Mr. & Mrs. Yosef & Shifra Lanzkron
Guests of Honor
Yosef and Shifra Lanzkron moved from Kew Gardens Hills, Queens, to our community in 2010.  They are proud parents of four children. Their son Shlomo is in Rabbi Goldberg and Mrs. Skerret’s first grade class.  Their daughter Rachelle is in fourth grade in Yeshiva Ktana of Passaic. Their toddlers, Eli and Adina look forward to joining the YBH family just as soon as they’re old enough.
Yosef grew up in Washington Heights.  He attended Yeshiva Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch through high school, followed by Bais Medrash Toras Chesed in Lakewood for several years and then Yeshivas Ohr Hachaim in Queens.  While at Yeshivas Ohr Hachaim, Yosef received his B.S. in Finance from Touro College.  He then attended Brooklyn Law School where he received his JD.  Since graduating in 2009, Yosef has been an associate at Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, an international law firm, practicing real estate and corporate law.
Shifra grew up in Toronto, Canada and attended Bais Yaakov Elementary School followed by Bais Yaakov High School and seminary in Toronto.  
Both Yosef and Shifra come from families that are active in their communities.  Yosef’s father has been involved in Khal Adas Yeshurun since moving to Washington Heights in the 1980s.  His mother, Diane nee Silverman, a granddaughter of Rabbi Dr. Joseph Breuer, was a teacher and then principal of Yeshiva Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch for over 40 years.  
Shifra’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benyomin Senderovits, are well known baalei chesed throughout Toronto.  Her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Marder, have been pillars of the Toronto community for many years and were instrumental in helping to build shuls and schools throughout Toronto.
Since arriving in Clifton, Yosef and Shifra have been very involved in their shul, Kehillas Beis Sholom.  Shifra was head of the N’shei for several years and Yosef was on the Board of Directors, including serving as President of the Shul.  In addition to the Shul, Yosef is actively involved in other community organizations.   
We are proud to call the illustrious Lanzkron family part of our YBH family and look forward to their continued involvement in our school

Rabbi & Dr. Yitzchok & Devorah Segal
Parents of the Year
Mr. & Mrs. Nahum & Ruchie Winkler
Grandparents of the Year
Mr. Nahum Winkler grew up in Crown Heights, Brooklyn within a Rabbinic family. He learned in Kerem B'Yavneh in Israel and graduated from Yeshiva University. He received his Masters in Education from the Ferkauf Graduate School and a Masters in Social Work from the Wurzweiler School of Social Work. Mr. Winkler served as a Dean at the Solomon Schechter High School in Brooklyn and he is a LCSW for a School Based Support Team in the NYC Department of Education. For almost 40 years, Mr. Winkler has maintained a private practice as a psychotherapist serving the Jewish community.
Mrs. Rachel (Ruchie) Winkler grew up in Boro Park, Brooklyn; she is a descendant of many Chassidic dynasties. Her family has a long history of involvement in Jewish education that continues through today. Mrs. Winkler’s 40 year plus commitment encompasses Jewish learning and culture, experiential education, and camping. For the past 38 years, she has worked at the Yeshivah of Flatbush Joel Braverman High School as a teacher of Hebrew Language and Literature, Director of Hebrew Arts, New Teacher Mentor and Freshman Grade Adviser. Mrs. Winkler has been the Girls’ Head Counselor at Camp Morasha for 16 years.
Mr. and Mrs.  Winkler are proud of all their children. YBH parents, Rabbi Andrew and Dr. Sara Markowitz, represent another generation of their family's dedication to Jewish education, particularly in their partnership with the Yeshiva to inspire kind, thoughtful and well-rounded B'not Torah. The Winklers love attending YBH programs and sharing in their granddaughters' exceptional religious, academic and personal growth nurtured within the Yeshiva.
Mrs. D’vorah Pachtman
Teacher of the Year
Mrs. D’vorah Pachtman, lovingly known as Morah D’vorah has been a teacher at YBH for the past 25 years.  Over the past quarter of a century, Morah D’vorah has proven herself to be a mechaneches par excellence. Needless to say, her success at her job is fueled by the love she has for young Jewish children, helping them and nurturing them on the path of Torah. When we asked Morah D’vorah how she does it, she pointed to her esteemed parents, and to the pristine upbringing and chinuch she received from them.
Morah D’vorah agreed to accept this evening’s honor in memory of her parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Hershel and Chana Gertzulin, ע"ה . 
Rabbi Gertzulin and his wife, ע"ה , were among the pioneers of the Monsey Kehilla. Rabbi Gertzulin came to Monsey as one of the founding students of Bais Medrash Elyon. Rabbi Gertzulin continued on at Beis Medrash Elyon even after his marriage to Chana. They were one of the few Kollel couples, at a time when learning in Kollel was not so fashionable. Mrs. Chana Gertzulin, herself a war orphan, who had been saved from the inferno of Europe on a Kindertransport to England, was more than happy to build her new life with her husband, devoted to Torah and its ideals. In time, she became one of the most renowned women in her community. Rabbi Yaakov Kaminetsky referred to her as a true tzadeikes. Rabbi Gertzulin was a Rebbe for over forty years at Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim on the West Side and he is fondly remembered by his students.
Through their דרך החיים and מעשים טובים, they instilled these qualities in the hearts of their beloved children, grandchildren, countless talmidim and friends. Rabbi and Mrs. Gertzulin’s Shem tov will continue to shine עד ביאת גואל צדק.
Morah D’vorah clearly inherited these wonderful traits, and with her proud husband Rabbi Yaakov Pachtman and wonderful daughter Chana at her side, she continues to carry on in this beautiful דרך . She lives her entire life to perform Avodas Hakodesh with a smile.
We, the YBH administration and faculty are privileged to call her our own.   
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