YBH of Passaic
YBH of Passaic
gratefully acknowledges the donors
who have established the following
scholarship/memorial funds:
Harold B. Abramson
Amelia Cemetary Association
Ruth Bader
Hans Falkenstein
Jacob Garber and Sarah Garber
Frances and Eddie Greenwald
Stephen Leigh Herman
Leo H. and Annette Kwartler
Alex Musiker
Benjamin Osherov
Ethel Remler
Anna Chapler Rudell
Dr. Leah Slavin
Herman and Anna Spitz
Rose and Joel Weinstock
YBH of Passaic
תומכי תורה
Tomchay Torah
YBH of Passaic
acknowledges with gratitude
the establishment of perpetual scholarship funds
by the leaders, scholars and benefactors of this community.
May they be an example to all.
The income generated from these perpetual endowment funds
is used to help defray a portion of the costs
for the scholarships offered deserving Jewish children.
The principal remains intact forever more.
In creating these everlasting funds,
today's mitzvah becomes the example for tomorrow's leaders.
YBH of Passaic
YBH of Passaic
would like to express our
Hakaras Hatov to
Mr. and Mrs. Avrom Vann
for establishing the
Blanche Vann Memorial Award,
and the
Bert Vann Memorial Award.
These awards are presented annually
to the female and male respective graduates
who excel in Middos and Chessed activity.
YBH of Passaic
YBH of Passaic
would like to acknowledge
with gratitude
the ongoing support of
The Jewish Memorial Chapel
YBH of Passaic
Mazel Tov to
All the Honorees
on their well deserved honors.
A special mazal tov to our dear friends
Moshe J. and Chedva
Thank you to All of the Teachers
who educate our wonderful children.
Rita and Shlomo Singer
Nutrition RS LLC
Thank You,
Rabbi Leiner
for your leadership of YBH over the years.
Your dedication and love for all our children
have been an inspiration.
We wish you all the best in the years to come.
Daniel and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
We are grateful to share this event
with such deserving honorees.
May Hashem bless you with health and happiness.
The Entire Faculty and Staff of YBH
Thank you for all you do for our children.
May Hashem bless you as well.
Daniel and Hindy Lifshitz
Thank You to
Dr. and Mrs. Gold
The Entire Dinner Committee
for all of your work on the dinner.
Your dedication and selfless commitment to YBH
is always appreciated.
Daniel and Hindy Lifshitz
Mazel Tov
Yeshivas Bais Hillel
on 75 years.
Thank you for giving our grandchildren
such a wonderful education.
In Honor of
Jonny and Paula Gold
for being the driving force
behind this wonderful yeshiva.
May all of us see this wonderful yeshiva prosper
for many more years to come.
Wendy and Martin Mayer
In Honor of
Martin and Wendy Mayer
You are deserving of this honor (and many, many more)
because of the many מעשים טובים
you do in our community and beyond,
yet ever so quietly and behind the scenes
so as to afford great dignity to the recipients.
(בן זומא אומר.... אזהו מכבד? המכבד את הבריות (פרקי אבות ד' א
We are privileged to join the YBH community
to honor you this evening.
We are proud to be counted among your friends.
(P.S. Only you could figure out a way
to avoid too much honor even when being honored)!
Sora Rivka and Yossi and family
As we say a loving goodbye to our Menahel of 13 years
Rabbi Berel Leiner
and wish him hatzlacha in all of his future endeavors;
We would also like to wish a Baruch Haba to our incoming Menahel
Rabbi Shlomo Schwartz
We wish you much hatzlacha as you take on your new role here at YBH.
We would like to extend our deepest Hakaras Hatov
to the three co-Chairman of the Principal Search Committee
for their many hours and extraordinary efforts :
Rabbi Zev Prince
Mr. Ephraim Sudwerts
Rabbi Michoel Zylberman
along with their outstanding committee members:
Rabbi Eytan London
Dr. Avi Rosenbaum
Rabbi Gamliel Shmalo
Mrs. Bethany Strulowitz
Dr. Tova Werblowsky
Thank you so much for your dedication, time and energy
יש שכר לפעולתך נאום ה׳
The YBH Board of Directors
Mazal Tov to
All the Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Dan and Hindy,
your Middos Tovos,
Commitment to Torah and Tzorchei Tzibbur
are an inspiration.
We are privileged to call you our friends.
To All the Honorees,
Thank you for your tireless devotion
and hard work
on behalf of our yeshiva and our community.
May hashem continue to grant you strength
and success in all your endeavors.
Gavi and Shira Giloni
To Dan & Hindy
Dan & Hindy, Mazal Tov on being YBH Guests of Honor.
There is no doubt as to just how deserving you are for this award.
We are honored to have you as YBH parents and friends.
You are very special role models of Oskim Btzarchei HaTzibur.
Thank you for all of your generosity to the Yeshiva over the years
- an incredible testimony to your values.
We wish your continued Nachas from your beautiful family.
Jonathan and Paula Gold
To Martin & Wendy
Martin & Wendy, YBH needs more grandparents like you.
You are the poster figures for getting things done behind the scenes,
quietly, without much fanfare or recognition.
Well, tonight we want to share the secret of just how much the Mayers do for the community.
You always make time in your busy lives for your family, your friends, your shul,
Tzarchei HaTzibbur, and YBH.
On behalf all of your grateful friends, thank you for all that you do.
Jonathan & Paula Gold
P.S. If you arms still feel twisted, we can recommend a good doctor.
In Loving Memory of Our Saba
Naftoli Hirsch
החבר נפתלי בן החבר אשר
Asher and Miriam Kreimerman
Sara, Michal and Debra Lehmann
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
on this well deserved honor!
With tremendous gratitude to
Rabbi Leiner
for his years of dedication to YBH
and our children's education!
Yael and Ari Rosenthal
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
May you continue to inspire others
with your leadership and commitment
to our Yeshiva and community.
Robert and Aviva Aberman
('עשה לך רב וקנה לך חבר (פרקי אבות א',ו
Thank You
Rabbi Leiner
for your guidance and friendship
over the past 13 years.
With much Hakaras Hatov,
Joyce and Steven Davis and Family
To The YBH Board of Directors
Thank you for all your mesiras nefesh on behalf of our incredible Yeshiva and for your efforts to make YBH better and better.
Thank you for attending those intense board meetings which often run late into the night.
As we have seen YBH rise to even greater heights over the years,
we, as board members, can collectively shep nachas from all of its accomplishments.
To Joyce Davis
Some people's true skills shine when they're tested. During these challenging times, you shined brightly.
Thank you for making my life easier with your professionalism and dedication.
To Julie Friedman
This was a year like no other. You excelled in the new reality of Zoom conferencing,
teacher instruction over the internet, muting features and various audio & video projects
sometimes involving another country (Canada).
Julie, you handled all of the countless technology programming like the real pro that you are.
The Yeshiva could not have functioned without your expertise and we are so grateful for all of your efforts.
To Michael Friedman
Going to the Yeshiva in the middle of the night to shut off the alarm,
or checking on an urgent matter, is only a small indication of your dedication to YBH.
You always go above and beyond the call of duty
and often involve your whole family in your efforts to keep YBH running smoothly.
We have a great deal of Hakaras Hatov for all that you do for the Yeshiva.
Jonathan & Paula Gold
Mazal Tov to
All of the Honorees
We wanted to thank
Rabbi Perlstein and Morah Stern
for being so instrumental
in shaping and guiding our children
on their path of yidishkeit.
May Hashem give you and all of the honorees
the strength and desire
to continue to teach
future generations of Klal Yisroel.
Chaim and Shana Klein
In Honor of
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
Mazel Tov on the well deserved honors.
Thank you to
The YBH Staff Honorees
for all of your incredible devotion to our children
and all of the children of YBH.
We are fortunate to have
such wonderful Mechanchim in our Yeshiva.
Yosef and Shifra Lanzkron
In Honor of
Rabbi Leiner
whose wisdom and warmth
has guided our children
through their formative years and beyond.
With much hakoras hatov
for being a true partner in their chinuch!
Mazel Tov to
The Honorees
Naftali and Ahuva Perlowitz
Mazal Tov to
All the Honorees,
including our Staff Honorees,
who have been serving our yeshiva with selfless dedication
for many years.
Special hakaras hatov to our menahel
Rabbi Berel Leiner
who has been a source of chizuk and inspiration to our family
from the very beginning.
Yasher koach to
our dedicated rebbeim, teachers, staff
and board members
including Dr. Jonathan Gold
Your commitment to our yeshiva is truly exemplary!
