Emily Goldberg Winer
Emily Goldberg Winer is the rabbinic intern at the Stanton Street Shul. Her most recent positions include rabbinic intern at Congregation Beth Sholom/Talmud Torah, the Columbia/Barnard Hillel, visiting chaplain at Bedford Hills Correctional Facility, community educator at Brandeis, and teen coordinator at the Hebrew Home of Riverdale. She completed a unit of Clinical Pastoral Education at New York Presbyterian Hospital, the Jewish Innovation Fellowship at the 92nd Street Y, the Join for Justice Fellowship, and the rabbinic fellowship at Shalom Hartman Institute. She is a Wexner Graduate Fellow.  She currently lives in Riverdale with her husband Jonah.

Hakarat HaTov:

In Masechet Brachot, Rabbi Yishmael ben Elisha blesses God with a blessing once given to him: 


״יְהִי רָצוֹן מִלְּפָנֶיךָ, שֶׁיִּכְבְּשׁוּ רַחֲמֶיךָ אֶת כַּעַסְךָ, וְיִגּוֹלּוּ רַחֲמֶיךָ עַל מִדּוֹתֶיךָ, וְתִתְנַהֵג עִם בָּנֶיךָ בְּמִדַּת הָרַחֲמִים, וְתִכָּנֵס לָהֶם לִפְנִים מִשּׁוּרַת הַדִּין"

May it be Your will that Your mercy overcome Your anger

and may Your mercy prevail over Your other attributes

and may You act toward Your children with the attribute of mercy

and may You enter before them beyond the letter of the law

-Masechet Brachot 7a

The Ribbono Shel Olam then does the sweetest thing in return: God nods God’s head in acceptance of this profound bracha. From this humble giving and receiving of blessings between Rabbi Yishmael b. Elisha and God, we learn “שֶׁלֹּא תְּהֵא בִּרְכַּת הֶדְיוֹט קַלָּה בְּעֵינֶיךָ” or “you should not take the blessing of an ordinary person lightly.” 


There are seemingly ordinary people in my midst whose blessings to me are innumerable. They have offered wisdom, guidance, presence, and deep love that I cannot accept lightly. 


Thank you to HaKadosh Baruch Hu for bringing me to this moment and sustaining me each day.


To my teachers and rebbeim at Yeshivat Maharat—you are all giants in my eyes. Rabba Sara, Reb Jeff, Rabbanit Devorah, Rabba Wendy, Rabbi Erin Leib Smokler, Dr. Esther Altmann, and Maya Bernstein; you each model the compassion, innovation, and sensitivity I aspire to take into my own rabbinate. You could each be changing worlds every single day—thank you so much for changing mine. 


Thank you to the YM staff Jennifer, Amanda, Liz O., Maya and Board of Directors for your constant support in making evenings like this a success. I deeply appreciate your tireless work day in and day out. Thank you to my colleagues graduating with me–I’m proud to have gone through these 4 years together. 


Thank you to the Wexner Foundation and particularly Class 32 for the support, colleagues, and teachers I received throughout my time in rabbinical school. 


Thank you to the chaplaincy department at the New York Presbyterian/ Irving Medical Center for sharpening my love of showing up for people in times of joy and pain. Hospitals may feel like bustling cities, but their pastoral care teams epitomize the familiarity of your own homes, and I am grateful to have called 168th and Broadway home last summer. 


Thank you to the rabbis and teachers who mentored me throughout these past four years: Rabbi Yonah Hain, Navah Kogen, Rabbi Fred Elias z”l, Rabbis Nissan Antine & Eitan Cooper, Rabbi Leead Staller, Laura Hyman, Julie Caiyem, Rabbi Dina Najman, Rav Steven Exler, Rav Ezra & Ma’ayan Seligsohn, Rabbi James Lapin & family, Rabbi Shua Brick, and Rabbi Moshe Edelman. 


Thank you to my in-laws, Laura & Alan and the wider Winer family (particularly Bubbie whose weekly calls have been chizuk since we met) for your support and love. 


Thank you to Rev. Dr. Peter Pettit who first encouraged me to check out a Beit Midrash after my sophomore year of college. I am forever grateful to be your disciple. 


I owe all of my gratitude to the original Goldberg party of five for believing in me since day 1. You celebrated me as an old soul with an off the beaten path calling for as long as I can remember. Thank you Mom, Dad, Carly, Hannah, and Max for patiently listening to me excitedly compare your latest news with the earliest news in rabbinic texts. I hope to have many roles to many people in life, but being your daughter and sister is among my favorite. 


