Mazal tov to all the honorees and mazal tov to the dedicated teachers.
Pinecrest Consulting
Congratulations to Torah Day School of Dallas on 20 Years of Nurturing and Growth.
David and Cindy Winston
Congratulations to Torah Day School of Dallas on 20 Years of Nurturing and Growth.
Stanley and Phyllis Jaspan
Congratulations to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors.
Mark Miller
Mazel Tov to David and Cindy Winston and all of the honorees who have been instrumental in TDSD's growth for the last twenty years, and to Rabbi Pekier, whose insightful leadership and inspiring vision are guiding the school towards a bright and promising future.
Ben and Lauren Nise
Our mission is to instill in children a lifelong passion for learning, in a warm and nurturing community, steeped in Jewish traditions and Torah values.
Congratulations to Torah Day School on 20 years of contributing to our
Dallas Jewish community.
Rikki Rutchik & Kirk Rovinsky
In appreciation of all the efforts of so many volunteers
to bring the 20th Year Gala to fruition. 
Campaign Chairs
Drs. Yochanan and Shira Ackerman         Yehoshua and Jenny Quinn
Campaign Committee
Eily and Chana Ben-Abraham      Saadyah and Alina Averick           Rabbi Ariel and Rivka Darrison
Richard and Shelley Glazer      Dr. Miky and Patty Goldschmiedt         Yehuda and Nina Istrin
Jeff and Suzanne Luftig                  Ben and Lauren Nise                    Moshe and Caryn Peiser
Rikki Rutchik and Kirk Rovinsky      Jethro and Tali Solomon                 Gavi and Emily Unger
Dinner Chairs
Shalom and Malke Brookler        Avi and Dr. Toby Grossman       Rick and Marcey Silber
Dinner Committee
Liz Amiel                           Melissa Evans                             Kate Goldberg
Rabbi Zecharia and Chana Greenfield         Moshe and Estee Gelman             Gabi and Surah Heimowitz             
Rabbi Avi & Ariella Honigsfeld            Rabbi Michel and Devorah Lomner           Calev and Aliza Mann
AY and Sarah Mernick                       Rabbi Hillel and Raizy Muller
Avi and Rachel Niman                        Chaim and Shiffy Stitzer
Thank You Committee Members
Congratulations to Torah Day School of Dallas on 20 Years of Nurturing and Growth. Thank you so much for welcoming our family to the school so warmly. Our kids are thriving and growing as people because of the devotion of their teachers and administrators. Hatzlacha on continued success and growth!
The Biomaterials Group
Torah Day School of Dallas
Board of Trustees
Dr. Salomon Banarer, President
Dr. Toby Grossman, Vice President
Shachar Gargir, Treasurer
Leibel Winegard, Secretary
Dr. Shira Ackerman
Rabbi Avi Honigsfeld
Ben Nise
Ari Ringelheim
We are so grateful for all the brachos that have created our past, are so excited for the TDSD future! Our roots are deep and strong, and our wings will take us far and high! Mazel tov!
Salomon and Miriam Banarer
In appreciation of each and every staff
member that brings their A-Game each and
every day. For making your mission the
personal growth of every Jewish child. 
May you be rewarded ten-fold for your
unwavering commitment to the
future of our children!
The TDSD Board of Directors
Mazal Tov to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors.
Yochanan and Shira Ackerman
Mazal Tov to David and Cindy and your vision for the children of Dallas. Thank you to all the Rabbeim, moros and teachers of our children and grandchildren. 
Miky & Patty Goldschmiedt
Mazal Tov to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors
Linda H & Ira Jason Lucks
Howard M Meyers
Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Rebbetzin Pekier, David & Cindy Winston, Dr. Chana Ruderman, Mrs. Becky Udman, Morah Chana Devorie, Morah Chaya, Morah Yochana, Morah Daniella & the teaching assistants and support staff!!
Thank you ALL for providing our children & Imyh future generations with roots to ground them in Yiddishkeit & wings to soar as they become leaders & visionaries of Klal Yisroel.
Larry & Jackie Shafron
Congratulations on 20 years!
We have been honored to help keep your school beautiful.
