Yael Keller
Yael Keller is Director of Education and Religious Engagement at the Ann Arbor Orthodox Minyan and served as Rabbinic Intern at Ohev Sholom - the National Synagogue in Washington, DC and Skokie Valley Agudath Jacob Synagogue in Illinois. Yael uses her deep love of Torah to embrace teaching opportunities within a variety of community settings. She is a graduate of the Hornstein Jewish Professional Leadership Program at Brandeis University with a Masters in Public Policy and a Masters in Jewish Professional Leadership.  Yael has worked at social justice organizations including Uri L’Tzedek, the Joint Distribution Committee and Impact Boston and other Jewish organizations including Hillel and Yeshivat Maharat.

Hakarat HaTov:

Thank you to Rabba Yaffa Epstein for being the first to show me this path and for the patience to encourage me and remind me that it was here for me when I was ready.


Thank you to my community in Lower Merion, PA at Sha’arei Orah, for giving me the space and encouragement to learn how to be a leader in our shul.  Thank you to my community in Ann Arbor, MI for welcoming me so warmly and for the support and encouragement throughout this year.  Thank you to those in both communities who treated me as a rabbi before I felt sure of it myself.  Each question, life cycle event and pastoral moment strengthened my desire to become a spiritual leader and I couldn’t have done it without you.  Special thanks to the wonderful weekly parsha study group in Lower Merion who not only gave me space to teach but enriched my learning with wonderful questions and conversation. 


Thank you to my teachers who pushed me to be a better learner and thinker, for listening and processing each and every learning experience, and for taking endless hours outside of class to provide coaching, mentorship and guidance.   A special thanks to Reb Jeff - I am grateful for the nuance and thoughtfulness with which you approach teaching.  I value the time we spent in adjoining offices where I could hear your perspective more regularly and immensely grateful I got to be a student in your shiur a few years later. 


Thank you to Rabba Sara. It’s been a long journey and I am so grateful to have had your guidance, friendship and support every step of the way.  From the very first meeting in your office almost a dozen years ago, through the wonderful years working together to the last five years of study your encouragement made the journey feel easier and more manageable.  Without your bravery and leadership none of this would be possible. 


Thank you to my parents, Esther and Larry,  for providing the education and rich Jewish life at home that prepared me to choose this path. To my mother who wears so many hats in my life - role model, cheerleader, editor-in-chief, guidance counselor and constant friend.  Like most things in life, I truly could not have done it without your support.  To my father who is not here to share in this celebration. I know you would be proud that I chose to live a life filled with Torah study because you modeled it so beautifully for me.  I can almost hear your customarily loud cheers of encouragement today as I step under the banner.


Thank you to my sisters who have been my constant friends and companions throughout life’s journeys.   I value the mutual support, acceptance and love as we each find our own paths. Thank you for your love and support. 


Thank you to my in-laws, Barbara and Marty, for supporting Will and me as we embarked on this long journey together.  I have felt your love and encouragement each step of the way.  


Thank you to my Bubbie, aunts, uncles and cousins who encouraged me in so many ways throughout this journey.  I continue to feel the bracha of being in a large, vibrant family and am grateful for each of your support, love and friendship. 


Thank you to my wonderful children. I am grateful for your patience while I have been preoccupied with classes and for all of the hours you have traveled for internships and scholars in residence weekends.  Thank you for not only coming along for the ride, but engaging in it - it is wonderful to discuss Torah with you.  I pray that this experience leaves you with a thirst for Torah and an awareness that your dreams are always within reach. 


Thank you to Will.  There is nothing I can say to adequately express my thanks. From the very beginning you have created space for and respected my own Torah learning.  Your guidance and knowledge, shared so freely, helped me in my learning. Thank you for the countless times you listened to divrei torah and endless hours you took care of the home front so I could be immersed in studying and working as an intern.  My learning is your learning, my success is your success.  

Monica and Ben Rosen
Rocky and Eiran Lipsky Warner
Mazal Tov to everyone at Yeshivat Maharat- Rabba Yael, we are so lucky to cross paths with you!
Ari & Miki Moskowitz
Shira Billet & Steven Exler
Mazal tov to Maharat's outstanding new musmakhot! Our deep gratitude and endless respect for our heroes Rabba Sara and Rav Avi.
Atara and Jeremy Lindenbaum/bressman
With deep gratitude to Rav Avi, Rabba Sara, and my fellow cohort; I love from near and afar! Mazal Tov!
Tanya Farber
To my chavrusas, colleagues and friends of mind, heart and neshama! Klal Yisrael is blessed by your leadership, vision and Torah.
Nina Bruder and Gary Pretsfelder
Mazal Tov to everyone at Yeshivat Maharat
Rabba Dr Carmella and Dr Steven Abraham and Kubersky
Congratulations to all the musmakhot on your accomplishment
Reva Haselkorn London
Esther and Richard Cantor

With profound gratitude to Rav Avi and Rabba Sara for all that you have created and accomplished. Your vision, fortitude, and boundless energy has enriched and inspired us beyond measure.

