Striar Hebrew Academy
At Striar Hebrew Academy, we build community and better the future,
one child at a time. We embrace Modern Orthodox Judaism as the
wholehearted expression of Torah values and commitments through broad
participation in the world. As a community of diverse individuals with
shared values, our interpersonal, communal, and environmental
relationships are governed by tzedek (justice) and chesed (loving-kindness).
We offer an outstanding education in the joyous context of Torah and
ahavat Yisrael (love of Israel), with equal emphasis on excellence in
general and Judaic studies. Our teaching and learning engage the full
range of our students' abilities, talents, and interests, providing them
with the tools to explore and discover, as each child develops an integrated
and confident sense of self.
Striar Hebrew Academy
Congratulations to this year's honorees
We appreciate the wonderful work
that all the faculty, staff and volunteers do
to educate our grandchildren:
Alex, Sam, Liam, and Juliana Sternberg
We are so proud of Alex
who will be graduating S.H.A.S. this year!
Farokh and Dalya Hakimi
Mazal Tov to Dina and Aaron Saks on this well-deserved honor. We are tremendously proud of all of your accomplishments! Dina, as both a skillful teacher and Director of Teaching and Learning, you are a supportive, nurturing educator and the Sharon community is fortunate to have you on the SHAS team. Aaron, we owe so much of our school's security and technology to you and we greatly appreciate all of your hard work.
Dina and Aaron, your commitment to Jewish education reflects the passion that our Wife/Mom/Nana, Rebecca Rosenstein z"l, had for giving her own children and grandchildren a Jewish education. May our family go from strength to strength! Mazal Tov to Ariella and Jeff Amshalem. Your work for our school is tremendously appreciated. Ariella, thank you for nurturing a love of cooking in our students. Jeff, thank you for taking such great care of our building, especially by building wonderful musical instruments for our students and putting up the Schach on our very high Sukkah before Sukkot. Mazal Tov to our fifth grade graduates. We wish you luck on your educational journey. With love, Barry Rosenstein & Maggy Siegel; Simmie & Ronen Hefetz; Josh (SHAS, '16); Ellie (SHAS); Ella (SHAS, '17); Maya (SHAS, '19); Julia (SHAS, '25); Noah (SHAS, '28) Diamond
Mazal tov to all of the honorees!
We are so grateful to you for everything you do.
Dina and Aaron, your dedication to SHAS
and the greater community is so admirable.
We can't begin to express our appreciation to you.
Dina, you have stepped up in so many ways this year,
and always with a smile on your face.
A special shout-out to Rabbi Soffer
for his commitment and dedication!
Moshe & Elana Zisblatt
Thank you for everyone at SHAS
for all you do for our special school!
Our daughter was a member
of the very first class at SHAS!
Ronna Finer-Berman & Marvin Berman
Your fellow Board of Trustee members want to thank you
for the outstanding job you've done this year.
The leadership that you've provided to the Board of Trustees
and the close working relationship you've established with the SHAS staff
has been remarkable. Your positivity and dedication to the school
shone through in every board meeting, phone call, text, and email.
With the greatest respect:
Lytal Kaufman, Roger Spellman, Daniel Rosen, Avital Blanchard, Moshe Zisblatt, Zamir Klinger, Amir Karger, Sharona Sternberg, Miriam Marcus SHAS Board of Trustees
Mazel Tov to all the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Your commitment
to Striar Hebrew Academy
is so appreciated.
Jonathan and Miriam Marcus
Mazel Tov
to all the Honorees!
From the Rapalino Family
Mazal tov Dina and Aaron
and Ariella and Jeff!
We are so grateful for all of your efforts
on behalf of SHAS!
Alyssa and Jay Rosenbaum
Mazal tov to all of the honorees!
Each of you plays a pivotal role in making our school
such a warm environment.
Dina - You've been an outstanding teacher, leader and role model
for so many years.
Aaron - We've relied on you for so many jobs,
from setting up AV to adding Internet to the whole building.
Jeff and Ariella - Thank you so much for all you've done!
Jeff, you've literally kept the building together these past few years.
