About Westchester Jewish Council
Through our work, we connect, convene, and safeguard Westchester's Jewish communities and strengthen relationships among Jews and our member organizations, all of Westchester to Israel, Jews and our member organizations to our elected officials, and Jews and our member organizations to other ethnic and faith-based individuals and organizations, as well as to the community at large.
About the Westchester Jewish Council Gala
The Westchester Jewish Council Gala is our organization's sole fundraising event of the year. Your support of the gala allows us to devote as much time as possible to continuing our enduring mission. With 130 member organizations and hundreds of donors like you, we have accomplished a great deal year in and year out since 1975.
Sponsor List
We want to thank our honorees listed below for their commitment to help make this fundraising event a success.

Dan T, Reina, Rose, Abby, Dan B, Thora, Waverly, Phillip, and Hazel
Sarene Shanus and Harold Treiber
Kevin Gregson
Michele and Kevin Gregson
William Gregson
Lisa and Michael Leffell
The Alex Spektor Charitable Fund
UJA Federation of NY
Martha and Jeff Kohn
Paul and Dan Reingold
Lisa and Jon Roberts
Debra Abrahams Weiner and David Weiner
Amy Abramson
David Alpert - Riverside Memorial Chapel
Froma and Andrew Benerofe
Louise and Bobby Cohen
Ken and Sue Fuirst
Laurie and Stephen Girsky
Cindy and Ben Golub
Linda Mirels and Gerard Mossé
Harriet and Len Schleifer
Jeff Schoenfeld
Jill and Richard Spitz
Sydney, Alex and Emma Abramson
Tracey and Mark Bilski
Amy and Bob Bressman
Lois Kohn-Claar and Gary Claar
Karen and David Everett and Family
Rosele and Daniel Frishwasser
Diane and Gary Katz
Arlene and Michael Kleinberg
Congregation kol Ami
Ellen Reinheimer and Barry Lovell
Heidi and Richard Rieger
Michael Scheffler
Debbie and Bill Schrag
Tara Slone-Goldstein
Tracy Stein
Gigi and Alan Weissman
Pam and Bruce Wexler
Nancy and Joseph Zaro
Shari and Joel Beckman
Betty Berenson and David Menashi
Tris and Sam Berger
Joyce and Fred Claar
Asaf and Sarah Cohen
Martine and Stanley Fleishman
Gary and Evelyn Family Foundation
Sam Ginsburg
Michael Kane
Plan A
Martin and Tobi Rogowsky
Lori and Mark Sloane
Jen and Bart Sokol
Sharon and Harold Aspis
Larry Bahr
Rabbi Jonathan Blake - Westchester Reform Temple
Linda, Harley, Alyona, David, and Alan Cohen
Donald J. Fleishaker
Joan and Elliot Forchheimer
Ellen and Moshe Gelboim
Jackie and Sol Israel
Barbara Engelson and Marc Klee
Lee Lowell
Nita and Stephen Lowey
Paula Markowitz Wittlin
Dr. Elana Maser and Thomas Mukamal
Karen and Nathan Rosenfeld
Emily Sack and Bob Schloss
Danielle and Stu Seltzer
Jeffrey Sirkman - Larchmont Temple
Erica and Zev Skolnick
Arlene and Steve Smith
Harriet Kaplan Suvall and Marc Suvall
Ellen and Don Walker
Diane and Michael Werner
Maj L. Wickstrom
Sherry and Robert Wiener
Steven and Debbie Young
Wendy and Yale Zoland
Melissa and Herb Baer
Stephanie and Sandy Balkin
Brenda and Michael Benn
Jane and Steven Berkowitz
Danya and Marc Berman
Betsy Bernstein and Keith Satter
Edie Bottner
Bright Energy Services
Jocelyn and Ron Burton
The Cannold Family
David and Pamela Eppinger
Robert Fischer
Linda and Jonathan Flaxer
Meira and Tom Fleisch
Sheryl and Aaron Fleishaker
Neil and Andrew Fredman
Sheila and Bob Friedland
Judy and David Gilberg
Lisa and Stuart Ginsberg
Adena and Jonathan Goldberg
Howard Goldsmith
Phyllis and Jeff Kapelus
Rikki and Barry Kaplan
Laura Kleinhandler
Arlene and Stuart Kolbert
Lachtman Cohen & Belowich P.C.