Shaun & Carolyn Butterworth
Stratus Cleaning Solutions
Be prepared for what's ahead. We have the essential products and services that help keep your business prepared, protected and properly stocked so your people can perform their best!
Congratulations to Torah Day School of Dallas
on 20 Years of Nurturing and Growth!
Thank you to our incredible Mechutanim,
Rabbi & Rebbetzin Pekier, for all that they do! 
Steve & Sue Darrison
Mazal Tov to all the wonderful honorees - to David and Cindy, and to all the Administrators and Morahs.
May you continue to educate our grandchildren and future generations.
Richard and Shelley Glazer
Congratulations to Torah Day School of Dallas on 20 Years of Nurturing and Growth. Congratulations to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors. Heartfelt thank you to Rabbi Pekier and Dr. Ruderman to all you do for our children and the entire TDSD family. Looking forward to continued growth in the next 20 years.
Avi and Toby Grossman

Mazal tov to our daughters' teachers, Morah Daniella and Morah Fried, and to all the honorees on their well deserved recognition. Thank you to all the teachers and staff at TDSD for your hard work and dedication. 
Elisha and Rochel Leah Kobre
Many thanks to all of the honorees for your dedication to the school and to our children.
Bernie and Izzy Rosenberg
In honor of our girls (Liv, Ellie and Remi) who bring us so much nachas as the next generation of proud Jewish women.
Talia & Jethro Solomon Family
Mazel Tov all the honorees and the guests of honor:
David & Cindy!
Thank you all for your dedicated service to our growing
community! We have tremendous Hakoras Hatov to all
the administrators, faculty & staff for
20 years of nurturing our family!
Wishing us all continued success!
Sharon, Charles, Shira & Yehuda, Rebecca, David & Esti
The Michaels Family
Dear Cindy and David- We're so proud of all you do for the Dallas community! May you always go from strength to strength.
The Skiblings and their Families
Congratulations to Torah Day School of Dallas on 20 Years of Nurturing and Growth.
Tuchman Family
Congratulations Torah Day School of Dallas on your 20 year anniversary! It's an honor to watch the yeshiva flourish under the leadership of Rabbi Pekier and
Dr. Ruderman! Looking forward to seeing the continued growth to come in the
next 20 years!
Emily and Gavi Unger
In recognition of the tireless efforts of the TDSD teachers and staff. Thanks for sharing that Big D energy with us!
Shmais and Zippy Weisbord
Mazal Tov to all the honorees and especially Mimi and Papa! It is amazing to see the growth of the school over the past 20 years. The school grew from an idea into the spectacular institution that it is today. This is only possible with countless hours of dedication from so many people. Thank you! Looking forward to the next 20 years!
Jacob, Temima, Maayan and Noa Winston
Mazal Tov on the 20th year milestone. Thank you to the
Winston family for their future-oriented vision. Thank you
to all the administrators and faculty that have
allowed our children to thrive.
Yehudah and Esti Abrams
Mazal Tov to all the honorees and to Torah Day School of Dallas on 20 years of nurturing and growth.
Louis and Diane Calmenson
Mazal Tov to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors.
Dr. and Mrs. Allan Shulkin
Congratulations to Torah Day School of Dallas on 20 Years of
Nurturing and Growth.
Sandy Kaufman
In honor of Chana Mindy, Shua, Adina, Bayla, and Shalom and of course their parents Caleb and Aliza Mann.
With love, Grandpa
Richard Lopchinsky
Mazal Tov to all of the honorees! Thank you
for your dedication to TDSD. A very big
thank you as well to all of the Rebbeim,
Moros and Teachers for everything
that you do for our children.
Yehoshua and Jenny Quinn
Congratulations to Torah Day School of Dallas on 20 Years of Nurturing and Growth.
David and Ruth Tobin
From the start, your singular, unwavering, passionate focus
has been that TDSD should be THE PLACE where Jewish
children are valued, appreciated, nurtured and developed
into the most amazing people they can be.
As Rabbi Akiva told his Talmidim,
"Sheh-lee V'Shelachem, Sheh-lah".
Hashem should continue to give you the strength
and energy to do all that you do for our family,
our school and our community.
