Gordon and Amy,
Our deepest appreciation for your service and devotion to our sacred community.
You have guided us on the path of righteousness
and are models for us and for our children.
Thank you and kol hakavod.
Danya, Marc, Sharona,
Noah and Shayna Berman
Thank you, Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn
for sharing your family, wisdom, vision, and passion
with us since your arrival in White Plains.
You have been integral to all of our family's life cycle events
and we cherish your friendship and support.
Your deep commitment to strengthening the Jewish people
inspires all of us.
Mazal Tov.
Lisa, Michael, Ben, Julie, Nellie, Adam,
Jenn, Jack, Lauren, and Ari Leffell
Mazal Tov to
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn
With heartfelt thanks
for the life-changing learning you imparted to us,
and for your unstinting support
when we needed it most.
Ziva Freiman Katz and family
Temple Israel Center has been the spiritual home
for three generations of the MILSTEIN FAMILY. Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Rebbetzin Amy Cohn
are a central part of our congregational lives.
We wish you satisfaction and meaning
as you enter the next phase of your journey.
With deep appreciation and affection,
Howard, Abby, and Michael Milstein
Mazal Tov to
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn
We are deeply grateful for your leadership,
dedication and service to our community
Kol HaKavod and best wishes
for your future health and happiness
Philip and Cheryl, Merrie, Josh, Toby and Larry Milstein
Dear Gordon and Amy,
With admiration, appreciation and affection
for enriching our lives
with your Wisdom, Kindness, and Friendship,
and for your twenty-four years
of exceptional devotion and extraordinary service
to our sacred community.
Wishing you good health,
happiness and fulfillment as you begin
the next chapter of your life together...
Love, Ellen, Bob, Jennifer, David and Matthew Salant
We joined Temple Israel Center almost 20 years ago
and have shared our happiest and most difficult times
with our community.
Thank you for the devotion of the leadership to create
the dynamic , intellectual and caring community that we value so deeply.
Mazal tov to Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn.
The Lovell Family
To Amy and Gordon,
Your contributions to Temple Israel Center have been truly extraordinary.
With gratitude and admiration,
Robert Arnow
Amy and Gordon,
Like biblical couples of old, together you have helped
build and sustain our community.
We appreciate your passion,
energy, talents, and rare intelligence.
Chazak! Chazak!
May you continue to strengthen one another!
With gratitude and much affection, Madeleine and David Arnow Madeleine and David Arnow
Thank you for your amazing dedication
to Temple Israel Center
and all of its members!
Toby and Michael Rozen
Mazel Tov and congratulations to
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn
for their time and commitment
to the Temple, the community, our family
and Conservative Judaism, both here and in Israel.
We couldn't feel more blessed.
Andrew and Michelle Levine
Dear Gordon and Amy -
Thank you for the care and support of 3 generations of the Moline-McDonell Family. I have learned so much from your teaching as well as from your steadfast commitment
to progressive Judaism and the Masorti movement.
Enjoy the next chapter of your lives together! Marge Moline Adam McDonell Moline Aaron McDonell Moline
"Because I knew you I have been changed for good."-Stephen Schwartz
Dear Amy and Gordon,
It has been a pleasure, a privilege and an honor to know you, to learn
with you and to care for our community together. Thank you for being
our role models and for always leading with great integrity
and thoughtfulness. We cherish our special friendship.
You have had a profound and lasting impact on our entire family.
Because we knew you we have all been changed for good!
Wishing you lots of happiness in your next adventure! Mazel Tov and Yasher Koach! With love and appreciation,
Pam, Bruce, Eric and Michelle Wexler
We are delighted to celebrate and honor
the immense contributions
of our beloved friends and teachers,
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn.
Gloria and Mark Bieler
Dear Rabbi Tucker and Amy-
Simply put:
The Riemer-Biondo-Gaetjens Family
Yosef, Vitina, Naomi, Nathan and Lisa
Mazal Tov Gordon and Amy,
on this richly deserved honor.
We are grateful for your leadership
and for your friendship.
We wish you much joy
as this new phase of your life begins.
Kathy and Jimmy Brandt
Rabbi Gordon Tucker:
We were the fortunate beneficiaries
of your extraordinary teaching,
your deep analytical thinking
and your special ability to convey your thoughts.
You illuminated our lives
and invigorated our commitment to Judaism.
Our everlasting gratitude
for your many years of devoted service.
Joan and I. Roy Cohen
Dear Gordon and Amy,
You have enriched our lives over many years
with your teachings, spiritual leadership,
and friendship.
Thank you and Mazal Tov,
Robin, Alan, Michael
and Jennifer Colner
"It is not your responsibility to finish the work
[of perfecting the world],
but you are not free to desist from it either"
(Rabbi Tarfon, Pirke Avot 2:16).
Gordon and Amy,
Thank you for your unceasing work - in so many ways -
to perfect the world.
With much love and gratitude,
Linda, Jonathan, Joey
and Melanie Flaxer
"If the road [to freedom] seems very difficult, yet it can
be found. Indeed, what is so rarely discovered is bound to
be hard. For if salvation were ready to hand and could be discovered without great toil, how could it be that it is
almost universally neglected? All things excellent are as difficult as they are rare." Baruch Spinoza, The Ethics
You have been our valued teacher and guide.
We are grateful to you for challenging and inspiring us
and we wish you a joyful retirement
with Amy and your family.
With much love The Galowitz Family
"And all who work for the community, let them
work for the sake of the name of Heaven;
the merit of their ancestors sustains them
and their righteousness will endure forever."
