Lisa Schlaff
Advanced Kollel: Executive Ordination Track
Lisa Schlaff is the Director of Judaic Studies at SAR High School in Riverdale, New York where she teaches Gemara and Tanakh and supervises Israel Guidance. At SAR Lisa has piloted an innovative Jewish sexual ethics curriculum and is currently co-leading a faculty research group on spirituality. She has an EdM in Curriculum Development from Teacher’s College, Columbia University and has completed coursework towards a doctorate in Talmud at New York University. Lisa has studied and taught at the Drisha Institute and is a graduate of the Wexner Graduate Fellowship program. She is a co-founder of the Darkhei Noam minyan in Manhattan.
Shira Silver
Anat & Ariel Sharbat Freidenberg
Congratulations to all the musmakhot on your accomplishment
Davis Family
Shana & Bini Krauss
Mazal tov to all of the women of Yeshivat Maharat, especially Lisa Schlaff. Thank you for inspiring us and our children.
Bracha Jaffe
Shira Billet
Mazal tov to all the musmachot, with a special shout out to my fellow Kollelniks -- Lindsey, Lisa, and Wendy! Alu v'hatzlichu!
Tammy Jacobowitz Your Colleagues and Friends At Sar High School
Anonymous Anonymous
Michal and David Kahan
Mazal tov to Lisa Schlaff and all of the graduates
Racquel & Dani Houpt
Rabba Wendy and Rabbi Mike Amsellem and Moskowitz
Mazal tov! We are so excited to be on the road that you are building!
Congregation Netivot Shalom
Ruth Friedman
Mazel tov to all of the graduates! We are so lucky to have you!
Michal Kohane
Ruthy and Murray Miskin
Dear Lisa, We are so proud of your wonderful accomplishment. You are a role model for Jewish women.
Shira & David Fass
Carmella and Steve Abraham
Congratulations to all the musmakhot on your accomplishment
Janet Landay
Shifra Landowne
Lisa, Mazal tov on this beautiful achievement, may all of us at SAR continue to benefit from your amazing example.
Debbie Braverman and Hillel Grossman Debbie Braverman and Hillel Grossman
Dear Lisa, Thank you for teaching and mentoring all five of our children and inspiring us. מה רב טובך ומשכרתך יתרה
Danny Kroll
Mazal tov Lisa! Your dedication to and love for Torah inspire your students colleagues alike!
Rabbi Saul and Rabba Daniella Strosberg Pressner (in the Correct Place)
Mazal tov to each of the musmachot. We are so proud and humbled by you and wish each of you much meaning and joy on this next step in your journey.
Rabbanit Judith Levitan
Mazal tov to the Musmakhot, especially the Kollel graduates! May you go from strength to strength as you build up Am Yisrael!
Josh Milner and Aliza Sperling
Mazal tov to the graduates, especially to my chevruta Lisa and the kollel superwomen, and to my BMP partner Tanya. Your Torah will illuminate our world.
Ranon and Charlotte Katzoff
Rabbi Eliakim J. Schwarz
Joanna Samuels
Congratulations to all the musmakhot on your accomplishment
Deborah and Jonathan David
Mazal Tov Lisa! We are so proud!
Judy and Shmuel Klitsner
חילכן לאורייתא Mazal tov to Lindsey, Lisa, Wendy and all the musmakhot. Shmuel and Judy Klitsner
Rabba Rachel and Rabbi Avi Finegold
Mazal Tov on this tremendous simcha of smicha!
Ellen & Shoshie Brickman
Sheryl and Bruce Schainker
Congratulations to all the musmakhot on your accomplishment
Jonathan and Leah Adler
Mazal Tov to Lisa and Mazal Tov to Wendy. May you continue to inspire those around you.
Amy Zwas and Yoram Bitton
Diane Sandoval
Mazal tov to Lisa Schlaff and her fellow musmakhot!
Adina & Lawrence Burian
Congratulations to Dr. Lisa Schlaff, an extraordinary leader, educator and friend.
Talya & Alexander Waldman Waldman Family
MAZAL TOV LISA!! We are so blessed to have your inspiring leadership- always a pioneer and role model to us!
Wendy Zierler and the Zierler Feit Family
Mazal Tov to my amazing classmates and to all of the wonderful women and faculty at Yeshivat Maharat. Eternal thanks for the learning and the sisterhood!
Bashi and Roger Packer
Mazal Tov to all. Special best wishes to Lisa Schlaff! In honor of Rabbanit Dasi Fruchter - we miss you...
Debby and Jay Pearlberg
Mazal Tov to our wonderful daughter-in-law!
Sari Steinberg
Rabbi Eliakim Schwarz
Joséphine Altzman
Congratulations to all the musmakhot on your accomplishment
Weiss-Yohananoff Family
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