You can always be counted on in a crunch.
Thank you all!
Roger & Marcia Spellman
Torah scholars increase peace in the world, as it is said, "And all your children shall be taught of the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children. (Isaiah 54,13)"
Do not read "your children" but "your builders". (Brachot 64a)
Mazal Tov to this year's SHAS graduates, the children of the 5th grade class And deep gratitude to the honorees, who are all builders and teachers in so many ways. Ariella: builder of love for food and culture and teacher of Sefardic tradition R' Jeff: builder of the SHAS building (!!!), beautiful woodwork & teacher of Jewish studies Aaron: builder of all that is tech & teacher of even more tech! Dina: builder of the SHAS educational environment and backbone & teacher of our own kids! (And a few other kids too.) We so appreciate your knowledge, expertise, and willingness to help SHAS and the broader Jewish community for decades. Thank you, children and builders, for increasing peace in the world.
Jodi Hoffman & Amir Karger
Dina, your warmth, patience, and dedication to your students are evident every single day, and it's amazing to watch how much they grow under your care. Rafi loves being in your classroom, and he has already learned so much from you this year. The fact that he's excited to go to school each day speaks for itself. Aaron, your behind-the-scenes work keeps SHAS running in ways most people don't even realize, but we certainly do! From fixing tech to upgrading security to making sure everything works just right, SHAS is only running because of you. Ariella, your passion, generosity, and culinary talents have made SHAS and our community all the richer. Jeff, your ability to fix, build, and organize-whether it's school projects or community initiatives-is truly inspiring. Your carpentry skills are unmatched, especially when you build walls in the game Quoridor. We love seeing the adorable friendship between Max and Odelia and are so grateful that our families are connected. Mazel Tov to the Fifth Grade Graduating Class! We are so proud of each of you and can't wait to see the amazing things you will accomplish. May you continue to grow in learning, kindness, and love of Torah. Love, Avi, Robin, Rafi, Max, and Jenny Prince
Mazal tov to all the honorees
for their tireless hard work and dedication
to the school and the Sharon Jewish community.
Special recognition to Rabbi Soffer
and the entire school staff
for their continued devotion.
A special mazal tov to Benny
and the entire 5th grade graduating class.
Bubbeh and Zayde
Evelyn & Chaim Stramer and family
Mazel Tov to all the honorees
and the class of 2025 on this well deserved honor!
Thank you for your service to the community.
Dina and Aaron,
SHAS has truly benefited from your dedication.
Thank you for your tireless efforts
on behalf of our children.
Deena & Avi Traum
Mazal tov and Thank you to our Honorees and to all our Staff and Volunteers.
May SHAS Continue to Grow and Thrive
Michelle & David Avigan & Family
Mazal Tov to Dina and Aaron,
Ariella and Jeff.
It is individuals like yourselves that make our school run.
We can't thank you enough for your dedication!
Talia & Eytan Baratz
Mazel tov to Dina and Aaron Saks
and Ariella and Jeff Amshalem.
We are so grateful for your commitment
to making our school and community
a wonderful place for our children.
Kim and Daniel Stein
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
on this well-deserved recognition!
Dina and Aaron, we respect, admire, and appreciate
all the ways you have made SHAS a wonderful place to learn,
from theory to practice, pedagogy to technology.
Ariella and Jeff, thank you for your service to SHAS.
You set an example for all of us!
With love and gratitude,
The Farren-Greenwood Family
Roselyn Farren & Steve Greenwood
Mazel Tov and Kol HaKavod
To the deserving honorees
To the graduating 5th grade class
To the wonderful SHAS administration and staff
And to the inspiring SHAS Board President!!
We are so grateful to all of you for all you do.
With tremendous respect,
Amy and Adam Goldman and Family
Mazel Tov to all the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Your commitment
to Striar Hebrew Academy
is so appreciated.
Devorah and Josh Kosowsky
Mazal Tov
to the deserving honorees
and to the graduating class of 2025!
From strength to strength.
Phyllis and David Schacht
Mazel tov to all the honorees!
Your dedication to the school
is unparalleled and so valued.
