Temple Emanu-El Closter
Temple Emanu-El Closter
Temple Emanu-El Closter
Temple Emanu-El Closter
Temple Emanu-El Closter
Temple Emanu-El Closter
Temple Emanu-El Closter
"Home is where the heart is."
Temple Emanu-El is our home.
We are honored to be recognized with the Founders' Award.
Mazal Tov to Jocelyn and Evan Schwarz
on receiving the Young Leadership Award.
We are thrilled to share this evening with you and your family.
Thank you to the clergy and staff at Temple Emanu-El
for all you do to make the Temple such a special place.
Amy and Phil Cushmaro
Mazal Tov to our dear friends, 
Jocelyn and Evan Schwarz
and to
Amy and Phil Cushmaro.
You are pillars of our community
and we celebrate you!
Liz and Gaurav Seth
Mazal Tov to
Amy & Phil Cushmaro
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz
on their honors.
Shirley Shapiro
Dear Phil, Amy, Evan, and Jocelyn,
Thank you for all the ways you have helped
our community become more vibrant,
proud, and successful.
Your work helps us thrive.
With admiration and appreciation,
Rabbi Jeremy and Heather Fineberg
Amy and Phil,
Your devotion and dedication to your family, friends
and community is a model for our community
and us, personally. You have championed Jewish
and Israel education that raises the bar for all humanity.
I am honored to know your and learn from you. 
May you always go from strength to strength.
With deep affection and love,
Dori and David
Eve and Elias Kirshner

Jocelyn and Evan,
Your goodness and kindness is contagious.
Your family is amazing and loving.
Both of you set the standard for me and others to follow.
We are so proud to be in a community
that is shared with you.
May God shine upon you always.
With deep affection and respect,
Dori and David
Eve and Elias Kirshner
Mazal Tov to
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz
on their honors.
Sharon and Howard Kooper
May your commitment to our community
be a shining example for all to follow.
Yasher Koach!
Les Friedman and Martin Maged
Northern Valley Affairs
Dear Amy, Phil, Jocelyn, and Evan,
Kol Hakavod to you
for all that you have done
for our community.
May you continue to go
from strength to strength.
With admiration and appreciation,
Rabbi Jeremy and Rebecca Ruberg
We salute these extraordinary couples
on this well-deserved honor!
Dear Phil and Amy,
You have given of yourselves tirelessly for the betterment of
our Synagogue and the Jewish Community! We are proud
to honor you. It has been our pleasure to work closely
with you, especially during our tenure
as Officers of the Temple!
Arthur and Debbie
Mazal Tov to our dear friends the Cushmaros
on receiving the Founders Award.  

Your commitment and energy
on behalf of Temple Emanu-El
has enriched our community. 
We salute Evan and Jocelyn Schwarz
on receiving the Young Leadership Award.
Deborah and Ken Tuchman
Mazal Tov to our friends
Amy and Phil Cushmaro
on your well-deserved award.
Debbie and Gerry Davis
Congratulations to the honorees.
Thank you for all you do
for our synagogue
and our community.
Jordan, Alexandra and Joshua
Drs. Richard and Wendy Hurst Levine
Congratulations Amy & Phil!
Kol Hakavod!
Edwards and Brenner Families
With much love and admiration for our friends
Amy and Phil Cushmaro.
Mazal Tov on receiving the Founders' Award.
Mazal Tov to Jocelyn and Evan Schwarz
recipients of the Young Leadership Award.
Well-deserved everyone - Kol HaKavod!
Eva and Alan Litt
Congratulations to all the honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Jen and Scott Ostfeld
Mazel Tov to Amy and Phil,
well-deserved honorees of the Founders' Award.
We are deeply grateful for your inspiring leadership
and enduring commitment to our Jewish community.
Congratulations to Jocelyn and Evan
on the honor of the Young Leadership Award.
May you continue to set the highest standards
to all young leaders in our community.
The Rubach Family
In recognition of
Amy and Philip Cushmaro, 
recipients of the Founders' Award
Jocelyn and Evan Schwarz,
recipients of the Young Leadership Award.
