In this commemorative Tribute Book, we thank Cantor Jill Abramson, Senior Cantor at Westchester Reform Temple since 2007, and wish her l’chi lach – all of God's blessings – as she journeys forth from WRT at the end of June.
We have all been touched by Cantor Abramson. From the bimah to b'nei mitzvah lessons, the stage to the sick bed, and in thousands of lifecycle moments in between, her music and menschlichkeit, spirit and spirituality have lifted us up.
A musical leader, Cantor Abramson created WRT's iSing Shabbat worship experience for families with young children, our musical meditation on Yom Kippur, and our popular outdoor Summer Stage concert experience. She is equally at home singing Italian arias, Yiddish folk songs, and Broadway show tunes. And anything by the Indigo Girls.
Cantor Abramson is also a caring and strong pastoral resource. At WRT, she has provided support to the work of the Caring Community and Women of Reform Judaism, and helped foster community for those living with divorce and bereavement. She inspired women in her leadership of the Women's Retreat and on a trip to Israel in support of women's leadership and pluralism.
As a passionate teacher, Cantor Abramson has focused on the intersection of the arts and Jewish life, international social justice, and women’s leadership and learning. She brings heartfelt commitment to her teaching.
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Thank you, Cantor Abramson, for the joy you have brought to WRT. We wish you, in turn, much joy as you continue your life's journey with your husband, Jonathan, and son, Eli.