Temple Emanu-El Closter
Temple Emanu-El Closter
Temple Emanu-El Closter
Temple Emanu-El Closter
Temple Emanu-El Closter
Temple Emanu-El Closter
Temple Emanu-El Closter
Thank you to Temple Emanu-El
for selecting us for this honor.
We congratulate
Lisa Beth and Greg Meisel
for their award and for their dedication
to the Temple and the Jewish community.
The Ostfeld Family Jen, Scott, Trevor, Vivian, and Evelyn Diamond
We are so honored that you have chosen
The Meisel Family to receive the Founders' Award this year,
And feel Blessed to live in such a Loving Community. Yasher Koach and Mazel Tov to Jen Maxfield Ostfeld and Scott Ostfeld on receiving the Young Leadership Award May you continue to be
a source of strength and inspiration
to the Jewish Community.
The Meisel Family Lisa Beth, Gregory, Benjamin and Jordan Diamond
Mazel Tov
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld and Scott Ostfeld
& Lisa Beth and Greg Meisel!
Mazel Tov Temple Emanu-El
on 91 years! Liz and Gaurav Seth
To Greg and Lisa Beth,
Your devotion and dedication to your family, friends and community is a model for our community and us, personally. May you always go from strength to strength. With deep affection and love, Dori and David Eve and Elias Kirshner Gold
To Jen and Scott,
Your leadership is contagious. You set the pace for me and others to follow. We are so proud to be in a community
that is shared with you.
May God shine upon you always. With deep affection and respect, Dori and David Eve and Elias Kirshner Gold
Dear Lisa Beth, Greg, Jen and Scott,
Thank you for all that you have given, give, and
will continue to give to our community.
We are strong because of you.
With much admiration,
Melissa and Rabbi Paul Kerbel
In honor of
Lisa Beth & Gregory Meisel
and Jen Maxfield Ostfeld
& Scott Ostfeld
Shirley Shapiro
With Love & Pride,
Marc, Helen, & Angelika and Jeff,
Lisa & Daniel Vanefsky
Mazal Tov to
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld
on their honors.
Bonnie and Corey Notis
Jen and Scott
on this meaningful
and well-deserved honor.
Michele and Dan Ross
Mazel Tov to Lisa Beth and Greg,
great and loyal friends and well-deserved honorees
of the Founders' Award.
We are deeply grateful for your inspiring leadership
and enduring commitment to our Jewish community.
Congratulations to Jen and Scott
on the honor of the Young Leadership Award.
May you continue to set the highest standards
to all young leaders in our community.
The Rubach Family
To our dear friends Lisa Beth and Greg,
Mazal Tov on your well-deserved honor as recipients
of the Founders' Award. You are true leaders by example.
Thank you for all you do for the Temple
and Jewish Community.
Congratulations and thanks also to
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld and Scott Ostfeld.
With love,
Clive, Emma, Hayley,
Amanda and Lauren Gershon
Mazal Tov to
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld
on their honors.
Judy Taub Gold
Mazal Tov to Lisa Beth and Greg and Jen and Scott.
Thank you for your exemplary leadership,
dedication and good cheer.
Susan and Robert Heidenberg
In recognition of
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel,
recipients of the Founders' Award
& Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld,
recipients of the Young Leadership Award.
Viviana and Robert Holzer
In recognition of Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel,
recipients of the Founders' Award
& Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld,
recipients of the Young Leadership Award
Thank you for your dedication
to our Community.
Lynne and Charles Klatskin
Mom and Dad
We are so proud of your dedication to our community.
We are thankful for the example you have set for us through the years
about the importance of the Jewish Community and how to carry ourselves
as leaders, while still always finding time to prioritize family time.
You have taught us that through hard work, anything is possible
- especially on nights when there were Temple and JCC meetings
but somehow still time for sit down family dinners and homework help.
You each inspire us every day to give back to the Community,
prioritize our Judaism, strive to be our best selves and you remind us
to celebrate along the way.
We love you immeasurably and are beyond honored
to call you our Mom & Dad. 1.4.3.
Ben + Jordan
Congratulations to our Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Trudy and Seymour Sadinoff
Mazel Tov to
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld
for your exemplary leadership
and commitment to our community!
Arthur and Debra Oremland Sinensky
Lisa Beth & Greg, Jen & Scott,
Yasher Koach on recognition for this well-deserved honor.
Thank you for your leadership, dedication and commitment
to our Temple and Community.
May we all continue to go from strength to strength.
