Congregation B'nai Jeshurun
Congregation B'nai Jeshurun
Congregation B'nai Jeshurun
Congregation B'nai Jeshurun
Congregation B'nai Jeshurun
Congregation B'nai Jeshurun
Congregation B'nai Jeshurun
Congregation B'nai Jeshurun
Congregation B'nai Jeshurun
Congregation B'nai Jeshurun
Congregation B'nai Jeshurun
Diamond - Soprano
To our dearest Cantor Howard:
THANK YOU for all that
you have given to TBJ
and to the Dreifus Family.
We are forever grateful.

L'shalom and Love,
        Madeline & Charlie, Erika & Joanna
        Rachel & Samuel

Diamond - Soprano
In gratitude to
Cantor Howard Stahl
for many years of scholarship,
inspiration and beautiful music.

Margaret Dee Hellring
and Charles Oransky
Heidi Hellring and Nathan Arnell

Diamond - Soprano
To our dear friend,
Cantor Howard Stahl.
Thank you for the years of dedication,
music, humor and joy you have brought
to TBJ and our lives.
Fred and Andrea Fraenkel
Diamond - Soprano

Mazel Tov!
 You are a masterful Cantor,
an inspired teacher, a model leader,
a great friend - and, always and in so many ways,
a blessing to all who know you.  
Mark & Erica Gerson

Diamond - Soprano

With gratitude to
Cantor Howard M. Stahl
for his music, guidance, and friendship.
Mazel tov!

Amy & Jeff Kaplan
Diamond - Soprano
In honor of 
Cantor Howard M. Stahl
for his 20 years of service to TBJ.
With Love,
Randi, Eric, Melanie, Rachel
and Noah Sellinger
Gold - Mezzo Soprano

Mazel Tov, Cantor Stahl!  

We wish you all the best on your retirement.
With love and appreciation,
The Women's Association of TBJ
Gold - Mezzo Soprano
The Blau family thanks
Cantor Stahl
not only for his many years of devotion
to our congregation but also
for his amazing intellect,
and most of all for enriching our lives
with his beautiful voice. 

Rock on!
Ray and Karen Blau

Gold - Mezzo Soprano

In honor of Cantor Stahl

The Brotherhood would like to thank you
for all of your tremendous contributions
to the TBJ community.
 Mazel Tov on your retirement!
Gold - Mezzo Soprano
Gold - Mezzo Soprano
Dear Cantor Stahl,

Thank You for the Music, the Songs We're Singing
Thanks for All the Joy They're Bringing!
Thank you for your Wisdom, Wit, Leadership & Love.
You have taught us all so much and continue to inspire
our Love of Learning.
Mazel Tov to you and Nancy on your retirement.
You will forever be such an important member
of our TBJ family!
With So Much Love and Gratitude,
The ECC Faculty, Students, Parents' Association and Families

Gold - Mezzo Soprano
Congratulations to
Cantor Howard M. Stahl
on his retirement.
The David Mandelbaum Family
Gold - Mezzo Soprano
Congratulations to
Cantor Howard M. Stahl
on his Retirement.
The Nathan Mandelbaum Family
Gold - Mezzo Soprano
Dear Cantor Stahl,
Thank you for everything these past 20 years.
Wishing you every happiness in your retirement.
Much Love,
Laurie, Bob, Mikey, Benjy and Noah Goldberg
Gold - Mezzo Soprano
From day one
to twenty dedicated years..
So many lives touched by you...
TBJ continues to grow
and flourish under your leadership
and commitment to our congregants and their families 

 To many more years of continued friendship
 With love and gratitude
The Levi family
Linda, Andrew, Angelique, Todd , Yanait and Jesse
Izzy, Charlotte, Isabella and Jireh

Silver - Alto
Congratulations Cantor Stahl
Laurence Craig Catering
Silver - Alto
Best wishes and congratulations to
Cantor Stahl on his retirement,
and to the TBJ community he served so faithfully.
Emerald Garden Design
Emerald Garden Design
Silver - Alto
Silver - Alto
Dear Howard,
Mazel Tov on your sacred work of fifty years.
You have made an indelible mark on TBJ,
the Cantorate, and the American Jewish
community. You, Nancy and the kids
are family to us and we love you.
Matt, Lauren, Jake, Talia and Sadie
Silver - Alto
Henni and John Kessler
Silver - Alto
Silver - Alto
Howard....we will miss your beautiful voice
and the care and dedication you give
to each TBJ family.
Best of luck in your new adventures!!
Silver - Alto
Bronze - Countertenor
Bronze - Countertenor

You have been my cantor for many years
and you will always be my cantor.
Warmest wishes and love,
Jerry and Helene Dreskin
Bronze - Countertenor
Dear Cantor Stahl, 
Mazel Tov and very best wishes
on your retirement!
Wishing you and your family
all of G-d's blessings.