Wishing a special Mazel tov
to the graduating 5th grade class and their families,
including our very own Alex Sternberg
and his amazing classmates!
Elie and Sharona Sternberg
Mazel Tov to all the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Your commitment
to Striar Hebrew Academy
is so appreciated.
Weinstock Fanily
Mazel Tov to all
the honorees! Dena Zyroff
Best wishes to SHAS
and all the SHAS staff,
and yasher koach
to all of this year's honorees.
Steve and Renee Bellin
Congratulations to all
on this well-deserved honor.
May you go from strength to strength.
Jane Taubenfeld and David Cohen
Mazel Tov to all the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Your commitment
to Striar Hebrew Academy
is so appreciated.
Julie and Ezra Galler
A huge thank you to Dina and Aaron, and Ariella and Jeff,
for everything you do for SHAS!
Your hard work, dedication, and heart
are what keep this community thriving.
Whether it's behind the scenes or daily interactions with our children,
you go above and beyond to make SHAS a place
where everyone feels connected and inspired.
We're so lucky to have you as part of our community,
and we can't thank you enough for all the time, energy, and love
you pour into our children and their education.
Rachel and Moshe Klausner
Thank you to all of the
teachers, volunteers and administrators
who enrich the students' lives every day.
Mazal Tov!
Lisi and Josh Levisohn
In honor of Benny Marcus
in his final year at SHAS.
Savtah & Sabba
Ellen and Heshy Marcus
Mazel Tov to all the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Your commitment
to Striar Hebrew Academy
is so appreciated.
Jordana and Judd Schreiber
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Ariella and Jeff,
we are so proud of you both.
Mazel Tov on this well-deserved honor.
With love, Mom and Dad
Jan and Aaron Darsa
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Mazel Tov to all of the honorees.
Thank you for your dedication
to SHAS and our community.
Batya & David Greene
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Mazel Tov to all the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Your commitment
to Striar Hebrew Academy
is so appreciated.
Shari and David Katz
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Mazal Tov to all the honorees.
Thank you Dina and Aaron
for your many years of service.
Thank you Ariella and Jeff
for everything you do for our school community.
Thank you Rabbi Soffer for your leadership,
passion and commitment
and for being Eshkol's favorite teacher!
With gratitude, Lytal Kaufman & Jon Grob
and our 3 SHAS alum: Oneg, Yaniv & Eshkol Full Page
Mazel Tov to all the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Your commitment
to Striar Hebrew Academy
is so appreciated.
Zamir and Lisa Klinger
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Dina, Aaron, Jeff, Ariella
Thank you for your hard work and efforts
and mazal tov on this well-deserved honor!
SHAS is so important to our community,
and it requires not only
the amazing teachers and administration,
but the dedicated efforts of volunteers like you.
Thank you,
Naomi Korn Gold & Becca & Aryeh Gold
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Thank you for being our partners
in nourishing our little people
with delicious and invigorating Torah values.
We admire your dedication and devotion
to our shared mission of raising our community's children
to a life of mitzvot, meaning and support of Medinat Yisrael.
Rabbi Noah and Sarah Cheses
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Mazal Tov to all the honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
Your commitment
to Striar Hebrew Academy
is so appreciated
Harley and Sharon Ramelson
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Mazel Tov to our Dear Son and Daughter-in-law,
Aaron and Dina
On being honored!
SHAS has been the Jewish home-away-from-home
for our wonderful Grandchildren:
Joshua Daniel, Gabriella Ilana, Julia Rose, Noah Jacob
Mazel Tov to Julia on her upcoming 5th grade graduation!
Love, Mom and Dad Ellen and Bill Saks
(AKA, Savta & Pop-pop)
Aunt and Uncle Elise
and Kenneth Saks
Cousins Talia Sophie and Mira Rivka
Ellen and Bill Saks
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Mazel Tov to Honorees
Dina and Aaron Saks Ariella and Jeff Amshalem
Thank you to Rabbi Soffer
and all the teachers and staff
who dedicate themselves to educating
and loving the children of SHAS
and ensuring the Jewish future.
