Honorary Letter
Letter from Jerrold Nadler, Member of Congress
Dear Friends: I write to extend warm greetings to all those
in attendance at the Town & Village Synagogue 75th
Anniversary Gala. Founded in 1949, Town & Village
Synagogue is a welcoming Conservative synagogue that
provides a sacred space and spiritual home for participants
and members from across New York. In addition to providing
opportunities for congregants to partake in daily religious
services and practice, inclusive ASL-interpreted services, and
learning opportunities for all ages, Town & Village
Synagogue nurtures a community that values a rich
Jewish heritage with a modern inclusive practice.
Honorary Letter
Continued - Letter from Jerry Nadler
I wish to congratulate tonight's special Honorees who
exemplify the values, power and future of the
Town & Village community as you celebrate this special
milestone of 75 years. Congratulations to Sam Kuckley &
Roberta Alpert, David Pasteelnick, and Terri Gumula &
Robert Drach. All the honorees have displayed a dedication
to Jewish life, education, culture, and community that is
worthy of this special recognition.
Honorary Letter
Continued - Letter from Jerry Nadler
I applaud Town & Village Synagogue and its members for
their continued contributions to New York City and the
American Jewish community. I am incredibly proud to now
have this congregation located in my congressional district.
I extend my very best wishes to the Clergy, the congregation,
and the honorees on this exciting occasion.

Member of Congress
On the occasion of our kehillah's 75th anniversary year, it is an honor to be counted among the past leadership who have established and supported Town & Village Synagogue. 

Mazal tov to David, Terri and Robert on this important milestone. 
 From our family to yours. 
 Sam Kuckley, Roberta Alpert
Josh Kuckley, Stacy Kramer 

Sam Kuckley & Roberta Alpert
Congratulations to all our Honorees on their
well-deserved honors
Gary Ginsberg
Mazal Tov to all of this year's honorees!
Lorowitz-Schreiber Family
Mazal Tov to each 2024 honoree.
Your contributions build and sustain the unique, creative and warm community which is Town & Village Synagogue.
With love, Sarajane
Sarajane Sacks
We honor T&V at 75 in memory of our
beloved Claire Zuckerman, z'l.
Al Zuckerman & Kate Zuckerman
"Whatever you choose to do, leave tracks. That means don't do it
just for yourself. You will want to leave the world a little better for
your having lived." -- Ruth Bader Ginsberg z"l
כל העמלים עם הצבור, יהיו עמלים עמהם לשם שמים
All who labor with the community, should labor with them for the sake
of Heaven --Pirke Avot 2:2

With gratitude to our honorees for their devotion, hard work, and
contributions to our community, always done for the greater good:

Sam Kuckley and Roberta Alpert
David Pasteelnick
Terri Gumula and Robert Drach

With affection and admiration,
Judy Benstein
Mazal Tov to Town & Village on its 75th Anniversary and to all of this year's honorees!!
Merrill Kraines, Jeane Kraines, Ben Kraines and Sara Friedman
The Kraines/Friedman Family
In appreciation of our wonderful honorees:
Sam and Roberta - You have always done honor to the shul you love, capped by your service as President and First Lady.
David - We have been Spiel-ing and Choir-ing together more years than I can count, and I trust we'll continue to make the years count.
Terri and Robert - The infectious energy and commitment you bring to the table make the hard work you do look like great fun.
Kol HaKavod
Robert Winograd
Joan & Leon Ashner
Congratulations to all our honorees and thank you for your years of service, dedication and many, many contributions to the T&V community.
The Berger Family
Congratulations to all our honorees on their
well-deserved honors
Elisa and Larry Cohen & family
Mazal tov to all of us on T&V's 75th anniversary!
 Thank you to Sam & Roberta and Terri & Robert for their longstanding devotion to and support of T&V.
Special thanks to David Pasteelnick for continuing to lend his beautiful voice to our choir on top of his many other musical endeavors.
 Thank you also to:
Rabbi Sebert, for his deep commitment to building and maintaining our community, for his inspiring community organizing work, and for always warmly welcoming our family whenever they come to T&V.
Cantor Postman, not just for her dedicated choral leadership, but for always being available to help me with the tricky parts of my Torah and haftarah readings and with the melodies to various prayers even when I'm going to be leading those prayers somewhere else.
Jessica Friedman & Spencer Gluck
Aron and Jonah Wander
Mazal Tov to all of this year's honorees!
Happy 75th Anniversary T&V!
Cheryl & Bill Gross
We're honored to be included with David, Sam & Roberta.
Love, Terri, Robert & Max
Terri Gumula, Robert & Max Drach
Mazal Tov and Toda Raba to all our fabulous honorees. 
To our friends, Sam, Roberta, David, Terri and Robert: you go above and beyond in your leadership and support for our wonderful community.  We are lucky to have you as friends and leaders of our vibrant kehilla. 
We also honor the legacy of the founding members, including our parents, Sadie and Jack Mann, of blessed memory.  We owe so much to that glorious generation. 
With love from the Mann Family 
The Mann Family
Congratulations to all our honorees.
Thank you for your many contributions to the T&V community.
Sheldon & Gloria Moline
Mazal Tov to all of this year's honorees!
Pat Schatt
Mazal Tov to our Honorees and Friends
Whose Dedication and Hard Work
Sustain this Special Community.
Chazak, Chazak, V'Nit Chazek
The Berkowitz - Stallman Family
Jackie Berkowitz & Michael Stallman
Simone Stallman, Charles Stallman & Anna Kosofsky
Mazal Tov to all of this year's honorees!
Linda & Leonard Comess
Congratulations to all the honorees and thank you for sharing your time and talents with the T&V Community.
Peter Dwoskin & Sara Corello
Celebrating 75 Years of T & V
And 4 Generations at T & V
The Freedman Families
In honor of our dear friends Terri and Robert: you are warmth, love and energy personified. To our tireless volunteers and leaders, there is no job too big or too small for either of you. For your special dedication to our community's families and children, for the countless things you do, and most of all for always being there and saying yes with a smile on your face. We love and appreciate you. 
To Sam and Roberta, and David: with gratitude and thanks for your longstanding efforts on behalf of our extraordinary community.  We all benefit from your talents and dedication.
Mazal tov to all of our honorees.
 Naomi and Roby Abraham, Leeya & Noah
Margot Hodes and David Rosenstrauch, Sam & Miles 
Lorraine and Mitch Kaikow, Charlie & Em
Nikki Neretin, Ted Greenberg, Adam & Lili  
We are inspired by the visionary clergy and lay leadership of this exceptional T&V community for 75 years.
We have been blessed as a family to have been part of this extraordinary T&V community for over 40 of those 75 years.
With tremendous gratitude and love for our T&V extended family. 
Hugh & Martha Pollack
Dr. Hugh & Martha Pollack

