Jewish Educational Center 
Annual Dinner
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
The Venetian, Garfield, NJ
Celebrating 60 Years of Excellence at the Rav Teitz Mesivta Academy
Rabbi Mordechai Tokarsky  •   Rabbi Chaim Strauchler
Distinguished Alumni
Howard & Charlotte Block
Lev Tov
Dr. Brian and Shoshana Allen
Parents of the Year
330 Elmora Avenue, Elizabeth, New Jersey 07208 (908) 355-4850
Rabbi Chaim Strauchler
Rabbi, Shaarei Shomayim Congregation, Toronto, Canada
A native of West Orange, New Jersey, Rabbi Chaim Strauchler received his ordination from Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University. Before joining Shaarei Shomayim in August 2008, Rabbi Strauchler served as rabbi at Beit Chaverim Synagogue in Westport, Connecticut from 2005 to 2008. He trained under Rabbi Jonathan Rosenblatt at the Riverdale (NY) Jewish Center, from 2003 to 2005. Rabbi Strauchler believes the role of a rabbi is to care for people. This entails being there for them in their time of need, to shepherd them through the ups and downs of life, and at the same time to inspire them to be a catalyst for personal spiritual growth. He sees the shul as a centre for addressing larger communal issues, as well as a place that cares for Jews in Toronto, Israel and elsewhere, as well as for the non-Jewish community.
In university, Rabbi Strauchler was a pre-med science student before switching to English literature and rabbinical studies. Committed to Modern Orthodoxy, Rabbi Strauchler believes that the term ‘Modern Orthodox’ is useful in the sense that it reflects the basic problem of every Jew: Modernity is something that is ever present in our lives and brings many advantages. It also brings many challenges. In the modern age, people can choose. They can choose to be Jewish, they can choose not to live as a Jew. That did not exist before the modern era. At the same time, ‘modern Orthodox’ and ‘Orthodox’ are labels imposed upon individuals by others; fundamentally, we are Jews. Rabbi Strauchler stresses the importance of being able to see past the labels, towards the right and towards the left, to be able to look at a person for what they are, as opposed to the external dress they may have on at that moment.
Rabbi Strauchler earned a diploma in theology and a master’s in religious studies from Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar. He also holds a master’s degree in Biblical studies from Bernard Revel Graduate School, and is a Wexner Graduate Fellowship alumnus. He publishes scholarly articles on the Bible and the Talmud in addition to publishing his own poetry.
Rabbi Strauchler is married to Avital. They have five children: Tehilla, Adir, Atara, Zvi and Freda.
Rabbi Mordechai Tokarsky,
Co-founder and National Director of RAJE (Russian American Jewish Experience)
Rabbi, Jewish Center of Brighton Beach
 Mordechai Tokarsky was born in St. Petersburg, Russia and immigrated to America in 1981. Determined to do something meaningful with his life, he made a decision to become a Jewish Educator and was ordained as one of the first Russian-speaking Rabbis educated in America.
 After the fall of the iron curtain, he served for two years as a Director of a new Jewish High School which opened in Kishinev, Moldava. Upon his return to America in 1997, he was appointed as the Rabbi of the Young Israel of Jackson Heights.  In 1999, Mordechai took a leap of faith, abandoning the standard career path in the Rabbinate to establish a new community serving the needs of fellow Russian American Jews who felt disenfranchised and uninspired by the local Jewish community in Brooklyn. The result was Shaarei Emunah; the first community to be founded by Russian American Jewish university students and young professionals. Shaarei was first and foremost a home; a place where Jewish life could be experienced in a non-judgmental, warm environment, with innovative programming designed by members of the community, catering to the unique needs of their own peers.  
 In 2003, the operation moved to the Jewish Center of Brighton Beach, in the very heart of Brooklyn’s Russian American Jewish community. Mordechai became the Rabbi of the Jewish Center with Shaarei Emunah serving as the outreach arm. As the organization grew, more Jewish educators were hired and programming expanded to include Israel trips and leadership development fellowships.
 In 2006, building upon the success of the Shaarei Emunah model, Mordechai helped found RAJE (Russian American Jewish Experience). RAJE uses a systematic approach to communal transformation, focusing on the college students and young professionals at a formative stage in their lives, when most important decisions regarding Jewish affiliation are made. The RAJE Leadership Fellowship program and Israel trip provide hundreds of students each semester with 250 hours of transformative, deep level Jewish educational engagement - more than any other program of its type in North America. With over 11% of all Russian Jews in the NY area having completed the RAJE program, the UJA Jewish communal study has reported an unprecedented 25% decline in intermarriage for Russian Jews in the New York area. RAJE alumni are now involved in a multitude of Jewish organizations, as well as building a strong community of their own. With these impressive results, RAJE represents a rare bright spot in finding solutions to ensure the Jewish future of the millennial generation.
Howard & Charlotte Block:
Lev Tov Awardees
This year’s Lev Tov Awardees have been part of the JEC “Family” for many, many years. Their ties to the JEC began after Howie moved to Hillside and he and Charlotte were married, with Rabbi Elazar M. Teitz officiating.
Our own Congregation Adath Israel became home to the Blocks, and they were soon immersed in Shul life. For many years, Howie was “Mr. Kiddush” at AI, a title he brought with him when he and Charlotte moved to Springfield. AI’s loss was clearly Congregation Israel’s gain.
Even though the Blocks had left the Elizabeth/ Hillside Jewish community, their ties to the JEC remained strong. Years before it became a popular method to fund for the future, the Blocks contacted Rabbi E.M. Teitz to discuss their plans for Legacy giving. Their desire was to make a lasting commitment to the future of the JEC and Jewish education, a legacy for future generations.
The commitment and service to the communities they love, Springfield, Elizabeth/ Hillside, and the broader Jewish community, continues as the Blocks remain enthusiastic, passionate, generous supporters of the JEC and beyond.
We are truly blessed to have Howard and Charlotte Block as part of the JEC “Family.”
Dr. Brian and Shoshana Allen:
Parents of the Year
Traditionally, the JEC selects to honor as “Parents of the Year” those parents who demonstrate a love for the JEC, Jewish education, their own children and other Jewish youth. This year is no exception. Dr. Brian and Shoshana Allen have dedicated their lives to their children and families, as well as other Jewish children through their deep involvement and commitment to Jewish education.
Brian is on the Executive Board of RPRY, the elementary school attended by each of their children, and Shoshana volunteers there as a PTA volunteer and is a valued member of the committee for the RPRY Health Fair. In addition to their local school, they are also very involved with their synagogue, Congregation Ohr Torah, where Brian is the Financial Secretary, and the Bikur Cholim of Raritan Valley.
It is clear that the Allens not only live by the Torah, but they are actively committed to teaching their children true Torah values by example, the embodiment of "midor l'dor," from generation to generation. Two of their children, both JEC graduates, live in Israel, Talia having made Aliyah in 2013 and married this year, and Daniel, who stayed after learning there, and is now an IDF soldier. The Allen’s other two daughters will be graduating, i”yH, from Bruriah, in 2016 for Shira, and 2019, for Gila.
Family time is vital to the Allens and they enjoy traveling together as a family, including trips to visit the children in Israel. They are the epitome of the loving Jewish family, and Brian and Shoshana are absolutely fitting as JEC’s Parents of the Year.
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