Pirkei Avot 2:2
To our dear friends, colleagues and teachers,
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn,
with deep gratitude for all you have done
for the community, to teach us and guide us,
L'Shem HaShamayim, for the sake of the name of Heaven,
for so many years.
Your righteousness will truly endure forever.
David and Judy Gilberg
Gordon and Amy-
We have been blessed to have both of you
in our lives in so many different roles;
teacher, confidant, partner and, most importantly, friend.
This has been a truly extraordinary ride and as you move
into the next phase of your lives we hope and pray
that you will find it as fulfilling as the last 24 plus years
have been and we expect to be a part of that as well.
With love and admiration-
Janet, Richard and the entire Greenfield family
Mazal Tov to
Rabbi Tucker and Amy Cohn,
Thank you for being part of
and strengthening our community.
Your leadership is inspirational and appreciated.
Lauren, Alan, Ben
and Eden Halperin
In you, Rabbi Tucker, I have found
both a Rav and a chaver.
Thank you for many years
of great leadership and guidance.
My spiritual growth and understanding
has been nurtured largely by you.
Our best wishes to you in your next chapter.
Dr. S. Robert Rozbruch and Yonina Jacobs
To Rabbi Tucker and Amy Cohn,
We truly appreciate the leadership and guidance
you have shown this congregation.
We want to thank you for being models in the importance
of gemilut chasadim, learning, as well as
social and environmental causes.
Finally, we want to thank you both
for your warmth and friendship.
Amy and Mitchell Josesphs
Congratulations To Our Dear Friends,
Tonight's Honorees Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn
You have been inspiring teachers,
leaders and friends to our family.
Thank you for your dedicated service to our synagogue.
We look forward to many more wonderful times together
and continued learning under your guidance.
The Jossen Family
13-14 Iyyar 5778 April 27-29, 2018
Rabbi Tucker,
It is difficult to express the depth of our gratitude
for 24 years of extraordinary leadership,
inspiration, teaching, support, and kindness
to us personally, and to the entire TIC community.
Thank you and good luck to you and Amy
on your next chapter.
Rikki & Barry Kaplan
Lee, Natalie & Sam
שָׁנוּ חֲכָמִים בִּלְשׁוֹן הַמִּשְׁנָה, בָּרוּךְ שֶׁבָּחַר בָּהֶם וּבְמִשְׁנָתָם: רַבִּי מֵאִיר אוֹמֵר כָּל הָעוֹסֵק בַּתּוֹרָה לִשְׁמָהּ, זוֹכֶה לִדְבָרִים
הַרְבֵּה. וְלֹא עוֹד אֶלָּא שֶׁכָּל הָעוֹלָם כֻּלּוֹ כְדַי הוּא לוֹ. נִקְרָא רֵעַ, אָהוּב, אוֹהֵב אֶת הַמָּקוֹם, אוֹהֵב אֶת הַבְּרִיּוֹת, מְשַׂמֵּחַ אֶת הַמָּקוֹם, מְשַׂמֵּחַ אֶת הַבְּרִיּוֹת. וּמַלְבַּשְׁתּוֹ עֲנָוָה וְיִרְאָה, וּמַכְשַׁרְתּוֹ לִהְיוֹת צַדִּיק וְחָסִיד וְיָשָׁר וְנֶאֱמָן, וּמְרַחַקְתּוֹ מִן הַחֵטְא, וּמְקָרַבְתּוֹ לִידֵי זְכוּת, וְנֶהֱנִין מִמֶּנּוּ עֵצָה וְתוּשִׁיָּה בִּינָה וּגְבוּרָה, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (משלי ח) לִי עֵצָה וְתוּשִׁיָּה אֲנִי בִינָה לִי גְבוּרָה.
Rabbi Meir says: Anyone who involves himself in Torah for its own sake merits many
things, and moreover the entire world is worthwhile for his sake; He is called "friend," "beloved," "lover of the Omnipresent," "lover of [all] creatures," "delighter of the Omnipresent," "delighter of [all] creatures." He is clothed in humility and reverence,
and it prepares him to be righteous, devout, upright and trustworthy, and it distances him from sin, and draws him near to merit. We enjoy from him counsel and comprehension, understanding and strength, as it is said (Proverbs 8:14): "Mine is counsel
and comprehension, I am understanding, mine is strength." Pirkei Avot 6:1
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn,
Thank you for teaching us the true meaning of what it means to be engaged in Torah "for
its own sake." We learn from your example that through engaging in Torah we can become more compassionate, more humble, more just, more responsible as well as wiser and more understanding. We hope to follow your example in all these respects and that you will
continue to enlighten us with your words of Torah and their intended purpose.
The Katz Family
Diane & Gary, Yaira, Gidi, Matan & Hava
Rabbi Tucker and Amy
have blessed our beloved TIC community
with their wisdom, grace and kindness.
May they and their beautiful family
go from strength to strength.
Mazel Tov!
Barbara & Steve Kessler
Mazal Tov to
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn
and our sincere thanks for your friendship
and many years of service
to the TIC community.
Nancy and Steve Kirshenbaum
Our Heartfelt Appreciation
Rabbi Gordon Tucker
Norman and Kim,
Brynn, Cali, Remy
and Ian Kurlan
With deep appreciation and affection to
Amy and Gordon
for all you have done
in service to our community.
We wish you a fulfilling and joyful
next chapter in your lives.
Joan and Gregg Lerner
To the Rabbi, our Teacher and Friend
To the Gabbi, his wonderful Partner
Wherever life takes you--Godspeed
Go Red Sox!
David and Brenda O
Gordon and Amy,
Thank you for setting the standard in both your intellectual and personal leadership for our community.