And, with great excitement and mazal tov to all the Maharat graduates,
the world needs your wisdom, creativity, and rabbinic guidance.
Go forth with strength!

Esther and Richard Cantor
Howard Farkas and Debi Crystal
Congratulations to all the musmakhot on your accomplishment
Michal Kohane
Mazal Tov to everyone at Yeshivat Maharat
Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe & Martin Flox (see Above)
My heart is lifted welcoming all the amazing graduates! A well-deserved honor to Rav Avi and our own Rabba Sara!
Rabba Melissa Scholten-Gutierrez
**part of class of 2018 group message which i will email to jennifer**
Leah & Andrew Krakinowski/silberstein
Rabbanit Leah and Dr. Ethan Sarna and Schwartz
(Consider this part of a contribution to the Semikha 5778 ad)
Margot Mann
Miriam and Harris Lorie
Each of the musmakhtot has been an inspiration to learn from and a delight to be friends with. Mazal tov!
R. Liz (and Josh) Shayne (and Lannik)
Mazal tov Atara, Emily, Michal, Phoebe Ana & Yael! It's been a gift to call you my friends and now my colleagues!
Betty-Ann Izenman
Rabbi Marianne Novak & Dr. Noam Stadlan
Mazal Tov to all the new leaders! May your Torah not only inspire but help perfect the world! Rabbi Marianne Novak ‘19 and Dr. Noam Stadlan and family
Susie, Michael, Emily and Alice Ratner
Yael Keller: inspiring orator, camping guru, best co-room parent, dear friend... and now Rabbi. What can't you do?
Barbara & Marty Keller
Mazel tov Yael. Thanks to Rabbi Weiss and congratulations to Yael for achieving semikha. Nana & Poppa Keller
Congregation Shaarei Orah
Mazal Tov to Yael Keller! With love and admiration from your Shaarei Orah family in Pennsylvania
Linda and Murray Baruch
Debbie Dan Eisenstein
Mazal Tov to everyone at Yeshivat Maharat
Esti and Shmuel Honig
Mazal Tov, Yael! May your love of Torah and community continue to inspire those around you. Love, the Honig Family.
Aliza Libman Baronofsky & Ari Baronofsky
With gratitude to my teachers for making today possible and to my classmates and chavrutot who accompanied me on this journey. For R&R - so you can, too.
Dov & Jeanne Haselkorn
Yasher koach to Yael Kletter Keller on her amazing accomplishment! Love, Dov, Jeanne, Adele, Dana, Graham & Jane
Allyn Keller
Emma & Andrew Stitcher
Tamar and Charled Weaver
Carolynn & Avi Feldblum
Mazal Tov to Yael Keller on this great accomplishment With appreciation to Rav Avi Weiss for all he has done over the years
Michael and Sharon Haselkorn
Kol Hakavod to all the musmakhot! Yael, You always wanted to do this; we knew you could, and now you have. Yashar Kokhekh!
Dr. Adam and Tali Baruch
Cindy and Mark Saper
Rabba Rachel and Rabbi Avi Finegold
In honour of this year's musmakhot, and in gratitude for the vision and courage of Rav Avi and Rabba Sara.
Tova Tenenbaum, Daniel and Amalya Rosenberg
Mazal tov, Yael, and to all of the musmachot! Mazal tov, Rav Avi and Rabba Sara! M'chayil l'chayil!
Esther Kletter and Family
Mazal Tov Yael! You are awesome! May your amazing journey continue with 'bracha'. Love, Mom, Shlomit & Sara Kol ha'Kavod to all!
Lynne Goldstein
Rachel and Joshua Steinerman
Family van der Holst
Mazal Tov to everyone at Yeshivat Maharat
Rabba Yaffa, Shimmy Epstein, Feintuch
Mazal tov to the Board, Staff, Faculty and Musmakhot on another incredible graduating class! Chizku V'imtzu!
Rabbanit Alissa Thomas-Newborn N/a
Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe
Sarit Kattan Gribetz
Mazal tov and gratitude to our amazing musmakhot and to Rabba Sara and Rabbi Weiss for their vision and leadership.
Ruthie and Joel Simon
Mazal Tov to everyone at Yeshivat Maharat
Rabbi Dov Linzer and Rabbanit Devorah Zlochower Rabbi Dov Linzer and Rabbanit Devorah Zlochower
A huge mazel tov to the new musmakhot. We are thrilled to have been part of your journey and wish you every success
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