Sandy & Burt Masnick
We joined Temple Beth El 43 years ago for the usual reason – our daughter was ready for Hebrew School. We visited several synagogues, and our daughter chose Temple Beth El after sampling a TBE Hebrew School lesson.
In time, we became active on the Music and Arts Committee, the Ritual Committee, the Temple Board, and other formal and informal activities. Sandy became an adult Bat Mitzvah. We made lifelong friends, shared simchas and traumas, and attended services regularly in the years before COVID.
To us, Temple Beth El has always had four things: a good heart, a good soul, superb lay leadership, and great professionals.
The good heart was manifested in the open and welcoming atmosphere from our first days in 1978 to now. The good soul shows in the enduring drive to help the homeless and needy in our community. The superb leadership has been the outstanding boards and officials, who have led us superbly through normal and turbulent times. Finally, Rabbi, Cantor and the other professionals drew us in and expanded our Jewish Identities in so many important and enduring ways.
We are very lucky that our daughter selected Temple Beth El and very glad we stayed long after she and her brother left Hebrew High School.
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