Meytal Blumenthal Gordon
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Meytal Blumenthal-Gordon was born and raised in Jerusalem. She studied at Midreshet Lindenbaum and served in the IDF in the 8200 intelligence unit where she also volunteered to be responsible for religious services on the base. Meytal earned her Masters degree in Jewish Philosophy from Hebrew University, where she was a student in the “Revivim” program, which trains outstanding students to be educators for Jewish studies in Israeli secular schools. She taught Tanakh and Jewish philosophy at Haifa’s “Reali” high school for the last several years, where she also served as coordinator of extended bible studies for the school, initiating and managing school-wide projects, seminars and workshops. Meytal also served as the Regional Pedagogical Advisor for the Israeli Ministry of Education for high school bible studies in the Haifa district. In addition, she is the editor and project coordinator for the “New Israeli Commentary” book series on biblical texts, with authors Prof. Avigdor Shinan and Prof.Yair Zakovitch. While living in Haifa with her husband and son, she founded the first “partnership minyan” in the city. Currently she is living in Jerusalem and working for an Israeli tech company.
A few months ago, my son Noam exclaimed, "Ima, you can’t be a rabbi! Because a rabbi needs a long beard and a black hat." His comment sparked a discussion between us about what truly defines a rabbi.
Today, as I receive my semicha , I'd like to share my thoughts on this topic.
Mishlei ג details the correct path a person should take: “my child…”, “חֶ֥סֶד וֶאֱמֶ֗ת אַֽל־יַ֫עַזְבֻ֥ךָ” (kindness and truth should never leave you), “וּמְצָא־חֵ֥ן וְשֵֽׂכֶל־ט֑וֹב בְּעֵינֵ֖י אֱלֹהִ֣ים וְאָדָֽם׃” (find grace and sound judgment in the eyes of God and humans), “בְּכׇל־דְּרָכֶ֥יךָ דָעֵ֑הוּ” (acknowledge God in all your ways) and then God will direct your path.
Though these instructions apply to everyone, in my opinion they serve as a strong spiritual and moral foundation upon which a rabbi ought to act, pasken and educate: with kindness and truth, grace and sound judgment - and all this while acknowledging God בכל דרכינו “in all [our] paths”.
'בכל דרכיך דעהו' is also the title of a book by my grandfather, Rabbi Dr. Elchanan Blumenthal, z”l, after whom my son Noam Elchanan is named. My grandfather received Smicha from the Telz Yeshiva in Lithuania and endured the trials of the Holocaust. Throughout his entire life he enacted “tikkun-olam” even in challenging times. He was guided by faith in God intertwined with love of Torah and people. This, according to my grandfather, is the essence of the rabbi's role.
So Noam, to you I say, I am ready to take on this responsibility of what it means to be a rabbi today. In these difficult times, when the land and people of Israel are faced with internal and external battles, I pray that I, as a rabbi, will merit to face today’s trials and challenges, acknowledge God in all my ways, and act with kindness, truth, grace and sound judgment towards Tikun-Olam.

Gail Frankel Shoken
Anat Sharbat
Mazal Tov to all the musmachot, and to Yeshivat Maharat. We pray for the chatufim, the chayalim, and the Akurim.
Rabbi Jason Herman, Executive Director, International Rabbinic Fellowship
Mazel Tov to everyone at Yeshiva Maharat and Yasher Kochachot to all the musmakhot. May you go mechayil el chayil!
Tiferet Zussman & Josh Cohn
Mazal tov to Dena and Meytal and to all of the musmachot on this amazing achievement! Love, Josh & Tiferet
Sarit and Jonathan Gribetz
Mazal tov Meytal, Yedidah, Dena, Meira, Rivka, Talia, Leah, Adina, Tamar, Miriam, Naima, and Rabba Sara! So proud of you!!!
Gail & Len Pogach
Congratulations to all the musmakhot on your accomplishment!
Rabba Wendy Amsellem and Rabbi Mike Moskowitz
We are so inspired by what you have accomplished and so excited for the wonderful transformative work that you will do!
Hannah Klapholz
Max Klapholz
Liz Shayne (and Family)
Mazal tov to all of you! It was such a zechut to learn with you and from you and to be part of your Maharat journey!
Rabba Aliza Libman Baronofsky and Ari Baronofsky
Rabbanit Tamar Green Eisenstst and Abe Eisenstat
Mazal tov to our amazing friends, colleagues, chevrutot, teachers, care providers, leaders, guides, wise souls and just general all around superstars. The rabbinate is blessed to have y’all join the ranks!
Avita Engelberg
Rabbi Marianne Novak and Dr. Noam Stadlan
Congratulations to all the musmakhot on your accomplishment!
Sue and Sid Gordon and Family
מזל טוב וכל הכבוד למיטל בלומנטל גורדון יחד עם כל המוסמכות שתלכו מחיל אל חיל
Josie & Ian Harris
מזל טוב We are so proud of your many accomplishments MEYTAL - excited for what the future holds Garber/Gordon clan
Shira Gordon
Congratulations to all the musmakhot on your accomplishment!
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