Honoree - Sterman
To our parents, Renee and David Sterman, You have shown us through your example, what it means to be a part of a community, embodying the meaning of "Oskim b'tzorchei hatzibbur." You came to Woodmere when the Young Israel was just a fledgling kehila, and dedicated your time and your hearts to grow it into a thriving success. In Florida, you once again threw your hats into the ring, and stepped in wherever needed so that your shul and community would flourish. You have been exemplary role models for us and for our children. We are so grateful to you for your constant love and support. To Robin, David, Helen and Jordan, We are so lucky to have you and your children in our lives. May we continue to celebrate together and have nachat from our families. With Love, Dina and Marc Honoree - Sterman
In Loving Memory of our parents
Pearl and Yisroel Kaminsky,
who, with great love and sacrifice taught us to live with Torah, Derech Eretz, Ahavat Hashem and Yir'at Shamayim. Not a day goes by that we do not think of you and that we are not grateful for all that you gave to make us who we are.
Lolly and Hertzie,
You are everything to us- mother, father, sister brother, saba and savta. You have modeled the meaning of family, true chesed and dedication to Klal Yisrael,
and we try hard to be like you. The best thing we ever did was to follow you to New Rochelle.
We are so blessed. Love,
Dina and Marc
Honoree - Sterman
Thank you to Rhetta ,Barbara, Mira and Anton, who keep the shul running smoothly. Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night get in your way.
Yours was the first voice we ever heard at YINR. You welcomed us 20 years ago, and have been a close and loyal friend ever since. Thank you for all of the hard work that you do on behalf of our community. You take on every shul cause and don't rest until
you've done all you can to make it successful.
Barbara, You are a true Jack of All Trades, book keeper, building manager, event planner.... and the list goes on. When you came to YINR, you pulled the books together like a general, and have continued to run the place with great skill and efficiency. We appreciate all that you do on behalf of YINR, and most of all your friendship. Mira and Anton, You are role models for us in every way. Your work ethic is unparalleled. You go above and beyond the call of duty to make everything go well and you do it all with a smile. Your children pitch in to help at every turn, and even more impressively- THEY do it all with a smile.
You are truly incredible, and we're blessed to have you at YINR.
With Much Appreciation and Admiration, Dina and Marc Honoree - Sterman
To the Dinner, Journal, and Raffle Chairs,
Ayala and Lauryn and Ellie,
I have stood in your shoes, and I know that they are stilletos, with tight pointy toes, and very little support. Words cannot adequately express our gratitude and Hakarat Hatov. You do everything with grace, kindness and respect. It has been an honor and a joy to work with you. Teri and Michelle, The journal is one of the most difficult shul jobs around. It entails hours and hours of laborious work, keen eyes, and much tenacity, tracking down ads and letters and annoying honorees. We so appreciate all of your effort in creating this beautiful journal, which will be a beloved and meaningful keepsake for us, always. Andrea and Malky, Andrea, your talent never ceases to amaze us. Thank you for coming out of retirement
for one more great run! Malky, we can't thank you enough for all of your hard
work and great ideas that made this year's raffle a success.
Thank you all for your enthusiasm and energy,
and for your dedication to the cause that we all love- YINR.
Dina and Marc Honoree - Sterman
Rabbi Axelrod and Yael, In your short time here, your presence and initiative have provided a jolt of positive energy into the YINR community. You radiate warmth, kindness and respect, and our members are drawn to you. Thank you for inspiring us with your commitment to Torah and Chesed. We also get the benefit of your beautiful family who are models of good midot (and adorable!). May you together with your wonderful children continue to go מחיל אל חיל Dina and Marc Honoree - Sterman
Rabbi Fink and Abby, From the time you met with us as chatan and kallah, through births, bnei mitzvah
and a wedding, and through illness and loss and life's tribulations, you have been
our guiding light.
You have been our teachers and our friends, leading us in the path of Torah
and Avodat Hashem. We moved to New Rochelle because you were here,
and are ever grateful to you.
Through your leadership, the YINR community has become a stronghold of Torah values
and a sought-after destination for Orthodox families. (Move over, Woodmere!)
We are so proud to be a part of your kehilla. May you and your wonderful family always be blessed with good health and happiness. Dina and Marc Honoree - Sterman
Mickey and Doni,
In the short time since you moved to New Rochelle together, you have been a tour de force, dedicating yourselves to YINR. Your energy and enthusiasm are contagious, and you inspire everyone around you with your innate kindness and
derech eretz. You are the embodiment of the bright and beautiful future of our community.
It is an honor to be honored with you :) Dina and Marc Honoree - Sterman
Mom and Dad,
Amazing communities don't just happen by chance. They come from long hours,
great passion, and unwavering dedication. Growing up in the home we did,
we've always seen firsthand the countless meetings and phone calls, the ups and the downs,
the challenges and victories - all the work that you've put into making sure the
Young Israel of New Rochelle would always be the best it possibly could.
Your patience, sensitivity, leadership, and generosity have not only inspired us,
but also inspired all who have seen your efforts. We are in awe of the way
you infuse this same level of passion not only into your work for the shul,
but also into your religious life, your family, and your love and dedication
toward each other. We will always be happy and proud to be a part of it.
With more love than we can express in words, Rachel, Zev, Zach, Evan, and Perri Honoree - Nyer
To our Dear Parents
Debbie and Mark Blechner Esther and Kenneth Nyer From a young age you instilled in us the importance
of one's commitment to community, Torah,
Education, and family and for that we will forever be grateful.
Thank you for your constant love and support! You planted the seed and are now able to watch it grow. Mickey and Doni Honoree - Nyer
Dear Ephie, Abigail, Jacob and Aaron,
Thank you for being the reasons why we do what we do.
Your love for yiddishkeit is so genuine and pure and your enthusiasm is contagious. Our bracha to you is that you continue on this path for many years to come.
Also, thanks for being crazy! Love,
Mommy and Abba
Honoree - Nyer
To Rabbi and Rebetzin Fink,
The passion and love you show to your members knows
no bounds. We are forever grateful that our children
have the zechut to benefit
from a true Mara D'asrah and Rebeztin.
Thank you for always saying it like it is... Mickey and Doni Honoree - Nyer
"Ase Lecha Rav U Knei Lecha Chaver"
It's not every day that you can call an old friend or acquaintance
your Rav or Rebeztin. In such a short time you both have
made a tremendous impact on our community.
