We are proud to join the
Temple Israel Center
community in honoring very special people
Pam and Bruce Wexler,
Diana and Craig Sklar,
and Nancy Parkes 
on this well-deserved recognition.
Lisa and Michael Leffell
Young Leadership Award Recipients
We are very grateful for your incredible dedication to the community
and look forward to your amazing leadership for years to come!
Director of Congregational Learning
We are deeply thankful for all you have given to us and the community through your innovation and passion! Your legacy will forever impact
the future of the Jewish people.
It is a blessing and a privilege to be members of the Temple Israel Center Family. A heartfelt Thank You to the entire community and to everyone involved in making this Gala a memory of a lifetime!
With much love and appreciation,
Pam and Bruce Wexler
Many thanks to Pam & Bruce,
Diana & Craig, and Nancy for your leadership and for helping to sustain
and grow TIC and our community.
Danya & Marc Berman and Family
Mazal tov to
Pamela and Bruce Wexler
Diana and Craig Sklar
Nancy Parkes
Thank you for your dedication and service
to our TIC community.
Irma Milstein,
Howard and Abby Milstein
Pamela and Bruce Wexler
Diana and Craig Sklar
Nancy Parkes
Our warmest congratulations to you on
this evening's honor. Thank you for all you have done to strengthen and inspire
the Temple Israel Center community.
Cheryl and Philip Milstein
Mazal tov and kol hakavod to
Pam and Bruce Wexler,
Diana and Craig Sklar, and Nancy Parkes.
May you all continue to go
from strength to strength.
Michael and Toby Rozen
Pam & Bruce - We are forever grateful
for your leadership and care
for TIC & our community.
Diana & Craig - We are inspired by
your enthusiasm and dedication to TIC
and Torah learning.
Nancy - Congratulations on this honor.
Diane & Gary Katz
We salute our honorees
for their inspired leadership at TIC.
May you all go from strength to strength.
Steve and Barbara Kessler
Congratulations to
Pam and Bruce Wexler,
Diana and Craig Sklar,
and Nancy Parkes
on this well-deserved honor.
Ellen, Barry, Jacob and Shira Lovell
Mazal Tov Pam & Bruce,
Diana & Craig, & Nancy
With deep gratitude
for your inspirational leadership,
dedication to Jewish values, and service
to our TIC community.
May you continue to go
from strength to strength!
Ellen, Bob, Jennifer, David,
and Matthew Salant
Kol hakavod to the honorees
for your devotion to TIC.
Nancy, you have made an indelible mark
on the Jewish communal leaders
of tomorrow.
Gloria and Mark Bieler
Mazal Tov 
Pam and Bruce
 on this richly deserved honor.
Your daily acts of tzedakah are an inspiration,
and we're honored to call you our friends.
Congratulations as well to Diana and Craig Sklar
and Nancy Parkes - we thank you for your service to TIC.
Kathy and Jimmy Brandt
Thank you for your extraordinary service
to our community.
May you go from strength to strength.
Judy and David Gilberg
In Honor of our friends
Bruce and Pam Wexler
for their Dedication and Devotion
to Temple Israel Center and
Congratulations to
Nancy Parkes
on this Special Tribute.
Norman and Kim Kurlan
We join the Temple Israel Center community
in congratulating our honorees.
Pam & Bruce, your friendship and devotion
to our community is an enormous gift to all of us.
Diana & Craig, you are extraordinary role models
and assure the future of our kehillah.
Nancy, your leadership, warmth and passion
have made Temple Israel Center an
exemplary educational community.
Joan and Gregg Lerner
"A Good Name is Better than Precious Ointment" (Ecclesiastes)
Pam & Bruce Wexler, Diana & Craig Sklar, & Nancy Parkes, Your good deeds bring honor to your names
and enhance the entire community.
Thank you for your boundless service and leadership.
Linda and Jonathan Flaxer
Pam and Bruce Wexler...
Bringing compassion and action together.
You have touched the lives of so many
with your kindness and dedication to
Temple Israel Center and the greater Jewish Community.
We are so proud of you and honored to call you study partners, partners in philanthropy, and friends.
Mazel Tov and much love,
Wendy and Neil Sandler
Congratulations to our friends Pam & Bruce Wexler,
who have selflessly donated and dedicated so much of their time
to our community, to our great benefit.
We also salute Nancy Parkes, who has worked so hard
to educate generations of synagogue members.
Congratulations as well to Diana & Craig Sklar
for their honor and their work
on behalf of Temple Israel Center.