Robin and Steven Abramow
Mazel Tov to Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel.
Thank you for your endless work and support
of Israel, our Jewish community
and all in need of assistance.
Jen and Scott, may this be just the beginning
of a lifetime of commitment.
Mazel Tov on your honor.
Nancy and Larry Epstein
My appreciation to the Honorees
for their love of and enthusiasm
for Temple Emanu-El.
Eva Holzer
Lisa Beth & Greg, Jen & Scott,
Thank you for making our community
a better place.
Mazel Tov!
Wendy Hurst & Richard Levine
Jordan, Alexandra & Joshua
The Men's Club of Temple Emanu-El
would like to wish Mazal Tov
to our fellow congregants on their well-deserved honors: Lisa Beth and Greg Meisel Founders' Award Jen Maxfield Ostfeld and Scott Ostfeld Young Leadership Award Copper
The Sisterhood of Temple Emanu-El extends
our love and gratitude to this year's honorees: Lisa Beth and Greg Meisel Founders' Award Jen Maxfield Ostfeld and Scott Ostfeld Young Leadership Award We are all forever changed by your devotion and leadership on behalf of our Temple Community. May you continue to go from strength to strength. Copper
MAZEL TOV to this year's honorees on their well-deserved recognition:
JEN AND SCOTT, Thank You for your ongoing commitment
to strengthening our community. Our future looks bright
with young leaders like you.
LISA BETH AND GREG, You are both shining examples
of what it means to be selfless and dedicated to the Jewish community.
We are thrilled and proud to honor you and even prouder
to call you our dear friends.
With Love,
Fran and Josh Weingast
Mazal Tov to all the Honorees.
Lisa Beth and Greg Meisel
on receiving the Founders' Award
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld and Scott Ostfeld
on receiving the Young Leadership Award
We are grateful for your exemplary leadership and service.
Susan Marenoff and Daniel Zausner
Congratulations to our Honorees
Gloria and Wilson Aboudi
To our good friends, Lisa Beth & Greg:
You inspire us with your devotion
to our beloved Temple Emanu-El.
Jen & Scott: We are so proud that you
are such admired leaders in our community.
Mazal Tov!
Steven & Lisa Marcus Abramowitz
Congratulations to
Lisa Beth and Greg Meisel
& Jen Maxfield Ostfeld
and Scott Ostfeld
on your well-deserved honors.
Thanks for all you do for our temple
and our community.
Bram and Shari Alster
In recognition of
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel,
recipients of the Founders' Award
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld,
recipients of the Young Leadership Award.
Ronit and Marc Arginteanu
Best wishes to our Honorees.
Pearl and Michael Bergstein
Mazel Tov!
Lisa Beth & Gregory
Jen & Scott
With much gratitude for your generous commitment
to our Kehilah Kadosh.
Yasher Koach!
The Breindel Family
Congratulations to all the honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Brenner Family
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
especially our dear friends the Meisel's.
Thank you for all you do
for community.
Barbara, Paul, Jordan
and Samantha Brensilber
Mazel Tov to
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel,
recipients of the Founders' Award
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld,
recipients of the Young Leadership Award
Lorin and Jon Cook
Mazel Tov to tonight's honorees
Lisa Beth and Greg Meisel
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld
and Scott Ostfeld
Thank you for all you do
to make Temple Emanu-El
and our community better and stronger.
Karen and Steve Farber
Congratulations to
Jen & Scott
and to our neighbors and friends
Lisa Beth & Greg,
on this well-deserved honor. Debbie and Seth Finkel
Mazal Tov to
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld
on their honors.
Gillon Family
Congratulations to all the honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Barb and Matt Golub
Congratulations to
Jen and Scott!
Emily & Michael Gutter
Mazal Tov to Lisa Beth and Gregory Meisel
on this well-deserved honor. You are both such an inspiration
to the Jewish community. We are incredibly proud
to honor you and lucky to call you cousins!
Mazal Tov to Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld,
recipients of the Young Leadership Award.
The Herling Family
Jack, Jill, Sydney & Rebecca
Yasher Koach to the Meisels and Ostfelds.
To our dear friends, Lisa Beth and Greg,
You have made and continue to make
such a positive difference for so many
that are blessed to know you.
We love you,
Judi, Arnie, Lara, Emily
and Miki Herrmann
Mazel Tov
Gregory & Lisa Beth
You are a very special couple -
Thank you for sharing your wonderful love of
Israel and your leadership enriching communities
near and far. We are blessed to be your friends.
