Sustaining Builder
We are proud to join
the Temple Israel Center community
in honoring
Sandra and Dan Costin and Bree and Ian Dumain
on this well-deserved recognition.
Mazal Tov!
Lisa and Michael Leffell
Thank you
Sandra & Dan and Bree & Ian
for your exceptional contributions
to the TIC community and beyond
and for being outstanding role models
for your children and ours.
Danya & Marc Berman and Family
Congratulations to Bree & Ian --
We are delighted to share
this great night with you and your family.
The Costin Family
Mazel Tov Bree and Ian & Sandra and Dan
and heartfelt thanks for your tireless efforts to make TIC
a better community for everyone.
Joel and Meredith Gantcher
Mazel Tov to Bree and Ian Dumain
on their well-deserved honor.
Sandra and Dan, You mean the world to us- raising our children together, sharing our celebrations and sorrows, learning and studying together. You both help build circles of community. Your values and passions help define our kehilah and we are grateful.
Ellen, Barry, Jacob and Shira Lovell Benefactor
Thank you to honorees
Sandra & Dan Costin and Bree Schonbrun Dumain
& Ian Dumain for your dedication
and outstanding contributions to our synagogue.
With Appreciation, Howard, Abby and Michael Milstein Benefactor
Mazel Tov to Sandra, Dan, Bree and Ian
We are deeply grateful for your dedication and service to our community. Philip and Cheryl Milstein and family Benefactor
In Honor of
Dr. Dan Costin and Sandra Costin,
from Harold Shames Sustaining Patron
We are happy to join our voices
in celebration of
the Costins and the Dumains,
and in celebration of TIC!
Gloria & Mark Bieler
Sustaining Patron
Sandra and Dan, Bree and Ian
With deep appreciation for your inspiring leadership, enthusiasm and dedication to our sacred community.
Mazel Tov and Kol Hakavod!
Ellen and Bob Salant
Sustaining Patron
Mazal Tov Sandra & Dan
Sandra and Dan you quietly and competently give to our family and your community without counting the hours or expecting anything in return. Without complaint, you each work your own individual magic and make big problems seem smaller and impossible goals seem achievable. You never work to get rewards, but you do deserve all of the awards you get, and more. This evening Sandra and Dan, when you are being honored for "20 Years of extraordinary service" within your White Plains community, our family would like to honor you for many MORE years than that of EXTRAORDINARY SERVICE WITHIN OUR FAMILY. We may not say it enough, or present plaques for your wall at regular intervals, but we all love you and appreciate you and are here for you in a heartbeat. We join in telling you that we are so very proud of you both for the example you set in the community and the family. May you continue to shine and give and lead and love and be loved for many, many years to come! Mazal Tov and much love from the Happy Family, Bernice, Seth, Carol, Michael, Ruth, Sarita and Larry Sustaining Patron
"It is not what one says, but rather what one does
that makes all the difference in the world." -Pirkei Avot
Our Warmest Wishes and Heartfelt Mazel Tov
To the Amazing Sandra and Dan and Bree and Ian
Four Extraordinary Leaders
We thank you for your inspiring commitment
and for all that you do to make a meaningful difference
in our community! We are blessed with your caring hearts,
thoughtful deeds, tireless devotion, incredible wisdom
and boundless enthusiasm.
YASHER KOACH! With love and appreciation, Pam and Bruce Wexler Patron
Mazel Tov
Sandra, Dan, Bree and Ian,
on this richly deserved honor.
Kathy and Jimmy Brandt
Mazal tov to the honorees!
Judy & David Gilberg
Mazel Tov
Sandra, Dan, Bree and Ian
on this well-deserved honor!
With much appreciation for all you do
for our community.
Audrey Samers and David Glicksman Patron
Congratulations to this year's deserving honorees
Sandra & Dan Costin and Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain You enrich The Temple Israel Center Community with your dedicated service and tremendous enthusiasm. May we all go from strength to strength! Roni & Bob Jossen and family March 16, 2019 10 Adar II 5779 Patron
We salute the honorees
and our wonderful community.