Mazal Tov to Rabbi Sebert and Jane Davidson, Lew Freedman and Cynthia Weber, Hugh and Martha Pollack, and Beth Mann for their long service to a wonderful synagogue and community.

Nan & Howard Rubin
Mazal Tov to all of this year's honorees!
Thank you for all you do to support the T&V community.
Happy 75th!  May we go from strength to strength. 
Louise Sherby

The Walzers were so lucky to find T & V --and so quickly. The community was welcoming, warm and interesting. It has been much the best and brightest part of our return to New York.   
Judy and Michael  
Michael & Judith Walzer
In Memoriam
Honoring T&V's 75th Anniversary
In memory of my parents
Solomon and Rashie Flax z"l
and my uncle
Cantor Louis Moss z"l
Cantor Elihu Flax
Solomon and Julia
Arielle and Jonny
In Memoriam
The Schacht family sends best wishes
to Town & Village Synagogue on the
occasion of its 75th anniversary.
Henrietta and Ben joined the
synagogue when they moved to
Stuyvesant Town after WWII. The
T & V community was a focal point
of their lives, creating deep friendships
that sustained them in
their later years.
We have joyous memories of
attending Shabbat services and
meeting their friends.
Henrietta and Ben imbued us with a
strong sense of Jewish identity. We
are proud to see them commemorated on stained glass windows in the sanctuary and the
yahrzeit plaque dedicated to their parents where their son Mervyn, our father,
is also remembered.
All of our love to all of you,
Susan, Jennie, Paul & Walter Schacht, grandchildren
Benjamin, Samuel, Nathaniel & Sophie Schacht, great grandchildren
In Memoriam
Larry Schatt 8/9/45 - 3/24/2024
In loving memory of our adored and
cherished husband, father,
father-in-law and "Supa Saba,"
Pat, Dara, Jason, Yardena,
Avishai and Ayelet
Family of Larry Schatt
Full Page
To Sam and Roberta for their time, service,
and commitment to T&V
To David for the joy of his music
To Terri for her good sense and to Robert for his commitment to T&V's children and youth
A hearty Mazal Tov for a well-deserved honor 
Susan Abramowitz & Aaron Gurwitz
Full Page
You Rock! I'm so proud of you
Love Marilyn & PopPop (aka Willie G)
Marilyn & Willie Gumula
Full Page
In memory of Frances and Martin Unger of the founder generation of T&V, they would be overwhelmed with pride.
Mazal Tov to all the honorees and to Rabbi Sebert and Cantor Postman for your leadership.
Ruth Unger Salzman & Ira Salzman
Ruth & Ira Salzman
Full Page
We wish Mazal Tov to Town & Village Synagogue on
75 wonderful years (so far) of serving the
community and the Jewish people.
We also wish to thank and celebrate all the honorees, who
have contributed so much to the vitality
of the synagogue and community.
Louise & Howard Schulder
Full Page
"Everyone entrusted with a mission is an angel." - Maimonides
Kol haKavod to our synagogue angels, whose devotion to their mission, serving the Town & Village Community, and their countless good works, have enriched our lives.
Samuel Kuckley and Roberta Alpert
David Pasteelnick
Terri Gumula and Robert Drach
Ellen Tabor & Terrence Bennett
Full Page
Mazal Tov to this year's honorees on their well-deserved honors!
We celebrate the 75th Anniversary of Town & Village, which our family has been part of for the past 40 years!!
Marian & Aaron Tenenbein and Family
Full Page
Congratulations to each of our honorees, Sam Kuckley and Roberta Alpert, David Pasteelnick, and Terri Gumula and Robert Drach, for all that you do and have done for Town & Village Synagogue. You continue the tradition of dedication, service and commitment that has brought us to this 75th Anniversary Year and will continue to carry us forward.
The Town & Village Synagogue Board of Trustees
Full Page