With deepest admiration, Yerachmiel
In Honor of David & Cindy Winston. Your
vision, passion and commitment to bringing
TDSD from a dream to a reality raised the
level of Jewish Education, changed the face of
the Dallas Jewish Community and paved the
way for an incredible future for the
Jewish People. THANK YOU!
Rabbi Yerachmiel & Becky Udman
I want to wish my parents Mazel Tov as they continue to be excellent role models. Everyone can improve the status quo by being their own David and Cindy Winston.
Strive to be a benefactor of tomorrow.
Aaron Winston
Congratulations to Torah Day School of Dallas on 20 Years of Nurturing and Growth.
Shlomo & Hudy Abrams
Congratulations to Torah Day School of Dallas on 20 Years of Nurturing and Growth.
David & Cindy Winston are great people and pillars of the community, and the award is well deserved. They are always there to support our community.
Merrill and Sandy Berman
Mazal Tov to the well-deserved honorees,
and thank you to Rabbi Pekier, Dr. Ruderman,
and all the amazing teachers who have made
Ari's first year at TDSD so meaningful.

The Tam Family
Dedicated with Love and Respect in Honor of
David and Cindy Winston.
Beth & Chaim Broodo
Congratulations to Torah Day School of Dallas on 20 Years of Nurturing and Growth.
Shalom & Malke Brookler
Mazel Tov to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors! A very big thank you to all the Rebbeim, Moros, Teachers, and TDSD staff for everything you do!
Calev and Aliza Mann
Congratulations to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors. A special thank you to Rabbi Pekier for his continued interest in helping our children.
Melissa Chames
Mazal Tov Cindy! You are an inspiration! Thank you with all our hearts! 
Henry & Stacey Clark
Congratulations to Torah Day School of Dallas on 20 Years of Nurturing and Growth.
Kfir and Sharon Cohen
To Our Dear Friends and Supporters David & Cindy Winston נ''י
With the utmost respect and appreciation for all you do for us at DATA, the community at large, and specifically for Torah Day School for so many years. Your dedication to Torah and Jewish education is exemplary. This honor is so well deserved. We also express our deepest hakaras hatov, appreciation, to the dedicated Rebbes, Moros and Hanahala of Torah Day School. You are mosrei nefesh, day in and day out, to ensure a quality, high-level Jewish and secular education for the precious children of our community. May Hashem grant you all to go m'chail l'chail for many years to come.
B'chabod gadol,
The Roshei Hakollel, Rabbeim, Yungeleit, Staff and Board of DATA, the Dallas Area Torah Association Community Kollel
Congratulations to Torah Day School
of Dallas on 20 Years of
Nurturing and Growth.
Thank you to Rabbi & Rebbetzin Pekier
for all that they do for the school
and community at large.
Ariel & Rivka Darrison
Dr. Ruderman:

Mazel Tov on your well-deserved honor!  We appreciate your
dedication to TDSD and your devotion to its students.  We
admire your thoughtfulness and your attention to the
individual needs of each student.  Thank you for always being
there for our family and providing continual support. 
May you continue to positively impact the lives of
many more students at TDSD!
Jeremy and Aliza Cassius & Family
Mazal Tov to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors.
Gabi and Surah Heimowitz
Congratulations to Torah Day School of Dallas on 20 Years of
Nurturing and Growth.
Yossi & Chelly Gallor
Mazal Tov to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors! Thank you Morah Becky and the entire preschool staff for the amazing experience our son has everyday.
Moshe and Estee Gelman
Congratulations to
Torah Day School of Dallas on
20 Years of Nurturing and Growth.
Genish Family
Mazal Tov to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors.
Don and Ariela Goldstein
Mazal Tov to Torah Day School of Dallas on this wonderful milestone and to all the honorees on their well--deserved honors.
Rabbi Maury & Malka Grebenau
Mazal Tov to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors.
Avi & Ariella Honigsfeld
Mazal Tov to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors.
Rosey and Moshe Jakob
Mazal tov to David and Cindy Winston. Yosher Koach
for laying the foundation of TDSD.
Mazal to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Pekier  - Yosher Koach for
building upon that foundation. You have built TDSD in to
a truly exceptional makom Torah. 
Eliyahu and Shifra Kaufman
Mazal Tov to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors.