Annette Rotter and Joel Laitman
Elizabeth and David Lampert
Ellen Cutler-Levy and David Levy
Levy Employment Law LLC
Amy and Frank Linde
Arnold Linhardt - Strategic Services, Inc
Kelly and Harry Mamaysky
Ellen Miller
Jennifer and Michael Mittelman
Barbara and Barry Novick
Sue and Mike Pearson
Jennifer Reps and Michael Povman
The Premier Collection A
The Premier Collection B
The Premier Collection C
The Premier Collection D
The Premier Collection E
Nancy and Joel Roffman, Leah and Ross Goldband
Hedy Cardozo and Michael Rosenblut
Elizabeth Troop Rothstein and Scott Rothstein
Ellen and Bob Salant
Audrey Samers & David Glicksman
Wendy and Neil Sandler
Rabbi David Schuck and the clergy, staff and congregation of Beth El Synagogue Center
Danny Schultz and Tanya Ofer
Joanna and Rich Segal
Amy and Corey Shanus
Amy Sherman
Geula and Joshua Solomon
Stephanie and Lee Spiegel
Dorothy and Andrew Tananbaum
Adrienne and Tom Tanner
Temple Israel Center of White Plains
Ruth and Eric Treiber
Lizzy and Josh Trump
Andrew Weisz- RPW Group, Inc
Batia and Howard Wiesenfeld
Dolly Wohl
Lisa Wohl
Sue and Andy Zeitlin
Darlene Fairman and Jack Zinn
AMSkier Agency
Westchester Jewish Center Clergy Team - Rabbi Arnowitz, Rabbi Dalton, and Cantor Goldberg
Jennifer (Hudi) and Lawrence Askowitz
Sue and John Baer
Joi and Peter Baum
Joan Berger
Vivian and Stanley Bernstein
Elizabeth Bracken-Thompson - Thompson-Bender
Hon. Justin Brasch
Laurie Brecher and Robert Greenzeig
Cantor Benjie Schiller and Rabbi Les Bronstein
Nikki Green Carfax
Lissy and Ben Carr
Alan and Robin Colner
Ilene and Irwin Davison
Dorot Westchester - Lorraine Novack
Lawrence Engle
Carol and Steven Fasman
Jason and Lauren Friedlander
Adam Friedman
David Glick
Penny Goldsmith and Bob Myerson
Cindy and Rob Greenstein
Steven and Melina Haber
Caren and Hillel Hammerman
Phyllis and Stanley Handler
Cindy and Randy Heller
Marla and Avri Horowitz
JMG Marketing
Amy and Mitchell Josephs
Gail and Frank Julie
Ellen and Joseph Kaidanow
Lynn and Marty Keltz
Jeannie Milo - Kencal Maintenance
April and Barak Klein
Freida Kraft and Victor Badner
L2A Land Design, LLC
Jennifer and Jeffrey Lavine
Chuck Lesnick
Gabriel and Jennifer Lomas
Amir and Karen Malki
Bonnie and Russell Mannis
Gail and Marty Marcus
Susan and David Miller
Irina and Dennis Monasebian
Rachel and Harry Moseley
Beth and Gabe Nechamkin
Janet and Warren Newcorn
Mitchell Ostrove
Andrea and Jeremy Perler
Nirit and Aaron Pisano
Elizabeth and Leon Potok
Joan Poulin
Rabbi Daniel Reiser
Mark Reisman Rubeo Attorneys
Shlomo Ressler
Marilyn Kneller-Rimsky and Neil T. Rimsky
Julie Rockowitz
Beverly and Michael Rosenbaum
Renana and Bob Rosenbloom
Stacey Saiontz and Ali Rosenberg
Beth Rosen and Lloyd Schloss
Rabbi Howard Siegel
Diana and Craig Sklar
Jill and Brian Steinhause
Scarsdale Synagogue
Danielle Tagger-Epstein
Teach NYS
Michael Team Velocity
Sherry and Larry Thaler
Victoria and Robert Tipp
UJA - The Jewish Life Team
Wagstaff for D.A.
Barbara Schloss and Joel Weinberg
Shira Weinstein
Adam Weiss - Atlantic Tomorrows Office
Arlene and Neil Wexler
Wendy Proskin and Jeremy Zucker
Judy and Howard Zweig
Nicole Agus
Tamar and Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz
Rabbi Adam Baldachin - Shaarei Tikvah
Bet Torah
Cynthia Blustein - Israel Bonds/Development Corporation for Israel
Alissa Butterfass
Michele's Canasta Ladies
Carole Daman
Erica and Larry Epstein
Karen and Noah Estrin
State Senator Nathalia Fernandez
Janie and Adam Frieman
Caron and Steve Gelles
Ruth and Bob Glass
Rabbi Ben Goldberg
Hadar Institute
ICD Private Jewelers
Tim Idoni - Westchester County Clerk
Rabbi Jonathan Jaffe - Temple Beth El of Northern Westchester
Jewish National Fund
Mondaire Jones
Shari, Jeff, Samantha, David and Ethan Kaminsky
Lisa and Steven Katz
Rona Katz -A4 Media
Evelyn Kenvin and Art Rosenbloom
