Terri Gumula & Robert Drach
Terri Gumula and Robert Drach have spent almost 20 amazing years as members of T&V. Their journey started while looking for a Hebrew school for their then three-year-old son, Maximilian. It was T&V’s welcoming spirit – come as you are - to a mixed-religion couple (at the time).
Their journey has followed Max’s through T&V Hebrew school, from being a 3-year-old learning Alef/Bet over at a 14th St Y classroom and growing up in T&V’s Hebrew school, with his Bar Mitzvah and continuing as a madrichim during high school. Max loved working with the younger T&V Hebrew school students.  T&V set the stage for Max’s love of learning and his love of Judaism. 

Terri’s journey mirrored Max’s.  While not growing up in the Jewish religion, Terri involved herself with supporting T&V, helping with Tot Shabbat, joining the Hebrew school parents committee, planning family events, spieling at Purim, nominating committee, b’nei mitzvah class, and so on. After her eventual conversion, she joined the Board of Trustees and is an active supporter. Robert has supported her throughout this journey and, now retired, recently volunteered to help with the Hebrew school and has greatly enjoyed using T&V’s new kitchen with chat and cook – in that order – helping to make some our shul’s recent delicious community dinners under Nina Lehman’s leadership.
As a family, thank you for joining us and we look forward to sharing our journey with you.

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