Zak and Chanie Klein
In honor of the administration and teachers of Torah Day School of Dallas For providing continuing excellent chinuch to our granddaughters: Abigail, Ellie, and Tamar Kobre
Akiva & Sheryl Kobre
Congratulations to Torah Day School of Dallas on 20 Years of Nurturing and Growth.
Leake Family
Mark and Candace Leshin
Congratulations to Torah Day School of Dallas on 20 Years of Nurturing and Growth.
Levi Family
Congratulations to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors.
Jason Luque
Mazal Tov to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors. Mazal Tov to TDSD on it's 20 year anniversary of nurturing and growing the future of Klal Yisrael. We heartfully thank all the teachers and staff for their hard work and dedication to our children.
Shlomo and Shoshana Mail
In appreciation of the incredible Rebbeim and staff at Torah Day School of Dallas, and all that you do for our children.
Thank you!
Sarah & A.Y. Mernick
In honor of our family
Ben and Lauren Nise
Kalman and Yossi Nise
Norm and Ellen Nise
To the honorees and the entire staff of
Torah Day School of Dallas
~ Thank you for all you do.
Yisroel Simcha Norman
Mazal Tov to all the honorees on your very well deserved honors. Thank you for the amazing nurturing and love, understanding, support and opportunities you provided for our daughter, Rivka, from pre-K all the way through 8th grade and beyond.
Glen and Jillian Notelovitz
Mazal Tov to the Winstons & to the outstanding administrators and morahs on their award! Thank you for educating the children of our community. Mazal Tov to TDSD for 20 years of excellence. May you go from strength to strength!
Moshe & Caryn Peiser
Mazal tov to the Winstons! A pillar of our community
Marcy and Dale Rhoads
Thank you to the past and present staff of TDSD for all you have done for our family. 
Yaakov and Susan Rich
Mazal Tov to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors.
Ari and Leora Ringelheim
Congratulations to Torah Day School of Dallas on 20 Years of Nurturing and Growth.
Rochel and Shachar Gargir
Congratulations to
Torah Day School of Dallas
on 20 Years of
Nurturing and Growth.
Shalom & Chani Rodin
Mazal Tov to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors.
Shelly and Rachel Leah Rosenberg
Congratulations to Torah Day School of Dallas on 20 Years of
Nurturing and Growth.
Elias and Elke Sarfati
Mazal Tov to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors.
Yermi and Yael Sarne
Thank you Torah Day School for teaching Torah values to our children and helping them to grow and flourish.
Matthew and Tova Schwed
Schwed Pediatric Dentistry
Mazal Tov to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors
Shifrin Family
Mazal Tov to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors.
Rick and Marcey Silber
Mazal Tov to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors.
Danny and Bracha Strassman
Mazal Tov to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors.
Naomi and Josh Stroock
Congratulations to Torah Day School of Dallas on 20 Years of Nurturing and Growth.
Tanev Family
In honor of Mrs. Becky Udman
Lawrence and Terry Tobin
In Honor of Rabbi Pekier for his tireless
efforts on behalf of the students of TDSD!
Rabbi Yerachmiel & Becky Udman
Mazal Tov to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors.
Tzvi and Adina Wachsman
Mazel tov to the honorees, the Board of Directors, and Dr. Salomon Banarer for his 9 years as President leading TDSD. May the roots of the first 20 years take hold to nourish and educate the next generation of knowledgeable, ethical members of Klal Yisrael. May you go from strength to strength!
Joan and Bernard White
Mazal Tov to Cindy & David Winston from their family.
Peter, Frank, Jeff, Janice, Susan, Elyse, Michael & Jared Winston
Congratulations to Torah Day School of Dallas on 20 Years of Nurturing and Growth.
Yehuda and Nina Istrin
Mazal Tov to David and Cindy! Thank you for your vision and dedication to Torah Day School and for all you do for the Dallas/Plano community.
To our friends and dedicated staff since TDSD opened their doors, Chana, Becky, Chana Devorie, Chaya, Yochana, and Daniella, Mazal Tov!
May you all continue to go M'chayil el chayil
Nasanya and Devorah Zakon
Mazal Tov to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors.
Dovi and Rachel Adlerstein
Mazal Tov to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors.
Yardena Alfia
Mommy, your dedication to the klal knows no bounds!