Rabbi and Rebetzin Axelrod,
your enthusiam and enegery are contagious and permeate throughout all
that you do for our community. From the pulpit to the beis medrash
to our living room you both have inspired this community
and our family in so many ways. We are honored to call you our friends.
Mickey and Doni Honoree - Nyer
Mazel Tov to
Dina and Marc Sterman on this well-deserved honor. Your continued dedication and devotion to the shul
does not go unnoticed or unappreciated.
You have set the bar very high for us "young" leaders.
We are humbled to be honored with such a deserving couple.
Mickey and Doni Honoree - Nyer
Dear Mommy and Abba,
Mazal Tov on being honored at the dinner.
You are great parents. We are all very proud of
your work that you do for the shul. Mommy you help to organize great Purim events and guest singers for shabbos
and Abba you help run a fun youth department.
We love you so much!
Love always,
Ephie, Abigail, Jacob and Aaron Honoree - Nyer
Barbara and Rhetta,
Thank you for always "crossing our T's and dotting our I's."
Your attention to detail in all that is done for the shul is very much appreciated and does not go unnoticed.
Thank you for helping make our programs a success!
Mira, Anton and the entire Tuci family, You and your family go above and beyond on a 24/7 basis
and always with a smile. You embody the meaning of the Yiddish term "Mensch" and are true role models for our entire community.
We are fortunate to have formed such a close relationship with you
over the years. Thank you for all that you do.
Mickey and Doni Honoree - Nyer
Thank You to the greatest dinner team! With much appreciation and admiration for all that you have done over the last few months on our behalf. Ayala, Lauryn and Ellie --Dinner Chairs Teri and Michelle--Journal Chairs Andrea and Malky--Raffle Chairs Shmueli, Stan, and Gary- Audio-Visual Chairs Mickey and Doni Diamond
We are proud to be known as the sister and brother of
Dina and Marc Sterman.
Dina, we were blessed when you were born,
double blessed when you married Marc,
and triple blessed when you and Marc
moved with your beloved family to New Rochelle.
Mazal tov to you and the Nyers
on this well-deserved honor.
Lolly and Hertzie and the whole family
We salute
Dina and Marc
on your incomparable work for YINR and Klal Yisrael.
Mazel Tov to
Mickey and Doni
on this very well-deserved honor.
Vivian and Stanley Bernstein
To our dear friends
Marc and Dina
We join with the entire New Rochelle community
in honoring you. Without your commitment to our synagogue we would not be where we are today.
We look forward to celebrating many future
accomplishments in our communal and personal lives.
Jill and David Blumenthal Joanna, Rachel and Evan Ruby
To the honorees,
With gratitude for your
dedication to YINR.
Claudia and Marcos Douer
Best Wishes to
Dina and Marc Sterman.
Thank you for your innumerable good deeds and tireless efforts on behalf of our shul and our community.
Yasher Koach to you both.
Best Wishes to
Mickey and Doni Nyer
for your Leadership contributions to our shul.
MAZAL TOV on your ever growing and beautiful family.
Ellen and Stanley Wasserman
Dina and Marc,
We appreciate all that you
have done to better and grow our community.
(And we know how hard you work). Thank you!
Mickey and Doni,
You are a tremendous asset
to our community.
Thank you for all of your contributions.
With Gratitude,
Amy and Myron Eagle
Dina and Marc
Thank you for your tireless work
and devotion to our community
Doni and Mickey,
our Brother and Sister,
Mazal Tov on this fitting honor.
May you continue to be a source of inspiration and nachas
to our entire family, community and Klal Yisroel.
Ellie, Elly, Ariella, Zachary and Ava Goldenberg Platinum
Mazal Tov to
Dina and Marc
Who have performed such extraordinary service
for so many years to our community.
Mazal Tov to
Mickey and Doni
May you follow in the footsteps of the Stermans.
Meyer Koplow
To the Honorees,
With gratitude for your
dedication to YINR.
Schanzer Family
To Our Dear Children
Dina and Marc
Mazel tov for a most deserving award.
Your unbelievable service, commitment and total dedication
to the synagogue is only exceeded by the your unbounding love
and devotion you both extend to all of us.
Tizku L"Mitzvot Mom and Dad Gold
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Rivka and Stuart Berger
To the Honorees,
With gratitude for your
dedication to YINR.
Adina and Lawrence Burian
Mazal Tov to the amazing honorees
Dina and Marc Sterman
Mickey and Doni Nyer!
We greatly appreciate all your generosity and commitment.
You have each done such tremendous things for the community
to help make it the wonderful place that it is.
Mickey and Doni - Way to make Northfield proud! The energy
you have brought to the shul and neighborhood is truly inspiring.
With heartfelt gratitude,
Tamar and Jonathan Croog
Mazel Tov to the Honorees.
Thank you for all that you do
for our community.
Your deeds are an example for us all.
Laurie Bilger and Eli Epstein
and Family
Mazal Tov to
Dina and Marc
Mickey and Doni
on this well deserved honor.
You are an inspiration to us all. Your dedication to the shul, the community
and to Israel is outstanding. Keep up the great work.
Best wishes,
Rene and Gary Goldberg and Family
Mazal Tov to all of the honorees!
Mickey and Doni
you are great people, great friends,
and you enhance our community in so many ways.
Cheers to many years of friendship and good times!
Sarah and Yoni Goodman
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Tobi and Joel Haims
To our extended families...
the Stermans and Nyers...
We wish much gratitude and Mazel.
All our love
Haina, Bernie, Rose, Akiva, Sara, Shuli and SamFred Gold
To the Honorees,
with gratitude for your
dedication to YINR.
Elana and Shami Minkove
Dina and Marc:
In the 20+ years that we have all been members of the YINR community it has always been a pleasure to work togther on so many communal activities. And when we weren't working together, we were able to sit back, relax and benefit from you two continuously working for the benefit of the YINR community. Thanks for all your blood, sweat and tears that the rest of us have gained from. And thank you for being such wonderful friends.
Mickey and Doni:
It is reinvigorating to us to have younger members of the community move (back) in and get involved with so many aspects of shul life. Starting with the youth and then branching out to holiday programming, Women's League committees and more, you set a fine example for all members of YINR. Please keep up your great service. We are all indebted to you.