Judy and Mark Zeichner
Pam, Bruce, Diana, Craig, and Nancy
Thanks for all you have done
to strengthen the TIC community.
With much gratitude,
Madeleine and David Arnow
Pam and Bruce,
Mazel Tov on this well-deserved honor.
You are inspirations to the community.
Cindy and Ben Golub
We are proud to be a part
of this wonderful community.
Congratulations to the honorees.
Brenda and David Oestreich
Mazal tov to our friends
Diana and Craig
on this richly deserved honor.
Your relentless devotion to our community
is an inspiration to us all.
Congratulations as well to Pam & Bruce and Nancy.
Kol hakavod and thank you to all of you.
We are so grateful for everything you do for our community.
Andrea & Jeremy Perler
Mazel tov to our outstanding honorees
Pam and Bruce Wexler
Diana and Craig Sklar
Nancy Parkes
Thank you for your extraordinary
contributions to TIC.
Renana and Robert Rosenbloom
We salute Pam and Bruce for their
many years of dedicated service
to TIC and our community.
And to Nancy Parkes, who has helped so many of us find a home at TIC and inspired many to explore and learn.
Deborah, Alan, Joshua,
and Rachel Annex
Mazel Tov
Bruce and Pam
Thank you for your leadership
and for being a true inspiration to us all.
Congratulations Diana & Craig, and Nancy,
Thank you for your dedication, enthusiasm
and service to Temple Israel Center.

Audrey Samers and David Glicksman
Benjamin and Rebecca
Mazel Tov to
Diana and Craig Sklar
and all of the Honorees
on this well-deserved honor!
Thank you for all of your hard work
and dedication to our community!
Jennifer and Nicholas Brown
Congratulations and Best Wishes
to the Honorees
Joan and Roy Cohen
A huge Mazel Tov to Pam and Bruce Wexler
on your well-deserved honor.
Thank you for your leadership
and endless dedication to making
Temple Israel Center a compassionate, caring
and inspirational community.
We treasure your friendship,
which has enriched our lives for decades.
All our love and congratulations,
Alan, Robin, Michael and Jennifer Colner
A person who runs to do just, good, and kind deeds
attains life, success, and honor.
- Proverbs 21:21
Thank you,
for your many just, good, and kind deeds which have so greatly benefited our community.
The TIC Executive Committee
Congratulations to our dear friends,
Pam and Bruce,
for this well-deserved recognition
to two amazing, giving people.
The Diamond Family
Mazal tov and congratulations
to our honorees!
With abiding appreciation
for all you do for our community.
Ziva Freiman and the Katz Family
Mazal tov to all the wonderful honorees!
Sheila and Bob Friedland
"On three things the world stands. On Torah, on service
and on acts of human kindness." (Pirkei Avot 1:2)
We are thrilled to honor our dear friends, Pam and Bruce
Wexler, who deeply embrace the critical pillars of our faith.
Many thanks for all that you do to enrich our community.
Mazal tov!!
We also congratulate
Diana and Craig Sklar and Nancy Parkes.
Karen and Ed Friedman
Our warmest wishes and gratitude
to our friends,
Pam and Bruce Wexler
for their years of inspiring leadership
and service to the Jewish community.
Kristin and Gary Friedman
Pam and Bruce, thank you for
always leading by example.
Adam & Janie Frieman
Mazel tov to Pam and Bruce,
two wonderful leaders.
Our community is blessed with your work.
Laurie and Stephen Girsky
"One person's candle is a light for many." -
Talmud Shabbat
Yasher Koach to
Pam and Bruce Wexler,
two incredible community leaders 
and dear friends
who lead by example.
With love,
Wayne and Tara Slone Goldstein
Mazel Tov to our dear friends,
Pam and Bruce
You have been outstanding role models
of caring leadership for our community.
Mazel Tov to Diana and Craig
for your service to TIC.
Nancy - your commitment
to quality Jewish education
is truly inspirational.
Janet and Richard Greenfield
Mazel tov to all honorees.
To Pam and Bruce - We cherish
our friendship, admire your dedication
to tikkun olam, and are thrilled
to share this evening with you.
Lauren and Alan Halperin
"Be the change you want to see in the world."
-Mahatma Ghandi
Pam and Bruce,
For all that you do, with quiet words, a gentle nature,
and a generous spirit we thank you.
Mazel tov on this well-deserved honor.
With love,
Mom, Irene, Fred, Rachel and Jeffrey
Joan, Larry, Matt, Christy, Scott, Kimmy
Josephine, Cullen, Ellie, Jane, and Hazel
Pam & Bruce - You are good and kind
and so very deserving of this honor.