Rosemarie and Mitchell Klipper
In recognition of the tireless years
of service to our Jewish Community
and in the true essence of Tikum Olam,
we congratulate Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel
as recipients of the Founders' Award.
Mazel Tov to Jen Maxfield Ostfeld and Scott Ostfeld
as recipients of the Young Leadership Award.
Randi and Michael Kollender
Mazel Tov to our dear friends,
Lisa Beth and Greg Meisel,
recipients of the Founders' Award.
Your commitment to our Jewish community
and your exemplary leadership are an inspiration to us all.
Congratulations to Jen Maxfield Ostfeld and Scott Ostfeld,
our Young Leadership Award recipients. We thank you
for your dedication to our shul and our community.
Mindy and Howard Lavin
Mazal Tov to
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld
on their honors.
Tina and Mitchell Lieberman
Mazal Tov to the Honorees
and may you go from strength to strength.
Dr. Herb and Carol Steuer Marton
Congratulations to our Honorees
and thank you
to our wonderful Temple Family.
Rita J. Merendino
Debra Rosen & Neil Mitnick
In recognition of
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel,
recipients of the Founders' Award
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld,
recipients of the Young Leadership Award.
Alicia, Hal, Lauren, and Sam Messer
Yasher Koach to
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld and Scott Ostfeld!
To our Dear Friends Lisa Beth and Greg Meisel,
a well-deserved honor to a special couple
who always inspire us with their commitment
to family, community and Tikkun Olam.
Robin and Alan Miller
Mazal Tov to
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel and
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld
on their honors.
Sharon and Yale Molinas and Mitchel Family
Mazal Tov to
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld
on their honors.
Louann and Allan Reed
We celebrate
Jen and Scott
Lisa Beth and Greg
Their leadership makes a difference
in our Community and beyond.
They inspire us greatly!
With great admiration,
Sandra Gold, Dara Silver
Amelia Gold and Brian Benson
Mazel Tov to Lisa Beth and Greg and Jen and Scott
for your commitment and dedication to our community.
We're so lucky to have amazing people like you who give so much to so many.
Debbie and Hal Satnick
Congratulations to
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld and Scott Ostfeld
and Lisa Beth and Greg Meisel
Thank you for continuing support for Temple Emanu-El!
Marilyn and Bruce Steinthal
Mazel Tov to the Lisa Beth and Greg Meisel
on receiving the well-deserved Founders' Award.
And Congratulations to Jen Maxfield Ostfeld
and Scott Ostfeld on receiving the Young Leadership Award.
Thank you for all the you do for Temple Emanu-El
and the Jewish community. Wishing the Honorees
and Temple Emanu-El much continued success!
Benay and Steven Taub
Mazal Tov to
Lisa Beth and Greg
on their honor.
Michelle and Scott Tesser
Mazal Tov to
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld
on their honors.
The Leventhal-Kauderer Family
"A legacy of good deeds lasts forever"
Mazel tov to our Honorees!
Lisa Beth and Greg~ Your thoughtful leadership
and enduring commitment to the our community inspires!
Thank you for years of dedication and hard work
on behalf of us all!
Jenn and Scott~ May your commitment to our community
be a shining example for all to follow.
Donna and Evan Weintraub
Jillian, Jamie and Cory
Mazal Tov to
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld
on their honors.
Andi and Kevin Wolfer
There is no better couple who exemplifiy Jewish ideals
through philanthropy than the Meisel's.
They are beautiful and soul filled people
who bring joy wherever they walk.
Thank you for their love of our Temple.
Thank you to the Ostfelds for carrying forward
our Temple strength. We thank you for your dedication.
Marie and Allen Wolpert
In recognition of
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel,
recipients of the Founders' Award
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld,
recipients of the Young Leadership Award.
Amy and David Zagin
Congratulations to
Lisa Beth and Greg
on your well-deserved
Founders' Award honor.
Melanie and Barry Zingler
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Alpine Country Club
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Amber and CC Sabathia
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Elliot J. Atlas, President & CEO
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Atlas Floral Decorations, Inc.
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BBZ Limousine & Livery Service, Inc.
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In honor of
Lisa Beth & Greg!
Mazel Tov on this well-deserved honor!
Nancy and Howard Brown
Full Page
Mazal Tov to
Lisa Beth and Greg Meisel
& Jen Maxfield Ostfeld
and Scott Ostfeld
on their honors.