Karen and Michael Raskas
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Daphne and Josh Rawson
מזל טוב to
Dina and Marc Sterman
Mickey and Doni Nyer
Your dedication, commitment and hard work on behalf of YINR
are a source of inspiration to all.
וכל מי שעוסקים בצרכי צבור באמונה הקב"ה ישלם שכרם
Michele and Mark Saks
Gabriella, Jacob, Yoni and ZJ Gold
Mazel Tov
Dina and Marc
Mickey and Doni
on this well-deserved honor.
May you continue to serve Klal Yisroel
with such class and style for many more years!
Anne and Mark Wasserman
Dina and Marc,
We are proud to join the YINR community in celebrating and honoring you. From Woodmere to New Rochelle, the Stermans and Weisers are continuing a long and strong history of friendship. Together, you give selflessly, and we personally have benefited from your tireless energy, thoughtful leadership and kindness. You are partners in all that you do and exemplify true dedication to a community. We thank you and wish you and your family continued good health and happiness as you continue your endeavors on behalf of YINR
and the Jewish community at large.
We congratulate
Mickey and Doni Nyer
on this well-deserved honor. You enhance our community with your hard work and boundless energy, and of course your beautiful tefilot. YINR is fortunate to have
such wonderful young leadership.
Lauryn and Kenneth Weiser
P.S- All our love and friendship don't change the fact
that Kenny still wishes Marc tears after any Steelers game!
With deepest gratitude to
Dina and Marc Sterman
for being the ultimate role models of leadership
and mentschlichkeit.
Mazel Tov to
Mickey and Doni Nyer
Your passion and energy are palpable
in everything you do for our shul.
Kol Hakavod,
Baila and Stanley Weiss
In recognition of two most-deserving couples
Dina and Marc
Mickey and Doni
for your tireless efforts on behalf of our community.
You are incredible role models for all of us.
Mazal Tov, Mazal Tov!
Shira and Andrew Wurzburger
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Blimi and Benjy Berger
We thank
Mickey and Doni
for all their hard work for our shul.
With cheer and enthusiasm they have developed new programs and worked on many time consuming projects.
We appreciate all you've done,
Jill and David Blumenthal Joanna, Rachel and Evan Silver
Mazal Tov to
Dina and Marc
on this well-deserved honor!
Chazak U'Baruch to our favorite
Morah and Dentist!
You bring smiles to our lives in every way.
All the best,
The Cohen Family
We are proud to join YINR
in recognizing the 2018 dinner honorees.
Yael and David Edelstein
We are proud to join YINR
in recognizing the 2018 dinner honorees.
The Fortgang Family
Dina and Marc
You are a powerhouse couple who give your all to YINR. Whether front and center, or quietly behind the scenes, you have been part of everything good that happens here. YINR is ever fortunate to have you and your family in our community and we are honored to work with you
and to be your friends. Mazal Tov!
Mickey and Doni
You have both already contributed so much to the YINR community
and are the paradigm for what it means to be young leaders.
You are full of good ideas and are willing and eager to implement them.
Thank you for everything you do for our shul
and our community. Mazal Tov!
Judy and Bob Friedman and Family
Dina and Marc
Mazal Tov
on a well-deserved honor!
Mickey and Doni
We are so happy to have you
in our community.
Thank you for everything you do!
Mazal Tov on this wonderful honor.
Shifra, Perry and Family
Dina and Marc,
You are the best!!
Our shul would be nothing without you. Both of you do so much
and always with 'sever panim yafot'- we are tremendous fans!!
Mazal tov!!
Mickey and Doni,
The same is true of you.
You are both tremendous doers who have made an indelible impact on
our community. We are the ones who feel honored to celebrate with you!!
Mazal Tov on the beyond well-deserved honors!!
Adina and Lawrence Garbuz
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Elian and Jaime Hartman
Dina and Marc
Your dedication to our shul and community, accompanied by your kindness
and sensitivity towards every individual member, is incredible. You have
helped shape YINR into the amazing institution it is today!
Mickey and Doni You are seriously hard working, but you never take yourselves too seriously,
bringing a sense of joy and fun to everything you do. YINR
has a bright future ahead of it, with your involvement.
Thanks for all that you do on behalf of YINR! Ayala and Yosef Helft Silver
Mazal Tov to the
Dina and Marc
Where would YINR be without your considerable efforts
on our behalf? We are all indebted to you.
Doni, we knew you "when..." Kol Hakavod to you and Mickey
for taking on the thankless task of handling our youth programming
so essential to a vibrant growing community.
Debbie and David Isaac
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
and thank you for all that you do for the shul!
To our dear friends,
Mickey and Doni Nyer,
we admire you for all of your involvement and hard work for the shul.
Together you two bring such a great energy to this community.
We are so happy to have followed you here!
May you both continue to have the energy to give to those
around you, and we hope to be blessed with your friendship
for many years to come.
Talya and Rafi Jacobs
To the Honorees,
With gratitude for your
dedication to YINR.
Yael and Evan Jerome
To the Honorees,
With gratitude for your
dedication to YINR.
Gail and David Krasner
To Dina and Marc,
This ad almost didn't make it
(because without Dina we couldn't really write it
and without Marc we almost couldn't send it).
To our dear friends who are always there to give us
emotional and technical support and mostly mentos
at that moment when you really need one.
We became instant friends and will B"H remain so
for many years to come. We couldn't imagine a more worthy couple
for what you do for your family, friends, shul and community.
Mazal Tov on this much-deserved honor!
Diane and David Lent
In honor of two
super honorees,
Dina and Marc Sterman
Mickey and Doni Nyer
Ruth and Bob Lewis
Congratulations to all the honorees.
Your dedication and commitment
to our shul is an example to us all.
Aura and Daniel Lurie
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Aliza and Steven Major
We join in honoring
Dina and Marc Sterman
You have been incredible leaders of our community!
We are very grateful for your leadership and friendship. Mazal Tov to
Mickey and Doni Nyer
We applaud you for your service to YINR.
Benay and Ira Meisels Silver
Dina and Marc,
It is a pleasure to honor your
incredible contributions to our community.
The impact of your leadership is broad and lasting.
Thank you for all you have done and continue to do.
Congratulations to
Mickey and Doni.