David and Brenda Oestreich
Mazal Tov to honorees
Sandra & Dan Costin
Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain
Brenda and Michael Benn
Congratulations and thanks to the honorees
for their transformational service to TIC!
Nat R. & Martha M. Knaster Charitable Trust Guardian
We join Temple Israel Center in honoring
Sandra & Dan and Bree & Ian.
Mazal tov for this well-deserved honor
and thank you for all you do to strengthen our community.
Joan and Gregg Lerner
Mazal Tov to
Sandra & Dan Costin
and to
Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain
for all of your outstanding contributions
to our TIC community!
Renana and Bob Rosenbloom
Kol Ha'Kavod and Mazal Tov to
Sandra & Dan and Bree & Ian.
We all must laugh
Cause we're all in this together...
- Rabbi T. Anastasio
Lisa & Harry Pell and Wendy Proskin & Jeremy Zucker
Mazel Tov to Sandra and Dan, Bree and Ian.
Your work on behalf of our community is greatly appreciated.
Janet and Richard Greenfield
Mazel tov and kol hakavod to the honorees!
Sandra and Dan :
Thank you for your commitment to our community.
You make it a better place.
To our dear friends Bree and Ian:
We appreciate your love and dedication to our TIC family
and to our families. We are all lucky to have you.
Diana & Craig Sklar
Randi & Justin Kattan
Mazal Tov to honorees
Sandra & Dan Costin
Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain
Rachel and Michael Kay
Mazal Tov to the
Temple Israel Center community.
Stephanie and Ernie Wechsler
Mazel tov and thank you to our honorees
for the support you have provided
to our community.
Judy & Mark Zeichner
Sandra and Dan, Bree and Ian,
Thanks for all you have done
to strengthen our TIC community!
With much appreciation,
Madeleine and David Arnow
Mazel Tov to Bree Schonbrun Dumain and Ian Dumain,
and Sandra and Dan Costin on this well-deserved honor!
Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication
to our synagogue and community.
May you continue to go from strength to strength!
Jennifer and Nicholas Brown
Mazal Tov to Bree & Ian and Sandra & Dan!
Thank you sincerely for your dedication to the shul and community over the years. Love, Noah & Ella Contributor
Mazel Tov Sandra & Dan and Bree & Ian
on your well-deserved honor!
Thank you for your commitment to our community.
Colin and Farell Diamond
Bree and Ian...
Mazel Tov!
Mom, Dad, Brooke, Jim, Ashley, and Paul
Sandra and Dan- From our first year in White Plains when we became frequent guests at your Shabbat table, to the shelosh regalim, your friendship and hospitality has been generous beyond words. From s'machot to sadness, we know you are there for us, our family, and the kehilah. Your strength, dedication, passion and hard work are truly gifts to the TIC community. We are so proud to call you our friends.
Love, Lauren and David
Bree and Ian - We are so grateful for all that you do for the community! - Lauren Marcus Eisenberg and David Eisenberg
To my co-chairs Randi and Diana - You ladies are AMAZING! - Lauren
With our sincere appreciation
for the efforts of all our honorees,
volunteers and professionals
on behalf of our community.
Jane & Ken Friedland
Mazal Tov to the wonderful Honorees.
Thank you for all your work
on behalf of our community.
Sheila and Bob Friedland
"May the One who blessed our ancestors Avraham, Itzhak
and Yaakov, Sarah, Rivkah, Rahel and Leah
bless this community along with all those who devote
themselves to the establishment of synagogues for prayer,
provide for their maintenance as well as provide food
for guests, bread for the hungry, tzedakah for the poor,
shelter for the homeless faithfully devoting themselves
to the needs of the community and the Land of Israel.