With love and gratitude, 
Susie, Steve, Seth and Sarah Eilenberg 
Bronze - Countertenor
Bronze - Countertenor

Thank you
Cantor Stahl
for your incredible wisdom and talent!
We are so happy to be honoring you tonight. 

Jodi and Wayne Cooperman
Bronze - Countertenor
Bronze - Countertenor
Warm wishes for a Happy Retirement.
Thelma & Richard Florin
Bronze - Countertenor

Thank you for all your love, support,
and dedication to TBJ.
Enjoy your next adventure.
Mazel Tov !
Laura, David, Devyn, Avery, and Peyton Janay

Bronze - Countertenor

Dear Howard,

Thank you for your words of wisdom,
beautiful music, and friendship.

Harriet, Genesia and Steve

Bronze - Countertenor
Cantor Howard M. Stahl
Our Cantor, teacher, & friend
What a blessing to share so many years of sacred service!
With much love to you and Nancy,
Rabbi Karen Glazer Perolman & Liz Glazer
Bronze - Countertenor
In honor of
Cantor Howard Stahl.
Thank you so much for all you have given to TBJ.
And with Gratitude for your beautiful music,
all we have learned from you,
and all the support you have given to me
and my family.
Thank you again, and best wishes always,
Audrey Stulberger
Emerald - Tenor

Dear Cantor Howard,
Thanks for being there
when we needed support,
and when we were lucky
to spend time with you out of town!
Betsy and Jeff Aidekman
Emerald - Tenor
Long Life, Good Health, and Much Happiness.
Ruth Steckelman and Fred Malamet
The Selvin Family
Rachel, Paul, Jason and Alex
Emerald - Tenor
Thank you Cantor Stahl
for educating, entertaining
and inspiring our congregation.
Your warmth and kindness have
and will always be very much appreciated.
Fondly, Marjorie & Stuart Blacker
Emerald - Tenor

With gratitude to
Cantor Howard M. Stahl
for all you've done for TBJ
and wishing for a prosperous and fulfilling next steps.

With love,
Eleonore Cohen and Lawrence Cooper
Emerald - Tenor
Emerald - Tenor
Marcia Gillette and Elliot Cohen
Emerald - Tenor
We will miss you!
The Cowen Family
Emerald - Tenor
Best wishes and thank you
for always hitting the note!
Toby and John Fanburg
Emerald - Tenor
To our beloved Howard Stahl,
Thank you for the years of
dedication, education, music and joy
you have brought to TBJ.

With Love,  Karen and Molly Feldman
Emerald - Tenor
Many thanks for so many memorable
and meaningful spiritual experiences
and for so much more.
Susan and Michael Gerson
Emerald - Tenor

Dear Howard,

Thank you for sharing yourself so generously
with all of us!

With Love,
Lynn and Bob Goldberg and family

Emerald - Tenor

Thank you for your dedication,
wisdom, and music through the years. 

Terri & Michael Goldberg
Emerald - Tenor
Thank you for all of your extraordinary dedication
to TBJ.

Your music, scholarly leadership and kindness
have made an indelible mark on our family.

We will forever sing your praises!

With gratitude and love,

Nancy, Howard, Kara and Jared Goldsmith
Emerald - Tenor
In Honor Of
Howard M. Stahl
A Remarkable Cantor,
An Inspiring Teacher,
An Extraordinary Man.

With Much Love,
The Kany Family
Emerald - Tenor
Thanking you for all of your kindness
and wishing you the very best!
The Karp Family
Emerald - Tenor
Emerald - Tenor
Thank you for your years of beautiful music,
scholarship & inspiration
George & Barbara Palmer Kramer
Emerald - Tenor

Cantor Stahl,
We honor your 20 years of dedication and leadership.
We are also grateful for your commitment and inspiration
for everything TBJ. Congratulations on your retirement.

Barbara and Allan Kreitzman
Emerald - Tenor
Cantor Howard Stahl,

Mazel Tov on your retirement! 
We honor you for your devotion to our Jewish community
and commitment of educating tomorrow's
young Jewish leaders. You are truly a blessing
in the lives of TBJ through your beautiful music
and great intelligence with benevolence.

