Dalia Davis
Dalia Davis majored in Jewish History and Dance at Barnard, studied in Israel at Nishmat, received an M.A. in Jewish Education from Y.U. and a certificate in Talmud and Halacha from GPATS. Dalia co-founded Uprooted: A Jewish Response to Fertility Journeys. She teaches Judaic studies at Minneapolis's HMJDS and is designing a youth curriculum for Congregation Darchei Noam. Dalia served as Rosh Beit Midrash for Merkavah Women’s Torah Institute in Berkeley, taught Melton courses in Springfield, MA, and served as Jewish dance educator for the Foundation for Jewish Camps. She created Beit Midrash in Motion, a fully embodied approach to Jewish learning.

Thank you so much to Rabba Sara Hurwitz and Yeshivat Maharat for the vision of creating the Kollel program and for making it possible for me to have this incredible opportunity.  Thank you Rabba Sara for being an inspiration for me.  I recall our conversation when I was considering entering the Kollel program. I was in a playground trying to watch my kids, and had to hang up and call you back three times. Nonetheless you were so supportive, encouraging, and kind.  Thank you for your guidance as I considered my next steps and for all you have done to bring us to this moment.  Through your pioneering and vision you have forever expanded the role for women in Orthodox Judaism, and my family and I are eternally grateful. 


Reb Jeff Fox, thank you so much for all that you have taught me over the past three years.  Thank you for supporting and guiding me through the Teshuva writing process.  Thank you for all of your quick and thoughtful replies all of the times I have asked you she’elot.  Thank you so much for zooming into my middle school classes, teaching them about pasak, and demonstrating for them how an open Orthodox rabbi thinks.  

Thank you so much to Rabbanit Devorah Zlochower. I have wanted to learn from you ever since I was in GPATS and I have gained so much from being in your midst.  Your brilliance and excellence as a teacher have enhanced my experience at Maharat immensely and I have learned so much from you. Thank you for your warmth, support, and guidance and it was an honor being in the Kollel during your leadership. 

Rav Avi Weiss– the other day when my daughters came home from school and asked me what a Gadol HaDor was and if they would ever meet one, I told them that they already did and he gave them fuzzy stickers that said Rav Avi loves me.  Your impact on our personal, spiritual, and communal lives is immeasurable and the gifts you have given us all are truly priceless.  Thank you for the beautiful way of life that you have nurtured within Orthodoxy and your example of courage and selflessness that this endeavor demanded.  Thank you for making our chatuna so meaningful and for welcoming me so warming into the rabbinic world, even before Maharat was an option.  Thank you for all of the guidance you have given Max and me during the years and thank you for giving our children those adorable stickers.


Thank you to Rabbi Yonatan Cohen, Dr. Frayda Gonsher Cohen, Nell Mahgel-Friedman and everyone in Congregation Beth Israel for all of your kindness and support.  My experiences at Beth Israel and Merkavah helped guide me toward Yeshivat Maharat.  


Thank you Rabbi Amy Wallk for all of your partnership, mentoring, and warmth both in MA and afterwards.  Thank you to everyone in the Springfield-Longmeadow community and at Congregation Bnai Torah for being such a welcoming home and for your example of clinging to Yiddishkeit with tenacity and resilience.


Thank you to everyone at Congregation Darchei Noam in MN for welcoming our family and supporting me throughout my time at Yeshivat Maharat.  Thank you for all of the enthusiastic questions you have asked me, all of the encouragement you have offered me,  and the way you have celebrated this experience. 


Thank you so much to my incredible in-laws, Linda and Jon Davis, for all of your love and support.  Thank you for schlepping all the way in to be here in person and for always being so encouraging and interested in this pursuit.


Thank you so much to my parents, Helene and Allan Lockspeiser, for always being there for me no matter what path or new endeavor I have pursued.  Thank you for your endless words of encouragement, for coming to all of my events and for your boundless enthusiasm.  Thank you for all of the incredible things you have done to make it possible for me to be a part of the Kollel program, just as you have done for other opportunities I have had in the past. Your love and support have made this all possible. 


Thank you to all of my siblings and siblings in-law for all of your support as I embarked on this novel journey!


