A message from our Head of School
In the world we find ourselves in today, a strong Jewish education, community, and unity matter more now than ever before. Westchester Day School’s mission of offering exceptional academics, an unwavering commitment to Jewish and Zionist values, and a strong sense of community has never been more critical. 
Each day, our school dedicates itself to equipping our students with the skills and foundational knowledge to feel proud of their Jewish identity and to grow into citizens of the world who will be able to advocate for Judaism, our homeland of Eretz Yisrael, and stand up to the evil forces of antisemitism that they may encounter.
As we mark the 76th anniversary of Westchester Day School, we find ourselves in a new world and, as such, our needs as a community have changed. The Annual Dinner raises the critical funds to bridge the gap which tuition dollars alone don’t cover. Your participation in this year’s Dinner campaign enables us to: continue to offer an exceptional dual-curriculum education; attend to the social-emotional needs of all students; incorporate enrichment opportunities and/or academic support to meet our diverse learners where they are; increase our ruach and Israel-based programming; welcome Israeli families temporarily displaced from their homes; all while addressing the increased security needs in and around our campus during this difficult time.
Please join us on December 16, Motzei Shabbat, for an evening of achdut and community as we support the transformative role that Westchester Day School has in the development of our children. We look forward to a meaningful program that highlights themes of Ahavat Yisrael and hakarat hatov. If you know of a WDS graduate or parent who is serving in the IDF, please share here so they can be included in our recognition.
We extend a mazal tov and yasher koach to Batya & George PuroRachel & Jonathan Rosenfeld, and Dara & Matthew Shatzkes, this year’s Dinner honorees, for their unwavering support of WDS, Jewish education, community, and Israel; and to WDS Science Teacher Becky Shapiro, recipient of this year’s Educator Award. 
We acknowledge that these are challenging times, but we firmly believe that Westchester Day School needs your partnership and support – now MORE than ever
We stand together, in defense of our heritage and to eradicate hate. Education is our strongest tool. Let's create a night to remember and a future to be proud of.
Rabbi Dani Rockoff
Head of School
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