To paraphrase a famous aria from Tosca,
"Vissi d'arte" ("I lived for art")-You have lived for us. We will miss you. Michael Picheny and Barbara Bolshon, Lauren, Ali and Jacob Mazal Tov to
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn!
We are grateful for your leadership
and service to our community.
Tina and Steven Price
We celebrate and support
the continuation of
Rabbi Gordon Tucker's leadership
in Jewish Learning, Thought and Culture.
Michael & Jo-Ann Rapaport
To Amy Cohn and Rabbi Gordon Tucker,
We are so grateful to you for all you have done
to teach, nurture and inspire us, our children
and our extended family.
With our love and gratitude,
Ilissa Rothschild and Mark Ressler
Will, Sage and Ian
Mazal tov to
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn
Our family is so grateful for your wisdom,
support and friendship through the years.
Wishing you much love, happiness and fulfillment
in the next phase of your life together. May you always go from strength to strength.
With love and admiration,
The Rosen Family
Cheryl and Rich, Ilana and David, Adam and Daniel
Gratitude is the essence-the very meaning-of Judaism.
We are profoundly grateful to you,
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn,
for all you are and for all you have given to us
and to the Temple Israel Center community.
Much love,
Elaine Shapiro and Ellen, Bruce,
Tamara & Sarah Wolfson
The Nat R. & Martha M. Knaster Charitable Trust
is pleased to place this ad in support of
Temple Israel Center and the Rabbi Gordon Tucker Fund
for Jewish Learning, Thought and Culture
The Nat R. & Martha M. Knaster Charitable Trust
Gordon and Amy,
With great:
affection-for such good friends,
appreciation-for leading our community by modeling
what it means to live exemplary Jewish lives, and
thanks-for the many life lessons we have learned from you both.
Your presence in, with close loving attention to, our community has made nearly a quarter century pass in what seems to have been an instant.
We wish you both what you merit:
the best of everything over your next many years.
Judy and Mark Zeichner
Our Rabbi, our teacher, our friend.
May the future for you and Amy
be all that you wish.
Arleen and Aaron
Mazal tov to
Rabbi Tucker and Amy!
Karyn and Wayne Aaron
and Family
Mazal tov to
Rabbi Tucker and Amy Cohn!
We are so grateful for your wisdom, guidance, hospitality,
and service. Thank you for making us feel so welcome at
Temple Israel Center, and for all that you contribute
to our community!
Colin, Farell, Ike,
and Asher Diamond
Gordon and Amy,
It was with great anticipation and excitement
that 24 years ago we welcomed you to our community.
We were eager to embrace your rabbinic leadership, Amy's warmth, the joy of our children sharing school with your children and the pleasure of your friendship. We are deeply grateful for all you have done for us and our community.
!חזק חזק ונתחזק
David and Debby Glasser
We join the community
in wishing Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn.
Thank you
for your extraordinary contributions
to Temple Israel Center and beyond.
Renana and Bob Rosenbloom
To Gordon and Amy,
May you continue to go
"from strength to strength."
With love and respect,
Ellen and Peter Weintraub
"To be a leader, you do not need a crown or robes of office. All you need to do is to write your chapter in the story, do deeds that heal some of the pain of this world, and act so that others become a little better for having known you. Live so that, through you, our ancient covenant with G-d is renewed in the only way that matters: in life." -Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
In honor of our devoted, just and wise leaders, Rabbi Gordon Tucker and
Amy Cohn, Thank you for your outstanding service to our sacred community, for lifting us up, bringing us together, teaching and inspiring us to carry forward the traditions of our people. You have enriched our
lives and helped shape our family's Jewish identity and home. We feel blessed to be a part of this congregation and have had our children
grow up here, under your magnificent guidance and leadership.
Our gratitude, admiration and love,
Julie, Warren, Carolyn,
Leah and Mitchell Breakstone
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn
We are grateful for your inspiration, wisdom, and guidance.
Thank you for your years of dedication,
leadership and commitment to our community.
Audrey Samers and David Glicksman
Benjamin and Rebecca
With gratitude for the gifts you have shared with us-
your scholarship, your leadership and spiritual guidance,
and your friendship. May the years ahead be filled
with good health and a multitude of blessings.
Phyllis and Andy Herz
Ralph Marash
Kol hakavod and thank you.
We are so grateful for
your wisdom, leadership, and devotion.
We wish you joy and fulfillment
in your journey ahead.
Andrea and Jeremy Perler
In honor of Gordon and Amy
For 24 years of cherished leadership
learning, teaching and friendship
Shirley and Hymie Shwiel
Kol HaKavod and Mazel Tov to
Your dedication and commitment to our synagogue
is deeply appreciated. Thank you for all you've done
to better our community.
Diana, Craig, Zachary
and Sarah Sklar
Mazal Tov to
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn.
You are an inspiration to all of us.
We wish you the best
in all of your future endeavors.
Jill, Bruce, Emily,
Danielle and Lulu Weisfeld
And the Rabbi taught them Torah...
-Gave them light so they could see
-Gave them wisdom so they could do good deeds
-And helped them to build a Sanctuary
where they could dwell in peace
And the people were eternally grateful
Judah, Marlene, Daniel,
Etan and Katie Aber
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn
Thank you for all that you have done
for our community and for all of the support
you have given to our family
Warmly, Jonathan Bender and Julia Glade Bender and Lexi, Max, Hannah, Benjamin and Abigail
It has been 24 wonderful years
with Rabbi Tucker and Amy.
Adolph and Janet Blank
and Family
Mazal tov to
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn!
