzvi and Temima Oratz
Rabbi Michoel and Chavi Peikes
General Donation
Misha Radashkevich
Steve and Mimi Rasky
Stephen and Bobbe Reitman
Rabbi Eddie and Rebbetzin Vicky Rosenberg
Raisa Rozenberg
Rachel Raizel Schonberger
Dorit Shaitrit
Rachel Shay
Rachel Shira (in memory of Abraham Sonabend)
Gilad & Avital Silverman
Golan Silverman
Philip & Dorit Silverman
General Donation
Adam & Chava Simon
Rabbi Dovid and Rochel Smoller
Joel & Faye Snyder
Yitzchak & Devorah Soncino
Kerry and Beth Steigerwalt
Alan Stern
Richard and Yvonne Venger
Yisroel & Malka Weiser
Philip & Vicki White
Yossie and Joanie Ziff