Viviana and Robert Holzer
Friends, Amy and Phil
our best to the best!
Trudy and Sy Sadinoff
Amy & Phil, Jocelyn & Evan,
Yasher Koach on recognition for this well-deserved honor.
Thank you for your leadership, dedication
and commitment to our Temple and community.
May we all continue to go from strength to strength.
Robin and Steven Abramow
To our Mom and Dad:
Your contributions to this community
are too long to list. Today's recognition
could not be more well-deserved.
We are so proud of you.
Tal and Adam
Mazal Tov Amy and Phil,
on a well-deserved honor
bestowed on you.
You are among the pillars of our community.
Congratulations to Jocelyn and Evan
ישר כוח
With much love,
Liora and Rami Evar
Congratulations to the honorees
on their enthusiasm
and work for Temple Emanu-El.
Eva Holzer
To our dear friends, Amy and Phil Cushmaro:
Mazal Tov for this well-deserved honor.
Your dedication to Temple Emanu-El, Jewish education
and the Jewish Community is an inspiration!
Mazal Tov to Jocelyn and Evan Schwarz.
We are thrilled to be a part of
the Temple Emanu-El Community.
The Lieblich Family and
OB/GYN Associates of Tenafly
Mazel Tov to
Amy & Phil Cushmaro,
who teach by example
the meaning of tzedakah.
Barry Lovell and Ellen Reinheimer

The Men's Club of Temple Emanu-El  
wishes Mazel Tov to our fellow congregants
on their well-deserved honors, especially to 
our immediate Past President, Evan Schwarz
Amy & Phil Cushmaro
Founders' Award
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz

Young Leadership Award
In recognition of Amy & Phil Cushmaro,
recipients of the Founders' Award,
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz
recipients of the Young Leadership Award.
Avi and Jackie Oz
Amy and Phil,
You are a gift to every community
to which you belong.
We treasure your friendship.
Mazel Tov to both of you and to
Jocelyn and Evan Schwarz!
The Leventhal Kauderer Family
The Sisterhood of Temple Emanu-El extends
our love and gratitude to this year's honorees: 
Amy and Phil Cushmaro
Founders' Award
Jocelyn and Evan Schwarz
Young Leadership Award
We are all forever changed by your devotion
and leadership on behalf of our Temple Community.
May you continue to go from strength to strength. 
Temple Emanu-El Sisterhood
Mazal Tov to all the Honorees.
Amy and Philip Cushmaro
on receiving the Founders' Award
Jocelyn and Evan Schwarz
on receiving the Young Leadership Award
We are grateful for your exemplary leadership and service.
Susan and Daniel Zausner
Congratulations to all the honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Gloria and Wilson Aboudi
Mazal Tov to
Amy & Phil Cushmaro
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz
on their honors.
Marc and Ronit Arginteanu
Congratulations to all the honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Pearl and Michael Bergstein
Mazel Tov to
Phil and Amy Cushmaro
Barbara and Paul Brensilber
To our great friends, Jocelyn and Evan:
Mazel Tov on receiving this much-deserved honor!
Thank you for everything you do
for the Temple and community.
You have set a great example
for your children, friends and family.
Jill and Blake Chroman
In recognition of
Amy & Phil Cushmaro
recipients of the Founders' Award
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz
recipients of the Young Leadership Award.
Lorin and Jon Cook
Mazal Tov to Amy & Phil Cushmaro,
well-deserving recipients of the Founders' Award
Jocelyn & Evan, L'dor..V'dor...
Mazal Tov on receiving the Young Leadership Award.
Strong roots create everlasting trees of abundance.
With gratitude & love,
The Egert Family
Allison & Bruce, Seth, Heather, Noah
& Teddy, Joshua, Lindsay & Harrison
Congratulations to all the honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Caralyn and Steven Fuld
Jocelyn & Evan,
The two of you epitomize
"love your neighbor as yourself"
(Leviticus 19:18).
Mazel Tov on the Young Leadership Award.
