Michal Arkovitz
Michal Arkovitz is an Israeli attorney and a passionate torah learner who served as an assistant to the State’s attorney at the Department of International Affairs at the Israeli Ministry of Justice. She studied at Midreshet Orot in Elkanah, focusing on Chasidut and Tanach and was a Beit midrash fellow at Machon Gold in Jerusalem. She spent a year as a Bnei Akiva shlicha in NYC and worked as a writer and editor of Jewish studies materials at Mibereshit organization in Jerusalem. She currently lives in New Rochelle, N.Y, with her husband, Marc and their 5 kids.
Shira Billet & Steven Exler
Mazal tov to Maharat's outstanding new musmakhot! Our deep gratitude and endless respect for our heroes Rabba Sara and Rav Avi.
Atara and Jeremy Lindenbaum/bressman
With deep gratitude to Rav Avi, Rabba Sara, and my fellow cohort; I love from near and afar! Mazal Tov!
Tanya Farber
To my chavrusas, colleagues and friends of mind, heart and neshama!
Klal Yisrael is blessed by your leadership, vision and Torah.
Zach, Lisa, Avi, and Noam Sitkin
Mazal tov, Michal Arkovitz! We are so proud of you.
The Arkovitz/ben Shabat Family Arkovitz/ben Shabat
Mazal tov to Michal and all the graduates of Maharat
Esther and Richard Cantor
With profound gratitude to Rav Avi and Rabba Sara for all that you have created and accomplished. Your vision, fortitude, and boundless energy has enriched and inspired us beyond measure.
And, with great excitement and mazal tov to all the Maharat graduates,
the world needs your wisdom, creativity, and rabbinic guidance.
Go forth with strength!
Esther and Richard Cantor
Michal Kohane
Mazal Tov to everyone at Yeshivat Maharat
Rabba Melissa Scholten-Gutierrez
**part of class of 2018 group message which i will email to jennifer**
Rabbanit Leah and Dr. Ethan Sarna and Schwartz
(Consider this part of a contribution to the Semikha 5778 ad)
Margot Mann
The Berger, Fraenkel, Goldenberg, and Lorbert Families
Mazal Tov Michal on this special milestone. We are so proud of you!
The Berger, Fraenkel, Goldenberg, and Lorbert Families
Miriam and Harris Lorie
Each of the musmakhtot has been an inspiration to learn from and a delight to be friends with. Mazal tov!
R. Liz (and Josh) Shayne (and Lannik)
Mazal tov Atara, Emily, Michal, Phoebe Ana & Yael! It's been a gift to call you my friends and now my colleagues!
Rabbi Marianne Novak & Dr. Noam Stadlan
Mazal Tov to all the new leaders! May your Torah not only inspire but help perfect the world!
Rabbi Marianne Novak ‘19 and Dr. Noam Stadlan and family
Aliza Libman Baronofsky & Ari Baronofsky
With gratitude to my teachers for making today possible and to my classmates and chavrutot who accompanied me on this journey.
For R&R - so you can, too.
Rabba Rachel and Rabbi Avi Finegold
In honour of this year's musmakhot, and in gratitude for the vision and courage of Rav Avi and Rabba Sara.
Ellen & Ari Fischel
Mazel Tov to our friend Michal. May you go from strength to strength. Kol HaKavod.
Rabba Yaffa, Shimmy Epstein, Feintuch
Mazal tov to the Board, Staff, Faculty and Musmakhot on another incredible graduating class! Chizku V'imtzu!
Rabbanit Alissa Thomas-Newborn N/a
Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe
Sarit Kattan Gribetz
Mazal tov and gratitude to our amazing musmakhot and to Rabba Sara and Rabbi Weiss for their vision and leadership.
Sarah Stemp
Rabbi Dov Linzer and Rabbanit Devorah Zlochower Rabbi Dov Linzer and Rabbanit Devorah Zlochower
A huge mazel tov to the new musmakhot. We are thrilled to have been part of your journey and wish you every success