We are so grateful for your guidance, warmth,
teaching, and dedication that you have shared with our family
and the community. We will miss your leadership deeply,
but look forward to sharing many more s'mahot together
in this new chapter of your lives.
With love and appreciation,
Deborah, Ari, Noam,
Jacob, Zachary & Benjamin Burstein
Once in a generation a great teacher and leader stands out.
We have been blessed to have learned
and been guided by such a person.
For 24 years, Amy and Gordon have modeled the values
we all hope to impart to our children.
With love and admiration,
Meryl and Phil Cedar
Stephen and Jeanette Cohen
Mazal Tov to
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn
Sandra and Danny Costin
Mazal Tov and thank you
for all you have done
for our community!
Roberta and Jeff Daskin
"Acquire for oneself a Rabbi and, in that person,
you will find a friend."
We are grateful to have found two friends in Gordon and Amy.
With our high regard and deep affection-
Jane and Ken Friedland
Mazel tov to
Rabbi Tucker and Amy Cohn.
We are very grateful for your years with us,
and we are delighted you are staying in the community.
Linda and Bob Friedman
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn!
You have enriched our community with your warmth
and commitment to elevating our appreciation of Judaism.
TIC has been blessed to have you with us for 24 years
and we will miss you!!
Laura & Ehud Gelblum
Mazal Tov to
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn.
Thank you so much for your 24 years
of leadership and inspiration,
and for fostering a warm and welcoming community!
Allan, Carol, Amy
and Melissa Gingold
Thank you, Rabbi Tucker,
for your guidance, support, strength,
wisdom and friendship.
With much love and admiration,
Andrea Pines and Mark Goldberg
"TR" and Amy
with Affection and Admiration
Jane and Ken Gould
With greatest respect for one of the finest Rabbis
of our century. A scholar, spiritual leader, visionary
and true mensch. And with kudos to Amy
who quietly and consistently welcomed
the congregation into her home, served as our Gabbai
and helped build a wonderful community.
Marty and Debbie Greenberg
Mazal Tov to
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn
Elise, Steve, Maya,
Juliette, and Samuel Grossblatt
Gordon and Amele,
We love you and cherish our long, dear friendship
(could it really be 24 years??).
May you enjoy this next phase and may it be filled
with love, learning and personal fulfillment.
Adina, Harman, Eli,
Brenne and Zoe Grossman
Dear Rabbi Tucker and Amy:
Your words, deeds and acts of kindness
will forever remain embedded within the community
you created at Temple Israel Center
and with the many people you touched along the way.
Thank you for enriching our lives.
Lauren and Kenny Kanfer
Who is wise? One who learns from every person.
Who is strong? One who subdues one's evil inclination.
Who is rich? One who is happy with one's lot.
Who is to be honored? One who honors others.
-Pirkei Avot 4:1
Mazel tov to Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn
Thank you for leading our congregation with a strong
and firm hand for the past 24 years. We wish you much joy
and happiness on the next chapter of your lives together.
Michelle, Evan, Jolie,
Lucas and Ayla Kantor
With deepest appreciation
for the illumination you have brought
to TIC and to Howard and me.
How lucky we were to find our teacher!
Rita Kashner
Rabbi Gordon Tucker:
From the outset of our friendship, you have been a mentor, a pillar of strength, a shoulder to lean on and the best teacher ever.
Whether in Israel, at TIC, in White Plains, Scarsdale or Manhattan,
your lessons and your guidance to our family
has directed each of us to live more fulfilled lives
in every aspect each and every day.
Gordon and Amy: We laughed, we cried, we sang and we prayed together. Your kindness, gentleness, lessons and friendship
will always be in our hearts.
We thank you for everything: Kol Hakavod. Warmly, Karen, Jay, Brett, Jared, Ali and Jen Kasner
With deep appreciation
for your dedication to our community,
we thank you and wish you
a heartfelt Mazal Tov.
Randi, Justin, Ian,
Abie and Aaron Kattan
Mazal Tov to
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn
Rachel and Michael Kay
Dear Rabbi Tucker,
We thank you so much
for your superb service
to our community, Temple and family.
With wonderful wishes
for all that is to come,
The Kayle Family
Dear R' Gordon and Amy:
Our gratitude for your leadership, teachings, inspiration
and, most of all, your friendship, is boundless. All that you
have given us, Max, Shira, Dina and Zachary,
and the T.I.C. community at large
has had an immeasurable impact on us
and will stay in our minds and hearts always.
With love and our eternal appreciation,
Sam, Ella, Max, Shira,
Dina and Zachary Kohn
Dear Gordon and Amy,
With our deepest admiration and respect,
we thank you for your leadership, inspiration
and friendship for almost 25 years.
Mazel Tov!
Patricia and Martin Lager
We are so grateful to have
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn
in our community.
Rachel, Ben, Lily,
Jakey, and Miri Lebwohl
Best wishes for the next chapter
With great admiration and gratitude
to Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn
Daniel, Julie, Deborah
and Asher Leffell
Mazal Tov to
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn
Troi and Michael Lefkowitz
In celebration of
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn
With admiration, respect and affection, Steven, Masako, Jake
and Sarah Levitt
We are delighted to honor our dear friends
Rabbi Gordon Tucker
Amy Cohn
Mazel tov on your well-deserved retirement
from Temple Israel Center
May you continue to be
a source of illumination
to the Jewish community
Linda and Larry Lieberman
To Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn,
Thank you for having offered us and others the opportunity to learn,
grow, and open our minds in a manner helping to make individual lives,
as well as our world, better for all concerned.
Thank you for being there to provide insight and guidance,
and for providing the inspiration to do the right thing.
Thank you for teaching in a manner allowing us
to refine our understanding of truth and justice.