The Torah Day School family is so lucky to have you.
May Hakadosh Boruch Hu bentch you with endless
siyata dishmaya in everything!
Yaakov, Laya and Dassi Doodles
Mazel Tov Chana Devorie!! You have such excitement and love for building your students' foundation for a life of davening, learning, and love of Yiddishkeit. Your passion bursts forth when you talk about teaching, and we feel your love and care for each talmid and talmidah. Torah Day School kindergarten students are so fortunate to have you as their morah!! Hashem should help you to continue give excitement through learning to your students for many years ahead!
Mazal Tov to the Winston family!!!
Attar Family
In honor of our Granddaughters, Aliza Yaffa and Tova Eliana Baker. Thank you to Dr Ruderman and the entire staff for all you do for them and all of the TDSD children.
Rabbi Moshe and Debi Berger
Dedicated with Gratitude and Respect to our children's mentors and teachers from their TDSD days - Dr. Chana Ruderman, Mrs. Becky Udman, Mrs. Chanie Devorie Blitz, Mrs. Chaya Feigenbaum, Mrs. Yochana Fried, and Mrs. Daniella Kosowsky.
Beth & Chaim Broodo
Congratulations to Torah Day School of Dallas on 20 Years of Nurturing and Growth.
Rabbi and Rivkie Block Chabad of Plano/Collin County
Congratulations to Chana Ruderman!
We are very proud of you and the impact
Torah Day School of Dallas
has had for 20 years!
Chana Ruderman's Brothers & Sisters
L'Kvod Mommy Feigenbaum, Mazel Tov! Thank you for
teaching us what it means to be a true giver and what real
dedication looks like both as a Mommy and a Morah!
We know what you really put up with:) It is such a zechus for
us to be your children! We Love you!!!!
Yaakov Yosef, Miriam, Dovid Yehuda, and Tziporah Leah
Yosef, Rochel, Esther, and Moshe Simcha Yitzy and Bella
Shimon, Gayil, Moishy, and Rivka Avrami, Sorah, and
Miriam Hindy Meir Simcha Raphael Mordechai.
Feigenbaum Children
Mazal Tov to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors.
In honor of: 
Chana Devorie Blitz
Chaya Feigenbaum
Daniella Kosowsky
Yochana Fried
Rickey Cohen
Congregation Ohev Shalom salutes
Rabbi Avi Pekier for the wonderful and insightful shiurim that he gives in
our shul. His love for Torah and his scholarship elevate our community.
Rabbi Aryeh Rodin
Rabbi Ariel Darrison
Dr. Lawrence Shafron, President
Congregation Ohev Shalom
ach•a•ra•yus /  אחריות
DEFINITION: Responsibility, Dedication.
SYNONYMS: David & Cindy Winston;
Dr. Chana Ruderman; Mrs. Becky Udman;
Mrs. Chana Devorie Blitz; Mrs. Chaya Feigenbaum;
Mrs. Yochana Fried; Mrs. Daniella Kosowsky
Mazel Tov to the most deserving honorees.
Congregation Toras Chaim
Mazel tov and in appreciation of the honorees, and especially our very own:
Dr. Chana Ruderman and Mrs. Yochana Fried, for their dedication to chinuch and passion for educating our children. We appreciate everything you do.
Rabbi Nasanya Zakon, Rabbi Eli Nissel, Rabbi Yogi Robkin
And The DATA of Plano Community
Mazal Tov to all the Honorees on this
well-deserved honor. May we all be
to another 20 years of growth.
Tamar and Yaakov Davis
We are always amazed by our
daughter-in-law's devotion to Judaism and to education in general. We wish her
kol hakavod and continued success and happiness in the future!
Dr. Robert and Marlene Ruderman
Mazel Tov David and Cindy Winston - It is your vision and dedication that gave Torah Day School its strong roots. Thank you to Rabbi Yerachmiel and Becky Udman for nurturing those roots into a thriving, growing place of Torah learning. Thank you to Dr. Ruderman for keeping all the puzzle pieces fitting together as no one else can. Thank you to Morah Chana Devorie Blitz, Morah Chaya Feigenbaum, Morah Yochana Fried and Morah Daniella Kosowsky for being role models to us and our children and grandchildren from day one until today! Thank you to Rabbi Pekier and to all the stellar Rebbeim, Moros, teachers and staff that make Torah Day School the special place it is! 