All of our children have benefitted from your commitment to
expanding and improving youth programming at YINR.
(And thanks as well for the great iced coffee cups!)
Nataly and Stephen Neuwirth
There are no words that can adequately describe our hakarot hatov to
Dina and Marc Sterman.
They are individuals who truly dedicate themselves to our community
and Klal Yisrael. May they be zoche with basarot tovot in all that they do.
Mazal tov.
Mickey and Doni Nyer
have the same wonderful qualities as our senior honorees
and we wish them all the best in the future.
Mazal Tov to these very deserving four honorees.
Joyce and Stanley Raskas
Congratulations to
The Stermans
The Nyers
on this beautiful and well-deserved honor.
To our good friend,
Marc Sterman,
Your dedication and hours spent in service to the shul, both behind the scenes and as a former Gabbai have earned you the respect, admiration and adulation of your peers.
We still remember you as one of the very few people we knew upon our arrival in New Rochelle, 20 years ago, and have shepped naches, as we've watched with pride, the dedication and hard work you've demonstrated which transformed you into a leader par excellence, respected by all for your sage advice, perseverance, intelligence and friendship.
You are a significant reason why the Young Israel of New Rochelle has risen to prominence as a desired and admired community in the Modern Orthodox world.
Oh...and regards to your wife.
Nina and Moishe Roisman
Whoever said "good fences make good neighbors"
never lived next door to
The Stermans
We are lucky to call you our friends
and thank you sincerely for all you do for our shul.
Mazal Tov to
Mickey and Doni
your dedication knows no bounds.
May you always go from strength to strength.
Ilana and Carey Schreiber and Family
To the Honorees,
With gratitude for your
dedication to YINR.
Rochelle and Ken Sherman
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Ruth and Shlomo Shinnar
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Shlomit and Arnon Storfer
Mazel Tov to all of the honorees on this well-deserved honor.
We appreciate all that you contribute to our community!
Special thank you to
Doni and Morah Mickey
for their efforts in making the shul a wonderful place
for our young children!
With gratitude,
Amy and Michael Tarlowe
Hakarat Hatov to
Dina and Marc Sterman
for their outstanding achievements and contributions to the YINR community. You both inspire others to become involved with your unique combination of wit, warmth, passion and dedication. We cherish our many years of friendship.
May Hashem continue to bless your wonderful family!
Mazal Tov
Mickey and Doni Nyer.
Thank you for your hard work on behalf of the community.
Elana and Ira Tepler
Mazal Tov to
Dina and Marc
Mickey and Doni
With gratitude for your dedication to YINR.
Amy and Noah Weisberger
There is no one more dedicated and caring to YINR than you. You always remain calm and listen to all sides with patience and understanding. You are thoughtful and a pleasure to work with. There is not enough we can say about how much you have done for our community. Thank you.
We weren't around when you were a Gabbai but we see how thoughtful and caring you are in your dealings with the Yamim Noraim Kibbudim. May you both continue to work on behalf of the YINR community. Mazel Tov on a well-deserved honor.
Mickey and Doni Nyer,
In the short time as members you have been involved in different aspects of the shul. Doni, you bravely took on the youth department which has benefited from your contributions.
Mazel Tov to you both. We look forward to watching you continue to take leadership roles
and serve our community in the years ahead.
Laurie and Richard Wolff
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Hadara and Leon Zemel
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Rebecca and Avramie Abelow
In honor of
Mickey and Doni
Your midos are truly exemplary.
We all could learn from your gemilas chesed.
Congratulations to
Dina and Marc
on a well- deserved honor.
Your dedication to the Shul and the community is extraordinary.
You have been a trail blazer but have made it look effortless.
Thank you.
Doni and Mickey
Congratulations for your commitment to the community. You have rapidly made yourselves a force here with friendliness and enthusiasm.
Mazal Tov.
Shelley and Brian Anziska
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Joanne and Barry Aranoff
Mazel Tov to
Dina and Marc
Mickey and Doni
on these well-deserved honors.
Your dedication and commitment to the shul
and community are unparalleled. You inspire us all.
Alisa and Tully Auerbach
To Dina and Marc:
What an honor it's been for us to grow up with
such a special couple in our lives. And it's been even more special
for us to witness the shul of our youth blossom
so incredibly thanks in part to your amazing leadership.
You have shown us how to build both
a בית נאמן בישראל and a מקדש מעט
and you have inspired us to partake in each.
Thank you!
Aryeh, Yoni & Phil and Families
Mazal Tov to
Dina and Marc Sterman
on this well -deserved honor!
Mazal Tov
Mickey and Doni.
We greatly appreciate your hard work on behalf of the shul
and the Youth Committee! From tot shabbat to revamping shul
youth groups, we know you have both worked tirelessly
to create meaningful programming for our community's
children. Mazal Tov on on this well -deserved honor!
Lori and Shai Barnea
Mazal Tov to the honorees.
With gratitude for your
dedication to YINR.
Edna and Ernst Bechhofer
Mazel Tov to Dina and Marc Your leadership and involvement sets a high example
for us all to follow!
Mazel Tov to Mickey and Doni Your commitment and enthusiasm are inspirational!
Judy, Marc, and Sydney Berger
Mazel Tov to
Marc and Dina
on this well-deserved honor.
Congratulations to
Mickey and Doni
as well.
Thank you all for the great and important work you do
for our shul and community!
Rachel and Gary Berger
Mazal Tov
Dina, Marc, Mickey and Doni
Diana and Noah Berkowitz
Dina and Marc
Thank you for your many years of devoted service to our community.
Mickey and Doni
We join your family in the "nachas" that you bring to them and our shul.
It's a pleasure when YINR "kids" come back to New Rochelle
with their families and make their mark to the benefit of all of us.
Mazal Tov to both couples on a well-deserved honor!
Michelle and Daniel Berman
Mazal Tov to our amazing honorees!
We are so grateful for your selfless devotion
to our community's growth and success,
and we are all fortunate to have benefited
from your exemplary leadership.
Congratulations on this very well-deserved recognition.
Lisa and Joey Bernstein
Mazal Tov
Mickey and Doni
on this well-deserved honor.
With love,
Sara and Elisha,
Gabby, Ari, Jonah and Kira Blechner
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Deborah and Mel Bleiberg
We are proud to join YINR in recognizing
the 2018 dinner honorees.