With love and admiration,
Richard, Naomi, Rebecca and Anna Mandel

Emerald - Tenor
~ Cantor Howard M. Stahl ~
A Brilliant Cantor and Teacher
Filling our Hearts with Song and Psalm

Warmest wishes,
Drs. Sarah and Marc Mandel
Emerald - Tenor

Dear Howard,

As a cantor, a teacher, a friend-
You always hit the right note!
Enjoy your new paths.

Phyllis & Alan

Emerald - Tenor
With gratitude we gather this evening to celebrate
Cantor Howard M. Stahl
on his retirement as Senior Cantor of Temple B'nai Jeshurun.

May the years ahead be filled with joy and contentment.
We will remember the melodies.
Goldie R. Morchower

Emerald - Tenor
You have been an inspiring cantor, teacher
and human being,
and you have greatly enriched TBJ! 
Our family appreciates your kindness.
  Every good wish on your next chapter!
Phyllis Nelson and Barbara Nelson
Emerald - Tenor
Thank you for so many years
of beautiful music.
We appreciate all of your efforts.
We will miss you!
The Nieman Family

Emerald - Tenor

Mazel Tov, Howard!
Wishing you the very best always.

Avivith & Bill Oppenheim

Emerald - Tenor

In gratitude for
Cantor Howard Stahl
and his immeasurable contributions to TBJ and our family.
His elegance and wisdom are unmatched.
With love,
Jill and Craig Parker and Family
Emerald - Tenor

Dear Howard,
You have been more than everything that a congregation
could have wished for in a cantor and spiritual leader.
 Thank you so very much for enhancing all of our lives
through prayer, music, guidance, and leadership.
With gratitude and love,
Linda and Mark Peroff

Emerald - Tenor
To a wonderful man who has touched our family
in a myriad of ways.

Congratulations Cantor!

May your future be filled with many blessings.
Sara and Eric Polans
Emerald - Tenor
Thank you for all the support you
have given us over the years.
We were so fortunate to have had you in our lives,
as our friend and Cantor.
We wish you, Nancy, and your entire family
wonderful times in all your future endeavors.
All the best,
Nancy and Steven Roth and Family

Emerald - Tenor
We've had the privilege of knowing
and working with Howard
for many years.

He is deserving of this honor in every way!

Lori & Henry Sackler
Emerald - Tenor
You are an extraordinary talent, in addition to being
a warm and wonderful human being.
 The congregation was lucky to have you
for all these years as was/are the Schottenfelds.
Hope your retirement isn't too exhausting
with all those children and grandchildren!!!
All our love and very best wishes,
Terri & Steve
Terri and Steve Schottenfeld
Emerald - Tenor
Dearest Howard-
You have carried our family through so much
and we are forever grateful.
John and Terri Seeley and Family
Emerald - Tenor
To a wonderful man
who dresses to perfection
even when you and Marshall
wore a size too small.
Thank you for all you have done
for Congregation B'nai Jeshurun.
You will be missed.

Much Love,
Renee Sherman
Emerald - Tenor
Cantor Stahl, 
You have been and continue to be
an inspiration for all of us.
We love you and hope that your retirement
will be filled with music,
good health, and happiness!

With our love, 
Jane, Ken, Evan, and Olivia Shidler
Emerald - Tenor

Thank you
Cantor Stahl
for everything you have done
for our TBJ community!
Amy & Todd Shriber
Emerald - Tenor

"Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall
All you have to do is call
And (we'll) be there yes we will
You've got a friend"
Wishing a huge Mazel Tov on your retirement
To our friend Howard Stahl.
With love,
Mara & Steven Simon
Emerald - Tenor

Mazel tov on a distinguished career.
Your voice filled the hearts of so many at both TBJ
and Temple Israel of Lawrence.
The Virany Family and Marika Somerstein

Emerald - Tenor
With gratitude to 
Cantor Howard M. Stahl
for all you've done for TBJ.
With love,
The Spivack Family
Emerald - Tenor

We will miss your leadership, wisdom,
voice... and humor!
Thank you for your dedication and friendship.

Wishing you well in your next chapter!
With love,
The TBJ Staff
Emerald - Tenor

Dear Howard,

We will never forget your beautiful voice,
sense of humor, and colorful socks!
Sylvia & David Steiner

Emerald - Tenor
Mazel Tov, Howard!

Thank you for your guidance,
encouragement, and teaching
over the past few years. 
It has been an honor to work with you!