Kol Hazzanim
Lynn and Jules Kroll
The Leffell School
The Leroy Family
Cantor Ethan and Rabbi Cantor Shoshi Levin Goldberg
Dianne Lob
Nina Luban and Scott Bonci
Wendy and Richard Lubkin
Rabbi Chaim Marder
Jack A. Martinelli - Westchester Magazine
Westchester Medical Center Foundation
Jill and Donald Miller
Lester Millman
Rabbi Jonathan Morgenstern and Young Israel of Scarsdale
Bonnie Silverman and David Nanus
Steve Otis - State Assemblyman
Amy Paulin
Wendy and Howard Pein
Jayne and Darren Peister
Cheryl and Lloyd Pine
Plaza Jewish Community Chapel Plaza Jewish Community Chapel
Rhonda Regan
Audrey and Keith Reich
Elise and Barry Richman
Amy Rinde
Barbara and Alexander Roberts
Boris and Rabbi Halina Rubinstein
Seth Schafler and Robin Nichinsky
Schechters and Seigerman
Dan Schorr
Audrey Stein
Jared Stone - The Stone Commercial Team at Houlihan Lawrence
The Torah Study Group of Friends from the Westchester Jewish Center
Susan Katz and Seth Truwit
Rabbi Annie Tucker
Susan Wagner and Alan Klinger
Harry and Karen Waizer
Ilissa and Paul Warhit
Westchester Board of Rabbis
Westchester Jewish Center
Woodlands Community Temple
Yankwitt LLP
Young Israel of White Plains
Lori and Arie Abecassis
Susan Ackerman
Ellie and Mike Aronowitz-Witkes
Marilyn and Ron Arsham
Neal Attermann
Lynn and William Bagliebter
Roberta and Doron Bar-Levav
Ronnie and Spencer Barback
Sena Baron
Cantor Chanin Becker
Carri Becker
Elan Ben-Avi
Idie Benjamin
Suzanne Berger
Rabbi Dana Bogatz
Jill and Jonathan Bohrer
Karen and Kevin Brown
Ellen and Gary Byck
Rochelle Chaiken
Ella and Noah Chinitz
Barry Citrin
Samantha Cohen
Elizabeth Spiro and Timothy Costello
George and Faith Eisenberger
Ilana and Joseph Englander
Valerie Etra
Mindy and Andrew Feldman
Lori Fishman
Gila and Jerry Fortinsky
Georgia Frasch
Jeremiah Frei-Pearson
Rabbi Bruce and Dana Freyer
Gale and Stanley Friedland
Carol and Allan Gingold
Susan Scharf Glick and Harvey Glick
David and Adrienne Goldberg
Lisa Goldberg
Rabbi Linda Portnoy Goldberg
Susan Goldberger and Stewart Ault
Caryn and Nate Goodman
Arin Gornstein
Elise Kamen and Steven Grossblatt
Jessica Harris
Lori and Joel Hecker
Ellen Hendrickx
Judah Holstein
Dr. Renee and Rabbi David Holtz
Amy and Mark Holtzer
Barbara and David Horowitz
Lawrence and Cara Nash Iason
Inspiria Outdoor Advertising
Lisa and David Itzkowitz
Lynn and Bill Jacobs
Rabbi Jennifer Jaech
Maureen and Michael Kaplan
Melissa and Scott Kaplan
Michelle Karin
Paula Katz
Yuval and Jason Katz
Rachel and Michael Kay
Sara Nathan and Joel Kazis
Allison and Alan Kellman
Janice Lubin Kirschner and Barry Kirschner
Joel Klepper
Vicki Kline
Sam and Ella Kohn
Lisa and David Kriegel
Aaron and Becky Kuperman
Lori and Steven Kurlander
Bernice and Jerome Lachs
Ina Lane
Ellen and Howard Lazarus
Rabbi Shoshana Leis and Rabbi Ben Newman
Matt Leone
Jessica and Andrew Levinson
Martin A. Levitin
Susan and Barry Lewen
Adele and Len Lewis
Pamela and Richard Lungen
Janice and Jerry Malett
Abbe Marcus - Journeys To Change
Carol and Steve Mermey
Carol and Bill Meyers
Marti Michael
Esther Mildner
David Mooney
Jackie Moskow
The Oppenheim Family
Kirsti and Mark Pesso
Leslie and Harold Porosoff
Jill and Joel Ratner-Rosenberg
Alec Roberts
Andrea and Ed Rosenbaum
Robin Rosenberg and Bruce Segall
Paul Rosenfeld
Karen and Josh Roth
Deborah and Andrew Schiff
Liz and Stephen Schwartz
The Schwarzwalder Family
Roberta and Jordan Sedler
Rena Seplowitz
Adina and Ari Shrage
W. Silverman
Sari Singer
Myrna Stancliff
Nancy and Richard Steinberg
Madeline Scheffler and Matt Stern
Nancy and Denis Street
Josh and Tali Strom
Deborah and Peter Tesler
Susan and Larry Tolchin
Amy Cohn and Rabbi Gordon Tucker
Marilyn and Robert Weintraub
Sharon and Richard Witlin
Sharon and Richard Worley
Jessica and Avi Yood Deener
Seth Young and Marcia Gordon
Harriet Zeller
Marilyn and Bill Zelman