Chananya & Sara Rosenblum
Mazal Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz Martin and Wendy Mayer and to
Rabbi Leiner and the YBH Staff Honorees
who work tirelessly for our children, we truly want you to know
how much your efforts are appreciated.
Boruch and Sarah Rosner
Mazel Tov to
All the Honorees
on their well deserved honors
Rabbi Natan Kapustin and Melissa Rothenberg-Kapustin, Esq.
The Rothenberg Law Firm LLP
Mazel Tov to
The Honorees
on their well deserved honor No words can adequately thank
Rabbi Leiner
for his many years of dedication
to YBH and its students.
His wisdom, leadership and guidance will be missed.
We express our Hakaros Hatov to
The Morei Derech, Hanhala, Nasi,
PTA, Rabbeim, Morahs, Teachers and Staff of YBH all of whom play an integral role in creating a Yeshiva
of which we are extremely proud.
A special thank you to Yosef, Akiva, Shayna, and Ayelet's Rebbeim, Morahs, and Teachers
for their dedication.
Gary & Dina Snitow Premium
Mazel Tov to
All the Honorees
on their well deserved honors
We would like to express
our deepest appreciation and Hakaras Hatov to
Rabbi Leiner
Your leadership, Hadracha, warmth, and absolute dedication
to the Chinuch of our children
is something we are so incredibly grateful for.
Yanky & Miryam Wurtzel
To Our Amazing Hanhala
Rabbi Leiner, Rabbi Perlstein, Mrs. Lichtman,
Mr. Nagel, Morah Stern, Morah Perele,
Mrs. Margulies, Dr. Benoff, Morah Yocheved,
Rabbi Rothberger, Rabbi Schonfeld
It is so amazing to see you work as a team,
interacting with each other all in the best interest of our students.
You care so much about each child's development,
both academically and socially.
Our heartfelt thanks to all of you.
The YBH Board of Directors
YBH Board of Directors
To the Administrative and Office Staff
Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Rothberger, Mrs. Sanders, Mrs. Schoenbrun,
Mrs. Brody, Mrs. Radinsky, Mrs. Jaffe, Mrs. Bliliuos
Our Yeshiva could not function without you.
You successfully juggle so many things at the same time
and work on such a professional level.
Your efforts on a daily basis do not go unnoticed.
We greatly appreciate all that you do.
Our heartfelt thanks to all of you.
The YBH Board of Directors
YBH Board of Directors
Yeshiva tuition is not inexpensive
and we have lots of obligations.
We wish to express our hakaras hatov
to all of those parents who have stepped forward this year
and contributed financially to YBH,
above and beyond their required tuition obligations.
In the zechus of being Mechazkei HaYeshiva,
may you have continued nachas
from your children and entire families.
The YBH Board of Directors
YBH Board of Directors
YBH Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz,
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
May you continue to inspire others
with your leadership and commitment
to our Yeshiva and community.
Chaviva & DJ Alter
YBH Page
YBH Page
Mazel Tov to
All the Honorees
on their well deserved honors
Avraham & Surie Derhy
YBH Page
A very special thank you to Rabbi Leiner
for guiding and shaping the education and atmosphere in YBH for all these years,
making it the exemplar Yeshiva that we all know and love.
Your warmth and love is sincerely felt by all.
You enlighten every person and community who is zocheh to interact with you.
To The Lifshitzs and Mayers
Thank you for your involvement in the school and our community at large.
We benefit so greatly from your dedication and support.
To All Our Wonderful Rebbeim, Moros, Teachers and Staff
You are the backbone of the school.
Everyday our children go off to school and return home
happy, uplifted and edified because of your hard work,
dedication to yeshiva and love of our children.
Our children have benefited and been impacted by you both directly and indirectly
and we can't imagine what YBH would be like without you.
May all the honorees go Mechayil el Chayil
and we wish Rabbi Leiner much hatzlacha in all his endeavors.
May we all be zocheh to much siyata dishmaya
while helping our children develop into true bnei and bnos Torah.
Ely and Miriam Bacon
YBH Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
on this well-deserved honor.
May you continue to inspire others
with your leadership and commitment
to our Yeshiva and community.
Thank You
Rabbi Leiner
for all your years of dedication to our school
and for the interest you have taken
in the well-being and success of our boys.
Jeff and Devorah Berkes
YBH Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz and Martin and Wendy Mayer
on this well deserved honor!
Mazel Tov to
The YBH Staff Honorees
We wish you much strength as you continue to educate,
lead and inspire the students and families at YBH!
Much appreciation to
the incredible Administration, Faculty and Staff at YBH
We thank their teachers for all that you give to our children each and every day!
The amount they learn, the excitement for Torah and Mitzvot, and their thirst for knowledge
has so much to do with the energy you bring to the building and classroom.
Wishing YBH a huge Mazel Tov on an amazing 75 years.
We have been directly benefiting from the education, the warmth and the strength
for most of those 75 years!
We are so proud that our children are 3rd generation students!
Mazel Tov,
David and Aliza Blumenthal
Bracha, Adina and Ahuva
YBH Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
May you continue to inspire others
with your leadership and commitment
to our Yeshiva and community.
Dr. and Mrs. Ronny Chadi
YBH Page
In Honor of
Rabbi Leiner shlit'a
for the incredible love, dedication, and mesirus nefesh
that you have invested into YBH's students, and our children in particular.
They have all grown and been inspired
by your Ahavas HaTorah, Ahavas Yisrael, and incredible middos.
You should be able to continue to make a profound impact on Klal Yisrael in the future.
We will miss you very much.
With love and appreciation,
Aaron & Chanie Cohen and Family
In Honor of
Dan & Hindy Lifshitz
for all that you do with selflessness and dedication
for YBH and the community at large,
making a Kiddush Hashem in every aspect of your lives.
With gratitude and fondness,
Aaron & Chanie Cohen
YBH Page
Mazal Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
on this well deserved honor.
Thank you to
Rabbi Leiner
and the Honorees
for your dedication and commitment
to our school and community.
Avrami & Dina Groll
Dina Groll Wigs, LLC
YBH Page
We Congratulate the Honorees
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
May Hashem bless you
with health, happiness,
and the strength to continue
your wonderful efforts
on behalf of YBH
Donna and Avi Dollman & Family
YBH Page
Mazel Tov to
All the Honorees
on their well deserved honors
Bracha and Yoel Erblich
YBH Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
May you continue to inspire others
with your leadership and commitment
to our Yeshiva and community.
Reichman Family
YBH Page
Thank you
Mrs. Koenigsberg, Mrs. Kagel, Rabbi Mendlowitz,
Mrs. Ebstein, Mrs. Fishberg, Mrs. Ginsberg,
Mrs. Pachtman, Ms. Schustermann-Bank
You have gone above and beyond
and we really appreciate the tremendous effort
you have put into our children this year
May Hakadosh Baruch Hu repay you in kind. Avi and Shanna Fisch YBH Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
May you continue to inspire others
with your leadership and commitment
to our Yeshiva and community.
Elie and Eteh Fischbein
YBH Page
Thank you so much to
Rabbi Leiner
for your hard work and dedication
to making this yeshiva what it is today.
You are a big part of the reason
we joined the YBH family
and you will be sorely missed.
We wish you a tzeischem l'shalom.
Mazel Tov to
The Well Deserved Honorees
especially to our old friends and neighbors,
Dan and Hindy Lifschitz
Doniel and Adina Fogel
(A grateful former camper of Rabbi Leiner)
YBH Page
Thank You
Rabbi Leiner
for your many years of devotion to YBH.
You began YBH the same year that we joined the YBH family
and under your leadership
we have watched the school grow by leaps and bounds.
We feel fortunate to have been the direct recipients
of your warmth, support, and guidance.
You will be greatly missed.
Much hatzlocha in your future endeavors!
Mazel tov to
Daniel and Hindy Lifshitz
on their well-deserved honor
Shira & Jason Freudenberger
YBH Page
Mazel Tov to
The Honorees
Thank you to
Rabbi Leiner
for your years of dedicated service.
May you all continue to inspire others
with your leadership and commitment.
Shaindy & Yonatan Gerstein
YBH Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
May you continue to inspire others
with your leadership and commitment
to our Yeshiva and community.
David & Malya Goldberg
YBH Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
May you continue to inspire others
with your leadership and commitment
to our Yeshiva and community.
Maury and Atara Goldsmith
YBH Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
May you continue to inspire others
with your leadership and commitment
to our Yeshiva and community.
Zalman and Nurit Gurkov
YBH Page
We congratulate the honorees,
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees.