We hope that you will continue to share your remarkable scholarship
and ethical orientation with as many others as possible, as that will be
the only consolation for your not being here to share it with us.
Your beautiful family will be truly missed, and we wish you success
and happiness in all of your upcoming endeavors.
With Gratitude,
Neil Lubarsky and Stephanie Ohl Lubarsky
לב חכם ישכיל פיהו ועל שפתיו יסיף לקח With appreciation for Rabbi Tucker's many years
of inspired teaching and his dedication to our community
and to our People, and with prayers for many more years
of wise teaching and for much contentment.
Rabbi Joel & Sandy Meyers
You will always be our Rabbi
Frances and Irwin Miller
תודה רבה
and מזל טוב to Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn מחיל אל חיל Ronnie and David Parker Ronnie and David Parker
Dear Gordon and Amy-
Our sincerest thank you and utmost gratitude for your years
of spiritual leadership, mentoring and dedication. Our lives were deeply enriched through our lifelong family friendships. We were truly blessed to be together at all our life cycle events.
Mazal Tov!
Betty and Aaron Polinsky
Acquire for yourself a rabbi,
and in that person,
you will find a friend.
With deep appreciation to
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn.
Family of Bill Poltarak
Rabbi Tucker,
We are overwhelmingly grateful for the wisdom,
guidance, insight, and inspiration with which you
have blessed our family through the years.
May the years ahead be filled with much joy
and many fulfilling endeavors for both you and Amy.
Mazal tov & kol hakavod!
The Schain Family
Magan, Adam, Max, Asher, Emily & Clara
To our dear friends, Gordon and Amy
Whose home and hearts
are Loving and Open to All
יהי ביתך פתוח לרוחה
Les and Benjie
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn,
Thank you for Inspiring, Teaching, and Guiding us
through both good and difficult times.
With appreciation and affection,
Jennifer, Cliff, Max, Sam,
and Maddie Seltzer
Amy and Gordon
"I've heard it said, That people come into our lives,
For a reason.
Bringing something we must learn, And we are led to those,
Who help us most to grow if we let them.
And we help them in return.
So much of me, Is made of what I learned from you.
You'll be with me, Like a hand print on my heart.
Because I knew you I have been changed for good."
From our 3 families!
Maida and Howie
Abby, Dani, Jude and Sam
Carli, Rafi, Landon and Wes
We feel truly blessed
to have basked in the Warmth and Light and Learning that Gordon and Amy have unfailingly shed on us for all these excellent years. Irene Kohn & Hal Silverman
Mazal Tov
to Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn
Jill and Brian Steinhause
With heartfelt thanks to our rabbi and teacher
for deepening our connection to Heavenly Torah.
From the members of the unofficial Simcha Committee J. Brandt, J. Fabiani, R. Greenfield, M. Kalikow,
M. Leffell, G. Lerner, A. Polinsky, R. Rozbruch,
D. Sass, M. Schiller
יברכך ה׳ וישמרך
יאר ה׳ פניו אליך ויחונך ישא ה׳ פניו אליך וישם לך שלום Dear Rabbi Tucker and Amy, May God bless you in your new adventures and may you continue to bless all of us with your wisdom and friendship for many years to come. With deep love and gratitude,
The Grafmans
Allan, Beth, Josh, Rachel, Daniel and Ryan
With deep appreciation for Rabbi Gordon Tucker
and In Loving Memory of Elsie Cohn
The Hannah S and Samuel A Cohn Memorial Foundation
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Tucker on nearly a quarter century
of extraordinary leadership in this community. Thank you
for bringing us into the TIC family! Your warmth, guidance
and friendship has made us feel at home here
from the very start.
Best wishes on your next adventures
and we will miss you so much!
Brittany, Scott, Samantha and Allison
The Harris Willig Family
Eternally grateful.
This is not goodbye but au revoir.
Toda raba.
The Morse Family
"It is striving for unity that makes Judaism a phenomenon
of mankind that transforms the Jewish question
into a human question."
-Martin Buber, early addresses, "Judaism & Mankind"
Mazel Tov Gordon & Amy!
Through your community leadership,
enduring friendships and bonds have been formed.
We wish you both well in all of your future endeavors.
With Appreciation,
The Weinstock, Podair and Stahl families
[They] taught: Select a teacher for yourself; acquire a friend;
and be in the habit of judging every person favorably.
Pirkei Avot 1:6
In honor of our friends, Amy and Gordon,
whose learning, common sense, spirituality,
and commitment to Temple Israel Center
have transformed our community.
Joel, Evie, Noah,
Gabriel, and Talia Wolfson
Gordon and Amy,
!יישר כחך! מזל טוב
Thank you for the past 24 years of your dedication, guidance, leadership, inspiration and friendship to our community and to us. You have celebrated with us at some of our happiest times (from our Simcha Bat to our recent Bar Mitzvah), and supported us in some of the saddest times. We are so thankful for your patience and caring, and to have had the privilege of learning with you and from you, from White Plains to Israel.
With Love and Appreciation,
The Yankwitt Family
Russell, Deborah, Aden, Shayna
Mazal tov and thank you
for guiding, teaching
and inspiring our community
for so many years.
Wendy, Jeremy, Petra, Tova & Orli
It has truly been an honor to have you
serve as our Rabbi for the past 24 years.
Wishing you the best of luck
in your future endeavors.
All the best,
The Batt Family
Mazal Tov to
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn
Brenda and Michael Benn
With love and deep gratitude to
Rabbi Tucker and Amy Cohn
for the light, the Torahand the grace
you brought to all of us for so many years.
May you continue to go
from strength to strength.