Ali and Daniel Bloom
Mazel Tov to
Dina and Marc
Mickey and Doni
on this well-deserved recognition!
Staci and Jack Bodner
Mazal Tov and best wishes
to the honorees
Linda and Arthur Brainson
To the Honorees,
With gratitude for your
dedication to YINR.
Ronnie and Jack Bruder
Mazel Tov
Morah Mickey and Doni.
We are very lucky to have friends
who are so dedicated to the community.
Thank you for teaching yiddishkeit to our children.
Josefa and Ari Bunim
Eliana, Chloe and Magnolia Patron
Mazal Tov to
Dina and Marc!
Thank you so much
for both of your outstanding dedication
and contributions to our Shul.
Ettie and Steven Butler
To the Honorees,
With gratitude for your
dedication to YINR.
Deborah and Jonathan David
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Pamela Silverman and Jay Dobkin
and Family
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Sherri and Josh Duitz
Mazal Tov to
the Young Israel and its honorees
for their outstanding
and dedicated service.
Sherry and Aaron Eidelman
Mickey and Doni,
Your dedication, enthusiasm and commitment
to your community are truly inspiring.
You lead by example and are role models for all of us.
We treasure your friendship and look forward to
many more happy and hysterical memories
with you for years to come.
Dee Dee and Ari
To the Honorees,
With gratitude for your
dedication to YINR.
Yvette and Jack Finkelstein
To the Honorees,
With gratitude for your
dedication to YINR.
Sasha and Andrew Fox
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Walter and Leona Friedrichs
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Abby and Ari Glass
Mazal Tov to
Dina and Marc
on this most worthy honor.
Your dedication, leadership, and midot tovot are exemplary.
Thank you for your deep and lasting commitment
to this wonderful community.
Kol Hakavod to
Mickey and Doni
for all the time, hard work and devotion they have given
to make New Rochelle such a special place.
Michelle, Justin, Jack and Gila Goldberg
Mazal Tov to the honorees.
Thank you for your boundless
commitment to the community. Jill and Ami Goldfein
Mazal Tov and Congratulations
to the Guests of Honor
Rita and Marty Goldstein
Dina and Marc, IT IS ABOUT TIME No one deserves this more than you!!! Mickey and Doni, So wonderful to see the second generation hard at work. Kol Hakavod and Mazal Tov!
Susan and Steven Goldstein
Mazel Tov to
Dina and Marc
Mickey and Doni.
With our deepest gratitude
for your dedication and devotion
to our shul and community.
Kol Hakovod,
Naomi and Dan Hartman
Mazal Tov to the guests of honor
Dina and Marc Sterman.
From lively debates around your dining room table, during Women's League board meetings to more intense discussions in your kitchen (and elsewhere) about women dancing with the Torah on Simchat Torah and the importance of serving our one community, here's to honoring passions and persistence.
Mazal Tov to
Mickey and Doni Nyer
on receiving the Young Leadership Award.
Laurel and Jonathan Hecht
"A good name is more desirable than
great riches; to be esteemed is better than
silver or gold," Proverbs 22:1
Our honorees prove that. Ellin and Sam Heilman
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Adelaide and Oscar Heller
Dearest Doni and Mickey We can't think of a better month in which to honor all your good works on behalf of the YINR. "משנכנס אדר מרבים בשמחה" Your home, your observance, your lives Are filled with joy that is contagious and overflowing to your beautiful family And to all that have the privilege of knowing you. May you go "מחיל אל חיל" And continue to be
!!בשמחה עד מאה ועשרים שנה
Love, Ma, Zayda And the entire Isaacs Mishpacha Patron
Mazal Tov to the honorees
on tonight's well-deserved honor!
Laurie and David Kalman
Mazal Tov to
Dina and Marc
on this great honor.
You both do so much for the shul and are such
terrific and caring friends.
Mazal Tov to
Mickey and Doni
upon receiving the Young Leadership Award.
Thank you for your many contributions to YINR.
It is a pleasure working with all of you and the entire YINR community.
Mazal Tov & heartfelt thanks to the spectacular honorees
Dina and Marc
Mickey and Doni
WE LOVE YOU (... 'nuff said).
Gila and Richie
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Sharmilla and David Klestzick
We greatly appreciate the dedication
to our shul of the honorees,
Dina and Marc Sterman
Mickey and Doni Nyer.
Shelly Goldfeder and Elliot Landowne
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Lori and Hesh Lieman
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Sarra and Adam Lorbert
Mazel Tov to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Muncie Mandel
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Shira and David Maryles
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Stephanie and Shachar Minkove
Dina and Marc.
Thanks for ALL that you both do
for our shul and the community.
A special YASHER KOACH to
Mickey and Doni
and their adorable gang of 4!
We LOVE you all and thank you
for being our friends and family!
Sue, Ron, Leah, Adam, Dot, Naava, Dave
and Leora Moskovich
The New Rochelle Kollel
salutes tonight's honorees Dina and Marc Sterman
Mickey and Doni Nyer
Thank you to the Young Israel of New Rochelle community
for another great year of learning.
Mazal Tov to all of the honorees.
A special Mazal Tov to our dearest
Mickey and Doni
May Hashem grant you both good health, long years together filled with much happiness and an abundance of
nachas from your beautiful children.
תזכו למצוות
Ima and Abba
and the entire Nyer Family
To my dear grandchildren
Mickey and Doni Congratulations on being honored by the
Young Israel of New Rochelle
and for all your good deeds.
May you and your beautiful children Ephraim, Abigail, Jacob and Aaron be blessed with good health, long life and much nachas. Lots of love, Savta Patron
To our fellow volunteers in the
Youth Department, Programming Committee,
and Womens League,
We would like to recognize all of your hard work
and celebrate this honor with you.
Thank you for bringing us on board
and making it so enjoyable!
Mickey and Doni Nyer
Mazal Tov to our big brother and sister,
Doni and Mickey and their family, Ephie, Abigail, Jacob, and Aaron. We can't think of a more well-deserved honor for you guys
We're so proud!
We love you! Shani, Elan and AviShmu Rose, Kiwi and SamFred Patron
Congratulations to
Dina and Marc
and to
Mickey and Doni
for all you have done and
continue to do for the shul.
Yeyasher Kochachem.