Michele and Jason Goldberg
"Acts of kindness never die. They linger in the memory,
giving life to other acts in return." - Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
My dearest daughter and son-in-law, Amy and Phil, I celebrate you
for the path in life you have chosen to follow, the priorities
you have set for yourselves and your family,
and the considerable accomplishments you have achieved
on behalf of others. I am so proud of your yesterday and today
and look forward to the triumphs of your tomorrow.
Mazal Tov to Jocelyn and Evan Schwarz
on being the recipients of the Young Leadership Award.
With great pride and love,
Rebecca Gordon
Mazel Tov to all the honorees......
Amy and Phil, we are thrilled to celebrate
this well-deserved honor with you!
With much love,
Sharon, Eric, Rachel and Zach Gordon
Yasher Koach to all the honorees on your well-deserved honor.
Amy and Phil,
how fortunate we have been to share so many years
of celebrations. Knowing the special people you
and your family are, we are confident the best is yet to come.
May you continue to go from strength to strength.
Henick Family
Henick Orthodontics
Bonnie Berman DMD
Mazel Tov to Amy and Phil
on this well-deserved honor!
Your dedication and commitment to
the Jewish Community at large
is an example for all to follow.
With love and admiration,
Roberta & Bobby Hirsch, Ron & Jake
Mazel Tov to tonight's honorees!
Amy & Phil Cushmaro
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz
Thank you for all you do to support our temple
and our greater community.
Jocelyn and Evan, we admire the example you are setting
as young leaders for your friends, family, and the world
around you. We know you will continue to inspire us!
Best Wishes from,
Briana and Matt Holden
Mazal Tov to the Honorees
and may you go
from strength to strength.
Dr. Herb and Carol Steuer Marton
Yasher Koach and Mazel Tov!
To our friends'
Amy and Phil Cushmaro
on being recognized for the Founders' Award
and Jocelyn and Evan Schwarz
on receiving the Young Leadership Award.
Thank you for your leadership and dedication to
our beloved Temple. May you continue to be
a source of strength and inspiration to the Jewish community.
Lisa Beth, Gregory,
Jordan and Benjamin Meisel
In recognition of
Amy & Phil Cushmaro,
recipients of the Founders' Award,
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz,
recipients of the Young Leadership Award.
Alicia, Hal, Lauren, and Sam Messer
The Lord helps those who help themselves.
For spine and sports injuries see an expert.
Dr. Jeff Pavell
Dr. Donald Liss
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Amy and Phil & Jocelyn and Evan
Your dedication to family, friends
and our community is inspiring.
May you continue to lead by example
and go from strength to strength.
Mazal Tov to you all!
Felice and Alan Popper
In recognition of 
Amy & Phil Cushmaro's
tireless efforts on behalf of
so many vital
communal institutions!
Mazal Tov on this well-deserved honor!
Heather and Adi Rabinowitz
Mazal Tov to
Amy & Phil Cushmaro
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz
on their honors.
Louann and Allan Reed
Mazal Tov to
Amy & Phil Cushmaro
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz
on their honors.
Marc Ridell
Kol HaKavod!
Mazal Tov to
Amy & Phil
Jocelyn & Evan
on their wonderful and well-deserved honors.
Robin and Steven Rogers
Amy & Phil,
You soften the challenges and make every celebration
that much sweeter. May the coming decades
be filled with the same joy and laughter
we have shared for so long. 
We honor you for the generosity, kindness,
and goodness you embody
and treasure the ability to call you, friends.
Mazal Tov on this special award.
Lisa and Arieh Romano
Mazel Tov to 
Amy and Phil Cushmaro
on all you do for our community.
Mazel Tov to
Jocelyn and Evan Schwarz,
recipients of the Young Leadership Award.
Andrea and Lester Samuels
Mazel Tov 
Jocelyn and Evan
from the entire Schwarz Family.
We love you and are so proud of you.
Wayne, Lori, Melanie, Courtney,
Sabrina, Matt, Rebecca,
Jordan and Phoebe
Mazel Tov Amy & Phil 
on this well-deserved honor.