Diana & Craig Sklar and Nancy Parkes -
Thank you for all you do
for our TIC community.
We are lucky to be the beneficiaries
of all that all of you do. Mazel Tov!
Rikki & Barry Kaplan
Congratulations and best wishes
to the Honorees.
May you continue to go
from strength to strength.
Rita Kashner
Pam and Bruce,
Kol Hakavod on this important honor.
Thank you for your commitment
to an enriched community.
Karen, Jay, Brett, Jared, Ali, Jen,
and Graham Kasner
We are grateful to be a part of this inspiring community.
Wishing our dear friends Diana and Craig Sklar
Kol HaKavod on this wonderful honor.

Mazal Tov to Honorees Pam and Bruce Wexler
and Nancy Parkes.
Thank you for all that you do for our community!
Bree Schonbrun and Ian Dumain
Randi and Justin Kattan
Mazal Tov to Pam and Bruce Wexler,
Diana and Craig Sklar
and Nancy Parkes
on this well deserved honor
and to the entire TIC community.
Nancy and Steve Kirshenbaum
Mazel tov to Diana and Craig.
All our love,
Marc, Jeffrey, Matan, Rinat,
and Merav Kramer-Richard
Mazel tov to our dear friends
Pam and Bruce Wexler.
Their dedication and commitment
to TIC and the Jewish community
is an inspiration to all.
Arlene and Jerry Levine
Mazal tov to Pam & Bruce, Nancy,
and Diana & Craig!
Thanks to Diana
for volunteering with SEIVAH!
Ralph Marash
Mazal tov to Pam and Bruce!
Robert and Orly Ben-Yoav Nobel
The TIC Office Staff congratulates all
the honorees on receiving these
well-deserved honors.
Mazal tov!
Dorrie Berkowitz, Annie Damiano,
Susan Galla, Rachel Jurisz, Javier Neiman, Desiree Vacca, Sandro Pillcurima and the entire Maintenance Staff
Mazel tov and yasher koach to the Sklars
and our friends
Pam and Bruce Wexler.
And to Nancy Parkes:
You are one of a kind.
We love you. 
Thank you for being an inspiration
to our family.
Ilissa Rothschild and Mark Ressler
"Thinking good thoughts is not enough, doing
good deeds is not enough, seeing others follow your
good example is enough."
-Douglas Horton
Mazal tov dear Pam and Bruce on this most
well-deserved honor. You always lead by example
and inspire us with your dedication
to TIC and the Jewish community.
Congratulations to Diana and Craig and to Nancy.
May you all continue to go from strength to strength.
Cheryl and Rich Rosen
Congratulations to 
Pam and Bruce Wexler,
Diana and Craig Sklar,
and Nancy Parkes
on this well-deserved honor.
Leslie and Larry Rusoff
Congratulations to
Pam and Bruce,
two very remarkable, talented, beautiful,
and generous people.
Best wishes always.
Richard and Jill Spitz
"Those who work for the community do so for the sake of heaven...and their righteousness shall endure forever." Mishnah Avot 2:2
Mazal tov to Craig and Diana Sklar on this honor.
The TIC Gala or Hamilton tickets...it was really no contest!
A Mazal Tov to Bruce and Pam Wexler
and to Nancy Parkes.
Thank you for all your contributions
to TIC and the community.
Jill and Brian Steinhause
In honor of
and in appreciation of the synagogue sponsoring our class and in grateful acknowledgement of Rabbi Tucker's substantive
and spirited leadership of our class.
Rabbi Tucker's
New York City Talmud Class
"Great are those who give graciously, even greater are those
who anticipate needs before being asked." -Maimonides
Pam and Bruce, Temple Israel Center and the Jewish community at large have been the privileged recipients of your leadership, dedication and generosity. Your deep commitment to the Jewish values of Tzedakah, kindness and humility continues to enlighten and inspire us -
Mazel Tov on this well-deserved honor - may you go
from strength to strength!
Jane & Norm Alpert, Shari & Joel Beckman, Lois & Gary Kohn-Claar, Linda Falk, Mindy & Andrew Feldman, Karen & Ed Friedman, Janie & Adam Frieman, Tara Slone-Goldstein & Wayne Goldstein, Jayne Lipman & Bob Goodman, Rikki & Barry Kaplan, Tina & Steve Price, Wendy & Neil Sandler, Penny Goldsmith, Rabbi Michael Paley
The UJA Westchester Dialogue Group
The meaning of man's life lies in his perfecting the universe. He has to distinguish...and redeem the sparks of holiness scattered throughout the darkness of the world.
- Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel
Your leadership and service has showered our
congregation with light.
Thank you from the
TIC Board of Trustees
Mazel Tov to our dear friends,
Pam and Bruce.
We are so proud of all that you do
for your community and for tikkun olam.
Laurie Ruckel and David Ulrich
Mazal Tov and Yesher Koach to
Pam and Bruce
on this well-deserved honor.
Ellen and Rabbi Peter Weintraub
Congratulations and best wishes
to the Honorees.
May you continue to go
from strength to strength.
Wendy Proskin & Jeremy Zucker
Mazal Tov to
Pam and Bruce Wexler,
Diana and Craig Sklar,
and Nancy Parkes.
Thank you for all you do for Temple Israel Center.
Your dedication is an inspiration to our community!
With Much Thanks and Appreciation,
Russell, Deborah, Aden
and Shayna Yankwitt
Congratulations to Bruce and Pam!
Karyn Zeldman and Wayne Aaron
Mazal Tov to
Pam and Bruce Wexler,
Diana and Craig Sklar,
and Nancy Parkes
Rebecca and Stephen Ascher
In honor of
Pam and Bruce Wexler
who give so much of themselves
to our community!
Tracey and Mark Bilski
Congratulations and best wishes
to the Honorees.
May you continue to go
from strength to strength.
Tara and Justin Brass
Mazel tov to the well-deserving,
outstanding honorees,
Pam and Bruce Wexler,
Diana and Craig Sklar,
and Nancy Parkes.
Thank you for all the heart, dedication,
and care you bring to our community.
Julie, Warren, Carolyn, Leah,
and Mitchell Breakstone
Nancy, Mazal Tov
on this well-deserved honor. 
Your tireless efforts and dedication
show in everything you do. 
You are an amazing educator,
mentor, and friend.
Robin and Mitch Brill
Congratulations to Pam and Bruce Wexler,
Diana and Craig Sklar,
and Nancy Parkes
on this well-deserved honor.
Thank you for all that you do
for our community!
Deborah & Ari Burstein
We are proud to join in saluting
Pam and Bruce Wexler,
Two Outstanding Community Leaders
Meryl & Phil Cedar
Mazel Tov to all the honorees
for your leadership and devotion
to the TIC community!
Roberta Binder
Custom Invitations and Fine Stationery
Chedworth Creations
Mazal Tov to our friends
Pam and Bruce Wexler --
Your leadership and chesed
continually inspire us!
Yasher Koach!
Lois Kohn-Claar and Gary Claar
Mazal Tov
to the Temple Israel Center community.
Electronic Security Integration, Inc.
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Thank you for your incredible leadership
and dedication to our sacred community.
Cantor Mordecai, Michal,
Gabriella, Eliora, and Ziggy.
The Frankel/Mordecai Family
Congratulations to all our honorees
with our gratitude for your efforts
on behalf of our TIC community.
Jane and Ken Friedland
Pam & Bruce, Diana & Craig,
and Nancy, Mazal Tov!
Your many efforts and good
will have enriched
and strengthened our community.
Thank you!
Laura & Ehud Gelblum
Mazel Tov to Pam and Bruce,
Diana and Craig and Nancy.
Your devotion to Temple Israel Center and your kindness
to fellow congregants and their families
will never be forgotten.
You are the very models of lives guided by Jewish values.
May you go from strength to strength!
David and Debby Glasser
Mazal Tov to all the honorees!
Thank you for your wonderful commitment to TIC.
A special thank you to Bruce and Pam
for your inspirational leadership and
boundless devotion to sustaining
our Shul and community.
Reena, David, Maya, Kate and Ilan Glick
Congratulations to
Pam and Bruce Wexler,
Diana and Craig Sklar,
and Nancy Parkes
on this well-deserved honor.
Elise & Steven Grossblatt and Family
We congratulate and thank
our outstanding honorees,
Pam and Bruce Wexler,
for their tireless work, dedication,
and shining example of community
caring and responsibility.
Karen and Mark Hauser
Yasher Koach to the Wexlers,
the Sklars, and Nancy Parkes!
Congratulations to all of the volunteers
and TIC staff who devoted their time
and energy to making the
Gala and Fundraiser a success.
Ian Dumain, Phyllis & Alan Dumain, Chaya & Jeff Schonbrun
Congratulations to
Pam and Bruce Wexler,
Diana and Craig Sklar,
and Nancy Parkes
on this well-deserved honor.
