Dr. Sandra Hoenig Yahalom ‘93
Hakarat Hatov Award
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Dr. Sandra Hoenig Yahalom (aka “the physician with the purple hair”), is a long time ambassador of The Moriah School; this is not surprising considering the fact that she is an alumnus and has had all four of her children attending the school. Passionate about giving back to the school, she became an active volunteer serving on the Board of Trustees as well as the MAP president and various other committees during her ten years as a parent in the school. When Covid-19 struck, her medical training provided her with the tools to help devise a responsive plan to the pandemic. She agreed to serve on the school’s Medical Advisory Committee as well as the community based NJ Yeshiva Joint Medical Committee.  Dr. Hoenig Yahalom attended the Frisch Yeshiva for high school and after spending a year at Midreshet Lindenbaum, obtained her undergraduate degree at Rutgers University where she served as the health and medical correspondent for the university newspaper. She attended the University of Medicine and Dentistry of NJ to earn her medical degree, followed by her residency at Overlook Family Practice. 
She currently works as a family physician for Teaneck Primary Care/Holy Name Medical Partners. She resides in Englewood and is married to Don Yahalom: she is the proud mother of Kayla (‘20), Anna, Lila and Elijah. She would like to thank Moriah for instilling middot and leadership values in her during her formative years, values that have guided her ever since.
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