May God bless them by making all their worthy endeavors
prosper as well as those of the entire people of Israel."
From the prayer for the community from our Shabbat liturgy.
Mazal tov to our honorees.
Rabbi Matt & Chana Futterman
"Those who engage themselves in serving the community
are engaged in Torah."
Maimonides, Laws of Prayer 6:8
Mazel Tov to
Sandra & Dan Costin
Bree Schonbrun Dumain and Ian Dumain
for this well-deserved honor!
Todah Rabah!
David and Debby Glasser
Mazal tov to honorees
Sandra and Dan Costin
on this well-deserved honor.
Mazal tov to our very dear friends
Bree Schonbrun Dumain and Ian Dumain
on this exciting and fitting honor!
We admire your dedication, enthusiasm and positivism
in all you have both done to make
Temple Israel Center thrive and flourish.
With love and appreciation,
David Glick and Reena Blum Glick
Bree and Ian Dumain
Sandra and Dan Costin
Sincere appreciation for all you do for TIC.
Congratulations on this well-deserved honor.
Rikki & Barry Kaplan
Mazal Tov to Sandra and Dan and to Bree and Ian.
We are grateful for your dedication to our growing
and vibrant community.
Elaine and Harold Kellner
Robin and Seth Friedman and Family
Alison Kellner and Family
Abbe and Stephen Kutno and Family
Thank you to the Costins and Dumains.
Your dedication to our community
is an inspiration to us all!
Rachel and Ben Lebwohl
...וישלח ברכה והצלחה בכל מעשה ידיהם
With appreciation to our honorees Sandra & Dan Costin Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain Whose caring and dedication to our Temple family
has brought blessings to us all.
Rabbi Joel & Sandy Meyers Contributor
In honor of
Sandra & Dan and Bree & Ian.
Thank you for your contributions.
The Daily Minyanaires
כל הכבוד
Bree & Ian and Sandra & Dan.
Thank you so much for everything you do
for our community.
You are an inspiration to us all!
Mazal tov on this well-deserved honor!
Andrea & Jeremy Perler
To our wonderful children
Bree and lan,
Congratulations on the well-deserved
Young Leadership Award
from Temple Israel Center.
You are an inspiration to all who know you.
With much pride and love,
Mom and Dad
Chaya and Jeff Schonbrun
Dear Bree and Ian,
Your grandparents, Paula and Abraham Lenchner
and Frieda and Zvi Schonbrun
are looking down at you and kvelling.
There is no greater honor for Holocaust survivors than to have grandchildren who are immersed in Judaism and chesed.
You honor their memory by continuing the chain of Jewish life.
Chaya and Jeff Schonbrun
Mazal Tov to honorees Sandra & Dan Costin
and Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain.
With deep gratitude for your commitment
to our community.
Ivy and David Schreiber
Mazel Tov to
Bree Schonbrun Dumain and Ian Dumain,
a couple who truly exemplify Jewish values.
Rivki and Motty Shulman
Jill & Brian Steinhause
שעוסקים בצרכי צבור באמונה
Who faithfully devote themselves to the needs of the community.
Bree & Ian,
Your dedication and love for the TIC community has been so inspiring. Thank you for your leadership and friendship!
Mazel Tov!
Sandra & Dan, Mazel Tov! Thank you for all you have done
to help make TIC a wonderful community.
Love, Ayelet & Jeff, Jeremy, Lyla & Caleb Contributor
:רבי שמעון אומר שלשה כתרים הם, כתר תורה וכתר כהנה וכתר מלכות,
וכתר שם טוב עולה על גביהן
Rabbi Shimon liked to say: There are three crowns--
The crown of Torah, the crown of the priesthood
and the crown of royalty. But the crown of a good name
is greater than all of them.
To our friends Sandra and Dan Costin Bree Schonbrun Dumain and Ian Dumain Thank you for inspiring us through your many acts
of righteousness and leadership, which have earned each of you
a Shem Tov--Good Name in our community and beyond.