Rabbi Bentzi and Batya Epstein
In Honor of David and Cindy Winston Your vision and dedication to Torah Day School are legendary. "No " was never a possibility. We thank you for all you have done and continue to do! Your passion for our children has built generations. May Hashem repay you many fold for all you do! 
Rabbi Aryeh and Chaya Feigenbaum
Harriet Feigenbaum
In honor of Mrs. Chaya Feigenbaum: We are so blessed to be
your family. Your love and nurturing have built us. You are a
role model for all of us and the community. May Hashem give
you many more years of good health and nachas! Aryeh Yaakov
Yosef, Miriam, Dovid Yehudah and Tzipporah Leah Yosef,
Rochel, Esther and Moshe Simcha Yitzy and Bella Shimon,
Gayil, Moshe Zev and Rivkah Avrami, Sorah and
Miriam Hindy Meir Simcha Raphael Mordechai
Feigenbaum Family
Mazal Tov to Cindy and David Winston!
We celebrate your exceptional dedication to the outstanding Torah Day School of Dallas and to the wonderful Dallas community at large!
We cherish the family bond we share with you!
Rachel and Yitzchak Furst
Congratulations to Torah Day School of Dallas on 20 Years of Nurturing and Growth.
Kate Goldberg
Mazal Tov to all the honorees on your
well-deserved honors.
Rochel and Amatziah Hartman
Congratulations to Torah Day School of Dallas on 20 Years of Nurturing and Growth.
Blumie Herskovits
Mazel Tov to Torah Day School of Dallas on 20 amazing years! To David and Cindy Winston - Torah Day School serves as a testament to your vision and steadfastness.  To Dr. Ruderman - Each child's academic success is your only job, along with the myriad other only jobs you have all of which you do comprehensively and with dignity.  To Mrs. Udman, Mrs. Blitz, Mrs. Feigenbaum, Mrs. Fried, and Mrs. Kosowsky -Our community is so fortunate to have you all as role models and molders of our precious neshamos.
Mesorah High School for Girls
In honor of all the children of Torah Day School of Dallas.
Yuri and Genny Lemeshev
In tribute to all the honorees and my wonderful children Calev and Aliza Mann!!! 
Cara Lopchinsky and the gantze mishpacha.
Mazel tov to all the esteemed honorees for all that they have done and continue to do for the greater Dallas community, TDSD and for our children!
With much hakaras hatov to Rabbi Pekier, Dr. Ruderman, Mrs. Udman, the office staff and to all our childrens' Rebbeim, Moros, and teachers over the years!
May TDSD continue to go Maychayil l'choyil!

Shalom & Shira Meltzer and Family
Congratulations to Torah Day School of Dallas
on 20 Years of Nurturing and Growth.
Cindy Modlinger
Congratulations to our dear friends Cindy and David on this well deserved honor and to the entire faculty and staff of TDSD. We were so privileged to be a part of beginnings of TDSD and are so amazed at how far the school has come. Wishing y'all continued success as you educate the next generation in the ways of the Torah. Fondly, 
Menachem and Gitty Mozes
Mazel Tov to Torah Day School of Dallas on reaching this 20 year milestone! Torah Day School, the outstanding honorees, all the wonderful administrators, Rebbeim, and teachers continue to make an impact on the students, families, and community!
Rabbi Hillel and Raizy Muller
Congratulations to all ..Cindy and David Winston,Dr Chana Ruderman,' Mrs Becky Udman, Mrs Chana Devorie Blitz, Mrs Chaya Feigenbaum, Mrs Yochana Fried, Mrs Daniella have all had a tremendous impact on our children .. thank you and your reward and accomplishment is that the next generation (our grandchildren ) choose to attend TDSD ... yeshar koach ... may Hashem bless TDSD with growth and strength for the next 20 years
Itzak and Meira Naor
Congratulations to Eli Nissel and the honorees.
Dr. and Mrs. Neil Nissel
In honor of the administration, rabbeim,
moros, teachers and staff of this
makom kadosh.
Our appreciation is indescribable.