Lisa & Roy Schreiber
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Full Page
We want to offer our congratulations
to Dina and Aaron Saks
for all their hard work and years of devotion
to the Striar Hebrew Academy
Mazel Tov to the Striar Service Awardees Ariella and Jeff Amshalem Marcia and Dan Shimshak
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Dina, Aaron, Ariella, and Jeff, thank you for your dedication to making SHAS such an amazing school! Mazal tov to the 5th grade! Rachel Levine & Aryeh Feder Thank you, Dina and Aaron Saks! Your dedication to SHAS and expertise have made a lasting impact. Your passion for Jewish education & information technology has kept SHAS community connected and secure. Thank you for your selfless contributions, innovative spirit, and commitment to sharing knowledge. New England Friends March of the Living
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Congratulations to all on this well-deserved honor. May you go from strength to strength. The Ellenbogen Family
Congratulations to Dina and Aaron and Ariella and Jeff for all of your contributions and hard work on behalf of SHAS. Mazal tov to the graduates. Ishar Koach! Sharon & Aaron Weinberg
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Mazel Tov to all the honorees on this well-deserved honor. Your commitment to Striar Hebrew Academy is so appreciated. Debby and Maish Yarmush
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Mazal Tov to all of the honorees. Your hard work and dedication is much appreciated. Mazal Tov to our 5th grade graduates. Suellen and Joshua Beiser
Mazel Tov to all the honorees on this well-deserved honor. Your commitment to Striar Hebrew Academy is so appreciated. Masha & Yonatan Keschner
Dina & Aaron, Thank you for your unwavering service to SHAS! We appreciate everything you do make SHAS amazing! From, The Levy's Yoni and Rena Levy
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Ariella & Jeff, Congratulations on this well-deserved honor! We appreciate all that you do for SHAS! Best, The Levy's Yoni and Rena Levy
Mazel tov! Thank you for all you do for the school! Packer Family
Mazel Tov to all the honorees on this well-deserved honor. Your commitment to Striar Hebrew Academy is so appreciated. Ellie and Ezra Pinsky
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Mazel Tov to all the honorees on this well-deserved honor. Your commitment to Striar Hebrew Academy is so appreciated. Tova's Catering, Inc.
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A Perfect Taste
Mazal tov to all of the honorees! Thank you for all that you do to make our community so special. Abir & Arroyo families
Mazel Tov to all the honorees on this well-deserved honor. Your commitment to Striar Hebrew Academy is so appreciated. Mark and Linda Abraham
Mazel tov! It's an honor to join the community in celebrating the warmth and beauty of our beloved school. Arum Florals
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To two beautiful families that add light, love and warmth to our community - Mazal Tov! The Bellins Joshua and Kayla Bellin
Congratulations to all on this well-deserved honor. May you go from strength to strength. Susie & David Berg
Mazel Tov to all the honorees on this well-deserved honor. Your commitment to Striar Hebrew Academy is so appreciated. Blanchard/Glanzman Family
Mazel Tov Dina & Aaron, Ariella & Jeff Thank you for all that you do for our children, school and our community! Sareet & Tzvi Bluestone
Quarter Page
Congratulations to all on this well-deserved honor. May you go from strength to strength. Dan, Esty, Izzy & Addy Brenner
Paul E. Sullivan Carpentry
!עלו והצליחו מחיל אל חיל Nothing succeeds like success! Naomi & Mark Chernin
Fiddleheads Consignment
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Mazel Tov to all the honorees on this well-deserved honor. Your commitment to Striar Hebrew Academy is so appreciated. Alice and Burton Cusner
Mazel Tov to all the honorees on this well-deserved honor. Your commitment to Striar Hebrew Academy is so appreciated. Dahlia and Yoni Weinberg