May Hashem bless you
with health, happiness,
and the strength to continue your wonderful efforts
on behalf of YBH.
Elisha & Yehudis Hack
YBH Page
Thank you,
Rabbi Leiner
for your leadership over the past 13 years.
During your tenure YBH has grown exponentially
while retaining its warm atmosphere.
You had a significant impact on our childrens' lives,
and their growth in yiddishkeit, and for that we are so grateful.
Wishing you continued health and hatzlacha in all aspects of your life,
Ad Meah V'esrim Shana.
Mazel Tov to
All the Honorees
on your well-deserved honor.
Thank you for your dedication to YBH.
Moshe & Adina Hahn
YBH Page
Mazal Tov to
Rabbi Leiner
Thank you for your years of dedication
to our yeshiva.
We appreciate all the guidance
and love of torah and mitzvos
that you have showed to our children.
We wish you much hatzlacha in the future.
Michael and Ayelet Hoenig
YBH Page
Mazel tov to
All the Honorees
and a special thank you to
The Wonderful Teachers
who helped raise our kids through the years...
Baila and David Karfunkel
Moshe, Sarina, Eli, Rafi & Esther YBH Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
May you continue to inspire others
with your leadership and commitment
to our Yeshiva and community.
Moshe & Tamar Katz
YBH Page
We Congratulate the Honorees
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
May Hashem bless you with health, happiness,
and the strength to continue your wonderful efforts
on behalf of YBH.
Adeena & Josh Kra
YBH Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
May you continue to inspire others
with your leadership and commitment
to our Yeshiva and community.
Mr. and Dr. Yisroel and Leat Kuzniar
Dr. Leat Kuzniar ND
YBH Page
In Honor of
Rabbi Leiner
We are very appreciative of the impact
that you have had on our school community.
May you go מחיל אל חיל.
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
for all that you have done and continue to do
for our community and כּלל ישראל.
Mazel Tov to
Martin and Wendy Mayer
on your well-deserved honor.
Thank You to
All of the Rabbeim, Teachers, Hanhala and Staff
for everything that you have done
and continue to do for the school.
May you have much hatzlacha.
Tzali and Abigail Lazarus
YBH Page
YBH Page
Mazel Tov to
All the Honorees
on their well deserved honors
Marc and Rena Liebman
YBH Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
May you continue to inspire others
with your leadership and commitment
to our Yeshiva and community.
Mrs. Lauren & Rabbi Eitan Lipstein
YBH Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz,
Martin and Wendy Mayer,
The YBH Staff Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
May you continue to inspire others with your leadership
and commitment to our Yeshiva and community.
Thank you to
Rabbi Leiner
for all of the hard work you put into YBH!
We really appreciate it! We will miss you!
Mikey and Liz Lowy
YBH Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
and to
Marty and Wendy Mayer
on your well deserved honors
Our Deepest Thanks and Appreciation to
Rabbi Leiner
for all the attention, caring and Chinuch
you have provided for our children over the years.
No two children are alike,
and the way you handled each child over the years
shows your sensitivity to the needs and qualities of each child.
You've had a profound impact on the lives of our family
and for that we are eternally grateful.
Ely and Esther Markowitz and Family
YBH Page
Mazel Tov to
Our Esteemed Honorees
Special Acknowledgement of
Rabbi Leiner
and his tremendous contribution
to the Yeshiva and Klal Yisroel.
Nonny and Rena Milgraum
YBH Page
Mazel Tov to
All the Honorees
on their well deserved honors
A Special Mazel Tov and Hakaras Hatov to
Rabbi Leiner
There is not enough space in this ad
to thank you for all you have done for our children.
Your advice, hadracha and genuine concern
helped us for so many years throughout your time at YBH.
Thank you and Hatzlacha Rabba!!!
Ephraim & Lisa Miller
YBH Page
In Honor of
Rabbi Leiner
The growth of the yeshiva and each of its students
is a tribute to your dedication and care for each talmid.
Personally, our children will always be proud beneficiaries
to have been molded under your leadership.
In Honor of
The Lifshitzs
whom we are proud to consider
both friends and role models.
May all of the honorees continue to go
Me'Chayil Le'Chayal
in their service of the Klal
Deena & Shlomo Morris
YBH Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
May you continue to inspire others
with your leadership and commitment
to our Yeshiva and community.
Chaim and Shira Neumann
YBH Page
Our Deepest Hakaras Hatov to
Rabbi Leiner
for all you have done
for our children's chinuch.
Jacob and Devorah Sasson
YBH Page
We Congratulate the Honorees
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
May Hashem bless you with health, happiness,
and the strength to continue your wonderful efforts on behalf of YBH
Michael and Tali Schmidt
YBH Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
May you continue to inspire others
with your leadership and commitment
to our Yeshiva and community.
Ellen and Mordechai Schulman
YBH Page
Mazal Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifschitz
on this well-deserved honor!
You have been pillars of our school
and our community for so many years,
and we feel so fortunate to have you as neighbors and friends.
Mazal Tov to
All the Staff Members
being honored tonight.
You have all been critical to our children's education,
and we are so grateful to be part of YBH along with you.
Yitzchok and Devorah Segal
YBH Page
Mazal Tov to
All the Honorees
We also wish to give our deepest thanks to our beloved
Rabbi Leiner
We have been privileged to witness, first-hand,
how Rabbi Leiner has spread
Torah Chinuch and Ahavas Torah
to generations of Klal Yisroel
from New York to Russia to Passaic!
שתלך מחיל אל חיל
David & Miriam Sheril
YBH Page
Mazel Tov to
All the Honorees
We will miss
Rabbi Leiner
and wish him mazel and hatzlocha
in his future endeavors.
Thank you for your kindness and graciousness
all these years!
Siegel Family
YBH Page
To Rabbi Leiner:
Thank you for the warmth and care
you brought to school each and every day.
Hashem should continue to give you
strength and good health!
To Dan and Hindy Lifshitz:
Thank you for all you do for our community.
May you be blessed with much bracha in all your endeavors!
To Martin and Wendy Mayer:
Truly one of the founding families of this community,
may you continue to blaze the trail
for others to follow in your footsteps.
To YBH Staff Honorees:
Thank you for all that you do!
The Solaimanzadeh Family
YBH Page
A Huge Mazel Tov to
Wishing you many years of health, happiness & nachat together with your dear wife
as you start the next chapter of your lives! Come visit us!!!
Mazel Tov to the Honorees
and DANIEL & HINDY LIFSHITZ on this well-deserved honor! Wishing YBH at least 75 more years of excellently
continuing to educate our community's children!
The Stareshefsky Family (The only 3-Generation YBH Family of Students to date!) Richard (1961 graduate) and Helen (former YBH secretary) Raachel (1986) & Spencer Lewis & Shoshana Aviva (1988) & Arye Zacks, Daniel, Shifra & Eitan, Ephraim and Nava Aliza (1991) & David Blumenthal, Bracha (2026), Adina (2028) & Ahuva (2031) Moshe (1995) & Tifarah Stareshefsky, Eli (2022) and Yonatan (2027) YBH Page
Mazel Tov to
The Lifshitz Family!
Thank you for all you do
for our community and beyond.
HKB"H yishalem scharchem!
Elisheva and Dani Stein
YBH Page
Mazel tov
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
YBH Staff Honorees
on their well deserved honors
With a Special Hakaras Hatov to
Rabbi Leiner
Mendy and Andrea Stein
YBH Page
We Congratulate the Honorees
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
May Hashem bless you with health, happiness,
and the strength to continue your wonderful efforts
on behalf of YBH
Yechezkel Stern
YBH Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
for all that you do on behalf of our Yeshiva and the broader community.
Mazel Tov to
Martin and Wendy Mayer
on this truly deserved honor.
We have witnessed first hand the selfless dedication you show
to the entire Passaic-Clifton community and beyond.
You are always thinking about how you can do more and make things better
for the tzibbur, particularly for our children.
May you have much nachas from your grandchildren at YBH and beyond.
Thank you so much to
Rabbi Leiner
for your steady leadership and guidance over these last 13 years.
Our children had the zechus to grow up in a Yeshiva that was filled with a special warmth
that emanated straight from the top.
We wish you much hatzlacha and nachas from all your children and grandchildren,
including your "children" at YBH.
Warm regards,
Elana and Ephraim Sudwerts
YBH Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
May you continue to inspire others
with your leadership and commitment
to our Yeshiva and community.
David Sultan
YBH Page
Mazel Tov
Dan and Hindy
All the Honorees
Thank you for all your efforts
on behalf of YBH.