Thank you to my incredible soulmate Rabbi Max Davis.  For years I have watched you in your rabbinate and have seen your moments of triumph, as well as your moments of struggle.  I have witnessed you officiating at weddings and Bar/Bat Mitzvot as you enhanced those moments of joy for others.  I have also watched as you visited the sick, buried the dead, and comforted those in mourning.  You have done all of this with deep sensitivity and care, and with immense humility.  I deeply admire you and have learned so much from you.  Thank you for the tremendous sacrifices you have made in order to make it possible for me to pursue this new path, and for your undying support. I could never have made it to the moment without you. 


Thank you to my incredible daughters Revaya, Hodaya, Tifferet and Kalaniya.   Thank your Revaya for being my chavruta, my best student ever and for always overflowing our cup with joy.  Thank you Hodaya for teaching me the parshiyot song, for doing frumba with me, and for always giving me reason to be grateful to Hashem.  Thank you Tifferet for doing a magic trick dvar Torah with me, for letting me play Chinese jumprope, and for always bringing beauty and Hashem’s glory into our lives.  Thank you Kalaniya for teaching me the middot song, for doing crazy lifts with me, and ensuring that we always have a reason to praise Hashem with all of our souls.

Cindy Reich
Ari & Miki Moskowitz
Alexis Maharam
Wendy Goldberg
Tamar and Schelomo Marmor
In honor of Rabanit Dalia Davis on her incredible accomplishment.
Shira Billet & Steven Exler
Mazal tov to Maharat's outstanding new musmakhot! Our deep gratitude and endless respect for our heroes Rabba Sara and Rav Avi.
Tanya Farber
To my chavrusas, colleagues and friends of mind, heart and neshama! Klal Yisrael is blessed by your leadership, vision and Torah.
Sara Lynn Newberger
Sharon Hirt
Congratulations to all the musmakhot on your accomplishment
Adira Botwinick
Esther and Richard Cantor

With profound gratitude to Rav Avi and Rabba Sara for all that you have created and accomplished. Your vision, fortitude, and boundless energy has enriched and inspired us beyond measure.

And, with great excitement and mazal tov to all the Maharat graduates,
the world needs your wisdom, creativity, and rabbinic guidance.
Go forth with strength!

Esther and Richard Cantor
Michal Kohane
Mazal Tov to everyone at Yeshivat Maharat
Rabba Melissa Scholten-Gutierrez
**part of class of 2018 group message which i will email to jennifer**
Rabbanit Leah and Dr. Ethan Sarna and Schwartz
(Consider this part of a contribution to the Semikha 5778 ad)
Margot Mann
The Lockspeiser, Frieder, and Rappaport Families
Dalia - Kol hakavod on your remarkable accomplishment: Torah Scholar, Master Teacher, as well as caring, compassionate woman! With much love, your family
Aliza Libman Baronofsky & Ari Baronofsky
With gratitude to my teachers for making today possible and to my classmates and chavrutot who accompanied me on this journey. For R&R - so you can, too.
Rabba Rachel and Rabbi Avi Finegold
In honour of this year's musmakhot, and in gratitude for the vision and courage of Rav Avi and Rabba Sara.
Jonathan Davis
Liba, Jeff, Dahlia, Avi & Saul Herman
Congratulations to all the musmakhot on your accomplishment
Bob and Hanna Karasov/bloomfield
Mazel Tov to Dalia Davis, a wonderful educator. We are proud of you. Bob and Hanna
Linda Davis Not Available
Amy Wallk
Mazal Tov to everyone at Yeshivat Maharat
Rabba Yaffa, Shimmy Epstein, Feintuch
Mazal tov to the Board, Staff, Faculty and Musmakhot on another incredible graduating class! Chizku V'imtzu!
Rabbanit Alissa Thomas-Newborn N/a
Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe
Sarit Kattan Gribetz
Mazal tov and gratitude to our amazing musmakhot and to Rabba Sara and Rabbi Weiss for their vision and leadership.
Ruthie and Joel Simon
Mazal Tov to everyone at Yeshivat Maharat
Wendy Zierler
Mazal tov to the 2022 Kollel Graduates and to all of other musmakhot. It was an honor to learn with you. You all make us so proud! -- Wendy Zierler
Rabbi Dov Linzer and Rabbanit Devorah Zlochower Rabbi Dov Linzer and Rabbanit Devorah Zlochower
A huge mazel tov to the new musmakhot. We are thrilled to have been part of your journey and wish you every success
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