Our community is so fortunate!
We are blessed and proud
to call you friends, and ski buddies!
  Mark, Carolyn, Sam
and Danielle Shapiro
Congratulations to
Jocelyn and Evan Schwarz
& Amy and Phil Cushmaro.

Thank you for continuing support for Temple Emanu-El
Marilyn and Bruce Steinthal
Congratulations to
Amy & Phil Cushmaro
Gayl and Samuel Suede
Mazal Tov
Amy & Phil Cushmaro
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz
on their honors.
Michelle and Scott Tesser
Mazal Tov to
Amy & Phil Cushmaro
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz
on their honors.
The Behrman Family
and Sharkey's Cuts for Kids - Tenafly, NJ
Mazal Tov
Amy & Phil Cushmaro
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz
on their honors.
The Lash Family
Mazal Tov
Jocelyn and Evan!
Aileen, Shai and Lev Vichness Family
Mazel Tov to 
Amy and Phil
Jocelyn and Evan!
Thank you for your leadership
in our congregation and our community.
We are thrilled to celebrate
this well-deserved honor with you.
Fran and Josh Weingast
Mazal Tov to
Amy & Phil Cushmaro
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz
on their honors.
Andi and Kevin Wolfer
Congratulations to
Amy and Phil
on your Founders' Award
Jocelyn and Evan
on your Young Leadership Award.
Thank you for making a positive difference!
Melanie and Barry Zingler
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Gabriele and Brian Marcus
Fred Marcus Studio
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Acme Smoked Fish
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30 Central Park South, Suite 10B
Midtown West
Manhattan, NY 10019 | (212) 753-3462
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80 Anderson Avenue
Demarest, NJ 07627
Phone: 201.768.2121 Email: [email protected]
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Alpine Country Club
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115 Woodbine Street
Bergenfield, NJ 07621
Phone: 201.501.0615
Email: [email protected]

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BBZ Limousine & Livery Service, Inc.
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Bergen PAC
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Mazal Tov to
Amy & Phil Cushmaro
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz
on their honors.
Ronni and Michael Brenner
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Full Page
Mazel Tov to
Amy and Phil Cushmaro
on receiving the Founders' Award
Jocelyn and Evan Schwarz
on receiving the Young Leadership Award
Thank you for your
leadership and commitment
Judy and Bob Cook
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CycleBar® is the first indoor cycling franchise with over 185 locations currently open and 100 studios slated to open by the end of 2019. Founded in 2004, the Irvine-based fitness franchise offers a multisensory experience, including certified CycleStar® instructors, energy-enhancing CycleBeats® music playlists, professionally engineered lighting and rider-specific performance CycleStats® data in a state-of-the-art CycleTheatre®. As the largest boutique indoor cycling franchise available to date, CycleBar offers attractive opportunities in a fast-growing company and strong consumer demand. For more information about CycleBar, click on our logo or visit www.cyclebar.com.
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Mazel Tov to tonight's honorees 
Amy and Phil Cushmaro
Jocelyn and Evan Schwarz
Thank you for all you do
to make Temple Emanu-El
and our community better and stronger.
Karen and Steve Farber
Full Page
To our dearest friends, Amy & Phil,
Each day...
You prove that passion and commitment are indomitable forces for good.
You model values like integrity and kindness and unfailingly defend justice.
You exemplify the true meaning of work ethic and leadership.
You nurture and convey a deep love for Judaism and the State of Israel.
You enrich the lives of so many.
This honor reflects your devotion to family, friends, causes,
and community.
We are thrilled to celebrate with you. Mazal Tov.
Your forever birthday group,
Amy Albalah, Toby Lubin, Jackie Oz,
Lisa Romano & Karen Weintraub
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469 S. Washington Ave.
Bergenfield, NJ 07621
Phone: 201.384.7100
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Mazal Tov to
Amy & Phil Cushmaro
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz
on their honors.
Sharon and Howard Fox
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Congratulations to the Honorees!
Thank you to all the clergy and staff
who make this Shul so special!
