Convention 2023 was on July 16 through July 19, 2023. 
Registration is closed. 
Full Convention - July 16-19
with Continuing the Celebration  
Early Bird (May 10 deadline) US $1,025
After May 10 US $1,150
Full Convention without Continuing the Celebration - July 16-18
Early Bird (May 10 deadline)
US $775
After May 10
US $900
Sunday Dinner through Monday Lunch US $450
Monday Installation Dinner through Tuesday Lunch US $450
Day Trippers  
Sunday - Dinner only
US $300
Monday or Tuesday - Lunch only
US $250
Monday Installation Dinner and Dessert Reception
US $135
Tuesday Dinner and Dance Party
US $175
Virtual Delegate - July 16-19  
Sunday through Wednesday US $250
Shabbaton - July 14-15  
Four meals US $275
Continue the Celebration - July 18-19  
Tuesday to Wednesday US $250
Guest Meals and Package Add-ons  
Breakfast US $65
Lunch US $85
Dinner US $135
Shabbat Dinner at Congregation Beth Shalom US $50
*Hotel prices are not included in any package or add-ons.
Hotel reservations may be made directly with the hotel.
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