Miriam and Ira Parness and Mattie Parness
Congratulations to the honorees
Dina and Marc Sterman
Mickey and Doni Nyer
on this well- deserved honor!
May you continue your dedication
and commitment to the shul and the Jewish community!
Mazal Tov!
Bea and Jay Perl
Mazel Tov to
DINA AND MARC STERMAN Your tireless efforts and dedication to the
Young Israel of New Rochelle are an inspiration
to us and to our children.
May Hashem bless you and your beautiful family with good health
and bracha, and may you continue to inspire us
with your good works on behalf of your community
and Klal Yisrael ad 120.
Robin and David Ritholtz and Family Helen and Jordan Sterman and Family Patron
Dear Dina and Marc, We're always happy to celebrate with you! Mazal Tov on this well-deserved honor. Andria and Yudi Patron
To the honorees,
With gratitude for your dedication
to YINR. Karen and Nathan Rosenfeld
Dina and Marc,
Mazel Tov!
We thank you for all you have done to make
the YINR community the warm home that it is today.
Susan and Joel Rosh
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Judy and Alan Rosman
To the Honorees,
With gratitude for your
dedication to YINR.
Michelle and Aharon Moshe Roth
Mazal Tov to our dear friends
Dina and Marc Sterman
May Hashem continue to bless you and your family with the strength
to be the wonderful examples that you have been for so long.
Dina, no matter what position you have or do not, you are still and always will be
my "go to" person. Thank you for always being here with your help and guidance,
always knowing the "right thing" and the "right way" to do whatever needs to be done.
With Love,
Andrea and Peter Samet
Kimberly, Dani and Amanda
Mickey and Doni Nyer
Mazal Tov on this well-deserved honor
Mazel Tov to
Dina and Marc Sterman
Mickey and Doni Nyer
on these most-deserved awards.
Thank you for your dedication and service to our community.
Debra and Jonah Sarasohn, Eric and Alyssa
Dina and Marc
We are grateful for your extraordinary contributions to our community, and your mentorship and friendship - it was a privilege to support you in your remarkable leadership of YINR. This honor is richly - and long - deserved, and we are proud to be part of YINR's tribute to you. We know that we will all continue to benefit from everything you have to offer
for many years to come.
Mickey and Doni
YINR is fortunate to have a special couple like you at the head
of a new generation of leaders.
Mazal tov!!!
Simone and Mark Semer
To the Honorees,
With gratitude for your
dedication to YINR.
Dara and Matt Shatzkes
It is our honor to pay tribute to our friends,
Dina and Marc.
From nursery carpools to dancing at weddings,
it has been a wonderful journey. We are truly grateful
for your selfless devotion to our shul. And the countless
hours you have dedicated to our community.
Mazal Tov to
Mickey and Doni Nyer
The future of our shul is in good hands!
Sara and Jonathan Shuter and Family
Dina and Marc, May your children and all of us learn
from the exemplary model of dedication
and community service that you set before us
and May Hashem bless you with good health
and strength to continue your work of true chesed.
The Sicklick Families Patron
To the Honorees,
With gratitude for your
dedication to YINR.
Dr. Nancy Siegel and Mr. Joshua Siegel
Mazal Tov to
Dina and Marc Sterman
on this well-deserved and long overdue honor.
Over the years, whether it's exchanging house
or food items to discussing shul and gabbai issues, it's always a pleasure sharing it with you.
Mickey and Doni -
Mazal Tov on your well-deserved honor.
May YINR continue to go May Chayil El'Chayil.
Erica and Zev Skolnick & Family
Mazal Tov
Dina and Marc Sterman
Mickey and Doni Nyer
on this wonderful honor in recognition
of your hard work for the shul.
Thank you for all that you do.
Reva and Ilan Slasky
We are proud to join YINR in recognizing
the 2018 dinner honorees.
Nomi and Ben Smilchensky
We are proud to join YINR in recognizing
the 2018 dinner honorees.
Jennifer and Seth Sokol
Mazal Tov to the honorees
Dina and Marc
Mickey and Doni
On this well- deserved honor.
Thank you for your dedication to our community.
Mahla and Hilton Soniker
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Adina and Robert Soniker
To our dear friends
Mickey and Doni
We followed you to Boston and then to Riverdale,
and almost to New Rochelle!
Thank G-d our children and families have grown together;
we have benefitted from seeing your passion and involvement
in the YINR community. You will always be a role model
to us and to your entire kehilah.
Mazel Tov on this wonderful honor!!
Ariella and Ari Spodek
Words cannot adequately express our admiration for you. You are an exceptional person
and an eminently talented leader. You are kind, thoughtful and generous. You are warm
and caring. You are a great listener. You are firm in your views and beliefs yet you are always,
always open to hearing other people's points of view. You have definite goals yet you remain
flexible. You have the patience to work through easy and difficult situations
and somehow manage to remain calm throughout. You respond to every email and text
and remember every conversation. You never pass the buck. You encourage teamwork and build confidence in others. You are wise and persuasive (and could sell the Brooklyn Bridge).
Your dedication is unparalleled. You write the most beautiful emails and messages.
You are a YINR phenomenon.
You are - Dina.
We feel privileged to have served with you and are honored to be your and Marc's friends.
Mazal Tov and Kol Hakavod to you, Marc, and your entire family!
From the 'old' Executive Board:
Bernie, Joey, Judy, Lauryn, Mark, and Richard
Mazal Tov to
for all your sweat equity and desire
to make YINR its best self
and to
Marc, Mickey and Doni.
Audrey and Chaim Trachtman
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Debbie and Ezra Tuchman
On this night; an auspicious occasion,
We finally honor the queen of persuasion. That beguiling smile and endless charm, Could not possibly do any harm! Her saintly values one could not resist, As she would go on to insist, With conviction and utter impunity, That one had to do- for the community. After more than just one troubled, sleepless night, One would reluctantly concur that she is again right. Good leaders lead with insight and inspiration, With sacrifice, selflessness and perspiration. Great leaders are deserving of deep veneration, For they also create leaders for the next generation. With wisdom and foresight the Stermans have built That which is vibrant and strong and will never wilt. Yes, trusty Marc always at Dina's side, Knowing that there is nowhere to hide Patron
Steady, considered, thoughtful and stable,
He brings reason and rationale to every table. Learned, gentle and deeply sincere, Never intrusive but inevitably near. The Sterman legacy influential and indelible, Their service heroic- truly incredible! Following in those footsteps are no outliers. Immediate engagement personifies the Nyers. They jump right in to help where required, Young, energetic, enthusiastic and never tired. Yiddishket purses through their veins, Their love of Torah never wanes. Both families are brightly shining lights, Lifting us to hitherto undreamed of heights. We wish them Mazal Tov - blessings increasingly. Thank you for giving and giving- so unceasingly. Family Turek Patron
Mazal Tov to the deserving honorees
Paula and Leslie Walter
In honor of
Mickey and Doni Nyer
We feel so blessed to have you impacting our students
and the WDS family each and every day.