Who is honored? One who honors others.
Pirkei Avot 4:1
Mazal tov to our incredible honorees David Pasteelnick, Robert Drach & Terri Gumula, Sam Kuckley & Roberta Alpert who honor us with their presence and who continue the great tradition of 75 years of engaged and dedicated T&V volunteers! Kol Hakavod! 
Rabbi Larry Sebert, Cantor Shayna Postman
Joanna Eisenberg & Taras Medyukh
Full Page
In memory of Roz and Larry Pavane,
founding members of T&V.
Congratulations to all our honorees. 
Gail Wahle & Rick Taffer
Half Page
Mazal Tov to all of the honorees! Thank you for all that you do for T&V to keep the operations and the neshama alive. We miss you! Rob, Justine, Manny and Gabe
Rob & Justine Alloway-Fisher

Mazal Tov to all of this year's honorees!
Heidi Aronin
Half Page
Kol hakavod to all of our honorees.
All of your efforts on behalf of T & V are truly appreciated.
Nina & Arnold Lehman

Congratulations to all our honorees.
Thank you for all you do. 
Linda D. Schloss
Half Page
Mazal Tov and thank you to: Roberta & Sam for your friendship, steadfastness & hospitality
David for your tenor and other talents, warmth & dedication
Terry & Robert for your commitment to T&V 
Francine Smilen

Quarter Page
Mazal Tov to all of this year's honorees!
Craig and Jodi Balsam

Mazal Tov to all of this year's honorees!
Miriam Best

Mazal Tov to all of this year's honorees!
BSA Troop 422
Quarter Page
Mazal Tov to all of this year's honorees!
Lee Cohen & Cynthia Green

We honor our dear friends Sam and Roberta and thank them for their service to T & V. We treasure our friendship.
With love, Beth & Shelly and Sarah & Henry.

Hayden Rosenberg Bat Mitzvah: In loving memory and admiration to my GREAT GRANDPARENTS Ruth and Bernard Dobrusin
Joseph B. Dobrusin
Quarter Page
To all the honorees, you honor US through your good work. Thank you for all you do! MAZAL TOV! Lily and Wayne
Greenwald Kaplan Family

In loving memory of our parents Claire and Joseph Gluck. Congratulations to Rabbi Sebert and the T & V family on 75 years.
Carolyn & Peter Koslow

Congratulations to all our honorees on their well-deserved honors
The Levenson family
Quarter Page
Congratulations to the honorees and thank you for all you give to T&V! We also appreciate Rabbi Sebert and Cantor Postman for their leadership. Kol HaKavod
Jill & Michael Salberg

Congratulations to all of the T&V honorees.  Everyone of you are wonderful people and valuable members of our Kehillah.
Jay & Jean Sosna

Mazal Tov T&V community and Clergy on 75 years! I was blessed to serve
T&V for 9 of those years! May you continue in strength!
Cantor Lorna Wallach & family
Eighth Page
Happy 75th!
Judy & Steven Goldstein and Beth Goldstein & Stephen Wanschura

Kol Hakavod and Mazal Tov to all our honorees!
Carol Green

Mazal Tov to all of this year's honorees!
The Karpen Family

Mazal Tov to all of this year's honorees!
Stephen Klein & Kevin J. Farrelly
Eighth Page
Mazel Tov Bubbie and Zaide/Mom and Dad! So proud of all your dedication to T&V! Love, Josh, Stacy & Theo Kuckley

Congratulations Roberta and Sam for all your dedication to Town & Village Synagogue
Philip and Lisa Linden

Mazal Tov to all of this year's honorees!
Eileen & Gary Mund

Congratulations to all our honorees on their well-deserved honors
Paul & Janet Nadel
Eighth Page
Mazal Tov to all of this year's honorees!
Abby Sosland & Daryl Mazlish

Mazal Tov to all of this year's honorees!
Sharon P. Steinberg

Name Listing
Shelli, Narda, Malka, & Noah Matan -- The Aderman-Alcorn Family
Abby-Gail Adler
Bernice Baer
Elinor Blash
Sanford Cohen
Mike Cohn
Diane & Barry Eisenstat
Name Listing
Elisha and Ari Glazer
Judith Goldman
Sarah Gurwitz
Jennifer & Ken Karan
Lilly Kaufman
Doug & Adrienne Klein
Helena Ross & Mitchel Mernick
Steve Nesselroth
Name Listing
Rochelle Kraut & Robert Rosenthal
Patricia & Alan Rosof
Kenneth Sevitsky
Stephen M. Smith & Dr. Michelle Shostack
The Stern Family
Marcia Weiser