The Lutz Law Group, LLC
for all your real estate related legal needs
YBH Page
We congratulate the honorees,
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
May Hashem bless you with health, happiness,
and the strength to continue your wonderful efforts
on behalf of YBH.
YBH Page
Mazal tov to
All the Honorees
Yasher Koach to the
Hanhala and Staff
We appreciate all your hard work.
B'hatzlacha Raba to
All the Graduates and Students
May they always go b'derech Ha-shem and Torah.
Baruch Ha-shem, all our children graduated YBH
and we are grateful for the excellent chinuch that they received.
Tzetchem l'Shalom to
Rabbi Leiner
Thank you for your hadracha.
Dr. Ronnie & Mrs. Zisi Wachsberg and family YBH Page
Mazal Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
on their well-deserved honors.
And Thank You to
All the Teachers
who have taught and inspired our children.
To Rabbi Leiner -
Thank you for all of the, time, effort, commitment and love
that you showered on the talmidim of YBH
to help them flourish.
May Hashem grant you many years
of health and happiness in your retirement.
Mayer and Miriam Weiner
YBH Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
May you continue to inspire others
with your leadership and commitment
to our Yeshiva and community.
Avi and Stacey Zanjirian
YBH Page
Thank You
Rabbi Leiner
for your continuous dedication
to us and our families
growing up in Brooklyn
and now again for your commitment to our children
and the whole YBH family.
Mazel Tov to
Marty and Wendy Mayer
on your distinct honor.
Our community and YBH
are very fortunate to benefit
from your countless and selfless support.
Zev & Tzippy Lob
YBH Page
Mazel Tov to
All the Worthy Honorees
and especially to
Dan and Hindy Lifschitz
whose house is always open
for Torah learning, Siyumim, and Pool Parties!
May you be zocheh to always have a home
that is filled with laughter, learning and light!
Mark and Yael Zoldan
Mazel Tov to
All the Honorees
on their well deserved honors
Dr. and Mrs Gary and Judy Abberbock
In Honor of our Grandchildren
Shaindy, Shaya , Riva & Mordechai Alter
In Appreciation of
The Wonderful Teachers and Staff
for their incredible creativity & love of teaching
during this challenging time.
Savta & Saba Alter
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
May you continue to inspire others
with your leadership and commitment
to our Yeshiva and community.
Beneson Family
With Tremendous Hakoras Hatov to
Rabbi Leiner!
Mazel Tov to
All of the Honorees
Thank you YBH
for adapting during the pandemic!
Aryeh and Dana Berlin
Thank You
Rabbi Leiner
for all of your years of devoted service to YBH.
Your warmth and optimism helped create an atmosphere for the Yeshiva,
and our children in particular,
to grow in so many ways.
You have been a special partner in the chinuch of our children.
Chazal teach us that כל המלמד את בן חבירו כאילו יולדו.
May you continue to get joy and nachas
from your thousands of "כאילו" children.
Mazal Tov
Hindy and Dan
Though we will always miss having you next door,
we consider ourselves lucky to be your friends.
Thank you for all you do for YBH
and so many of the mosdos that we care most deeply about.
Rachel and Donny Besser
Mazel Tov to
All the Honorees
In Appreciation of
Rabbi Leiner
for his immeasurable contributions to YBH
Mordechai and Zipporah Gasner
In Honor of Our Dear Machatanim
Martin and Wendy
You are a special couple
who tirelessly devote yourselves
to family and communal needs.
May you continue doing all that you do
with your generosity of spirit.
May we continue to share
נחת עד מאה ועשרים.
Jay and Ruth
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz,
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
May you continue to inspire others
with your leadership and commitment
to our Yeshiva and community.
Marty and Dana Gottesman
When looking for a Perfect Picture
of a Frum Jewish Couple in the 21st Century
You just need to look at this year's
Grandparents of the Year
Martin & Wendy Meyer
Each of them outstanding individuals in their own right.
Together they are a perfect example
of what we all strive to be in our lives.
We are pleased to be able to count them
As our dear friends.
May Hashem continue to bless you
With generations of Yiddish Nachas.
Duvy & Cheryl Gross
Mazal Tov to
Dan & Hindy
All the Honorees
on their well deserved honors
Ari and Netti Herman
Mazel Tov to
All the Honorees
on their well deserved honors.
A special Hakaras Hatov to
Rabbi Leiner
for his years of dedication to our children.
YBH is eternally grateful for your hadracha.
We will miss your warm smile and gentle guidance.
Yitty and Benji Karfunkel
Mazel Tov to The Lifshitz Family
on this well-deserved honor.
Mazel Tov to The Mayer Family...
We've come quite a long way from the old Millers days on the West Side.
Hashem should continue to give you both the strength to go mechayil el chayil.
To the Hanhala, Teachers, Office and Building staff, PTA, and the Board of Directors,
We have had quite the year! In spite of all of the challenges
your leadership, dedication and nonstop efforts have not gone unnoticed
and are very much appreciated.
May Hashem give you the strength to continue to do
all of the great work that you do for many years to come.
To Rabbi Leiner,
There are no words to describe our immeasurable hakaras hatov to you
for these last 13 years of your leadership.
We are going to miss you but know that you will check in on us
from time to time to ensure that we are making you proud.
May Hashem continue to give you and your family
the strength to go on in your avodas hakodesh
for many more years to come in good health.
Mazel Tov Bella on your graduation
We are very proud of you and know that you'll do great in Bruriah BE"H.
Batya and Aryeh Mandel
Mazel Tov to Our Deserving Honorees
Dan & Hindy Lifshitz
Marty & Wendy Mayer
Two outstanding couples who add so much to our community.
May הקב״ה shower you with endless ברכות!
To Rabbi & Mrs. Leiner
We are deeply grateful for your הדרכה and friendship.
Your patience, wisdom and kindness have added so much to our family.
May you and your family be זוכה to health and endless נחת.
To Our מורי דרך, הנהלה and Esteemed YBH Staff
Thank you for the endless time and heart you put into our ישיבה.
It shows in countless ways from which our children benefit every day.
We've been in the ישיבה so long,
the list is too long to write here -
but you know who you are.
Wishing you all ברכה והצלחה
Yehuda & Adina Muehlgay
Our appreciation for YBH has no bounds!
Thank You
Rabbi Leiner, Rabbi Perlstein,
and the Entire YBH Staff
for the warmth you constantly give Yaakov and Pessie.
Thank you Rabbi Finkel for giving Yaakov his love for גמרא.
Thank you Mrs. Kwestel and Mrs. Paul for creating lessons
that keep Yaakov engaged and eager to learn more.
Thank you Morah Hess and Mrs. Welder
for keeping Pessie's face always radiating with a smile.
Yaakov and Pessie Lewinson simply love YBH!
Zaide & Bubby Nebenzahl
Mazel Tov to
Marty and Wendy Mayer
It's all good!
Yael and Jonathan Pittinsky
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
May you continue to inspire others
with your leadership and commitment
to our Yeshiva and community.
With Much Appreciation for
The Hanhala, Rebbeim, Moros, Teachers,
Staff, Board Members and Volunteers
for their tireless dedication to the education of our children.
Elyan and Avi Rosenbaum
Dear YBH,
Our family would like to express our appreciation
for everyone involved in making YBH function.
We would like to wish a Mazal Tov to
all of this year's Honorees.
Wishing the entire YBH faculty
much success in the upcoming school year
and much thanks
for all their hard work this past year
with all of the challenges we faced.
The Rosenberg Family
Mazel Tov to
All the Honorees
on their well deserved honors
Shira & Jason Schmidt
Mazal Tov to
Rabbi Berel Leiner
on this well deserved honor!
Words cannot express our הכרת הטוב to you
for the many years of service
to YBH and our family.
We wish you much הצלחה
in all your future endeavors.
Best Wishes,
Eyal and Rochie Simchi,
Baruch Tzvi, Adina, Rena, Chana and Ezzy
We congratulate the honorees,
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz Martin and Wendy Mayer and The YBH Staff Honorees May Hashem bless you with health, happiness, and the strength to continue your wonderful efforts on behalf of YBH.
Mazel Tov
Dan and Hindy
and thank you for all you have done and continue to do
for YBH and the entire community.
We are honored to be friends with such special people
who exemplify limmud haTorah lishmah, chessed and middos.
Rabbi Leiner,
Thank you for you incredible leadership of YBH.
You have served as a tremendous role model for our children
and always went above and beyond the call of duty in helping our children.
