Women's League Convention 2017

A Bold New Outlook

July 23-26, 2017
Crystal Gateway Marriott
Arlington, Virginia


  • Celebrating the Women’s League Centennial
  • Installation of new officers
  • Jewels in the Crown luncheon honoring our sisterhoods
  • Culmination of the Eikhah Project
  • Traditional and alternative women-led services
  • Study with JTS Chancellor Dr. Arnold Eisen and Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson, Dean, Ziegler School & Zecharias Frankel College
  • Judaica/Crafts Fair on Sunday
  • Study track
  • Special sessions for sisterhood and region presidents
  • The Sisterhood Toolbox
  • Torah Fund
  • Personal enrichment
  • Books and authors
  • Creative Jewish Arts studio

Special Project

For the past several conventions we have been immensely proud of our social action projects designed to help local communities. With Convention 2017, we are starting a particularly fitting project that hopefully will continue long past July. Called Mathilde’s Mentionables, in honor of our founder Mathilde Schechter, we will collect new and gently used undergarments for women in need.

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