Eli and Tova Nissel
Mazel Tov to the Torah Day School of Dallas upon celebrating the momentous occasion
of 20 years of Torah chinuch for the Dallas community. We at Torah Umesorah
share in your simcha. The Torah Day School of Dallas is among one of Torah Umesorah's
most prominent school members, having developed an exemplary school which provides its
students with an atmosphere of Torah and yiras shamayim, and excellence in academic
achievement. The Torah Day School's environment is one in which students are motivated
to thrive. We wish Mazel Tov to all of the very deserving honorees, whose devotion and
support are very much a part of the school's success. We recognize all of the members of the Administration, Staff, Board of Directors and Parent Body, who are all a very integral part of the Torah Day School of Dallas family. May all of you see much nachas from your efforts! Mazel Tov!
Rabbi Dovid Nojowitz, National Director
Mazal Tov to the honorees and the
entire faculty and staff.
עד דר ודר אמונתו
Yisroel Simcha Norman
Ohr HaTorah Salutes David and Cindy Winston on
their decades of dedication and generosity
to Torah Day School.
We are inspired by their tireless efforts for
our school from Day. 
May Hashem give all of you many more years of
good health happiness and nachas!
Rabbi Aryeh Feigenbaum         Rabbi Hillel Muller
Shmuli Herskovits
Ohr HaTorah
In honor of
Our dear daughter
Mazal Tov to you Upon reaching this milestone!
May H-shem grant you the abilities to continue being
מחנך ילדי ישראל
for many years to come.
Your Proud Parents Tatty and Mommy
Joseph and Yehudis Orlansky
To our dear sister and role model Chana Devorie  'שתחי  Two decades of
being  מחנך  children  בלב ונפש  to the highest level makes this award truly
well deserved.  מזל טוב  May you go  מחיל אל חיל

Ephraim and Shani
Shlomie and Rochel Leah
Chava Esty
Gavriel And Rikky
Shneur and Shiffy
Yosef Shaul and Rivka Beila
Moshe and Tzipppy
Yitzchok and Miriam
Orlansky Family
Dear Mommy,
We can't even imagine how it can be true
Accomplishing the many things that you do
We hope when we grow up to be like you!
Moshe and Shayna Perlow
In honor of our children, the dynamic duo, Gabi and Surah Heimowitz, and our beautiful grandchildren Chayala, Adina, Avrohom Yosef, Fraidy, Moshe and future student Batsheva.
Phillip and Debbie Heimowitz
Kudos to Rabbi Avi Pekier, David and Cindy Winston, the
guests of honor, and this year's honorees, for their prodigious
efforts and energy in making Torah Day School of Dallas
a "Makom Torah".
May Hashem bless them and their families with
much hatzlacha and bracha.
Special recognition to the founding administrators
Rabbi Yerachmiel and Becky Udman
and Dr. Chana Ruderman.
Rabbi Aryeh and Henny Rodin
In honor of Dr. Chana Ruderman, who believes deeply in the power of education to open minds and hearts, and who has dedicated herself tirelessly for two decades to the staff and students of Torah Day School of Dallas.
With love and appreciation, Richard Ruderman, Chava Ruderman, Avigail & Yonah Roth, Tova Ruderman,
Miriam Esther & Shmuel Neuman, Ezra Ruderman.
Ruderman Family
In Honor of the Rosenblatt, Craven and Gargir families!
Mazel Tov to the honorees!
Avi and Shaindy Stewart
On behalf of the hanhala, faculty and talmidim of TTI, we take this opportunity to wish a heartfelt Mazel Tov to our dear friends, David and Cindy Winston, on this well-deserved honor. Your sincere commitment and tireless efforts on behalf of klal Yisroel have become a part of the foundation of the Dallas Torah community. We wish you many more years of successful planting and building, and abundant nachas from your wonderful children and your many 'investments'. Keep enjoying the dividends! To the dedicated and talented Mechanchos of TDSD: Dr. Ruderman, Mrs.Udman, Mrs. Blitz, Mrs.Feigenbaum, Mrs. Fried, Mrs. Kosowsky Thank you for your countless hours of hard work and dedication to our children and to our community. Your passionate commitment to your talmidim and talmidos shines through in everything you do and makes you all the incredible educators Dallas has become know for. You are consummate professionals and yet you make chinuch a labor of love. May you all merit to reap the vast rewards reserved for those who give of themselves to bring Hashem's children closer to Him. Rabbi Eliyahu Kaufman Rabbi Shlomo Pacht Rabbi Daniel Ringelheim Roshei Yeshiva, Yeshiva U'mesivta of Dallas
Texas Torah Institute
Mazal Tov to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors.