We will never forget all that you have done for YBH and our family,
and you are leaving a tremendous legacy behind.
Josh and Bethany Strulowitz
Full Page
In Honor of Our Dear Brother & Sister-in-Law
Martin & Wendy Mayer
who have been honored by YBH
as Grandparents of the Year.
Your good heart, generosity,
and unselfish devotion to family and community
is a source of inspiration and a shining example to all.
May Hashem Yisboruch grant you
the strength to continue all your efforts
on behalf of Klal Yisroel.
With heartfelt wishes for mazel
and much nachas from your wonderful family.
Helen Ross
Elaine & Aaron Rappaport
Full Page
To our wonderful friends,
Martin and Wendy
who are role models of chessed.
We are proud to know you!
We congratulate the outstanding list of
YBH Staff Honorees!
There are not enough words to express our gratitude
to each and every one of you
for the time, care and effort
you put into educating our children.
Thank you!!
Pesach and Chani Ledereich and family
Full Page
Insuring the Jewish Community of NJ since 1921
"The fate of the Jews in the diaspora
was, is and predictably will be, determined
by their commitment to Jewish education."
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
Alan Feldman
The Feldman Agency
Full Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
May you continue to inspire others
with your leadership and commitment
to our Yeshiva and community.
Donny & Racheli Abramoff
Full Page
Mazel Tov to
All the Honorees
on their well deserved honors
From Your Friends at Bradford Capital
Binyamin and Sheryl Brager & Family
Full Page
Yasher Koach to
The Honorees & Staff
Love to Our YBH Student
Chaya Brenner
In Recognition of Our Children
Jeffrey and Tamar Brenner
and Our Grandchildren
Avi, Rachael, Asher, & Shayna
All the Best,
Mom & Dad, Bubee & Zayda
Linda & Gerald Brenner
Full Page
Mazel Tov to
All the Honorees
Special Thanks to
Rabbi Leiner
for his years of gracious leadership - you will be missed!
Thank You to
Martin & Wendy
for all you do to support the school in particular
and the community at large.
May you be zoche to much continued yiddishe nachas
from your grandchildren!
David & Judy Citer
Full Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
May you continue to inspire others
with your leadership and commitment
to our Yeshiva and community.
Ilana & Josh Cohen
Full Page
Mazel Tov to
All the Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
A Special Thank You to
Rabbi Leiner
All the YBH Staff
for their dedication
to our childrens' education.
We wish you continued success
in all your endeavors.
With much appreciation,
Leah and Boruch Ebstein
Full Page
Dear Hindy and Daniel,
Mazel Tov on your well deserved honor.
We are so proud of you
and how much you do for your community.
May Hashem continue to give you
good health and ability to bring nachas
to our family and community
and all Klal Yisroel.
With Love,
Uncle Steve, Aunt Mindy and family
Full Page
Full Page
In Honor of
Rabbi Leiner
In recognition of your vision and dedication in building YBH.
In deep appreciation for your inspired devotion
to the Chinuch of our children
We are indebted to your sincerity, love, and smiles
that you bring into the world of Chinuch in our community
With deep respect,
Rabbi Yaakov & Ruth Glasser
Rina, Chaim, Neima and Meira
Full Page
In Honor of
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
In appreciation for your profound dedication to YBH and its students
and to the broader Passaic-Clifton community
May Hashem bless you with the same love and devotion
that you have shown His children.
Rabbi Yaakov & Ruth Glasser
Rina, Chaim, Neima & Meira
Rabbi Yaakov and Ruth Glasser
Full Page
Mazal Tov to
All the Honorees
on their well-deserved honors
Thank you to
all of the incredible administration,
faculty, staff and the entire YBH team
for providing our children
with a wonderful education
and positive environment.
May Hashem give you the Koach
to continue investing yourselves into YBH
and may you continue to see nachas
from all of your efforts!
Avrohom and Tali Gold
Full Page
Mazal Tov to
All the Honorees
A Tremendous Thank You to
The Phenomenal Hanhala and Teachers at YBH
for providing our children with a wonderful chinuch.
Avrohom and Tali Gold
Full Page
Mazel Tov to
All the Honorees
on their well deserved honors
Joel & Natalie Gottesman
Liquid Capital of Arizona provides alternative financing options
that give your business access to operating cash quickly.
To learn more, contact Joel or Natalie Gottesman at 480.473.2105
Joel and Natalie Gottesman / Liquid Capital of Arizona
Full Page
The Board of the Jewish Family Service
& Children's Center of Clifton/Passaic
joins the community in congratulating
All the Distinguished Honorees
at the YBH dinner.
We are particularly proud of our own
Dr. Hindy Lifshitz
for her commitment and leadership.
May they all be blessed to go מחיל אל חיל
Full Page
Mazal Tov to
Shmuel Kacenelenbogen
and the 8th grade class
upon your upcoming graduation!
Thank you to
the wonderful faculty and menahel
for the wonderful chinuch and middos
you have instilled in Shmuel
the last ten years.
Mazal Tov to
All of the Honorees
Efraim and Serena Kacenelenbogen
Full Page
Mazal Tov
Dan and Hindy
May you continue
your invaluable support of YBH
and the Passaic/Clifton Community
in good health and happiness!
Dinah and Avi Leiter
Full Page
Mazal Tov
Martin and Wendy!
You guys are way too young
to be Grandparents!
...of the year
Dinah and Avi Leiter
Full Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
May you continue to inspire others
with your leadership and commitment
to our Yeshiva and community.
Avraham and Dina Mensch and Family
Full Page
Mazel Tov to
All the Honorees
on their well deserved honors
Dovi & Ayala Muller
Full Page
Rabbi Leiner
is lucky to be able to enjoy the nachas
of reflecting on successful years
of leadership of our yeshiva
and he has earned it!
Much mazal ubracha,
we will miss you when you leave.
Mazal tov to
The Mayers
shecheinei tov and mekadshei shem Hashem
in so many ways!
Pahmer Family
Full Page
Mazal Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
as well as to
All the YBH Honorees
We appreciate your tireless commitment to YBH
and the positive outcomes it has yielded.
With our deepest heartfelt Hakoras Hatov to
Rabbi Leiner
Both in a broad sense, for the strong and clear hadracha he has given YBH;
as well as on a personal level, for the love, care, sensitivity, and wisdom
with which he has been mechanaich our children, and our family as a whole.
The indelible mark he has left on our lives
is defined by his values of Chanoch l'naar Al Pi Darco,
V'ahavta L'reiacha kamocha, Ivdu es Hashem B'simcha
and so much more.
We wish Rabbi Leiner tremendous hatzlacha, bracha, mazal, and nachas
on the upcoming chapter in his life.
Bracha and Yosef Pieprz
Full Page
Mazel tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer!
Mazel tov to
The Staff Honorees!
With tremendous Hakaras Hatov to
Rabbi Leiner
for his years of dedication to the Yeshiva and our children.
We wish you tremendous bracha, good mazel and nachas!
Daniel and Lea Price
Full Page
We would like to thank
YBH and all of their outstanding mechanchim,
for providing a Torah education to many children in our community.
It is our honor to recognize YBH
for its tremendous service to our community.
We would like to acknowledge this years honorees:
Mr. & Mrs. Marty & Wendy Mayer
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel & Hindy Lifshitz
and the very worthy staff honorees!
Rabbi Shlomo Singer, Rabbi & Rebbetzin Baruch Bodenheim,
Mr. Barry Stein, Mrs. Shuli Mintz,
and all the Rabbeim, Teachers, and Talmidim
of Yeshiva Ner Boruch and Ateres Bracha
Full Page
Mazel Tov to
All the Honorees
on their well deserved honors
Yasher Koach to
the Rebbeim , Morahs,
and Teachers of our grandchildren
Racheli, Mordechai,
Tzvi and Hadassah Rosenbaum
Dr. and Mrs. Jacob Rosenbaum
Full Page
Mazel Tov to the Honorees
Hindy & Dan Lifshitz
Wendy & Marty Mayer
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Leiner
A simple ad cannot describe what you have meant to us
as a mechanech, mentor, menahel, and role model.
You have touched our lives in so many ways.
We wish you much Hatzlacha.
Abigail & Elie Rothberger
Full Page
Full Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
May you continue to inspire others
with your leadership and commitment
to our Yeshiva and community.
Daniel & Rivka Schimel
Full Page
Mazel Tov to our dear
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
All of the YBH Honorees
We are inspired by your commitments
to Klal Yisrael.
Abigail & Zach Shrier
Full Page
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz,
Mazal tov on this well-deserved honor!