The TIC Board of Trustees Contributor
Mazal Tov and Thank You to
Sandra and Dan Costin and Bree Schonbrun Dumain and Ian Dumain For your unwavering commitment and dedication
to our kehilah, for makingTIC a regular part of your lives,
and for being role models and leaders
through your deeds to all those in our community --
newcomers, old-timers, and all those in between.
With sincere appreciation, The TIC Executive Committee Contributor
The TIC Midtown Talmud Class congratulates our honorees and commends them for all of their efforts on behalf of
the TIC community. It also gives its profound thanks
to Rabbi Gordon Tucker for his dedication to leading our class as it continues its pursuit of Talmud learning.
With admiration for
Sandra, Dan, Bree, and Ian,
and with happiness for our community.
May we continue to attain spiritual
and moral heights together.
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn
Congratulations to our Honorees.
Thank you for enhancing our community.
Yasher Koach.
Ellen and Peter Weintraub
Mazal Tov to honorees Sandra & Dan Costin and Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain. Karyn Zeldman and Wayne Aaron Mazal Tov to honorees Sandra & Dan Costin and Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain Daniel & Liat Altman Donor
Special blessings of health & happiness to the Costins & Dumains for all their efforts in support of TIC. Estelle Argaman Donor
Mazal Tov to the well deserving honorees! Thank you for all that you so generously give to our community. May you go from strength to strength. Julie and Warren Breakstone Mazel tov Bree and Ian. We are so proud of you. We love you guys! Sarit, Gabe, Jack, Eli and Jane Brecher Donor
In honor of Sandra and Dan. With love and respect, The Cannold Family Our very best wishes to Bree & Ian and Sandra & Dan on this well deserved honor. Thank you for your service and leadership! Mazel Tov, Lissy & Ben Carr Donor
Mazal Tov to honorees Sandra & Dan Costin and Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain. Meryl and Phil Cedar Mazal tov Bree and Ian! It is no surprise that you have made an indelible mark on the TIC community. Kol Hakavod! Love, The Ringels, Wallers and Cohens Donor
In Loving Memory of Bree and Ian's Grandparents Irving, Ruth, & Bernie. They would be so proud! Phyllis and Alan Dumain In honor of Sandra and Dan Costin for their contribution to the Westchester community. Barbara & Paul Elliot Donor
"It's not how much you have that makes you great. It's how much you accomplish with what you have." Rabbi Hirsch You each excel in accomplishments - Mazal Tov! Linda and Jonathan Flaxer In gratitude to Dr. Dan and Sandra Costin for the care given to our dear wife and mother Miriam Massen. And Mazal Tov to Bree Schonbrum Dumain and Ian Dumain on receiving this honor. Jerry and Hava Goldman Donor
Mazal Tov to honorees Sandra & Dan Costin and Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain Jane and Ken Gould Mazal Tov to our great honorees for their hard work for TIC. A special yasher koach to President Marc Berman for his amazing leadership this year! Marty and Debbie Greenberg Donor
Mazal Tov to honorees Sandra & Dan Costin and Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain Rita Kashner If I am because I am. Then I am I & you are you. But if I am because you are you. And you are you because I am I. Then I am not I & you are not you. Hassidic Rebbe Mendel. The TIC community strives to be one of not "me or I" but of "we" together. A well-deserved Mazel Tov & love to Bree & Ian. Yesher Koach to Sandra & Dan Costin. Pnina & Meyer Kattan Donor
Mazel Tov Sandra & Dan Bree & Ian Ann K. Silver & Martin Katz To Sandra, Dan, Bree and Ian-- We are inspired by your commitment to our community. We joyfully celebrate and honor your commitment. Steve and Barbara Kessler Donor