We are proud to be a part of
the Temple Emanu-El family!
Kellie and Paul Gersh
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Mazel Tov and our gratitude to our
Founders' Award honorees
Amy and Phil Cushmaro
Young Leadership honorees
Jocelyn and Evan Schwarz
for their dedication to Temple Emanu-El and our community.
Ellen and Shep Goldfein
Pnina and Meyer Kattan
Debbie and Robin Klein
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Gorjana Jewelry
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Mazal Tov to
Amy & Phil Cushmaro
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz
on their honors.
Emily and Michael Gutter
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104 Westwood Avenue
Westwood, NJ 07675
Phone: 201.664.3111
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Mazel Tov to
Jocelyn and Evan Schwarz
Amy and Phil Cushmaro
who are all building Temple Emanu-El
for a better tomorrow.
Debra and Mark Hirschberg
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Mazel Tov to our dear friends
Jocelyn and Evan
on receiving the Young Leadership Award.
We admire your passion, devotion,
and hard work.
May you continue to be a source of strength
and leadership to Temple Emanu-El
and the community.
With much love,
Kelly and Michael Israel
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Jesse Rosenstein | Personal Stylist
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Juma Fit
38 Franklin Street
Tenafly, NJ 07670
Phone: 201.266.4144
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Mazel Tov to
Amy & Phil Cushmaro
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz
on your well-deserved honors.
Mindy and Howard Lavin
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Amy and Phil,
Congratulations on receiving
the Founders' Award
Jocelyn and Evan,
Congratulations on receiving
the Young Leadership Award
You are all so deserving!
Kathy and Richard Leventhal
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Manhattan Tickets, LLC
1441 Broadway, Suite 6066
New York, NY 10018 | (212) 582-3600
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60 E. 54th Steet, New York, NY 10022
(646) 543-1321
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Masana Portrait Art NYC
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Mazel Tov to the honorees.
Thank you for all that you do
to serve our community.
Bonnie and Corey Notis
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                        KOL HAKAVOD AMY & PHIL
Your generosity to our community inspires us all.
But Phil's donations at the poker table
are the most appreciated!!!!
We love you guys, Mazal Tov.
Your poker buddies,
David A.                              Marc
Moshe                                 Saul
Brynn                                  Erno
Avi                                       Steve
Robert                                 Cliff
Ken                                      David H.
And the Mashgiach !!!
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In recognition of Temple Emanu-El's 92nd Year
and celebrating this year's Honorees.
Louann Reed & Nancy Cohen 
200 West 57th Street, Suite 307 
New York City
Reed Cohen Papers & Events
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15 Broadway * Cresskill, NJ 07626
201-627-8181 * [email protected]

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Mazal Tov to
Amy & Phil Cushmaro
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz
on their honors.
Burton and Shelah Scherl
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May we be blessed with the continued work
of your hands and heart.

Mazal Tov and Yasher Koach to
Amy and Philip Cushmaro
Jocelyn and Evan Schwarz

With much gratitude,
Aaron Billig, Christiina Buchert, Jeanine Corrubia, Chareen Kramer, Adam Schwartzbard, Julia Vazquez
Full Page
Congratulations to
Amy and Phil Cushmaro
Jocelyn and Evan Schwarz
on these well-deserved honors.
Thank you for your commitment to Temple Emanu-El.
Mazel Tov!
Benay and Steven Taub and Family
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38 S. Dean Street, Englewood, NJ 07631
(201) 408-4593
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"A legacy of good deeds lasts forever"
Mazal tov
Amy and Phil
Jocelyn and Evan
Your thoughtful leadership and enduring commitment
to making our world better reaches far beyond
Temple Emanu-El and stands a shining example to all!