May you continue to inspire others
with your leadership and commitment
to YBH and the community.
Best Wishes,
Eyal and Rochie Simchi
Riverfront Pediatric Dentistry
Full Page
Mazal Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
All the Honorees
Jonathan and Shoshana Sperling
Full Page
In Honor of
Rabbi Leiner
for his selfless dedication to our children and our family.
You have been a pillar of support and a role model to us
of how to build a home of Torah, chesed, compassion and strength.
We are truly saddened to see you go
but the roots of our friendship will surely continue
beyond the walls of YBH.
In Honor of Our Dearest Friends
Marty and Wendy
We are so fortunate to have you in our life.
You are truly like family to us.
We are forever grateful for your friendship
and feel that you are a gift from Hashem.
It's amazing how you are always there to support us
and infuse us with your emunah and pure yiras shamayim.
You are truly our friends b'lev and b'nefesh.
Jonathan and Anat Stein
Full Page
Mazel tov to
The Incredible Honorees!
Thank you so much for all that you do
for our school and for our community!
You really make a difference!
We would like to take this special opportunity to thank
Rabbi Leiner
for all of your years of caring and devotion to YBH!
We will miss you,
but wish you much hatzlacha in all of your future endeavors!
The Schulder Family
Full Page
Mazel Tov to
Martin and Wendy Mayer
YBH Grandparents of the Year
In the zchus of your being so devoted to your community
and caring for the tzorchei tzibur
may you see much continued yiddishe nachas
from your wonderful children and grandchildren
Ad meah v'sesrim shana
From your Twin Bridge Estates family
Moishe and Hope Abramson Yehuda and Rifkie Bergman
Sol and Zena Borg Chaya Brandwein
Dr. Roni and Rochel Cynamon Dr. Aaron and Gitty Gamss
Dr. Yosh and Tova Gamss Chaim and Esther Hans
Ari and Tzippy Greene Shelly and Roberta Lang
Jan and Michelle Koegel Rabbi Hersh and Hinde Lefkowitz
Dr. Moishe and Suri Lazar Eddie and Malkie
Moishe and Ellen Lieber Steve and Bluma Mermelstein
Pinchas and Fayge Menche Hanie and Suri Morgenstern
Chaim and Miriam Mezei Moishe and Helen Tepler
Chaim and Gail Schattner Peter and Miriam Weiss
Yitzchok and Miriam Tessler
Full Page
In Memory of
Avi's dear sister
Zelda Rivkah bas Boruch
Zelda Itzkowitz
Shirley E And Avrom R Vann
Full Page
Mazel Tov to
All the Honorees
on their well-deserved honor.
A Special Mazel Tov to
The Staff Honorees
and a Special Special Mazel Tov to
Morah Yocheved
With appreciation for all you do,
Esther and Yisroel Wolff
Full Page
With Hakaras Hatov to
Rabbi Leiner
under whose exemplary leadership
YBH has grown and flourished.
Rabbi Leiner, always with a smile,
you are a class act
and we will miss working with you.
Emet Bliliuos
Dina Brody
Joyce Davis
Gayle Jaffe
Naomi Radinsky
Abigail Rothberger
Chanie Sanders
Cyndi Schoenbrun
Penina Persin
Full Page
In Honor of Our Dear Friends
Marty and Wendy Mayer
Congratulations upon reaching this special milestone.
May you be zoche to see continued nachas
from your children and grandchildren.
Benyamin and Michaela Zaghi
Full Page
Mazel Tov to All the Honorees!
Thank you to The Hanhala, Faculty, and All Staff Members
for everything you have done for our children.
for your hard work over the past 13 years
building up YBH into the makom Torah that it is today.
We have watched your dreams of chinuch reach fruition,
and we are grateful for the vision of YBH that you created.
Like the סלם מצב ארצה וראשו מגיע השמימה
you created a school rooted in every child's reality on the ground,
helping each one to always look upward and grow in ruchniyus.
Thank you for your warmth, the love of Torah you imparted,
and your emphasis on midos as a kli for Torah.
May HKB"H give you the strength to serve Klal Yisroel
for many years to come in good health .
Michoel and Rachel Zylberman and Family
Half Page
Half Page
Kol Hakavod to
The Wonderful Group of Staff Honorees
for you many years of dedication to YBH
To Marty & Wendy -
What a zechus
to reach the status of Grandparents of the Year
following the example
set forth to you by your families.
To Joyce & Dina -
We are privileged to call you dear friends
and YBH is fortunate to have
your continued commitment to the school.
Francine & Bruce
Half Page
Mazal Tov to our dear friends
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
on their well-deserved honor!
May Hashem bless you with happiness, good health,
and the resources to continue your Avodas Hakodesh,
and may we only continue to share happy occasions.
Ozer and Adina Alport
Half Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Jonathan and Aimee Baron
Half Page
In Honor of
Rabbi Leiner
With heartfelt gratitude
for all his dedication,
sincere kindness
and warmth to everyone,
and in particular
to all of the students at YBH.
Benjamin and Miriam Bashist
Half Page
In Honor of our Dear Friends
on their well-deserved honor.
We are so thankful for your meaningful friendship.
Mazal Tov With Tremendous Hakaras Hatov to our Beloved
Thank you for your outstanding leadership and dedication
to YBH all these years
We, and especially our children,
will always remember your incredible care and kindness.
We wish you hatzlacha, bracha and much nachas
from all your family and friends.
Chaim, Marilyn, Gaby, Yosef Dov and Molly Burg
Half Page
Mazal Tov to
All the Honorees
We express special hakaras hatov to
Rabbi Leiner
for years of dedication to YBH and to each talmid,
setting a yeshivawide tone of the primacy of Torah and ehrlichkeit,
with sensitivity to each student's style and strengths.
We are grateful to
The Rabbeim, Moros and Hanhala
for their particularly hard work during this singular tekufa.
Lechu mei-chayil el chayil!
Tanchum & Yaffa Cohen
Half Page
In Honor of
Daniel & Hindy Lifshitz Martin & Wendy Mayer Wishing the Yeshiva many years of future success Moshe & Yehudis Horwitz Half Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
May you continue to inspire others
with your leadership and commitment
to our Yeshiva and community.
Shana and Donny Feldman
Half Page
Yasher Koach to
The Administration, Faculty, and Board of Directors
on your many accomplishments this year.
Special Hakaras HaTov to
Morah Koenigsburg and Mrs. Kagel
For a wonderful year of Chinuch!!
Rabbi Yaakov & Ruth Glasser
Rina, Chaim, Neima and Meira
Half Page
Mazel Tov to
All the Honorees
on this well deserved tribute
Thank You
Rabbi Leiner
for your extraordinary dedication
and devotion to your talmidim
Dovid and Yehudit Goder
Half Page
Mazel Tov to
The Fabulous YBH Staff Honorees!
You are the backbone of YBH.
Congratulations to
Marty & Wendy Mayer and Family
and to
The Lifshitz Family
Elie & Sara Arochas
Good Shabbos Catering
Half Page
With incredible הכרת הטוב to
Rabbi Leiner
We are very grateful that our children
were privileged to learn under a master מחנך.
We have all gained a tremendous amount from you.
Your years at YBH have transformed the school
and have made it into the מקום תורה that it is.
We will miss you immensely.
May הקב"ה continue to grant you the כח to be מחנך דורות
and may you see much נחת
from your תלמידים & your beautiful family
עד מאה ועשרים שנה.
Wishing you much הצלחה!
Eliezer & Shifra Greenberger
Half Page
Mazel Tov to our dear neighbors
Marty and Wendy Mayer
YBH could not have chosen
a more worthy set of grandparents!
May you continue to be
Osek Bitzorchai Tzibur
for many years to come!
Shaul and Gabrielle Halberstam
Half Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy
Thank you for everything you do
for the shul and YBH
and for the whole community.
Rabbi Dovid and Dr. Miriam Hirsch
Half Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
on their well deserved honor.
I've been learning Torah from Dan
for more than 20 years at this point.
Ad mea v'esrim!
Steve Laufer
Half Page
Mazel Tov to
All the Honorees
on their well deserved honors
Stuart and Phyllis Lippman
Half Page
In Honor of
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
who do so much for so many.
Moshe and Dena Luchins
Half Page
In Honor of our Dear Parents
Martin & Wendy Mayer
We are blessed to have
such loving, caring, and devoted parents.
Your Children and Grandchildren
Half Page
In Sincere Appreciation to
Rabbi Leiner
for everything you have done for our children
and the entire YBH family!