The New Rochelle community is so lucky to have you
as pillars of their community.
Mazel Tov! Your Friends and Colleagues at WDS Patron
Mazal Tov to the honorees:
Dina and Marc Sterman
Mickey and Doni Nyer.
Your dedication to YINR and the community is inspiring.
Thank you for your contributions
and for your continued commitment.
Kol hakavod!
Anya and Chaim Wiebke
Mazal tov to
Dina and Marc
Thank you for all you do on behalf of the YINR community.
Congratulations to
Doni and Mickey
Thank you for your leadership role
and support of the YINR community.
Amy and Joel Wolfson
Arielle and Joseph Jaspan
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Michelle and Robbie Zellner
In honor of
Dina and Marc Sterman
with appreciation for their many efforts
on behalf of YINR.
And in honor of
Mickey and Doni Nyer
with our admiration, affection and gratitude. Michele and Irving Zoltan Supporter
Couldn't think of a more deserved honor
for two amazing people!
Chani and Akiva Bersson
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Lauren and Andrew Bochner
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Tali and Lance Carr
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Shira and Hayyim Danzig
To the Honorees,
With gratitude for your
dedication to YINR.
Jill and Yoni Ellman
Mazel Tov to our dear friends
Mickey and Doni
in recognition of your tireless work and devotion to YINR,
to the community and to Klal Israel, by your commitment to
Torah and Gemilut Chasidim. May you continue to go from
strength to strength with great success in all you do.
We are thrilled to join you in this special Simcha and are so fortunate to have great friends like you.
Marlee and Levi Farkas
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Dana and Yudi Fishkin
Congratulations to the honorees,
and we are very grateful to be a part of
this wonderful community!
Georgette and Yoav Guttmann
Dina and Marc,
Mazal Tov on this well-deserved honor and for all your hard work
and dedication in helping YINR become what it is today.
Mickey and Doni,
Mazal Tov!
Your dedication to the shul and the various committees you are a part of
have truly been enhanced by your participation and innovative ideas.
Thank you for all that you do to ensure that YINR continues to grow
and be a wonderful place to grow a family. We are so lucky to have
such great friends like you who live close to us. Great Job Guys!!
Michelle and Rafi Halpert
We are proud to join YINR in recognizing
the 2018 dinner honorees.
Vicky and David Harrison
Our very best wishes to our dear friends
Mickey and Doni.
We are thrilled to be able to spend
this special night with you.
Mazal Tov!
Keep up the good work!
Estee and Jesse Hirsch
Mickey and Doni,
Thank you for being so welcoming when we moved into the community. You truly do such great things for the Youth Department and for the Shul as a whole.
We are so glad we are able to work with you
and look forward to the rest of the year!
Rayli and Daniel Kanter
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Laurie and Avi Kestenbaum
Mazal Tov to
Mickey and Doni
on all that you do for the shul and the entire community.
You are an inspiration to us all.
Best wishes,
Sari and Steven Linder
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Michelle and Dovid Osband
Mazal Tov
Mickey and Doni.
With much love from,
Roni and Bob
Mazel Tov to the honorees!
Mickey and Doni,
You are the ultimate power couple! Everything you set out
to accomplish you do with confidence, grace
and most importantly a sense of humor!
Thank you for everything you do for our community!
Looking forward to many more years of celebrating
and laughing together!
With love from,
Jenny and Barry Platzman
Mazal Tov
Mickey and Doni
on this most deserving honor!
We are thrilled to be able to share this special night
with you. Keep up the good work!
Sheera and Danny Riemer
Mazel Tov to
Dina and Marc. Thank you for your tireless efforts on behalf of the YINR community! To our dear friends, Mickey and Doni, We can't think of a more deserving couple to receive this honor!
Thank you for all your dedication and hard work.
Mazel Tov! Teri and Harold Rosengarten Supporter
Mazal Tov to
Dina and Marc Sterman
for your dedication to the YINR.
Mazal Tov to
Mickey and Doni Nyer
on your well-deserved honor!
We are so grateful for all that you do for our community.
Your dedication to the shul and the youth department
is truly amazing!
Alyson and Shamir Seidman
Mazal tov to the honorees on this well-deserved honor!
Dina and Marc
Our shul is truly blessed to have you;
thank you for your commitment
to the community, wise leadership, and willingness to
go above and beyond to make all feel included.
Mickey and Doni
Your energy, dedication, and organization
are so incredible and add so much to our community.
Thank you for all that you do!
Elana and Avi Spira
Mazal Tov to
Dina and Marc Sterman
and to
Mickey and Doni Nyer
on this well-deserved honor.
Thank you for all you do for our shul.
HaKaras Hatov to
Rabbi Reuven and Abby Fink
and to
Rabbi Chaim and Yael Axelrod.
May the shul go from strength to strength.
Janet and Gary Waller
Mazel Tov
Mickey and Doni
on this well-deserved honor.
We hope to grow up to be like you one day.
Deena and Rafi Zlotnick
Mazel Tov to the
Sterman and Nyer Families
on being recognized for their devotion
and tremendous contributions
to shul and community.
Thank you to the YINR community
for your warm welcome.
Deborah and Larry Zwany
Mazal Tov to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Mattice and Marc Aaronson
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Susan Allis
To the Honorees,
With gratitude for your
dedication to YINR.
Deborah Bodner Landesman
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Laura and Harold Dworetsky
In honor of
Mickey and Doni Nyer
on this well-deserved honor
Reva and Harvey Gertel
Mickey and Doni
We are so very proud of you.
Mazel Tov on your well-deserved honor.
We love you.
