Environmental Committee Resources

Resolutions: Women's Rights

Our Speaker -- Rabbi Gail Labovitz   ([email protected])
Gail Labovitz is Professor of Rabbinic Literature at the American Jewish University (Los Angeles) and is an ordained Conservative rabbi. She has written extensively about gender in rabbinic writings of Late Antiquity and on Jewish Law, including Marriage and Metaphor: Constructions of Gender in Rabbinic Literature and the volume on Tractate Mo'ed Qatan for the Feminist Commentary on the Babylonian Talmud. She also served for ten years on the Rabbinical Assembly’s Committee on Jewish Law and Standards, and is currently a member of the Social Justice Committee and Convener of the Reproductive Right Working Group. 
Our workshop committee -- Karen Block ([email protected])
Karen Block has just completed her term as Co-Chair of the WLCJ Social Action Committee and will be Chair of Women's League Reads in the next administration.  She has served on the WLCJ Executive Comm. and as President of the North Atlantic Region. Karen is a social worker at Jewish Family Service of Metrowest.
Ardis Wexler ([email protected])
Ardis Wexler is a Past President of IntraContinental Region.  She has Co-Chaired the WLCJ Social Action Committee along with Karen Block. Ardis has served on the WLCJ Executive Comm. and is an active member of the Resolutions and Public Policy Committee. In her community, she is a busy volunteer and political activist.
Karen Cuker ([email protected])
Karen Cuker is Vice President for Ways and Means in the Mid-Atlantic Region.  She is a longtime member of the WLCJ Resolutions and Public Policy Committee and has served as Co-Chair of that committee for the last three years.  In the new administration, Karen will Chair World Affairs.  She is a retired lawyer. 


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