Leading by example,
you have imparted a strong foundation
of Torah values and Middos Tovos.
Your inspiring legacy will be forever imprinted on YBH
and the community beyond.
Mazel Tov to
Dan & Hindy Lifshitz
Martin & Wendy Mayer
and all of the YBH Staff Honorees
on this well-deserved honor!
Pinny & Chaya Milchman
Half Page
Mazel Tov to
Martin and Wendy Mayer
who do so much
for their children, grandchildren,
and the Passaic community at large.
Although it is common sense to give back to others,
"common sense is not so common".
Thank you for all you do for so many
and our family especially.
Laurie, Yehuda, and Tuvia Minchenberg
Half Page
In Honor of Our Wonderful Neighbor
Joyce Davis
DY & Yael Abrams, Dr. Shmuel & Etti Cohen,
Ron & Chani Coleman, Yehoshua & Yael Fogel,
Daphna Glucksman, Avi & Chani Lehman,
Moshe & Adina Rhein, Dovid Yaakov & Hadassah Stauber,
Eliezer & Lisa Weisenfeld
Half Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy
Marty and Wendy
Two amazing couples
who are always involved in helping the tzibbur.
Thank You
Rabbi Leiner
for all your help, input, and inspiration,
throughout the time you have been at YBH.
Hatzlacha rabba in all your future endeavors.
Dr. Andy and Esther Pomrantz and Family
Half Page
Mazel Tov to
Marty and Wendy
Thank you for the work that you do for the school.
May your children and grandchildren
continue learn from your example.
Mazel Tov to
The Lifshitzs
for all the hard work that you do for the school.
Thank you
Rabbi Leiner
for all the hard work that you did
throughout the 13 years that you were with the school
Naomi and Elie Radinsky
Half Page
In honor of our dear friends
Dan & Hindy Lifshitz
May HaKadosh Baruch Hu
continue to shower you and your wonderful family
with the special berachos
reserved for those who learn and support Torah.
Mason & Shira Reiner and family
Half Page
כל מי שעוסקים בצרכי ציבור באמונה
Never has a more proper sentence been said
about such wonderful people.
מזל טוב to Martin and Wendy
on this most deserved honor.
You exemplify what grandparents are meant to be.
We are honored to call you our friends.
Sean and Michele Rosenblum and Family
Half Page
Mazel Tov to
All the Honorees!
Thank you
Rabbi Leiner
for your years of dedication to our grandchildren
Aharon, Shlomo, Azriel, Avigayil and Akiva Price
and the children of YBH
Menachem and Karen Rosenfeld
Half Page
Mazel Tov
Dan and Hindy!
We are honored to call you friends
and inspired by your humble dedication
to the Jewish community in Passaic
and "out of town."
Keep up the excellent work!
Schnittman Family
Silver Spring, MD
Half Page
מזל טוב to
Marty and Wendy Mayer
Your commitment to לימוד תורה
is admirable.
Shmuel and Ora Suslovich
Half Page
Half Page
We Salute
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
for their "wonderful efforts"
on behalf of Jewish education
and our community.
The Novick Family
Half Page
Rabbi Leiner,
Thank you for the big and small ways
you have positively impacted the education of
Emunah, Azarya, and Roey.
All of the time, energy, and care
that you invested in YBH
has so greatly benefited so many.
Todah Rabbah!!
With respect, gratitude, and admiration,
Simcha and Sari Willig
Quarter Page
Mazel Tov to
The Honorees
The YBH Staff Honorees
Thank you for the wonderful support
and education you give to
Avraham Rothenberg, Yerachmiel Rothenberg
and Esther Rothenberg.
May you continue to go from strength to strength.
Ellen Abberbock
Quarter Page
A yeshiva, like the children in its charge,
grows and flourishes
under the guidance of the principal who leads it.
The growth of YBH in both spirit and numbers
attests to Rabbi Leiner's
hashkafic and administrative vision and effort.
We wish him much hatzlacha in his future endeavors.
Dina & Yaakov Brody
Quarter Page
With a deep sense of הכרת הטוב,
we would like to thank
Rabbi Leiner
for all that he has done for us personally,
as well as all that he has done for YBH,
and the Passaic community as a whole.
We will truly miss his presence in the Yeshiva.
We wish him much hatzlacha in all his future endeavors
and health and happiness for his entire family.
We also would like to wish a Mazel Tov to
Marty and Wendy Mayer
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
as well as
The YBH Staff Honorees
May Hashem bless you with health, happiness,
and the strength to continue your wonderful efforts
on behalf of Klal Yisroel.
Michelle and Avi Feder
Quarter Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
May you continue to have
much s'yata dishmaya and hatzlacha
in all of your holy endeavors.
Josh and Aviva Friedman
Quarter Page
In Honor of
Our Grandchildren
Yehuda and Tali Besser
All the Honorees
on their well deserved honors
Rabbi Menachem and Sarah Genack
Quarter Page
Mazel Tov to
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees.
May Hashem bless you
with health, happiness,
and the strength to continue your wonderful efforts
on behalf of YBH and the community!
Shmuel and Esther Gluck
Quarter Page
We Congratulate the Honorees
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
May Hashem bless you
with health, happiness,
and the strength to continue your wonderful efforts
on behalf of YBH.
David & Sarah Goldstein
Quarter Page
Thank you YBH
for that you do for our grandchildren
Yechiel, Noach, and Raizel Gordon
Hal and Susan (Neumann) Gordon, class of '64
Quarter Page
Dan and Hindy
You do so much for the entire community
and may you and your family
continue to thrive in all of your endeavors!!
Alan and Basya Gutmann
Quarter Page
We congratulate the honorees
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
May Hashem bless you with health, happiness,
and the strength to continue your wonderful efforts
on behalf of YBH.
Phil & Beth Hymowitz
Quarter Page
In Honor of our Terrific Grandchildren:
Mazel Tov
on your 8th grade graduation!
Mazel Tov
as you "rise" to 7th grade!
With sincere appreciation to
Dr. Jonathan Gold
for your invaluable advice and support this past fall.
Marsha and Yitz Kasdan
Quarter Page
We congratulate the honorees,
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
May Hashem bless you with health, happiness,
and the strength to continue
your wonderful efforts on behalf of YBH.
Stuart and Phyllis Lippman
Quarter Page
To our dear friends and neighbors
Marty and Wendy Mayer
who are oseik with so many great organizations.
We are proud to be your neighbors.
May you have much nachas
from your wonderful children.
Michel and Naomi Lisker
Quarter Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
on their well-deserved honor.
You continue to inspire use
with your generosity and commitment to Torah.
Esta and Harold Luber and Family
Quarter Page
Dr. Bruce Ollins DMD, PA
Dr. Gabe Ollins DDS, MS
653 Franklin Ave
Nutley, NJ 07110
Quarter Page
Mazel Tov to
All of the Honorees!
Thank you to
The Administration and Staff of YBH
for educating Avraham, Yerachmiel and Esther
Devorah and Shimmy Rothenberg
Quarter Page
Mazel Tov
Dan & Hindy!!
Ben & Naomi Rothke
Quarter Page
Mazal Tov to
Hindy and Dan
on this wonderful honor.
You guys are selfless people
who always take care of others first.
We are so proud of you.
The Ruda Family
Quarter Page
Mazal Tov to
Martin and Wendy Mayer
on this well deserved honor
as grandparents of the year.
In Honor of
Rabbi Leiner
for his warm and loving
leadership and guidance
as our beloved Menahel.
Shmuel and Chanie Sanders
Dovid and Naomi Pernikoff
Sanders and Stein Carpet Company
Quarter Page
We are very excited to the join the YBH Family!
We join everyone in our heartfelt הכרת הטוב to
Rav Leiner, שליט"א
for his incredible הדרכה of the ישיבה.
With utmost gratitude and best wishes,
Rabbi Shlomo & Shulamit Schwartz and Sons
Quarter Page
In Honor of
Rabbi Leiner
You have been the guiding force
leading YBH for many years,
with your sincere love of Torah
and dedication to our children.
You have set a high standard
for middos tovos and ehrlichkeit.
We wish you hatzlacha rabba
in the years ahead.
David and Rhonda Seidman
Quarter Page
Mazel Tov
Wendy and Martin
Please come back soon.
Ruchy & Howie
Quarter Page
Rabbi Leiner,
A renowned Mechanech
who is totally dedicated
to bringing his beloved students and faculty
closer to Avodas Hashem.
Your warmth, keen understanding of children's needs,
and commitment to Torah ideals
have left an indelible mark on YBH.
