The Eigs:  Elaine & Barry and Lynne & Daniel
Elaine and Barry's Story...
Barry and I moved to Huntington and had our son Daniel in 1976. Having grown up in families that were active in Conservative temples we enrolled Daniel at HJC's nursery school when he turned 3. Attending services there reminded us both of why we never really like going to temple services as young adults. Through the Richmans we heard how great TBE was and decided to go to an open house there. We loved everything about it. The warmth of the people in welcoming us there. And how Rabbi Shallat remembered our name after meeting us only once. (Something that the Rabbi at HJC never learned even after being there 2 years.)
We were hooked and joined when Daniel started kindergarten in 1981. We became full members when he entered 3rd grade in 1985.
As a stay at home mother, I had time to participate in some of the activities offered. I joined the Sisterhood and helped at the rummage sales. I also volunteered in the office stuffing and sealing envelopes. (In those days we had no machines to do any folding or postage.) I also signed Barry up for the Men's Club so he could meet some of the male temple members. He has stayed a member for all these years, helping when he could.
From volunteering in the office I leaned much of how TBE works. Eventually, 20 years later, I became a part time office employee. Something I still  do today. 
After a few years I became Sisterhood treasurer and  continued that on and off until only a few years ago.  I also help with the Sisterhood rummage sales. Today I am Chai Club treasurer too. And Barry has been the Chai Lites editor for 20 years.
Daniel flourished at TBE Hebrew school. He looked forward to going every week. He enjoyed learning about Jewish history and learning the Hebrew language and how to chant from the torah. With encouragement from Cantor Pearlman and later Cantor Sherry he took part in many Friday night service chanting from the torah. Through college he continued to join us at services whenever he was home, especially during the  High Holidays.
Luckily for us, when he and Lynne married they chose TBE as their temple.
Daniel and Lynne and their two daughters Hannah and Melanie have also made TBE part of their life.
Having Daniel chant from the Torah on Rosh Hashanah was a proud moment for Barry and me. But this year, when Hannah was asked to chant during the Holiday service, was the best. We really are a family that has been part of TBE from generation to generation to now a new generation.
Something we had hoped when we joined the temple almost 40 years ago.
Lynne and Daniel's Story...
Temple Beth El has been the center of our Jewish Life for as long as we can remember. It is the first synagogue where Lynne started to regularly attend services, and where Daniel remembers attending his first high holiday service (in the 1980s – we got there late, and the only chairs left were in a single file on the side of the Social Hall – Daniel spent it directly behind one of the Ribs of the Ark!). Daniel had his Bar Mitzvah there (and Confirmation – his picture is down in the basement still with the Confirmation Classes), we were married there (in 2002), our youngest daughter (Melanie) had her Baby Naming there (2012) and our daughter Hannah became a Bat Mitzvah at Temple Beth El (2020). 
We’re also proud that our family has all had a chance to give back to the Temple. On the Bimah, both our daughters have been regular fixtures on Family Friday Night Services – as members of the Junior Choir singing at the first Friday of the month for the past ten years. Daniel and Lynne have both chanted Torah on Friday nights – Daniel also had the honor for a number of years of chanting from the Torah on Rosh Hashanah, and Hannah continued that proud tradition during the past year’s Rosh Hashanah Torah service. We’ve also tried to do our best to contribute in other ways – Hannah has been a Madrachim (a student teacher) for the past several years, Daniel was a member of the Board of Trustees for six years and is the current chair of the Technology Committee, and together we have been co-Chairs of the Religious School Committee for the past 5 years.
We thank the Community for this recognition, and look forward to celebrating with our Temple Family!
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