Adina Fredman
Adina Fredman comes to Maharat with 25 years of experience teaching and learning in Jewish settings. After 15 years teaching Judaic studies at SAR Academy, Adina studied with the Drisha Scholars Circle and at Nishmat, the Center for Advanced Torah Study for Women in Jerusalem. She currently teaches Tanach in the Maharat Beit Midrash Program. Adina is a graduate of Barnard College for Women with a BA in Political Science and received her JD from The Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law. A community educator, she teaches Tanach and Tefillah to adults in synagogues and private settings.

My road to semicha has been long and circuitous. I have attained this goal due to the guidance, support and love of many individuals.

Thank you to my teachers at Drisha, including Rabbi David Silber, Rabbi Moshe Kahn, Rabbi Dr. Jon Kelsen, Rabba Wendy Amsellem and Dr. Aaron Koller. My journey began when I found my home in the Drisha Beit Midrash.


Thank you to the amazing faculty and administration of Yeshivat Maharat. I came to learn “for fun” and you welcomed me into the unique environment of the Yeshiva. Thank you to Rabba Sara Hurwitz, Reb Jeffrey Fox, Rabbanit Devorah Zlochower, Rabba Wendy Amsellem and Rabbi Adam Mintz. You have modeled for me what it means ללמוד, ללמד, לשמור, לעשות ולקיים. You inspired me to grow in my learning, practice and commitment to the Jewish community.


Thank you to the Shmidman and Fredman families for supporting and encouraging my years of learning. My children, Asher & Ester, Elisha & Anna and Sara & Robert and my wonderful grandchildren have always inspired me to transmit Torah education and values to the next generation.


I can never adequately express my love, appreciation and awe to my parents, Rabbi Dr. Michael D. and Chai Shmidman for instilling in us, not only a love for Torah and tradition, but also an awareness of the majesty with which we have been blessed. You are my personal and professional role models. You have taught me what it means to create and lead a Jewish community and how to extend the beauty of our Mesorah to all.


To my husband, Steve, אחרון אחרון חביב, who didn’t think I was crazy when I decided to learn full time and who has supported me in every way on every step of this journey. You are my biggest cheerleader, p.r. department and therapist. You take such pride in my achievements. I could not have reached this special day without you by my side. שהחינו וקיימנו והגיענו לזמן הזה.

All my love


Shira Billet & Steven Exler
Mazal tov to Maharat's outstanding new musmakhot! Our deep gratitude and endless respect for our heroes Rabba Sara and Rav Avi.
Yali and Ben Weiss
Mazal Tov to everyone at Yeshivat Maharat
Drisha Institute For Jewish Education
Tanya Farber
To my chavrusas, colleagues and friends of mind, heart and neshama! Klal Yisrael is blessed by your leadership, vision and Torah.
Esther and Richard Cantor

With profound gratitude to Rav Avi and Rabba Sara for all that you have created and accomplished. Your vision, fortitude, and boundless energy has enriched and inspired us beyond measure.

And, with great excitement and mazal tov to all the Maharat graduates,
the world needs your wisdom, creativity, and rabbinic guidance.
Go forth with strength!

Esther and Richard Cantor
Shira and David Koppel
Adina, so proud of you. חילך לאורייתא. Lots of love from Shira, David, and all the Koppelim
Rabba Wendy and Rabbi Mike Amsellem and Moskowitz
Mazal tov to all the graduates! In our community, we are so blessed to have you.
Michal Kohane
Mazal Tov to everyone at Yeshivat Maharat
Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe & Martin Flox (see Above)
My heart is lifted welcoming all the amazing graduates! A well-deserved honor to Rav Avi and our own Rabba Sara!
Rabba Melissa Scholten-Gutierrez
**part of class of 2018 group message which i will email to jennifer**
Rabbanit Leah and Dr. Ethan Sarna and Schwartz
(Consider this part of a contribution to the Semikha 5778 ad)
Margot Mann
Miriam and Harris Lorie
Each of the musmakhtot has been an inspiration to learn from and a delight to be friends with. Mazal tov!
Rabbi Marianne Novak & Dr. Noam Stadlan
Mazal Tov to all the new leaders! May your Torah not only inspire but help perfect the world! Rabbi Marianne Novak ‘19 and Dr. Noam Stadlan and family
Cheryl & Joel Goldschmidt
Deanne & Lenny Shapiro
Mazal Tov to Adina Fredman At least one Shmidman in the next generation is now a Rabbi!
Aliza Libman Baronofsky & Ari Baronofsky
With gratitude to my teachers for making today possible and to my classmates and chavrutot who accompanied me on this journey. For R&R - so you can, too.
Steve Fredman
Mazal Tov Adina. You inspire me every day.


Ester, Asher, Ruth Hallel, Talya, Naveh, Lavi Fredman
Mazal Tov to our Ima & Savta, Adina Fredman & all the musmakhot! Love Ester, Asher, Ruth Hallel, Talya, Naveh &Lavi
Sara, Robert, Liana, Roi, and Azi Aeder
Dear Ima/Savta, We are so proud to be your children and grandchildren. We love you very much and are in awe of your achievments.
Elisha, Anna, Shani, Maayan, Netanel, & Meirav Fredman
Mazal Tov & Kol Hakavod to the most inspiring Imma and Savta we know! May we all learn from your example of Torah!
Carol Sober
Mazal tov Adina and all the musmakhot on your achievement. Your leadership is inspiring. The Sobers
Debbie and Bill Schrag
Mazal Tov to all the graduates, including our good friend and neighbor, Adina Fredman.
Phyllis & Jack Shapiro
Rabba Rachel and Rabbi Avi Finegold
In honour of this year's musmakhot, and in gratitude for the vision and courage of Rav Avi and Rabba Sara.
Rabba Yaffa, Shimmy Epstein, Feintuch
Mazal tov to the Board, Staff, Faculty and Musmakhot on another incredible graduating class! Chizku V'imtzu!
Rabbanit Alissa Thomas-Newborn N/a
Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe
Sarit Kattan Gribetz
Mazal tov and gratitude to our amazing musmakhot and to Rabba Sara and Rabbi Weiss for their vision and leadership.
Wendy Zierler
Mazal tov to the 2022 Kollel Graduates and to all of other musmakhot. It was an honor to learn with you. You all make us so proud! -- Wendy Zierler
Caron and Steven Gelles
Rabbi Dov Linzer and Rabbanit Devorah Zlochower Rabbi Dov Linzer and Rabbanit Devorah Zlochower
A huge mazel tov to the new musmakhot. We are thrilled to have been part of your journey and wish you every success
Fredman Family
מזל טוב to our dear Adina! You inspire us and we are so excited to see what you do next! Love, Dad, Carey, Susie, Rena and David
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