Thank you Sandra & Dan for your endless efforts on behalf of our TIC community. You are truly an inspiration! Mazal Tov to Bree and Ian - you are both amazing! Ella and Sam Kohn Mazal Tov to honorees Sandra & Dan Costin and Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain Alisa and Benjamin Metzger Donor
Mazal Tov to the Temple Israel Center community. Vivian Fried and Lee Podair Mazal Tov to honorees Sandra & Dan Costin and Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain. Thank you for all that you do for our TIC community. Shirley and Hymie Shwiel Donor
Mazal Tov to honorees Sandra & Dan Costin and Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain Irene Kohn and Hal Silverman Sandra & Dan and Bree & Ian, We are so grateful for all that you do for our kehilah. We are all the beneficiaries of your generous spirits & devotion. Deborah & Ari Burstein, Shiri & Andrew Greenberg, Joanna & David Stein Donor
We are proud to support Temple Israel Center. Congratulations to the Costins and the Dumains. Lynn Bagliebter, Executive Vice President, Market President, Sterling National Bank JoAnn LoFrisco, Managing Director, Sterling National Bank Women's League of Conservative Judaism of Temple Israel Center congratulates 2019 Gala Award Recipients Sandra Costin & Dan Costin, Honorees and Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain, Young Leadership Award From Temple Israel Center Sisterhood Donor
We congratulate Ian on this award. Ian's hard work and dedication, attention to detail, objectivity, and leadership were an inspiration to us all. His steady hand helped guide us to the successful conclusion we still celebrate. Mazel tov to Sandra & Dan and to Bree & Ian! The Rabbi Search Committee The TIC Administration Team wishes a hearty Mazal Tov to Sandra & Dan and Bree & Ian. We appreciate your many contributions and the positive impact you have on our community. Robin Arzt, Annie Damiano, Alla Fine, Susan Galla, Marty Greenberg, Rachel Klein, Javier Neiman, Desiree Vacca, Sandro Pillcurima and the entire Maintenance Staff Donor
Mazal Tov to Sandra & Dan Costin, Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain, and all of TIC! I am so excited to be joining this extraordinary community! Rabbi Annie Tucker Mazal Tov to honorees Sandra & Dan Costin and Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain University of Wyoming Donor
מזל טוב Sandra and Dan עלו והצליחו From Seth & Carol, Gila, Erol, Nessa & Anzel, Shoshana, Simcha & Ali, and Rafi. Mazal Tov to honorees Sandra & Dan Costin and Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain Rebecca and Craig Warkol Donor
Mazal Tov to honorees Sandra & Dan Costin and Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain Brittany Harris and Scott Willig Mazal tov to the honorees. Each of you does so much in so many ways to enrich and unify our diverse community. Evie and Joel Wolfson Donor
Next Short Story group at the Costins. We will be reading "The Ballad of Sandra and Dan" and "Food for the Literary Soul." Anyone want to lead a story? With love, The Women of the Shabbat Short Story Group Mazel Tov and Kol HaKavod, Sandra & Dan and Bree & Ian! Thank you for the love and dedication you give to our community. Russell, Deborah, Aden & Shayna Supporter
Mazal Tov to honorees Sandra & Dan Costin and Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain. Karine Kleinhaus & Salo Aizenberg Mazal Tov to the Temple Israel Center community ALPERSON PARTY RENTALS Mazal Tov to the Temple Israel Center community. Adolph & Janet Blank Mazel Tov to the Costins & to Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain!...& Mazel Tov to our wonderful TIC Community!! Rose & Mitchell Blank Supporter