Rose and Mitchell Blank
The Board of Trustees Join in Honoring Gordon and Amy:
To Gordon: You have: Made the task of leadership a sacred responsibility; Brought spirituality and Talmudic inspiration; Led us to create lofty goals and ideals for the betterment of our community; Demanded we act with courage in the face of tough choices; Reminded us that our purpose is to lead by adhering to Jewish values; Enriched by the example you have set. We honor you as our Rabbi, teacher, leader, friend. To Amy: Your serenity and dignity have enriched
our services, our sanctuary and our lives.
We wish you both a beautiful and creative future as you enter the next phase of your lives.
Temple Israel Center Board of Trustees
Mazal Tov to
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn
Jennifer, Nicholas, Gabriella
and Sabrina Brown
Mazal Tov, Amy & Gordon-
We thank you for all you have done,
and wish you peace & joy
in all that is yet to be!
With great admiration,
appreciation& affection,
Debbie, Scott, Becca
& Zach Edelman
Mazal tov to
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn
With gratitude and appreciation
for all you have given to our community
Lauren Marcus Eisenberg,
David Eisenberg, and Sally Eisenberg
"All new beginnings require that you unlock a new door"
Rabbi Nachman of Breslov
Amy and Gordon, We are deeply grateful for your loving devotion and dedicated service
to our community, and for the privilege of working with you
as partners in the task of leading our congregation.
You have inspired us to govern with wisdom and compassion
and to use the principles of Torah to guide our decisions.
Your trusted advice and friendship, and the many talents you have shared,
have enriched our individual lives and the life of our entire community.
May all the new doors you open lead to enrichment, creativity, peace and joy. The Temple Israel Center Executive Committee
Mazel Tov Gordon and Amy! Thank you for your amazing gift of "Words". Words of teaching, words of reflection, words of inspiration, words of joy, words of comfort and words of friendship. We are proud to call you "Our Family Rabbi"!!!
With appreciation and affection,
Minda, Fred, Elyse & Philip Feinberg
Mazel tov to Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn.
Rabbi Tucker, thank you for being the ultimate mensch, for enriching our lives with your inspired teaching,
your kindness and compassion
and for reigniting Jules' passion for Jewish learning.
Carol Gelber
Mazal Tov to
Rabbi Tucker and Amy Cohn
Thank you for leadership
and for inspiring us
through teaching Torah
Reena, David, Maya,
Kate & Ilan Glick
We are honored to share
in the celebration of
Rabbi Tucker and Amy Cohn's
contribution to the TIC community
over the past quarter century.
Neil and Judith Grand
Dear Gordon and Amy,
Thank you for many years
of scholarship and leadership.
Karen, Mark, Danielle,
Justin and David Hauser
Gordon & Amy:
You have become a part of the fabric of our lives.
You have touched us personally, spiritually
and intellectually. May you both know health,
joy and success in all that you do.
With much warmth,
Annie & Marty
Steven Koch
Mazal Tov to
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn
Judi, Serle, Michael, Madeline
and Andrew Levin
"Rabban Gamliel used to say: Appoint a teacher for yourself
and remove yourself from uncertainty..." Pirkei Avot 1/16
Rabbi Tucker, you have been our beloved Talmud class teacher for the past 14 years. From you we have learned so many things: laws pertaining to many chagim, interpretation of laws of the Mishna, the historical context
of Talmudic discussions, etc. You have been a friend, an instructor,
and a role model. We are so fortunate to know that at the same time
that we honor the completion of your service to Temple Israel Center,
that you expect to continue on as our teacher. That leaves us
with more comfort and joy than you may realize.
We wish you and Amy well in your new adventures.
The Manhattan Talmud Class
In honor of our mentors,
Rabbi Gordon Tucker
and Amy Cohn.
From the Daily Minyanaires
Kol Hakavod to Rabbi Tucker and Amy Cohn!
Thank you for your wonderful years of service
to the community.
We have been proud to be part of
so many celebrations with you at the synagogue.
Steve Rubenfeld Marty Grossel
Pride-Mark Aaron Caterers
Mazal Tov!
Thank you not only for your years of service to this community
but for being such loving and supportive
parents and grandparents.
We are so excited for your legacy to live on
through your vision for American and Israeli Judaism.
We love you!
Ethan, Ariela, Eden, Yitzhak and Yoav
In honor of Rabbi Gordon Tucker
and all of the brilliant Torah
we have been privileged
to learn from you.
Karyn, Marc, Yael
and Gabi Schiller
Mazal tov to Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn!
The seeds you planted at TIC and beyond
will continue to grow and inspire for generations.
Wishing you many blessings on the next step of your journey.
With deep appreciation,
Ivy, David, Brady,
Micah and Selma Schreiber
Mazal tov to
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn
from the Havurah Minyan!
May you go from strength to strength!
The TIC Administrative Team
wishes a hearty Mazal Tov
to Rabbi Tucker and Amy Cohn.
With sincere appreciation, respect and gratitude,
Robin Arzt, Annie Damiano, Susan Galla,
Marty Greenberg, Kelly Kressler, Javier Neiman,
Desiree Vacca, Sandro Pillcurima and the entire Maintenance Staff
TIC Charity/Tzedakah
Mazal Tov to
Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn
Stephanie and Ernie Wechsler
We are pleased to contribute to
the Bet Midrash "House of Study"
of the Rabbi Gordon Tucker Fund
for Jewish Learning, Thought and Culture.
Mazal tov and best wishes to Gordon and Amy
for the next exciting and meaningful adventure!