Lynn & Bill Jacobs
Mazel tov and thank you!
Ann K. Silver and Martin Katz
Congratulations to
Pam and Bruce Wexler,
Diana and Craig Sklar,
and Nancy Parkes
on this well-deserved honor.
Rachel & Michael Kay
Congratulations and best wishes
to the Honorees.
May you continue to go
from strength to strength.
Karine & Salo, Maayan
& Tal Kleinhaus & Aizenberg
Mazal Tov -- Pam and Bruce - Thanks for all your efforts
on behalf of our community -- you are amazing!
Diana and Craig -- We appreciate how much you give
and do for TIC and beyond - Yashar Koach
Nancy -- Our endless appreciation
for all you have done and built
Sam and Ella Kohn
To our dear friend Nancy Parkes:
In the inimitable words of Benjamin Franklin,
"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember,
involve me and I learn."
We may not be in your classroom,
but we are honored to learn from you every day.
Leah Krakinowski
and Andrew Silberstein
Mazal tov to our most deserving honorees:
Pam and Bruce Wexler,
Diana and Craig Sklar,
and Nancy Parkes.
We are grateful for your service
to our community!
Rachel and Ben Lebwohl
Pam and Bruce,
We are so proud of you both,
but not surprised, at this wonderful honor.
Mom and Dad, Wendy, David, Stephanie, and Max
To my beloved wife, Nancy. There has never been a mountain
too high for you to climb or an obstacle
that you couldn't overcome.
Thank you for bringing me along with you on this journey,
as you have become such an integral part
of the Temple Israel Center Community.
Your incredible passion for Jewish education has inspired
so many to learn, to grow and to teach. I am in constant awe
with all that you have accomplished. You have given
so much of yourself and are so deserving of this honor.
With all my love always,
Congratulations to
Pam and Bruce Wexler,
Diana and Craig Sklar,
and Nancy Parkes
on this well-deserved honor.
Vivian Fried and Lee Podair
Congratulations and best wishes
to the Honorees.
May you continue to go
from strength to strength.
Susan and Bill Poltarak
Brotherhood extends its best wishes to all our honorees
and thanks Bruce Wexler and his family
for their dedicated service.
Brotherhood also extends its heartfelt thanks to
our beloved friend and helper Nancy Parkes
in our joint programs and is looking forward
to our continuing relationship when she returns
as one of our featured speakers.
On behalf of Brotherhood,
J. Harold Nissen, President
Congratulations and continued success
to Nancy Parkes.
Best wishes to Diana and Craig Sklar
for new leadership at Temple Israel Center.
Many thanks to Pam and Bruce Wexler
for years of devoted efforts for Temple Israel Center.
Dottie Roer and Elaine Rikoon
Mazal Tov to
Pam and Bruce Wexler
on this well-deserved honor.
May you go from strength to strength
in continuing your wonderful work
for the Jewish people.
Beverly and Michael Rosenbaum
Aimee and Lloyd Rothenberg
Bruce & Pam - We are so grateful for your years of graceful leadership, unwavering support, and dedicated service to TIC. You are truly inspiring.
Diana & Craig - Mazal tov and thank you for all the ways in which you have helped strengthen our TIC community.
Nancy - Thank you for enriching TIC with your vision, professionalism, and dedication over the years.
Magan, Adam, Max, Asher,
Emily & Clara Schain
Mazel Tov to our friends
Pam and Bruce Wexler
on this well-deserved honor.
Roslyn, Scott & Brooke Schneider
Incredibly proud parents of our children
- Diana and Craig Sklar -
Congratulate them on receiving the
Young Leadership Award from
Temple Israel Center!
Mazel tov!
All our love,
Helene & Myron Sklar,
Margie & Steve Sebolsky,
Nancy & Arthur Shorr
Mazal tov to our honorees
Pam and Bruce Wexler,
Diana and Craig Sklar,
and Nancy Parkes.
Thank you for all that you have done
and continue to do
for our Temple Israel Center community.
Shirley and Hymie Shwiel
Congratulations to all of the honorees.
And thank you for your dedicated service
to our synagogue.
Irene Kohn and Hal Silverman
Congratulations to
We salute your strong commitment to our TIC community.
TIC Sisterhood
Mazal Tov to Pam and Bruce Wexler,
Diana and Craig Sklar, and Nancy Parkes
Irene and Howard Stahl
Mazel tov to all the honorees
The Weisfelds
With great joy and warmest congratulations we join Temple Israel Center in honoring our wonderful friends, Pam and Bruce Wexler, for their kindness, generosity and outstanding leadership in the Jewish community.