~With love
Donna and Evan Weintraub
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450 Huyler Street, Suite 101
South Hackensack, NJ 07606
(201) 228-3700 | [email protected]
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205 Robin Road
Paramus, NJ 07652
Phone: 201.530.0333
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103 N. Summit St., Ste 2
Tenafly, NJ 07670
Phone: 201.569.1005
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Body Burn Barre
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9 East 1st Street just off Bowery | Call Us: (212) 460-5255
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1 Garden State Plaza Blvd., Paramus NJ 07652
Tel. (201) 845-7040
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111 Homans Avenue
Closter, NJ 07624 | 201.784.5575
CGI Hollistic Fitness & Spa
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(201) 927-3027
CMEK, the Total Basketball Experience
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32 Washington Street
Tenafly, NJ 07670
Phone: 201.816.1130
Click on the logo to visit our website!
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(973) 280-8253 | [email protected]
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219 Closter Dock Road
Closter, NJ 07624  (201) 750-7181
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32 N. Dean Street, Englewood, NJ 07631
(201) 568-1331
Click on the logo to visit our website!
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Half Page
Mazal Tov to all the honorees.
Amy and Phil,
Your generosity and passion
for so many great causes
are an inspiration to us all.
Thank you for your continued leadership.
Sharon and Kenny Fried
Half Page
Mazal Tov to Temple Emanu-El
and its dedicated staff
and supporters for their efforts
in creating and maintaining a strong,
caring, Jewish Community
in Bergen County.
Manny and Myra Genn
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Half Page
Mazal Tov to
Amy & Phil Cushmaro
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz
on their honors.
Judi and Arnie Herrmann
Half Page
7000 Bergenline Ave., Guttenberg NJ 07093-1810
(201) 869-7600
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Half Page
In recognition of
Amy & Phil Cushmaro,
recipients of the Founders' Award,
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz,
recipients of the Young Leadership Award.
Michelle and Izzy Kushner
Half Page
Mazel Tov to our good friends,
Amy and Phil Cushmaro.
Thank you for your leadership
and deep commitment
to the Jewish Community.
You deserve to be celebrated!
Lisa and Michael Leffell
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142 Mercer Street, New York, NY 10012
(212) 431-7676
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Click on the link to visit our website!
Makeup by Karlene
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Mazal Tov to
Amy and Phil Cushmaro
on receiving the Founders award.
Your commitment, leadership,
and dedication to the community
are an inspiration to all of us.
Thank you for making a difference!
The Makleff Family
Half Page
Michele Grodberg MD & Associates
106 Grand Avenue, #330
Englewood, NJ 07631
Phone: 201.567.8884
Click on the logo to visit our website!
Half Page
Yasher Koach to
Amy and Phil Cushmaro
Jocelyn and Evan Schwarz
Robin and Alan Miller
Half Page
Mazal Tov to our friends
Amy and Phil Cushmaro
on this well-deserved honor.
Beth and Gabe Nechamkin
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New York Giants
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New York Jets
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Organic Ally
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103 N. Summit Street
Tenafly, NJ 07670
Phone: 201.408.7727
Click on the logo to visit our website!
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14 S Dean St, Englewood, NJ 07631
(201) 569-7625
Salon Rocks - Englewood
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Half Page
Half Page
In recognition of
Amy & Phil Cushmaro,
recipients of the Founders' Award,
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz
recipients of the Young Leadership Award.
The Redensky Family
Quarter Page
To our friends, Amy & Phil:
You inspire us with your devotion
to our beloved Temple Emanu-El.
Jocelyn & Evan:
We are so proud that you are such admired leaders
in our community.
Mazal Tov!
Steven and Lisa Marcus Abramowitz
Quarter Page
Mazel Tov to
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz!
We're very proud of you
and all that you do for your community.
Temple Emanu-El is lucky to have you.
With love,
  Richard, Shelley, Sydney
and Matthew Allen
Quarter Page
Dear Jocelyn and Evan,
Congratulations on this beautiful honor!
May you continue to make your lives
a blessing to this community.
We are so proud of you.
And, a special Mazel Tov to the Cushmaro's
on their recognition.
Justin, Tamar & Ari
Allen/Greenspan Family
Quarter Page
Mazal Tov to
Amy & Phil Cushmaro
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz
on their honors.