The Bass Family
To the best mother and morah ever! You are passionate, loving, optimistic, real, understanding, outgoing, practical and much, much, more!! You use all these talents to inspire your students and show them the beauty of Yiddishkeit. TDSD and us, are grateful for all that you do for us! May you have the koach to continue to give over to others for many more years!! We love you!!
The Blitz Kids
הזורעים בדמעה ...                         ברנה יקצורו
מזל טוב
To Our Dearest Chaya
In recognition of your 20 years of service to Torah Day School
of Dallas and your 30 years of love and commitment to the
expansion of Torah life in Dallas and beyond. Your
accomplishment, along with your co-honorees have impacted
Torah life and education the world over.
With all our love,
Mrs. Harriet Feigenbaum,   אשת המנוח הרב משה זאב פייגענבוים ז"ל
Rabbi & Mrs. Herbert Russ
The Feigenbaum and Russ Families
Mazel Tov to all the honorees! Thank you to everyone who makes the TDSD magic happen!
Thank you TDSD for being a second home for our family for so many years!
The Fried Family
חזק! חזק! ונתחזק!
Chazak! Chazak! Venischazeik
The Nathan fam
Dear Tanta Chaya: From years of playdates to Friday potato kugel to carpool (with our names fairly picked out of a bag), thanks for being the best Tanta and Morah we could've ever asked for. Mazal Tov on this well-deserved honor! Love,
Tova, Binyomin, BL, Ahuva, Shani, Yehudis, CR, and CZ (and all our kids too!)
Mazal Tov to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors.
Harry and Rachel Whitman
Mazel Tov
Dr. Ruderman
Morah Becky
Morah Chana Devorie
Morah Chaya
Mrs. Fried
Morah Daniella
Thank you for 20 years of dedication and service to our school family! Your impact on so many beautiful neshamas has no limit. You are an inspiration.
We appreciate you! 
David and Cindy Winston
Thank you to Rabbi Pekier and all the staff and teachers at TDSD. With your warmth and dedication, you are making an incredible impact on generations to come.
David and Cindy Winston
In honor of Rabbi Pekier, Rabbi Abrams, Dr. Ruderman, and Morah Becky Udman:
We would like to express our deep hakaras hatov to each of you for all of your efforts on behalf of Torah Day School. Thank you for running this beautiful institution of chinuch and for spreading Torah throughout our community.
Our warmest wishes for continued hatzlacha,
Zecharia and Chana Greenfield
In honor of a most dedicated and dynamic morah, Morah Daniella Kosowsky. We feel so blessed to have you teach our Ahron every day. He has learned and grown so much under your care. Thank you. May you be bentched with continued hatzlacha and much nachas from your beautiful family,
Zecharia and Chana Greenfield
In honor of those that came before us. You have planted the seeds for a flourishing community that we now call home. Thank you for your dedication that made Dallas what it is today. 
Rabbi Avrohom & Bracha Zuckerman
Anonymous - Continued Success!
RONALD Aronoff
Boddie L Lindsey
George and Joan Brooks
Dr. Michael H. and Joan Margolies
Mark and Rita Feuer
Hindy Friedman
Gerald and Deborah Blitz
Gerardo and Diana Trillo
Shady and David Goldenberg
Rabbi Moshe and Nanci Grossman
Guy Hirsch
Irene Z Abrams
Aryeh and Sharon Kluger
Joel and Miriam Lazarus
Shelley & David Lurie & Family
Mark and Joy Drucker
Menachem and Gitty Mozes
Moshe Orlansky
Shlomie Orlansky
Orlansky Family
Joseph and Roni Rothstein
Schneur and Shiffy Neuman
Louis J. Septimus & Company
Sholom H. and Dini Adler
Chava Esty Stern
The Hirshberg Family
Yitzchok Orlansky