Thank you SHAS for educating our granddaughters Josephine and Noa Geller. You are the best. -Bubbe and Zaydie Dobkin Debbie and David Dobkin
Best Wishes to SHAS! Mazal Tov to the honorees on this well deserved honor! Marc and Beth Epstein
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Mazel tov Dina and Aaron - the school is so lucky to have you! Thank you and congrats to the other honorees! Silverman Family
Mazel tov to the honorees! In gratitude to SHAS for providing a loving environment for our kids and the community. Finegold Family
We love the Soffers! Rabbi Jordan, Marti, Maayan, Reiut, Shoshi and Roey - You are the BEST! Love, Savta and Zeyde Randi and Stephen Freedman
Thank you to Dina and Aaron and Ariella and Jeff for being inspirational. Mazal Tov to Avi on Graduating from SHAS!! We love you!! Michael and Adrea Gerber
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Mazel Tov to all! With appreciation for the great work that you do, Bonnie and Brian Gilman
Best wishes to SHAS! Gilman Family
Mazel tov to the honorees and Mazel tov to the graduates, Hatzlacha Rabba in your in your next level of education, Shoshana & Barry Hartman
Mazel Tov to all the Honorees! Eli & Wendy Hauser
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Mazel tov to all the honorees and to the 5th grade class! We are so blessed to have SHAS as our community school. Dov and Elisha Huff
Hefez & Sons Jewelers
Mazal Tov to my dearest nephew, Benny Marcus, along with his wonderful parents Jon & Miriam! -Uncle Shraga Shraga Kawior
Mazel Tov to all the honorees on this well-deserved honor. Your commitment to Striar Hebrew Academy is so appreciated. Miriam & Mitch Klausner
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Congratulations to all on this well-deserved honor. May you go from strength to strength. Tzipora Klinger
Mazal tov to all the honorees! Thank you so much for all of your hard work and dedication to our school! Tova and Michael Kosowsky
Mazel Tov to all the honorees on this well-deserved honor. Your commitment to Striar Hebrew Academy is so appreciated. Law Offices of Alexis B. Kaplan, LLC
Mazal tov honorees and SHAS staff for making SHAS such a warm and wonderful school! Shlomo & Sharon Lerner
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Thank you to Dina and Aaron and to Ariella and Jeff for all you do for the SHAS Community Stewart Hirsch and Thelma Newberger-Hirsch Mazal Tov to the honorees! Wayne and Debbie Pultman Mazel Tov to all the honorees on this well-deserved honor. Your commitment to Striar Hebrew Academy is so appreciated. Ruth and Ari Schwartz and family
Mazel Tov to all the honorees. You have helped to make SHAS a wonderful nurturing and learning environment. Gloria and Arnie Sherman
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Mazal tov Saks & Amshalems! We are blessed to have you in this community. Mazal tov to all the graduates! Rachel and Josh Silverman Bob
Mazel tov to the honorees and all the SHAS staff and volunteers who make our school the amazing place it is! <3 Herschel and Alanna Singer
Congratulations to all on this well-deserved honor. May you go from strength to strength. Anat & Joel Stemmer
Salon Tel Aviv
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Mazal Tov to the honorees and the Class of 2025. Dina and Aaron- Thank you for everything you do for the school! The Ravid Family
Congratulations to all on this well-deserved honor. May you go from strength to strength. Harvey & Naomi Weiner
In honor of our Cheses grandchildren Philip and Julie Weinerman
The Kosher Wok
Well Wisher
Joshua Rosenthal & Alexis Kaplan
Dr. Mark Bailen
Hana and Peter Berman
Amy Fistel
Art and Ilene Greenwald
Charles European Hair Design III
Emunah and Zach Homa
Well Wisher
Deborah and Aryeh Klapper
Victoria and Mike Littman
George and Janis Monat
Kerry, David, Ilan and Yonatan Newman
Jeanmarie Patriacca
Rabbi Dan and Ruth Pernick
Sharon & Uri Piran
Well Wisher
Rebecca & Jack Podolsky
Sara & Josh Ryburn
Melissa Schreiber
Sue and Bill Schweber
Nira and Will Shain
Sarah & Shlomo Abraham and family
Arnon and Dr. Talia Shorr
Well Wisher
Esther and Eran Shorr
Laurel and Stuart Silverman
Karen Snow
Rachel & Elisha Ziskind