Emerald - Tenor
In honor of
Cantor Howard M. Stahl
Inspired teacher
Gifted colleague
Beloved friend
Cantor Audrey B. Halpern
Steven T. Rosenberg
Emerald - Tenor
Emerald - Tenor
In Honor of
Cantor Howard Stahl
It has been an absolute privilege and pleasure
to have known you for over 30 years!
We are especially proud to be able to call you our dear friend.
The time we have spent together has been a joy,
and now as you enter the next chapter of your life,
we wish you only the best everything that life has to offer.
With much love,
Marlene and Roger Werner
Emerald - Tenor
With gratitude and deep appreciation to
Cantor Howard M. Stahl
for all you've done for TBJ and our family.

Wishing you continued success, prosperity
and fulfillment in the years to come.  
With love,
Debbie & Tony Wolk

Emerald - Tenor

Thank you for the many years as our Cantor
and travel team leader. 
Your voice will be missed but not forgotten. 
                                                                                                                LINDA & JEFFREY ZISSU
Sapphire- Baritone
To Cantor Stahl,
Thank you for bringing us along
a spiritual journey with you for all these years.
With love and respect,
Rena Abrams
Sapphire- Baritone

Best of Luck to
Howard and Nancy
in Retirement
Liz and Myles Adelman

Sapphire- Baritone

I wish you so much luck
and a wonderful and happy future
in retirement!

Audrey Bartner
Sapphire- Baritone
The hills are alive with the sound of music.
That is because of you Howard.
Wishing you interesting times ahead.
Warmest wishes,
Bobbi Bierman
Sapphire- Baritone
Sapphire- Baritone

Mazel Tov on your retirement.
Wishing you love and happiness
in your next adventure.
With much gratitude,
Richard & Toby Dauber
Sapphire- Baritone
Sapphire- Baritone

Thank you for all that you have done
for our family and the congregation
at TBJ.
The Axelrod Family
Sapphire- Baritone

The Goldberg/Smith Family
sends our best wishes
to Cantor Stahl on his retirement.

Mazel Tov!

Sapphire- Baritone
Dear Cantor Stahl,
 We are truly grateful for all of the guidance and support you have given our family
over the last 30 years. You have been there for us during the greatest life celebrations as well as
the hardest ones. Your kindness and compassion has been a touchstone for us
throughout the years. Working with Kenny, Jake, and Danielle musically
was a wonderful gift you gave to all of us.
 Thank you!

 With Love,
Sherri, Todd, Jake, Danielle, David and Patty
Sapphire- Baritone
Cantor Stahl,
Thank you for all the years...
your beautiful voice will forever be with us.
We wish you the best of health,
happiness and peace.
Heidi, Michael, Carly
and Lindsay Lehman 
Sapphire- Baritone
Thank you to Cantor Stahl
for his incomparable contributions
to the TBJ community.  
The Luftglass Family
Sapphire- Baritone
Mazel tov
Cantor Stahl!
Love and best wishes,
Emily, Michael, Alexa
and Oliver Schonbraun
Sapphire- Baritone
We will miss your moving rendition
of prayer and song. 
We will miss your smile and robust laugh.
We wish you health and joy. 
The Hochberg Family


The Hochberg Family
Sapphire- Baritone
Dear Cantor Stahl,
MAZEL TOV on your retirement,
and for your 21 years of service,
leadership, and love for the TBJ community.
It is an immense honor to call you a friend and colleague
and I am constantly learning and  growing as a person in your presence.
Your imprint on our congregation and my family is ever lasting.
We are so grateful to you and Nancy for always guiding
our TBJ family with sage advice and steadfast commitment.
With love, joy, and much gratitude,
Michele, Stephen, and the Feingold Family
Sapphire- Baritone
Thank you for all of your beautiful music
over the years.
Judie & Marvin Goldstein
Sapphire- Baritone
Dear Cantor Stahl,

We will miss the beautiful tones of your voice.

Much love,
Marilyn & Steve Greene
Sapphire- Baritone
Congratulations, Howard! 

Andrew & Patricia Harris
Sapphire- Baritone
Thank you Cantor Stahl
for all you've done for TBJ and our community.
Wishing you all the best in your retirement.
With love and admiration,
Michele & Jason Kaplan
Sapphire- Baritone

Thank you for all
the wonderful memories you've given us.

Elaine Brown & George Kaufman
Sapphire- Baritone

To the Wonderful Cantor
with the Magnificent Voice.
You will be Greatly Missed!!!