Tracey and Adam Collins
Full Page
Mazel Tov to all the Honorees:
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel
on receiving the Founders' Award
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld
on receiving the Young Leadership Award
Your dedication to our Jewish Community
is an inspiration to all of us.
Judy and Bob Cook
Full Page
Mazal Tov to
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld
on their honors.
Amy and Phil Cushmaro
Full Page
Mazal Tov to Jen Maxfield Ostfeld and Scott Ostfeld on your well-deserved honor.
Dimitri Vermes and Dr. Orit Markowitz
Full Page
Maya Angelou wrote,
"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud."
We toast our wonderful children
Scott and Jen Ostfeld
and the other Honorees
who have succeeded in this mission.
With Love and Respect,
Dr. Barbara Ostfeld and Dr. Thomas Hegyi
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Full Page
In recognition of
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel,
recipients of the Founders' Award
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld,
recipients of the Young Leadership Award
Sharon and Howard Fox
Full Page
Thank you to all the honorees
for their commitment
to our community.
Samantha and Gary Gabriel
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Gabrielle and Brian Marcus
Fred Marcus Studio
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Mazal Tov to Temple Emanu-El
and its dedicated staff
and supporters for their efforts
in creating and maintaining a strong,
caring, Jewish community
in Bergen County.
Myra and Manny Genn
Full Page
Congratulations to the Honorees!
Thank you to all the clergy and staff
who make this Shul so special!
We are proud to be a part of
the Temple Emanu-El family!
Kellie and Paul Gersh
Full Page
Mazel Tov and our gratitude to our
Founders' Award honorees
Lisa Beth and Greg Meisel
and Young Leadership Award honoree
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld and Scott Ostfeld
for their dedication to Temple Emanu-El and our community.
Ellen and Shep Goldfein
Pnina and Meyer Kattan
Debbie and Robin Klein
Full Page
Jackie Goldschneider
Real Housewives of New Jersey
Full Page
Mazel Tov to tonight's Honorees,
Lisa Beth and Greg Meisel
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld and Scott Ostfeld
We are grateful for all that you do
for our Temple Emanu-El community. Michele and Matthew Grabell
Full Page
Mazel Tov to our dear friends,
Lisa Beth and Greg
on a well-deserved honor.
May you continue to be an inspiration,
and source of strength to the Jewish Community.
Helen, Rich, Matthew,
Lauren and Caryn Greenberg
Full Page
Congratulations to
the well-deserved Honorees.
Ronnie and Edward Grossman
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Mazal Tov to
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld
on their honors.
Jillian and Daniel Herz
Full Page
Mazel Tov to tonight's honorees!
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld
Thank you for all you do
to support our community.
Best Wishes from,
Briana and Matt Holden
Full Page
Jen Bari Personal Styling
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Positive Design features with every stroller.
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Joolz USA Inc.
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Congratulations Jen and Scott on the meaningful and well-deserved honor!
Warm wishes,
Kathie and Jeremy Kamiel, Neeta and Fred Ogden, Dana and Anil Ranawat, Hanita and Ruby Walia
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Congratulations to all the Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Ruth and Marty Kornheiser
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In recognition of
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel,
recipients of the Founders' Award
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld,
recipients of the Young Leadership Award
Kathy and Richard Leventhal
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Mazal Tov to the Honorees
Lisa Beth and Greg Meisel
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld and Scott Ostfeld
for enriching our community through your giving and caring.
May you continue to be a source of strength and inspiration.
Ruth and Bruce Pomerantz
Annette Stern and Sandy Chait
Full Page
Lisa Beth and Greg,
Your dedication to family, friends
and our community is inspiring.
May you continue to lead by example
and go from strength to strength.
Mazel Tov to
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld and Scott Ostfeld
Felice and Alan Popper
Full Page
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In recognition of Temple Emanu-El's 91st Year
and celebrating this year's Honorees. Louann Reed & Nancy Cohen 200 West 57th Street, Suite 307 New York City 212.757.7702 Reed Cohen Paper & Events
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Robyn Leslie Fine Jewelry | Ophir Gallery
185 A. South Dean Street
Englewood, NJ 07631
Phone: 201.871.0424
Email: [email protected]
Full Page
Mazal Tov to Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel
on this outstanding award.
Your hard work and dedication to the Temple
and for the State of Israel is felt
by all who know you and love both of you.
It is truly an honor to be part of both of you.
Amy and Elliot Saks
Full Page
Mazal Tov to
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel
and Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld
on their honors.
