Daniel and Hindy Lifshitz are this year’s Guests of Honor. We are so fortunate to honor the Lifshitz family as pillars of the community. Dan and Hindy are all about doing chesed. Dan serves on the board of the Passaic-Clifton Eruv and is a trustee at Kehillas Bais Yosef. Dan and Hindy have been supporters of Jewish Family Service for many years, with Hindy recently joining the board. Dan learns in the Passaic-Clifton Choshen Mishpat Kollel and also authored a sefer - Pachim Ketanim - a compilation of divrei Torah on the Parsha. Hindy has volunteered her time at the Yeshiva and also hosts a well-attended mother-daughter learning program in her home during the winter. Dan and Hindy are generous and involved YBH parents and have been proud YBH parents for over a decade. Their eldest daughter graduated from YBH in 2019, and their three younger
daughters currently attend YBH.

Martin and Wendy Mayer are this year’s Grandparents of the Year. The Mayers are proud grandparents of Chanoch and Moshe Mayer, sons of Daniel & Tova Mayer. Marty and Wendy are well-known in the Passaic-Clifton community, having lived here for 33 years and over these years
their shem tov has only increased. They are the personification of chesed. Quietly and without any fanfare, Marty and Wendy take care of the many food needs of individuals and organizations, both in and out of town.
In years past, they arranged for communal Shabbos HaGadol meals
to help people during their harried pre-Pesach preparations, with any excess funds going to aniyei Eretz Yisroel. Marty has a deep hakaras hatov to his parents A”H, and in their memory the Mayers dedicated the Beis Medresh at their shul - Agudas Yisroel Bircas Yaakov of Passaic
- as well as the Bikur Cholim room at Englewood Hospital. Wendy’s gracious warmth keeps the
home running smoothly despite Martin’s erratic catering schedule at Menagerie Caterers and the
Venetian. Marty and Wendy take every opportunity to attend YBH events and to cheer on their
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