Nancy & Jerry Korde
Sapphire- Baritone
To Cantor Stahl and Nancy,
In my memory book, you are both such a special part of it.
Your kindness and sweetness to me
and my family will always be remembered.
Your beautiful voice, Cantor, was a gift to us.
I wish you love,
Betty Kullman
Sapphire- Baritone
Congratulations to our friend
Cantor Howard Stahl
on this most well deserved honor.
Grace & David Land
Sapphire- Baritone
Mazel Tov to our friend,
my colleague, and mentor!
Thank you for all you've always done
for the Lee family.
Abra and Alex Lee   
Sapphire- Baritone



Sapphire- Baritone
Sapphire- Baritone

Sending our love and best wishes.

Millburn Pediatrics 
Lynn Boodish and Subita Mangru, MD

Sapphire- Baritone

Mazel tov Cantor Stahl !

Thank you for your beautiful music,
erudition, and kindness.
Thank you for all that you've done for Alex,
from shepherding him through becoming a bar mitzvah
and Zoom confirm, and, to letting him gig
on Friday nights.

Wishing you blessings in retirement,
Brian, Lisa and Alex Margulies

Sapphire- Baritone
You have filled my heart and soul
with your beautiful spiritual songs!
You have been my teacher
all these years and I will carry you with me.
May you go
from strength to strength always.
Debra Mishal
Sapphire- Baritone
Dear Cantor Stahl,
Thank you for bringing music to our ears
throughout the years. We will miss seeing
your perfectly dressed attire for all occasions
walking around TBJ.
Wishing you all of the happiness you deserve
for many years to come.
With Much Love,
The Moskowitz Family
Wendy, Layne, Cassidy, Madison and Samara
Sapphire- Baritone

Congratulations to
on this happy occasion.
Love to you, Nancy, and the family.

Bob and Terri Orringer
Sapphire- Baritone
Howard Stahl,
A friend to ALL AT TBJ
He'll always stand Tall
Lois and Fred Polakoff and Family
Sapphire- Baritone
Dear Cantor Stahl,
In appreciation of
all your wonderful contributions
to the TBJ community.
Best wishes,
Bob and Barbara Rosenberg

Sapphire- Baritone
Mazel Tov Cantor Stahl
for a career that has spanned generations!
Thank you for all that you have contributed to
the TBJ community and our family.
With love, Shira and Brian Rost
Sapphire- Baritone

Thank you for all you've brought to TBJ.
Your wisdom, your wit and your wonderful voice
is a treasure that we are lucky to have found.
Wishing you all the best,
Shari and Marc Rothstein

Sapphire- Baritone
Dearest Howard,
Thank you for the music, for your wisdom and elegance, for the laughter and learning, 
for your love of the cantorate and of the community,
for your constant dedication to excellence and equanimity,
and, above all, for your trust and loyal friendship.
You have left an indelible mark on our lives, for which we are
ever grateful. All the best to you and to your beautiful family
in this new chapter of your life.
With very great love, 
Pedro d'Aquino-Liturgical Music Associate, and Linda Lee Lones,
Alison Cheeseman, Eric Lamp, Daniel Hoy, and Paul Holmes
The "Shabbatones"

Pedro d' Aquino and The Shabbatones
Sapphire- Baritone
Sapphire- Baritone
Haazinu Hashamayim - Give ear, O Heavens, and I will speak,
and may the earth hear the words of my mouth.".

Huge congrats to an amazing Cantor,
a mentch par excellence and my very dear friend.

Mazel Tov Howard
on this well earned recognition.
With friendship and blessings,
Rabbi Mendel Solomon
Sapphire- Baritone
Dear Cantor Stahl,
Mazel Tov!
Enjoy this next chapter in your life!
With Love,
Andrea and David Welt
Ruby - Bass Name Listing
Fred and Barbara Aueron
Jamie Scott Berniker
Hoda and Bob Blau
Susan and Howard Dorfman
Lois and Frank Dyer
The Boockvar Family
The Danziger Family
The Klein Family
Ruby - Bass Name Listing
Ruth Hutter
Seth and Amy Ladetsky
Livingston Diner
Lara Allen-Brett & Matthew Brett
Jaime Friedman Meyers
Patti Nathan
Fiorino Restaurant
Divina Ristorante
Ruby - Bass Name Listing
Judy and Alan Roth
Midtown Salon
Lucio's Salon & Spa
Amy and Paul Schottland
The Goodian Family
Margie Wolf