Burton and Shelah Scherl
Full Page
Mazel Tov to Lisa Beth and Greg
on receiving this years Founder's Award.
We are blessed to have you in our community.
Mazel Tov to Jen and Scott
for such a well-deserved honor.
May you go from strength to strength.
Pearl Seiden
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Selima Hair Stylist
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High end interior design for residential,
commercial and hospitality spaces
Shelley Cekirge Interiors
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Lisa Beth and Greg; Our most sincere congratulations
on being the recipients of
Temple Emanu-El's Founders' Award!
Your consistent and tireless joint efforts which benefit
Temple Emanu-El, the JCC, as well as other Jewish causes
are characteristics which we, your friends, respect and admire.
You both are pillars of our community and we wish you both.
Mazel Tov on this honor.
Amy and Mark Shirvan
Full Page
Congratulations to all the honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Susan and Brad Singer
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May we be blessed with the continued work
of your hands and heart.
Mazal Tov and Yasher Koach to Lisa Beth and Greg Meisel
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld and Scott Ostfeld
With much gratitude, Aaron Billig, Christiina Buchert, Jeanine Corrubia, Naama Heymann, Chareen Kramer, Kelly Riedel, Adam Schwartzbard,
Julia Vazquez, Tamara Ween
Full Page
In recognition of
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel,
recipients of the Founders' Award
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld,
recipients of the Young Leadership Award.
Gayl and Samuel Suede
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Full Page
Mazel Tov Jen & Scott on you honor!
Your continued support of our synagogue
and community is appreciate by all.
The Kushman Family
Full Page
Congratulations to all the honorees
on theirwell-deserved honors.
The Lash Family
Full Page
Because Jewish guilt should be the only thing causing pain.
Not your back and neck.
Congratulations to all the Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Full Page
Mazal Tov to
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel
and Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld
on their honors.
Deborah and Ken Tuchman
Full Page
Lisa Beth and Greg
on this well-deserved honor.
We are very proud and grateful
for your dedication and leadership
to our community.
Alan, Iris, Hilary and Jill Wormser
Half Page
We are proud to join in honoring
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld
for their enduring commitment
to Temple Emanu-El.
Debbie & Mickey Harris
Half Page
To our esteemed guests of honor,
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel
and Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld,
we admire and respect your dedication
to ensuring the success of our Temple.
May you continue to be a source of strength
and inspiration to our Temple and the Jewish community.
Mazel Tov!
Harris Family
Half Page
Mazal Tov to
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel and
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld.
Thank you for all you do for Temple
and the Jewish community!
Teddi and Ted Hunter
Half Page
Half Page
Lisa Beth & Greg, Jen & Scott
We salute your leadership
and dedication to the community.
Warmest wishes,
Anna and Neal Merker
Half Page
On behalf of Daniel Stegman MD & NJ Eye and Ear,
we would like to congratulate the honorees
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel and
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld
for all their hard work.
Mazal Tov!
Daniel Stegman, M.D. NJ Eye & Ear
Half Page
Reform Clothing
Half Page
Mazal Tov to
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel and
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld on their honors.
Robin and Steven Epstein and Family
Half Page
Mazal Tov
Jen and Scott
on this well-deserved
Young Leadership Award,
an inspiration for all.
The Schwartz Family
Iris, Jeff, Erica, Mark, Adam,
Arli and Beau
Half Page
In recognition of
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel,
recipients of the Founders' Award
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld,
recipients of the Young Leadership Award.
Jocelyn, Evan, Marni
and Maddi Schwarz
Half Page
The Yanofsky Family
Quarter Page
450 Huyler Street, Suite 101
South Hackensack, N 07606
Phone: (201) 288-3700 Fax: (201)288-5310
Quarter Page
Mazal Tov to
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld
on their honors.
Gayle and Gary Alweiss
Quarter Page
Jen and Scott,
Many congratulations for well-deserved
Young Leadership Award!
Lulu and Dele Atanda
Quarter Page
In honor of the warm hug
Temple Emanu-l has been giving Bereisheet
and the Israeli-American community.
Congratulations to all the honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Quarter Page
In recognition of
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel,
recipients of the Founders' Award
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld,
recipients of the Young Leadership Award
Michelle and Sam Blumenstyk
Quarter Page
Quarter Page
Courtesy Cleaners
Pick up & Delivery
262 Closter Dock Road
Closter, NJ 07624
Tel: 201.768.0734
Quarter Page
Mazal Tov to
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel
and Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld
on their honors.