Uncle Rick and Aunt Pam
Mazal tov to the honorees on this well-deserved honor!
Mickey and Doni
A special couple we are fortunate to call friends.
Although we don't see each other often enough,
we look forward to seeing you on every visit to New Rochelle.
Continue to inspire all those lucky enough
to know you. May we continue to share simchas
together for many years to come!
All our Love,
Caryn and Avi
Dina and Marc
such a well-deserved honor.
We are so glad to call you our friends.
Mickey and Doni
You guys are an inspiration for the next generation.
Rivka and David Heisler
To the Honorees,
With gratitude for your
dedication to YINR.
Malky and Bezalel Jacobs
Mazal Tov to the honorees
on their well-deserved honor.
Evelyn Jakabovics
Mazel Tov to our cousins
Dina and Marc
on this well-deserved honor.
Rise and Harvey Kaufmann
Brittany, Evan, Dylan, Shannon and Madison
Sandy and Meryl Davidoff
Kaufman Brothers Printing
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Vera Koppel
We are proud to join YINR in recognizing
the 2018 dinner honorees.
Ruth and Jacques Levy
Mazel Tov to our dear friends
Dina and Marc
What is the way of life to which one should aspire? Having a discerning eye, being a good colleague,
being a good neighbor, possessing foresight and a generous heart.
But a generous heart includes all the rest.
Pirkei Avot 2:9 You have opened your hearts to our family and to our community and we are doubly blessed. Yael, Noam, Daniel and Eliana Lubofsky Mazel Tov to
Mickey and Doni
We are lucky to have you as our next generation of leaders. Lubofsky Family
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Myra and Alon Mogilner
To the Honorees,
With gratitude for your
dedication to YINR.
Debbie and Sam Newborn
Mickey and Doni,
Mazal Tov on this well-earned honor.
We always knew you were special and now your
community recognizes this as well.
Barbara and Mark
Mazel Tov to
Dina and Marc
on this very special and well-deserved honor.
Sharon and Solomon Packer and Family
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Michal and Ari Paley
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Barbara Rascoff
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Shani and Daniel Reich
To the Honorees,
With gratitude for your
dedication to YINR.
Judi and Brad Scher
Mazel Tov to
Mickey and Doni Nyer.
We wish you continued success
in all your endeavors.
Rebecca and Chaim Schreck
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Karen and Marvin Sperling
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Haley and Joseph Toledano
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Lynn Weingarten
כל ישראל יש להם חלק לעולם הבא, שנאמר ועמך כולם צדיקים, לעולם יירשו ארץ,
נצר מטעי מעשה ידי להתפאר
פרקי אבות, פרק א', משנה ב
To our friends
Mickey and Doni Nyer
You are a very special family. Your commitment to the Jewish people
and to the Young Israel of New Rochelle is awe inspiring.
This is a well-deserved honor. May HaKodesh Baruch Hu continue
to grant you the strength for all that you do.
With Deep Affection,
The White Family
Congratulations to
Dina and Marc
Mickey and Doni
for this well-deserved honor.
Roberta Ziegel
To the Honorees,
With gratitude for your
dedication to YINR.
Ilana and Bruce Benet
To the Honorees,
With gratitude for your
dedication to YINR.
Tamar and Yehudah Buchweitz
To the honorees,
With gratitude for your dedication
to YINR. Elliot and Aliza Haber Cohen
To the Honorees,
With gratitude for your
dedication to YINR.
Jane and Alan Cornell
Mazel Tov
Dina and Marc Sterman
on this well-deserved honor. Mindy and Eli Davidoff
To the Honorees,
With gratitude for your
dedication to YINR.
Lauren and Barry Feuer
Mazel Tov
Mickey and Doni
on this wonderful honor.
Sabrina and Asher Gaffney
מזל טוב to
Dina and Marc
Mickey and Doni
We thank you for all of your creativity and devotion to YINR. May Hashem give you all the strength to continue
for many years to come.
Anne and Eli Goldner
In Honor of
Mickey and Doni
Sandi and Sidney Goldschmidt
Mazel Tov to
Mickey and Donny Nyer
on this well-deserved honor.
Your dedication to YINR, the broader community
and to all of Klal Yisroel is a true inspiration
and source of pride to the extended family.
Shira and Doron Goldschmidt
Daniella and Yehuda Graff
Marc, Dina, and the Sterman family,
We so appreciate and value your friendship.
Congratulations on an honor well-deserved.
The Gurins
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Sharone and Oren Halperin
Congratulations to
Dina and Marc
on this well-deserved honor.
May you continue to be an inspiration to your family
and to your community.
Sima and Daniel Herszaft
With hakaras hatov to
Rabbi Reuven and Abby Fink,
Rabbi Chaim and Yael Axelrod
and to the Stermans and the Nyers
for all you do for our community.
Rabbi Mat and Dr. Brachie Hoffman
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Isabelle Kirschenbaum
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Moshe Levison
Mazel Tov to Trudy's
Morah Mickey and Doni Nyer
on a well-deserved honor.
Georgie and Josh Lookstein
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Beatriz and Andres Nivasch
To a terrific couple who does
so much for so many.
Ellie Siegel
Mickey and Doni
Kol Hakavod on your dedication
and leadership to YINR.
Mazel Tov!
Ahron and Sheera
(your favorite Gabai!)
Congratulations and Mazal Tov to
Mickey and Doni
on this wonderful
and much-deserved honor.
Janet and Sholom Spitz
Congratulations to the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Laurie and Rafi Tare
Congratulations to
Dina and Marc
for all your tireless dedication to our community.
You are great friends, great neighbors
and great dog sitters.
We wish
Mickey and Doni
a hearty Mazal Tov and a big thank you for all you do.
May our community always be this lucky to have
such a wonderful congregation of friends.
Sandra and Uri Weinstein
With gratitude to
Dina and Marc Sterman
Mickey and Doni Nyer
for your dedication
and hard work on behalf of YINR
Elaine and Mark Weitzman
We thank the
families for all they have done to help
our Shul and community.
Deborah and Eugene Wilk
Name Listing
Daniella, Joey and Julius Blechner
Susan and Robert Chasan
Rita and Stew Feuerstein
Fran and Bernie Mermelstein
Marion and Abe Sodden
Rena and Bruce Spinowitz
Regina Weinberg