Gayle and Gary Alweiss
Quarter Page
Quarter Page
Quarter Page
135 County Road, Cresskill,NJ 07626
(201) 408-0106
Click on the logo to visit our website!
Quarter Page
Mazal Tov to
Amy & Phil Cushmaro
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz
on their honors.
Dersovitz Family
Quarter Page
100 Piermont Road
Closter, NJ 07624 | (201) 750-5000
Quarter Page
Dylan Paul, Personal Trainer
at Body Chemistry
55 Walnut Street
Norwood, NJ 07648 |(201) 819-0752
Quarter Page
Congratulations to all the honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Eleanor Epstein
Quarter Page
My very best wishes to
Amy & Phil Cushmaro
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz
Diane Fink
Quarter Page
Mazal Tov to Amy and Phil.
Amazing Community Leaders!
With Love and Gratitude,
Ruth Gafni
Quarter Page
Gilly's Organics
Quarter Page
Dear Amy & Phil,
Mazal Tov on this well-deserved honor.
Thank you for all you have done
to enrich the lives of so many.
May you continue to go
from strength to strength.
Nina and Gary Glazer
Quarter Page
Congratulations Amy and Phil
Melanie Grossman and David Worby
Quarter Page
Mazal Tov to
Amy & Phil Cushmaro
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz
on their honors.
Tina and Howard Guberman
Quarter Page
Mazal Tov to
Amy & Phil Cushmaro
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz
on their honors.
Herling Family
Quarter Page
Jocelyn and Evan,
Mazel Tov!
A well deserved honor.
Lynne and Mark Hirschhorn
Quarter Page
Mazal Tov to our dear friends
Amy and Phil,
who are an inspiration
the the entire Jewish Community!
Beth and Freddie Kotek
Quarter Page
Mazal Tov to
Amy & Phil Cushmaro
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz
on their honors.
Sharon Molinas,
Yale Mitchel and Family
Quarter Page
Click on the logo to visit our website!
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New York Red Bulls
Quarter Page
Ori Dermer Esthetics
46 Clark Street
Cresskill, NJ 07626 | (646) 712-2620
Quarter Page
Mazel Tov, Jocelyn and Evan!
Reina and Austin Pattner
Quarter Page
Congratulations to 
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz
for receiving
the Young Leadership Award.
We are proud of your great work.
Robin and Dr. Steven N. Rosenberg
Quarter Page
Congratulations to 
Jocelyn and Evan!
We're so very proud of you!
Much love and admiration
from your family!
The Rudes'
Linda, Mark, Michael, Jane,
Alissa, Ryan, Leah
Quarter Page
Congratulations to
Jocelyn and Evan
for all that you do for your temple,
family and community.
Isibelle and David Sackser
Quarter Page
Mazal Tov to
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz
on their well-deserved honor!
Karen and Andrew Sackser
Quarter Page
Salon Bliss
Quarter Page
411 Piermont Road, Closter NJ 07624
(201) 292-4612
Quarter Page
Shake Rattle and Roll
Quarter Page
15 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
(732) 246-7469
Click on the logo to visit our website!
Quarter Page
In recognition of
Amy & Phil Cushmaro,
recipients of the Founders' Award,
Jocelyn & Evan Schwarz,
recipients of the Young Leadership Award.
Andrea and Neil Strahl
Quarter Page
Quarter Page
Quarter Page
Mazel Tov
Jocelyn and Evan.
We are so proud of you.
Jocelyn, Jonathan, and Harper Wagner
Ruth Aach
Congratulations Jocelyn and Evan! The Weitzner Family
Edenland Wellness
Karen and Jeff Isaacs
Randi and Philip Lesorgen
Mazel Tov to all the honorees. Audrey and Richard Winograd
Mazel Tov to all the honorees. Melissa, Andrew, Scott & Danielle Rosenberg
Alissa Rudes
Gil and Efrat Shaked
Yael and Eli Spielman
Stellar Nails
Studio LC
The Jesner Family
Children's Listing
Joshua Igel
Sarah Igel
Evan, Alyssa and Jonathan Kopf