Barbara and Barry Wenglin
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn Daniel & Liat Altman
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn Ascher Family
Esther and Irv Beckman
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn Jessica and Jeffrey Brown
Hillel says, "Be of the disciples of Aharon, loving peace and pursuing peace, loving people and bringing them to Torah." Thank you to our great friend and teacher. Linda and Jacob Darer
We honor Rabbi Tucker for he honors humankind... Mariel and Eric Donath
Gordon: We think the world of you. Congratulations on an awesome career! Thank you for so many things, but most especially for your many beautiful and thought provoking teachings. We hope you will come back from time to time for encores. Marian and Joel Engel
Our family has so much love and kavod for both of you. Mazal tov on your next chapter! All our best, Karen, Noah, Adina, Maya, and Ari Estrin
With heartfelt love and much appreciation From, John and Marcy Fabiani
Scholar. Teacher. Illuminator. Educator. Gaon. Pastor. Visionary. Advocate. Inspirer. Rabbi. Friend. With love and admiration, Rabbi Tucker-- Thank you for a quarter century of your wisdom, knowledge and leadership. Thank you for your leadership and guidance. Best of luck as you continue your journey. Thanks for a wonderful 24 years! Fondly, Mazal Tov to Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn. Thank you for all you have done for our community. Shiri and Andrew Greenberg
עשינו לנו רב, וקנינו לנו חברים, שלמדנו לדון לכף זכות You have so often mattered to us - personally and communally. For this we are profoundly grateful. To Amy and Gordon With great admiration and bounteous thanks for your friendship, inspiration and perspicacity. Mazal Tov to Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn Sara, Moises, Nathan, and Eve Mainster
כל הכבוד רב' טקר Your intellect, scholarship, and good work have been an inspiration to us. We are grateful to you, our Rabbi, teacher and friend, more than we can say. Thank you. Thank you for your friendship, wisdom, and generosity of spirit. You both have inspired us in innumerable ways. Sending much love. Fredda Cohen and Eric Nussbaum
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn Peri and Jon Polesuk
Yoni and Ari join us in wishing you and Amy a mazal tov. Thank you for your many years of friendship and loving guidance. Rabbi Dina Shargel and David Projansky
Mazal tov and best wishes to Rabbi Tucker and Amy Cohn. Good luck in your retirement. Elaine and Harold Kellner, Robin and Seth Friedman and Family Dear Rabbi Tucker and Amy Cohn, Thank you so much for your teaching, your care and support over the years; and for being a spiritual center for our family. We wish you all the best. Mazal Tov to Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn Rena, David, Aaron, Hanna and Rachel Schwartzbaum
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn Sisterhood of Temple Israel Center
My wife and Brotherhood members join me in thanking our teacher and 5774 Man of the Year honoree, Dr. Gordon Tucker, for his transformative years with us at TIC. We wish Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn much happiness in their future endeavors. We will miss Amy's smiles and greetings. J. Harold Nissen, President Who is wise? One who learns from every man. Rabbi Ben Zoma, Pirkei Avot With deep appreciation for your guidance, wisdom and commitment. Temple Israel Center Education Council
We are forever grateful for the profound, insightful guidance and learning you have shared, and your dedication to the mission of the Committee and TIC. Temple Israel Center Ritual Committee
Dear Amy and Rabbi Tucker: we will be forever thankful for all the infinite generous love and wisdom received from you. Ciro, Sofía, Guido, Judith and Guillermo The Jacubowicz-Bluvstein Family Rabbi and Amy, We thank you for 24 years of inspiration, leadership and friendship. The Sass Family
Your wisdom and insights have guided us throughout the years! Mazal Tov to Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn. Mazal Tov to Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn Melissa, Brian, Jake and Charlotte Weiss
With great respect and appreciation, we honor Amy Cohn and Rabbi Gordon Tucker for their unending guidance, wisdom, and dedication to the TIC community. Gail and Nathan, Sara and David Wiesenfeld
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn Diane and Laurence Levy and Nicky and Denis Ziman
Wishing you brachot for the next stage of your learning and teaching. Lori, Arie, Sam, Eitan, Jojo Abecassis
Thank you for sharing many years of friendship, knowledge & hesed. Blessings and good wishes for this next stage of life. Ruth Bernstein
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn Lisa, David, Marnie & Benji Breakstone
And were it not for their menchlekeit-that would have been enough. L'dor va dor. From 3 generations of the Bromberg Family. Sharon and Charney Bromberg
Best wishes for your retirement! We will miss your inspiration, education and guidance. Stephanie, Schuyler, Alec and Craig Carroll
Abel Caterers
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn Seren & Craig Cepler
Mazel Tov, Rabbi Tucker & Amy. Our everlasting gratitude for your passion, dedication, warmth, vision & love for the Jewish people & humanity. With love & admiration for you & your beautiful family, we love you, Ann & Rocco Damiano
With gratitude and appreciation for Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn. Thank you Rabbi Tucker and Amy Cohn for sharing your amazing gifts with the TIC community. Marc and Julie Dinkin
