Be a part of Convention 2023!   The lessons learned from our all-virtual Convention 2020 have given us a foundation for Convention 2023, our first Women’s League hybrid Convention.  We can’t wait for you to be a Convention 2023 delegate, in-person or virtually!
We will join together on Sunday, July 16, 2023, in Schaumburg, IL, to officially kick off our celebration. We’ll be with good friends and meet in-person those friends we have only met on Zoom. Those in Region and/or Sisterhood leadership positions will have the opportunity to receive training prior to Convention’s Opening Plenary.  Our celebrations will continue through the afternoon of Tuesday, July 18.  After the Closing Plenary, we invite you to stay for Tuesday evening schmoozing, dancing, and Rosh Chodesh with Women of the Wall, and Women’s League’s Open Board Meeting which will take place Wednesday morning.
Enhance your Convention 2023 experience by joining us for our Shabbaton, beginning Friday, July 14. We will be hosted by Congregation Beth Shalom, Northbrook, IL, for Kabbalat Shabbat services followed by dinner, and Shabbat morning services and kiddush luncheon.  Our celebration will continue with a relaxing Shabbat program at our hotel.   
It will be so wonderful to strengthen relationships both old and new.  Please join Women’s League President Debbi Kaner Goldich, Vice Chairs Rachel Ferber, Dana Sirkin, Anise Parnes, and me at Convention 2023 to further your relationship with Jewish tradition, God, and most importantly your Women’s League Sisters!
Kol Yisrael Arevim, Zeh BaZeh!  We Are All Connected!
See you in Schaumburg, when we will celebrate together!
Edna Schrank
WLCJ Convention 2023 Chair
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