Allison and Bruce Egert
Quarter Page
In honor of Lisa Beth and Greg Meisel.
Congratulations and all good wishes.
Eleanor Epstein
Quarter Page
Congratulations to
the Meisels and the Ostfelds.
Diane Fink
Quarter Page
Mazal Tov to
Lisa Beth and Greg Meisel
and Jen Maxfield Ostfeld
and Scott Ostfeld
on their honors.
We thank you for all you have done
for our Temple community.
Sharon and Kenny Fried
Quarter Page
Quarter Page
Mazel Tov to our dear friends
Lisa Beth and Gregory
on this well-deserved honor
for your dedication and service to Temple Emanu-El!
May you continue to be a source of strength
and inspiration to the Jewish community.
We love you and are so proud of you!
Lisa & Darryl Ballin
Donna Gutkin & Michael Levine
Margot Metzger & Steve Glick
Audrey & Elliott Polinsky
Stephanie Rose & Michael Goldstein
Quarter Page
Mazel Tov to our dear friends Jen and Scott.
Lots of love,
Talia and Jeffrey Mandelbaum
Quarter Page
Jen and Scott,
on your well-deserved honor.
We're very proud of both of you!
Mom/Carol & Dad/Roger
Quarter Page
Mazal Tov to
Lisa Beth and Greg on your well-deserved honor.
Rachel, Jon, Charlie and Sarah Meisel
Quarter Page
Congratulations to all the Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Sheila and Harvey Nadel
Quarter Page
Mazal Tov to
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld
on a wonderful well-deserved honor.
The Ophir and Endick Families
Quarter Page
In recognition of
Lisa Beth & Greg Meisel,
recipients of the Founders' Award
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld,
recipients of the Young Leadership Award.
Eileen and Brian Pleva
Quarter Page
In recognition of
Jen Maxfield Ostfeld & Scott Ostfeld,
recipients of the Young Leadership Award.
Robyn Leslie Fine Jewerly | Ophyr Galley
Quarter Page
Mazel Tov!
Thanks for all the good that you do!!
Ruth Seidenberg
Quarter Page
Shake Rattle & Roll
Quarter Page
For Lisa Beth and Greg, Jen and Scott,
You are our happiest hopes.
(Jack Marshall)
With Love and Admiration,
Shelley Gershon and Stephane Zwirn
Quarter Page
Congratulations to all the Honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Andrea and Neil Strahl
Quarter Page
5 Napkin Burger
Amy & David Albalah
Chez Cheese
Chopstix, LLC
CK Nails
CMX Movie Theatre - Closter
Debbie and Gerry Davis
Emanu-El Deli
Grand & Essex Market
Jesner Family
Mixology Clothing
One World Observatory NYC
Cynthia and Jeffrey Pattison
Rudy's Ristorante and Pizzeria
Helayne Simon
Tenafly Kosher Deli
The Ceitlin Family
Wally's Bagels
Children's Listing
Asher Brenner
Samantha Brenner
Jordan Nicole Brensilber
Samantha Ryan Brensilber
Joshua Igel
Sarah Igel
Danielle Rosenberg
Scott Rosenberg
Children's Listing
Stephanie, Brooke, Scott and Jodi Zingler
Temple Emanu-El Closter
I still have a vivid memory of Greg and Lisa Beth holding hands in the front row of our sanctuary
as Jordan and Ben read from the Torah during their B'nai Mitzvah. That picture is embedded in my mind: it depicts two people in love with each other in both admiration of their kids and proud members
of their community. I think this image sums up the lives of Greg and Lisa Beth well.
Greg and Lisa Beth go together like peas and carrots, peanut butter and jelly. They are a united front
in all that they do, and that strengthens their resolve, commitment and leadership. During Greg's tenure
as President, his leadership style allowed us to overcome our challenges and exceed our expectations.
He encouraged the clergy and the leadership to reach higher, and we all did.
Lisa Beth has been a regular in our Sisterhood study group and always brings a keen sense of history
and modernity to our conversations. Her love of Israel is palpable and contagious.
The best demonstration of the Meisels' leadership is by looking at their children, Ben and Jordan:
two people that have embraced their inheritance as leaders and shapers of the Jewish and Zionist world.
They are amazing people and remind us that the future is bright for the Jewish people.
Tonight we are honored to celebrate the Meisels' and their leadership that has happened
and has yet to come. We are all richer and better for them and their contributions.
Rabbi David-Seth Kirshner |