Mazal Tov to Sandra and Dan Costin! To our good friends Bree and Ian- thank you for your dedication to TIC! Jill & Jonathan Bohrer To our lifelong friends Bree and Ian, Mazel tov on this well-deserved honor! Love, Elissa and Greg Brenner Our best wishes to Bree & Ian on this well deserved honor. Kol Hakavod! Michele & Rich Carlin Sandra and Dan, congratulations on all your wonderful achievements!! Natalie Belostotsky, Nicole Boxer, Beverly Fernandez, Heather Kramer, Cheryl Leslie, Eibhlis Murray, Gaelle Senatus, Nelly Vega-Woo, Janie Zeitlin Supporter
Mazel Tov to Sandra & Dan and Bree & Ian. Kol Hakavod! Seren & Craig Cepler Mazal Tov to the Temple Israel Center community. John Grasso CJ Security Services Inc. Dear Sandra & Dan: Congratulations for being honored by Temple Israel Center & on the anniversary of your wedding. Love, Mama Ian and Bree we are so proud of you! You are the most wonderful Aunt and Uncle and the best role models. Mazel tov! Craemer Family and Reyes Family Supporter
Mazal Tov Bree and Ian! Thanks for all you do for TIC. Orli Moscowitz, Daniel Urbas, Aiden, Alexander and William Mazal Tov to honorees Sandra & Dan Costin and Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain. Linda & Jacob Darer Mazal Tov to honorees Sandra & Dan Costin and Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain. Roberta and Jeff Daskin Mazal Tov to honorees Sandra & Dan Costin and Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain. Marc and Julie Dinkin Supporter
Congratulations, Sandra and Dan, on this wonderful honor! Best wishes to the Temple Israel Center community! Dr. Karen Green and Dr. Carol Lederman We are so proud of Bree and Ian Dumain. Sheila & Barry Erdos Mazal tov Bree & Ian and Sandra & Dan We are proud to know you. With love, Karen & Noah Estrin Mazel tov to the honorees and to the Temple Israel Center Community. Minda and Fred Feinberg Supporter
Mazal Tov to honorees Sandra & Dan Costin and Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain. Gilda and Murray Forseter Mazel tov to the Costins and the gala committee, and especially our dear friends Bree & Ian on this well-deserved honor! Much love, Jacqueline and Jason Friedland Mazel Tov to Bree and Ian!! We are grateful for your friendship and for allowing us to celebrate with you. Evelyn and Moshe Fruchter Mazel Tov Bree and Ian. A well deserved honor for your selfless dedication to others. We love you, Carol, Larry, Ali Supporter
Mazal Tov to honorees Sandra & Dan Costin and Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain Pam & Elliott Glass Congratulations to all the honorees, we are so grateful for all that you give to our beloved TIC community. Judith and Neil Grand Mazal tov Bree and Ian! Mazal tov to your fellow honorees and the entire Temple Israel Center community. Sara and Mishka Haiminis Mazal Tov to honorees Sandra & Dan Costin and Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain Robbie and Nellie Harris and Naamah and Koby Imir Supporter
Mazel Tov to Sandra and Dan Costin on this well deserved honor. May Hashem keep blessing you with health and nachas. Wendy, David, Sara & Samantha Herlands Mazal Tov to honorees Sandra & Dan Costin and Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain Gila Wilensky & Rabbi Ari Isenberg Mazal Tov to the Temple Israel Center community. Jeffrey Porter/All Time Detection Mazel Tov to Bree and Sandra. Thank you for all your hard work. Love, Amy & Mitchell Josephs Supporter
Lauren & Kenny Kanfer congratulate Sandra & Dan Costin and Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain for their dedication, leadership and service to Temple Israel Center. Celebrating Bree and Ian's dedication and leadership in enlivening our community. In gratitude, The Kochman Family Sandra and Dan- Thank you for all you do for the community. Kol Hakavod! -Karen Kolodny Thank you to Sandra & Dan Costin and Bree & Ian Dumain. Lewis Monument Company Supporter
