Mazel Tov to The Lifshitz Family
on this well-deserved honor.
Mazel Tov to The Mayer Family...
We've come quite a long way from the old Millers days on the West Side.
Hashem should continue to give you both the strength to go mechayil el chayil.
To the Hanhala, Teachers, Office and Building staff, PTA, and the Board of Directors,
We have had quite the year! In spite of all of the challenges
your leadership, dedication and nonstop efforts have not gone unnoticed
and are very much appreciated.
May Hashem give you the strength to continue to do
all of the great work that you do for many years to come.
To Rabbi Leiner,
There are no words to describe our immeasurable hakaras hatov to you
for these last 13 years of your leadership.
We are going to miss you but know that you will check in on us
from time to time to ensure that we are making you proud.
May Hashem continue to give you and your family
the strength to go on in your avodas hakodesh
for many more years to come in good health.
Mazel Tov Bella on your graduation
We are very proud of you and know that you'll do great in Bruriah BE"H.
Batya and Aryeh Mandel