I feel that my years of preparation and work to arrive at this moment are yielding new fruits, but these apples aren’t falling so far from the tree. Today and everyday I carry the memories of my four kind-hearted Wagner and Goldberg grandparents, and my Aunt Ruth Wagner Shapiro z”l, who would have loved to be sitting in these very seats. And especially to my great-grandfather, Marty Pearlmutter-Martin who learned the same teshuvot years ago albeit in a slightly different Beit Midrash. 


And lastly–to Jonah, the substantially better half of my heart, thank you. You are my home, my rock, and my person. This milestone is happening because you believe in me every day. I feel so honored to be your rebbetzin.

Annette Lakein
Shira Billet & Steven Exler
Mazal tov to Maharat's outstanding new musmakhot! Our deep gratitude and endless respect for our heroes Rabba Sara and Rav Avi.
Atara and Jeremy Lindenbaum/bressman
With deep gratitude to Rav Avi, Rabba Sara, and my fellow cohort; I love from near and afar! Mazal Tov!
Drisha Institute For Jewish Education
Tanya Farber
To my chavrusas, colleagues and friends of mind, heart and neshama! Klal Yisrael is blessed by your leadership, vision and Torah.
Rachel and Aaron Stayman
Esther and Richard Cantor

With profound gratitude to Rav Avi and Rabba Sara for all that you have created and accomplished. Your vision, fortitude, and boundless energy has enriched and inspired us beyond measure.

And, with great excitement and mazal tov to all the Maharat graduates,
the world needs your wisdom, creativity, and rabbinic guidance.
Go forth with strength!

Esther and Richard Cantor
Michal Kohane
Mazal Tov to everyone at Yeshivat Maharat
Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe & Martin Flox (see Above)
My heart is lifted welcoming all the amazing graduates! A well-deserved honor to Rav Avi and our own Rabba Sara!
Rabba Melissa Scholten-Gutierrez
**part of class of 2018 group message which i will email to jennifer**
Sharon, Matthew, Atara, Tali, Chris and Tamar Koren and Cohen (sharon Koren and Matthew Cohen)
Mazal Tov Rabbi Emily Winer!
Leah & Andrew Krakinowski/silberstein
Rabbanit Leah and Dr. Ethan Sarna and Schwartz
(Consider this part of a contribution to the Semikha 5778 ad)
Rabbi Barry Dolinger & Naomi Baine
Congratulations to all the musmakhot on your accomplishment
Margot Mann
Barbara & Michael Goldberg and Family
Emily - We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. Now, go make the world a better place! With love & admiration Mom, Dad, Carly, Hannah & Max
Miriam and Harris Lorie
Each of the musmakhtot has been an inspiration to learn from and a delight to be friends with. Mazal tov!
R. Liz (and Josh) Shayne (and Lannik)
Mazal tov Atara, Emily, Michal, Phoebe Ana & Yael! It's been a gift to call you my friends and now my colleagues!
Rabbi Marianne Novak & Dr. Noam Stadlan
Mazal Tov to all the new leaders! May your Torah not only inspire but help perfect the world! Rabbi Marianne Novak ‘19 and Dr. Noam Stadlan and family
Lily and Jacob Goldstein Leizman
Aliza Libman Baronofsky & Ari Baronofsky
With gratitude to my teachers for making today possible and to my classmates and chavrutot who accompanied me on this journey. For R&R - so you can, too.
Rabbi Melissa Simon Rena Fraade
Rabba Rachel and Rabbi Avi Finegold
In honour of this year's musmakhot, and in gratitude for the vision and courage of Rav Avi and Rabba Sara.
Cecily and Eli Marbach Oberstein
In honor of Rabba Claudia and all the amazing students and leaders. A special shout out from the Oberstein 5 to Atara and Emily- you light up our lives.
Emily Winograd & Ben Zion Ferziger
Rabba Yaffa, Shimmy Epstein, Feintuch
Mazal tov to the Board, Staff, Faculty and Musmakhot on another incredible graduating class! Chizku V'imtzu!
Rabbanit Alissa Thomas-Newborn N/a
Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe
Sarit Kattan Gribetz
Mazal tov and gratitude to our amazing musmakhot and to Rabba Sara and Rabbi Weiss for their vision and leadership.
Ruthie and Joel Simon
Mazal Tov to everyone at Yeshivat Maharat
Sarah Stemp
Rabbi Dov Linzer and Rabbanit Devorah Zlochower Rabbi Dov Linzer and Rabbanit Devorah Zlochower
A huge mazel tov to the new musmakhot. We are thrilled to have been part of your journey and wish you every success
Na Na
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