The Nedivot Fund: UJA-Federation/Westchester Women's Impact Philanthropy Fund
Cheryl, Joy, Laura, Nina,
Rosele, Tammy, Wendy
UJA Westchester Nedivot Fund
Mazel Tov and Yasher Koach to our friends
Craig and Diana Sklar.
Thank you to all the honorees
on your contributions to TIC.
Rebecca and Craig Warkol and family
Our community owes so much to
tonight's honorees.
Thank you so much, and mazel tov, to
Pam & Bruce Wexler, Nancy Parkes, and our friends Diana & Craig Sklar.
With love and gratitude,
Stacey & Stu Wechsler
Dear Nancy, Pam and Bruce,
and Diana and Craig:
We celebrate this well-deserved honor
with deep affection and gratitude
for your multitude of contributions.
Your love, dedication, and hard work
have helped TIC grow and prosper on all levels.
Mazal tov!
Laura Platt and Richard Weinstock
"What cannot be achieved in one lifetime will happen when one lifetime is joined to another." -Rabbi Harold Kushner
Mom and Dad, together you have created community.
We are so proud to follow in your footsteps.
Mazel Tov to Diana and Craig Sklar, and Nancy Parkes.
Love Always,
Eric and Michelle Wexler
Mazel tov to all honorees.
Pam and Bruce -
Thank you for your outstanding leadership
and dedication to our community.
Nancy -
TIC has benefited enormously
from your passion, innovation, talent,
and energy. We will miss you.
Gail, Nathan, Sara, and David Wiesenfeld
With heartfelt thanks to the honorees
for their tireless devotion to the
TIC community!
Caren and Steve Zelicof
Mazel tov Diana and Craig!
Much love,
Leslie, Seth, Cayla, and Josie Aaronson
Mazel tov to Pam & Bruce Wexler, both constant sources of inspiration with their generosity, energy, and passion for tikkun olam - a well-deserved honor from a very grateful community!
Elyce & Villy Abraham
Mazal Tov to
Pam and Bruce Wexler,
Diana and Craig Sklar,
and Nancy Parkes
Daniel and Liat Altman
Mazel tov to our cherished friends,
Bruce and Pam,
whose work for the Jewish community
is as extraordinary as it is unstinting.
Mazel tov to the Sklars and Nancy Parkes.
Harold and Sharon Aspis
Congratulations to all the
Temple Israel Center honorees.
Ballard-Durand Funeral
and Cremation Services
Mazel Tov to our friends
Pam and Bruce Wexler.
Congratulations to
Diana and Craig Sklar.
Tris and Sam Berger
Nancy, Kol HaKavod on your well-deserved honoring.
We are always impressed by the innovative programs
that you develop to encourage TIC students
to become more engaged, open-minded,
& respectful of others.
You have successfully met the challenge
of making religious school learning
enjoyable & stimulating.
Mazel tov to all the honorees!
With much love & respect,
Carol & Andy Blau
Congratulations to
Pam and Bruce Wexler,
Diana and Craig Sklar,
and Nancy Parkes
on this well-deserved honor.
Alissa and Andy Butterfass
Mazal Tov to Pam and Bruce Wexler,
Diana and Craig Sklar, and Nancy Parkes
Seren & Craig Cepler
Congratulations to
Pam and Bruce Wexler,
Diana and Craig Sklar,
and Nancy Parkes
on this well-deserved honor.
Dan & Sandra Costin
"Find for yourself a teacher, acquire for yourself a friend,
and judge every person favorably." (Pirke Avot)
The Ed Council wishes to honor Nancy Parkes, who inspires
and enriches us all by embodying these words
each and every day.
Thank you for being our teacher and our friend,
and for reminding us to see the good in every person.
We also wish a hearty Mazal Tov to
Pam and Bruce Wexler and Diana and Craig Sklar.
The Ed Council
Mazel Tov Diana and Craig!
We are so proud of you.
Ross, Jodi, Michael
and Andrew Daniels
Mazel tov, Pam and Bruce!
Thank you for all you do for our community!
Roberta and Jeff Daskin
Congratulations to
Pam and Bruce Wexler,
Diana and Craig Sklar,
and Nancy Parkes
on this well-deserved honor.
Lauren Marcus & David Eisenberg
Congratulations to
Pam and Bruce Wexler,
Diana and Craig Sklar,
and Nancy Parkes
on this well-deserved honor.