With much appreciation,
Marc and Marcy Stern
Quarter Page
We have tremendous hakarat hatov to YBH
for all the years of educating our five children
with excellence, love and care.
Though we no longer have children in the school,
we will be forever grateful
and feel part of the YBH Family.
Rabbi Leiner
hatzlacha and bracha in the next part of his journey.
You will be missed.
Mazel Tov and Thanks to
All the Honorees!
The Ruder Family
Sixth Page
We congratulate the honorees
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
A special Mazel Tov to our cousin
Joyce Davis
May Hashem bless you with
health, happiness,
and the strength to continue your wonderful efforts
on behalf of YBH
Benyamin & Rona Gold
Temberton Analytics, Inc.
Sixth Page
Mazel Tov to
Mrs. Dina Brody
Morah Yocheved Klein
on this well deserved honor.
May you continue your good work.
Cipi and Mark Brand
Sixth Page
Mazel Tov to our Dear Friends
Marty & Wendy Mayer
May you continue מחיל אל חיל!
Thank you for all that you do.
Yitz & Yaffy Buchen
Sixth Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Friends, Neighbors and Fellow Shul Members
With much appreciation
for all you do for YBH
and the Passaic-Clifton Kehillah.
Mazel Tov to
All the Honorees
Drs. Bob and Jill Butler
Sixth Page
Mazel Tov to our dear friends
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
on this well-deserved honor.
You embody the very best
of our community.
Gilbert & Norma Demby
Sixth Page
In Honor of
Marty and Wendy
The King and Queen of Delancey
on their well deserved recognition
Doron and Shira Goldschmidt
Sixth Page
In Deep Appreciation to
The Dedicated Staff
(including Administrators and Pedagogues)
of YBH
For perpetuating the מסורת אבותינו
To our GRANDchildren
עטרה מאירה עמו"ש ,זהבה עמו"ש and יחיא' אליעזר עמו"ש
Opa and Savta Ebstein
Sixth Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
May you continue to inspire others
with your leadership and commitment
to our Yeshiva and community.
Aron and Chani Foxbruner
Sixth Page
Kol HaKavod to
Daniel and Hindy Lifshitz
Morah Chana Frumit Stern
All the Honorees
Mr. and Mrs. Yehuda Giloni
Sixth Page
Mazal Tov to Our Friends
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
on this well deserved honor
Dov and Shoshana Glickman
Sixth Page
We Congratulate the Honorees
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
May Hashem bless you with health, happiness,
and the strength to continue your wonderful efforts
on behalf of YBH
Jessica and Ahron Herring
Sixth Page
In tribute to our dear friends
Martin and Wendy Mayer
Most Deserving Grandparents of the Year!
Avi and Chaya Hyman
Sixth Page
In Honor of
Mrs. Joyce Davis
on this well-deserved honor
Zev & Linnet Jeremias
Sixth Page
Keep it up Mrs. G!
and thanks
for lending Mr. G daily
Sixth Page
Mazel Tov
on the 75th Anniversary of YBH.
I am proud to have been in the first class
when I was 3 years old.
Marshall Lerner, my classmate, and I
have been friends over all these years.
Elsa (Ellie) Kessler - Goldstein
Sixth Page
Mazel Tov to Our Friends and Neighbors
Martin and Wendy Mayer
Mazel Tov to
The Lifshitz Family
Barry and Meira Lebovits
Sixth Page
In Honor of
The Lifshitzs and Mayers
Barry and Meira Lebovits
Sixth Page
In Honor of
Marty and Wendy Mayer
Mrs. Dina Brody,Mrs. Margie Buckweitz,
Mrs. Joyce Davis, Rabbi Berel Hirschman,
Mrs. Ava Jawetz, Morah Yocheved Klein,
Morah D'vorah Pachtman, Mrs. Naomi Radinsky
& Morah Sydell Rennert
Mark & Cipi Brand
Dr. Peretz & Marissa Feldman
Shauna Jacobson
Sixth Page
Mazel Tov to
All the Honorees
on their well deserved honors
Kiki and Asher Millman
Sixth Page
We Congratulate
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
on a well deserved honor.
Hatzlacha to them and to the Yeshiva.
Dovid And Sharone Perlman
Sixth Page
With our Deepest הכרת הטוב and Gratitude,
Thank you
Rabbi Leiner
for all you have done for us personally
and for the entire YBH family.
We wish you much hatzlacha in all your future endeavors
and continued health, brocha, simcha, and nachas.
Simcha & Pearl Chana Rivkin
Sixth Page
In Tribute to
Rabbi Berel Leiner
Mazel Tov to
Martin and Wendy Meyer
Marcel and Sharon Schloss
Sixth Page
Mazel Tov to
Morah Yocheved Klein
Martin and Wendy Mayer
All the Best,
Margery Schwartz
Los Angeles
Sixth Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan & Hindy Lifshitz
Thank you for all your hard work and dedication.
Jeff Seidel
The Jewish Student Information Centers
Sixth Page
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
The Other Honorees
Jeffrey & Judy Shapiro
Sixth Page
All of the Staff Honorees and Friends
who have made an impact on our children
Mazel Tov!
Toby and Bruce Simon
Sixth Page
We congratulate the honorees,
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz Martin and Wendy Mayer and The YBH Staff Honorees May Hashem bless you with health, happiness, and the strength to continue your wonderful efforts on behalf of YBH.
Barry & Carolyn Stein
and the office Barry Stein Tax & Accounting Services Sixth Page
We Congratulate the Honorees
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
Martin and Wendy Mayer
The YBH Staff Honorees
May Hashem bless you with health, happiness,
and the strength to continue your wonderful efforts
on behalf of YBH
Stubin Family
Sixth Page
Mazel Tov to our Dear Friends,
Dan and Hindy Lifshitz
and to
All of the Honorees
Barbie and Ira Taub
Sixth Page
Mazel Tov to
The Honorees
The Clifton Location of
Tenafly Pediatrics
Sixth Page
Mazal Tov
Dan and Hindy!
The Buchweitz, Herbst,
Rudich and Schwartz Families
Sixth Page
In Honor of Our Friends
Daniel and Hindy Lifshitz
Your selflessness and generosity
have touched and helped so many.
May Hashem continue to grant you
the ability to be on the giving end.
Wishing you much bracha,
hatzlacha, and nachas always,
Avrohom and Leah Malka Weiss
Greeting Page
Michael and Chaya Bartel
David and Marci Beneson
Edel and Barbara Berman
Effi and Jenn Billauer
Dori & Matt Brenner
Yehuda & Meira Cizma
Ivan J. Cohen
Zieva Dauber Konvisser
Greeting Page
Arnold and Bluma Gottesman
Yitz Greenman
Hadassa Hirschman
Philip & Beth Hymowitz
Marla Katz
Josh and Malka Katzin
Sidney and Dorothy Krimsky
Rabbi and Mrs. Yosef Levy
Greeting Page
Stuart and Phyllis Lippman
Eliezer & Shlima Neumann
Nutley Park Shoprite
David & Sharone Perlman
Charles Pollack
Dena and Boruch Rabinowitz
Rahel and Scott Goldberg; Scott Goldberg Consulting LLC
Daniel and Rachel Schwartz
Greeting Page
Sarah and Daniel Silverberg
Dr. and Mrs. Morris Tilson
Evan and Eva Torczyner
Max and Honey Wisotsky
Barry and Susan Wolf
Grandparents Diamond Scroll of Honor
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Abberbock
Jordan and Lisa Alter
Jay and Ruth Genuth
Dr. Jonathan and Paula Gold
Ruth Hirsch
Chatzkel and Libby Lazarus
Zaide and Bubby Nebenzahl
Drs. Stuart and Pia Pollack
Franklyn and Rosalyn Snitow
Richard and Helen Stareshefsky
Grandparents Platinum Scroll of Honor
Gerry and Linda Brenner
Joel and Natalie Gottesman
Dr. and Mrs. Jacob Rosenbaum
Grandparents Gold Scroll of Honor
Dr. Benjamin and Miriam Bashist
Menachem and Karen Rosenfeld
Grandparents Silver Scroll of Honor
Ellen Abberbock
Rabbi Menachem and Sarah Genack
David and Sarah Goldstein
Harold and Susan Gordon
Yitz and Marsha Kasdan
Shmuel and Chanie Sanders
Grandparents Bronze Scroll of Honor
Dr. Larry and Rita Bleier
David & Hannah Fischberger
Ceil and Jerry Liebman
Aviva and Yossie Weintraub