Gala Honorees
Mara and Mitch Berkey first met in 1974 at Cejwin Camps, where morning prayers, hamotzi and birkat at each meal, and Sabbath observance were integral parts of their summer experience. But not until a chance meeting two years later, while moving into the same college dorm, did their story start to unfold. Graduation, marriage and newlywed life in Forest Hills, Queens followed. With a newborn in the car seat, they moved to Livingston in 1987, and soon thereafter joined Temple Beth Shalom.
Daughter Jessica and son Jared received their initial religious education at TBS, became bat and bar mitzvah in the TBS sanctuary, and went on to Hebrew High School. Now married thirty-six years (double-chai!), Mara and Mitch have been blessed to experience the recent weddings of Jessica to son-in-law Adam, and Jared to daughter-in-law Maressa.
Mitch followed his parents’ example of Jewish community service and assumed numerous leadership roles at TBS. He began as member of the Men’s Club Board of Trustees, and moved on to become its Vice President and President. At the temple level, Mitch served as Vice President on the TBS Executive Board and is currently a member of the TBS Board of Trustees. He helped launch the Steven A. Gelman Memorial Health Forum and moderated its events for 16 years, and founded and emcees Hanukkah Hilarity Comedy Night, still strong in its 15th year. His TBS service has also included roles on the Nominating Committee, Rabbinic Installation Committee, and Bedek HaBayit Committee. Over the years Mitch has innovated programs such as Jewish Jeopardy, a Speaker in the Sukkah series, and political candidate surrogate debates.
Mara earned her Master’s Degree in Deaf Education, taught at the Lexington School for the Deaf in Queens, and has been a middle school math teacher in New Jersey for the past 21 years. Mitch is a senior partner in the law firm Chiesa, Shahinian & Giantomasi where he serves on CSG’s management committee and co-chairs its real estate group. Together, Mara and Mitch support numerous organizations, including AIPAC, AmFar, Community Food Bank of New Jersey, Friends of the IDF, God’s Love We Deliver, and Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest.
Mara and Mitch are no strangers to the Annual Gala, having served on multiple Gala committees and been regular attendees. Humbled and honored to be recognized, Mara and Mitch hope that one and all join them to celebrate Temple Beth Shalom and take part in this essential fundraising event to help maintain TBS’ premier status as a center for growth, worship, Jewish family life, and friendship.
Rebecca and Michael Zarabi have been members of Temple Beth Shalom since 2009. Their daughters currently attend religious school and their oldest daughter will become a Bat Mitzvah in April.
Rebecca’s volunteer work at TBS began with running the Purim Carnival. She served as PTA President from 2015-2017, during which time she worked to enhance communication to parents by creating a website. She also focused on improving the community and relationships between the religious school and religious school parents. She was a member of the Search Committee for our Assistant Rabbi and a member of the Sisterhood Nominating Committee. Rebecca currently serves on the Temple Board of Trustees.
Rebecca works full time as a media specialist in a local school district. She is a also a Girl Scout troop leader and is on the Steering Committee for the NCJW Back to School Store.
Michael’s volunteer work at TBS began when he presented a seminar to the pre-school parents on emotional issues of children. He later joined Men’s Club and soon after became a Trustee. He organized and led the annual Apple Picking event, and assisted at events like the Labor Day BBQ, Comedy Night, and Scotch in the Sukkah. Furthermore, he co-led the Young Men’s Initiative of Men’s Club, sponsoring events to attract younger members. Michael played a more active role in organization and programming while he was Corresponding Secretary on the Executive Board of Men’s Club from 2015-2017. He is presently a Trustee for Men’s Club.
Michael works full time as a psychologist also in a local school district, manages a private practice in Florham Park, and conducts evaluations for the department of Bariatric Medicine at Overlook Medical Center.
Together, they are regular Shabbat attendees and are looking forward to celebrating this honor with their Temple friends.