Karen, Noah, Adina,
Maya, and Ari Estrin
Mazal Tov to all the Honorees.
We are especially proud of our dear friend
Nancy Parkes on this most deserving honor.
We are delighted to be able to share this special night
with you and your beautiful family.
This community is so lucky to have you
as one of their leaders.
The Kremin Family
Pam and Bruce
Mazel Tov on your well-deserved honor!
Janice Levy and Family
"Let the reverence of your fellow be like the reverence of your teacher."
-Pirkei Avot 4:12
Our warmest congratulations to
the Wexlers, the Sklars, and
our dearest Nancy Parkes.
Laurie and Marc Rovner and Family
Mazal tov and todah rabah to our dedicated honorees for their outstanding
service to TIC.
May their efforts continue to make TIC a special place.
Ruth Bernstein and Family
Congratulations to the Wonderful Wexlers
Laurie & Ken Freeman
Congratulations to Bruce and Pam
Elliott and Pam Glass
Mazel tov to all the honorees.
Thank you for your commitment and dedication to the Temple.
Diana and Craig, congratulations on receiving the Young Leadership Award. You put so much into making our kehillah
a stronger, warmer environment.
Thank you for being such wonderful leaders and friends.
Kol Hakavod and Mazel Tov!
Shiri & Andrew Greenberg and family
April & Barak Klein and family
Joanna & David Stein and family
Congratulations and best wishes
to the Honorees.
May you continue to go
from strength to strength.
Rabbi Ari Isenberg-Grzeda
Congratulations to
Pam and Bruce Wexler,
Diana and Craig Sklar,
and Nancy Parkes
on this well-deserved honor.
Amy and Mitchell Josephs
"If I am because I am I, then I am I, and you are you. But if I am I because you are you, and you are you because I am I, then I am not I and you are not you."
- Rebbe Menachem Mendel of Kotzk
It follows that a community that hopes to grow and flourish needs to strive to be one of "not I and you" but "we" together.
Mazal Tov to Diana and Craig and all the other honorees. You are members of a great community!
Meyer and Pnina Kattan
Congratulations to all our honorees
כל הכבוד
Elaine and Harold Kellner
Congratulations and best wishes
to the Honorees.
May you continue to go
from strength to strength.
Howie, Natasha, Sammy, Orly
and Benjy Kornstein
Howie, Natasha, Sammy, Orly and Benjy Kornstein
Mazel Tov
Pam and Bruce
on this well-deserved honor
recognizing your dedication
and commitment to the
Jewish community.
Diane and Laurence Levy
Mazal Tov to
Pam and Bruce Wexler,
Diana and Craig Sklar,
and Nancy Parkes.
Thank you for all your great contributions
to the TIC community.
Linda and Larry Lieberman
With love and best wishes to Pam and Bruce Wexler on this well-deserved honor. Congratulations to Diana and Craig Sklar and Nancy Parkes.
Barbara Lowenfels
Sara Mainster
Mazal Tov to Pam and Bruce Wexler for your many years of service to the TIC community and to Diana and Craig Sklar and Nancy Parkes.
May you all continue to go from
strength to strength.
Sheila Yossem and Bob Mindel
Yehoshua ben Perachia said: "Make for yourself a rabbi, acquire for yourself a friend, and judge every person favorably." Pirkei Avot 1:6
Bruce and Pam, thank you for your leadership and commitment to our community. Your caring, kindness, and understanding of the centrality of relationships in building community was, and continues to be, inspiring.
Diana and Craig, thank you for the joy and enthusiasm you bring
to our community.
And to the education team and clergy, thank you for inspiring me each and every day with the passion, dedication, and love you bring to everything you do. I feel blessed to call you my colleagues and friends.
Mazal tov to
Pam & Bruce
Diana & Craig
on this well-deserved honor.
Yasher Kochachem!
Harry & Lisa Pell
Mazal Tov to
Pam and Bruce Wexler,
Diana and Craig Sklar
and Nancy Parkes
on this well-deserved honor.
Barbara and Michael Picheny
Congratulations to Pam and Bruce Wexler,
Diana and Craig Sklar, and Nancy Parkes
on this well-deserved honor.
Arleen and Aaron Priest
Mazel Tov
Bruce and Pam
We greatly admire
and appreciate your dedication
to our community.
May you go from Strength to Strength.
Bernie and Marilyn Rappaport
Mazel tov to honorees
Pam and Bruce Wexler,
Diana and Craig Sklar,
and Nancy Parkes.
Rob and Yonina Rozbruch
Pam and Bruce,
Thank you for all you do
on behalf of others in our community.
