Jill and Geoff Hammel
Chairpeople: Heather and Mark Kramer
Jill and Geoff grew up in Cherry Hill, and along with their families, were both active members in the Jewish community. Geoff is a graduate of Midrashah and served as Vice President of his USY chapter. Jill has been a member of TBS since 1987. She became a Bat Mitzvah at TBS in Haddon Heights with Rabbi Lewis, z”l, participated in TBS’s move from Haddon Heights to Cherry Hill, and was a proud TBS Confirmand. Rabbi Lindemann officiated Jill and Geoff’s wedding in 2000, and Jill and Geoff were thrilled to travel on their very first trip to Israel in 2012 with Rabbi Peltz, Rachel, and members of our TBS family. They are looking forward to traveling to Israel this summer with their parents and their daughters, Dara, Ava, and Zoe on a family Israel trip led by Rabbi Peltz.
TBS is truly their home away from home, and Jill and Geoff’s hearts are filled with pride as they’ve watched Dara, Ava, and Zoe, grow up at TBS. They have attended and created lifelong connections in our Eric B. Jacobs Early Childhood Education Center, Rabbi Albert and Sarah Lewis Religious School, and HaMakom High School programs. They are also enthusiastic Ramahniks! Jill and Geoff have celebrated Dara and Ava becoming B’not Mitzvah at TBS, and they are looking forward to celebrating Zoe becoming a Bat Mitzvah later this year. Last year, Dara traveled to Israel with her Confirmation Class, and we proudly celebrated her Confirmation. We are grateful to Rabbi Peltz, Rabbi Wexler, Rabbi Lindemann, Cantor Cohen, Alex, Ellen, Morah Harriet, Jared, Alvin, and all of our incredible TBS educators who continually inspire us and touch our lives.
Geoff serves on the JFCS Board, including its Executive and Finance Committees, and has been an active volunteer in the Patient Partners program. He previously served as a JCC Board member. Geoff is a Managing Director for ISP Advisors, an executive compensation consulting firm, and CEO of a software startup company.
Jill is honored to have played an active role in many facets of synagogue life both professionally and as a lay leader. Jill has served as chairperson for TBS’s Young Members Group, Eric B. Jacobs Early Childhood Education Center Committee, Home and School Association, and several synagogue-wide fundraising events. She is proud to have participated in and co-facilitated the Presidents’ Leadership Institute.
Jill proudly joined the TBS professional staff in 2013, serving as Congregational Life Director and Special Needs Coordinator for six years.
She currently serves on the Executive Committee as a Vice President, Board Development Chair, and Strategic Planning Task Force Co-Chair.
Jill loves volunteering to help lead Shabbat morning services and read Torah, and she loves spending her time at TBS partnering with so many dedicated people with a shared vision and passion, as well as hopefulness for TBS’s bright future.
Jill was proud to receive a Temple Beth Sholom Service Award and the Jewish Community Foundation Schreibstein Award for Emerging Community Leadership. Jill is a kindergarten teacher in the Cherry Hill Public School District.
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