With Mazel and Gratitude to Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn for being a part of our lives as a community and individually. Rita, Norm, Marshall, Carly, and Samantha The Eisler-Weinberg Family
Thank you for the years of friendship, spiritual guidance and leadership. Steve, Judy, Zach, Ethan Gische Schurkman
Thank you for inspiring and leading our community, and wishing you all the best in your next chapter. Pam, Eric, Melissa, Jordan and Julia Goldstein
Best Wishes to Gordon and Amy. From, Mazal Tov to Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn Mindy, Harry, Jesse, Leo and Ezra Green
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn Susan Abramowitz and Aaron Gurwitz
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn With love and appreciation, Mazal Tov to Amy and Gordon. Joan, Michael, Brian, Jayme, Amanda and Kelsey Jonat
Many thanks for all you have done. John and Linda Karesh
Rabbi Amy Wallk Katz
Mazal tov and best wishes to Gordon and Amy. You both will be very missed. Art and Valerie Korzer
We thank you for your many years of leadership and devoted attentiveness. Mazel tov Rabbi Tucker and Amy Cohn. I thoroughly enjoyed studying Mishnah with you. Thank you, Linda Levine
Mazal Tov Rabbi Tucker! Thank you for everything you've done. B'hatzlacha! Thank you Rabbi Tucker and Amy Cohn Lewis Monument Company
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn Melissa, Ken, Alex, Lena and Mira Mazer
We honor one of the גדולי הדור Rabbi Gordon Tucker and his soulmate Amy Cohn With love, Lee and Rebecca Miller
Mazal Tov To Rabbi Tucker and Amy Cohn on this milestone achievement. Wishing you continued success & fulfillment. Sheila Yossem & Bob Mindel
Profound thanks for your courageous leadership לתפארת עם ישראל Daniel Sokatch Rabbi Ayelet Cohen New Israel Fund
Rabbi Tucker and Amy Cohn, We are all the beneficiaries of your living legacy of love and loyalty. New York Board of Rabbis
With gratitude for the years of spiritual leadership, we wish you wonderful new beginnings. עשה לך רב, וקנה לך חבר Thank you Gordon and Amy, for your teaching & friendship. Harry, Lisa, Eliana, Nami & Maya Mazal tov Rabbi Tucker and family & TIC. A lucky community; A lucky Rabbi. Pella Productions
From your friends in the "old country" (aka the Bronx) and a grateful student. Rabbi Barry Dov Katz www.csair.org Rabbi Barry Dov Katz
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn Rabbi Mitch & Cari Cohen
All good wishes for health and happiness in your "golden years." We won't cry because it's over-- We'll smile because your great tenure happened! Best always, Dear Amy & Rabbi Tucker, We wish you all the best as you embark on your next journey together. מזל טוב Madeline & Irwin Dannis and Fran & Carl Rosenzweig
Rabbi and Amy, We will always remember our special years together! Toasting your next adventures. !בשלום Mary Ann and Bob Sacks
Yasher Koach! Warm regards, With our very best wishes. Brenda and Jonathan Scher
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn Sanford Schwartz and Alyce Schwebel
A million thanks for all you have done for us and the community. With gratitude for your inspiration and support, Helene and Jonathan Shankman
Throughout our years at TIC we were constantly asked how did we get our children to attend services? Rabbi Tucker. Jill, Leon, Benjamin, Jonathan and Allison Shein
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn! We have enjoyed sharing your company and learning so much from you. Jenny and Dan Tabak
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn Ayelet & Jeffrey Teitelbaum
Thank you for the insight you have given us in our understanding Torah. The Learning Institute
Dear Gordon and Amy, Wishing you a Mazal Tov and our warmest wishes for continued fulfillment as you continue your journey. The Zelicof Family
Thank you for your guidance and teaching during these 24 years- Congratulations to Rabbi Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn. Mazel Tov Rabbi Tucker and Amy. Thank you for always being there for us. Linda, Ben, Dina, Kate & Steven Wetchler
Susan and Stephen Banker
Jodi Becker
Rabbi Ethan Witkovsky and Erin Beser
Toni and David Bickart
Steve and Angela Bileca
Carol and Leonard Binder
Dr. and Mrs. David Binder
Alissa and Andy Butterfass
CJ Security Services Inc.
Kenneth and Lois Cohen
Zolman and Katie Eisenstadt
David and Jacqueline Ellenson
Peggy Ellsberg
Judith Feingold
Rabbi David Lerner and Rabbi Michael Fel
Drs. Rona and Howard Fine
Jeff and Lillian Fischler Rosenblatt
Edward and Jill Fisher
Harvey and Miriam Flisser
Jill and Barry Glickman
Jonathan and Adena Goldberg
Mark, Sarah, Max & Asher Goldstein
Robbie and Nellie Harris
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey L. Hecht
Melissa & Joshua Kamerman
Arnold and Ruth Kaminer
Michael and Maureen Kaplan
Rosalind and Richard Kaufman
Karen and Jay, Julia, Josh & Aliza Klein
Ari & Adina Konikoff
Howie, Natasha, Sammy, Orly and Benjy Kornstein
Martin and Carol Koshakow
Amy and Bill Lipsey
Lissy Carr Events, LLC
Abby H. Litt
Barbara Lowenfels
Rabbi Amy Bardack and Jared Magnani
Seth & Susan Mandelbaum
Barbara Meixler
Leon and Anne Miller
Thomas and Elana Mukamal
Patty Goldstick and the Nursery School Staff
Elayne and Alan Pollet
Rabbi Moshe and Kay Pomerantz
Marilyn and Bernie and the entire Rappaport family
Rhonda and Andrew Resnick
Bruce Schloss and Fran Rosenzweig
Rhonda and Brian Rubin
Sy Scharf
Rabbi Philip Scheim
Beth Rosen and Lloyd Schloss
Susan and Ed Schwartz
Mark and Roberta Shapiro
Rabbi Nahum and Baila Shargel
Harriet Slivka
Carol and Larry Stempel
Harriet and Marc Suvall
Arthur Miller and Sue Thau
Judith Factor and Robert Wechsler
Ronit and Andrew Weinberg
Ellen and Bill, Aaron, Danny and Sara Weininger
Adi Cohen and Jonathan Weinsaft
Leslie and Ronald Winters