You both set a wonderful example
for others to follow.
Amy and David Sass
Mazal tov to all the honorees
and to the very special TIC community.
Nancy, you have made us all so proud
as you have brought your passion, creativity,
and drive to Jewish education.
We are blessed to be your friends,
colleagues, and students.
With love and admiration,
Rabbi Paula and Jonathan Drill
Rabbi Craig and Nancy Scheff
To: Pam and Bruce,
Congratulations on this
well-deserved recognition.
With pride,
Carol and Michael Scheffler
CJ Security Services Inc.
We are lucky and blessed to have had you
as a part of our TIC educational experience.
Max - Sam - Maddie
Cliff and Jennifer Seltzer
To Diana: Thank you for being
Jewish enough for both of us.
To Craig: I am using this platform
to alert the world that your real name
is, in fact, Craiggles.
To both of you: L'chaim, kol hakavod,
and yaddah yaddah yaddah.
Robin Shorr
To the best Mommy and Daddy ever:
We are so proud of you
and love you so very much.
Zachary and Sarah Sklar
Mazel tov to our friends Diana and Craig Sklar, and to all of this year's honorees.
Sharon & Brian Stern
Michal & Mike Plancey
Mazal Tov to
Pam and Bruce Wexler,
Diana and Craig Sklar,
and Nancy Parkes
on their well-deserved honors.
Jenny, Dan, Eli and Tovah Tabak
Pam and Bruce
Yasher Koach
Thank you for your inspiring work.
Barbara and Marc Tartell
Mazal Tov to all the Honorees!
Thank you for all that you do.
Ayelet & Jeff Teitelbaum
"Is study greater, or practice? Study is greater for
it leads to action."
~ Babylonian Talmud, Kiddushin 40b
Diana, you continually enlighten and impress us
by turning your Torah insights into beautiful deeds.
Your hard work
and commitment to Temple Israel Center
is a source of inspiration to us all.
Mazel tov to you, Craig and all the honorees.
Your Ladies of Torah Class
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Mazel Tov, Nancy!
Your dedication to teaching and education
is truly appreciated.
We are lucky to have learned from you.
Rochelle, Josh, Sydney, Jessica,
and Corey Waldman
Mazel Tov to Pam and Bruce
on this well-deserved honor.
Rochelle and Josh Waldman
Best wishes for a successful event
and congratulations to your Honorees!
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William A. Smith & Son Insurance
Pam and Bruce, You enhance our community every day, and truly model our aspirations to welcome and support each other. Mazel tov on this wonderful and well-deserved honor.
Leslie and Ron Winters
Mazal tov to the honorees.
Many thanks for your contributions
to our community.
Rose and Mitchell Blank
Evie and Joel Wolfson
Mazal Tov to all of the Honorees and thanks...
to Pam & Bruce for your countless contributions to TIC....
to Diana & Craig for working to ensure the future of TIC...
to Nancy for passionate, loving and inspirational leadership.
Ellen & Bruce Wolfson
Rami Schwartzer and Adina Rosen
Amy & Eric Bitterman
Jill and Jonathan Bohrer
David, Lisa, Marnie and Benji Breakstone
Jessica and Jeffrey Brown
Lissy & Ben Carr
Stephanie and Schuyler Carroll
Marcy Engel and Stuart Cobert
Madeline and Irwin Dannis
Marc and Julie Dinkin
Tina & Jonathan Drescher
Marian and Joel Engel
Rebecca, Eric, Jacob, Lily Rae, and Ben Feuerstein
Gilda and Murray Forseter
Steven Schurkman and Judith Gische
Shelley and Mark Goldwasser
Steve and Judi Goodman
Neil and Judith Grand
Phyllis and Jeffrey Lavine
Genette and Bruce Lieb
Penny Goldsmith and Bob Meyerson
Jack and Risa Paskoff
Rhonda and Andrew Resnick
Barbara and Scott Richman
Ilana and Rob Saposh
Fran Rosenzweig and Bruce Schloss
Debbie and Bill Schrag
Ivy and David Schreiber
Rabbi Dina Shargel and David Projansky
Ms. Brett Silverbush
Jeffrey, Randi & Emma Sklar
Jerry and Naomi Snider
Susan and Marvin Solow-Dubin
Daniel Soskin
The Jewish Quarter
Gerard and Agnes Varjacques
Ilissa & Paul Warhit
Staci Weininger
Brian & Melissa Weiss
Paula Markowitz & Floyd Wittlin
Daniel and Jill Zdanoff/Friedman