Our heartfelt thanks to Sandra & Dan and Bree & Ian for all they have done for TIC. Marion & Mel Lipetz Mazal Tov to Sandra and Dan Costin for their extraordinary efforts on behalf of the entire community. Judy and Marshall Matos Mazal Tov to Bree and Ian on your amazing and well-deserved honor! Nancy & Ari Congratulations Bree & Ian. So happy to be celebrating with you. "Aunt Francis" & Irwin Miller Susan & Joel Morse Supporter
Congratulations to Dan and Sandra Costin. We are twice blessed to have you as outstanding leaders in our TIC and medical community. We are grateful. With gratitude, Susan and Joel Morse Mazel tov Bree & Ian! Love you! Gil, Emily & Nina Mazal tov to the Honorees Barbara Bolshon & Michael Picheny With much respect and admiration for the Costins and much love and gratitude for our friends Bree and Ian. Michal, Mike, Ben and Josh Plancey Supporter
Mazal Tov! We owe many thanks to Sandra, Dan, Bree and Ian for their extraordinary devotion to strengthening our community. Tamar Prager and Arielle Freedberg Prager To our very dear friends Sandra, Dan, Bree and Ian: Each of you is very special to us. Mazal tov from our family to yours. Rabbi Dina Shargel and David Projansky Mazal Tov on this well-deserved honor Sandra & Dan and Bree & Ian. We're so grateful for your devotion to Temple Israel Center and for all you do to help insure our synagogue vibrancy here at TIC! Mary Ann & Bob Sacks Mazal Tov to honorees Sandra & Dan Costin and Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain Ilana and Rob Saposh Supporter
Dear Bree & Ian, Tonight's recognition of your tireless contribution to your community is well deserved. Congratulations from Uncle Ben Bree & Ian - We love you. and Mazal Tov Sandra & Dan - Thanks for everything that you do. Aviva & Steve Seiden Mazal Tov to honorees Sandra & Dan Costin and Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain. Sharon and Peter Sverd Mazal tov to Sandra & Dan and Bree & Ian. With appreciation for your hard work and contributions to our community. Temple Israel Center Brotherhood Supporter
Mazal Tov to honorees Sandra & Dan Costin and Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain Agnes and Gerard Varjacques Mazal Tov to Bree & Ian and to Sandra & Dan - thank you for all that you do for our synagogue community. Stacey & Stu Wechsler Mazal Tov to honorees Sandra & Dan Costin and Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain. Adi and Jonathan Weinsaft Mazal Tov to the Dumains and the Costins! Thank you for all you do for TIC! Love, Brian and Melissa Weiss & Family Supporter
Mazal Tov to the Temple Israel Center community & honorees from your partners at William A. Smith & Son Insurance. Mazal Tov to honorees Sandra & Dan Costin and Bree Schonbrun Dumain & Ian Dumain. Jennie Friedman & Ross Zelman Friend
Ellen & Graham Arad
Lisa and David Breakstone
Leslie Rubin and Rabbi Miles B. Cohen
Stacey and Uri Cohen
Annie and Rocco Damiano
Family of Phil DeRuvo's Limo Service
Ziva Freiman Katz
Marc Friedman
Fulwiler and Robbins Family, Susan, Saul and Theodore
Mindy & Harry Green
Rabbi Shai and Dr. Rachel Held
Rabbi Jeffrey & Laurie Hoffman
Michael & Maureen Kaplan
Ivy and Seth Keslow
Natasha, Howie, Sammy, Orly & Benjy Kornstein
John & Fran Lawless
Wendy Leibowitz
Ari Lenchner
Cantors Shoshi and Ethan Levin Goldberg
Kim & Jordan Levy
Linda and Larry Lieberman
Avi Marcovitz
Barbara Meixler
Cantors Jack & Fredda Mendelson
Montefiore Medical Center
Tejas Patel, MD
Scott and Barbara Richman
Debbie & Andy Rubenstein
Margie and Steve Sebolsky
Marsha E. Simms
Myron & Helene Sklar
Jerry and Naomi Snider
Marni & Doug Sugerman
Jenny and Dan Tabak
Drs. Jonathan & Ellen Wynn