A Note from our Head of School
Rabbi Jordan Soffer

Dear SHAS Community,

במקום שאין אנשים השתדל להיות איש
In a place where there are no men, strive to be a man.
On its face, this oft-quoted advice from Pirkei Avot is appropriate for most honorees. By virtue of being honored we can assume that they have stepped up to fill a void. Their activity is, after all, what makes them worthy of our adulation.
With a closer reading, however, it became clear to me how particularly appropriate this aphorism was for this year’s honorees: Morah Dina and Aaron Saks, and Ariella and Rabbi Jeff Amshalem.
This mishnah describes a place where there are no אנשים. The void is described in the plural. It is not simply one missing puzzle piece; the entire box is missing. Even in this daunting void, the Mishnah instructs us to step up. I can think of no better description of all four of our honorees. Together they have touched seemingly every single aspect of our school.
Dina is our school’s institutional memory. She is our backbone. I am blessed to learn from her every day. This year in particular we have learned how much she is willing to do to support the SHAS family. She is a teachers’ teacher. She is thoughtful and creative. Some may say she’s even a little organized. Though Aaron does not also work in the building, you could be forgiven for thinking he did at times. He is the first call we make when something’s not working, when we dream of an improvement, or when we want some Cricut expertise.
The Amshalems are true אנשי אשכולות (renaissance people). In Masechet Sota we learn that this description (eshkolot) is derived from people who have it all (ish she kol bo). Can there be a more apt description of the two of you? Whether it is Torah, carpentry, baking, dance, or Jewish history, there is hardly a subject where you are not experts. More importantly, whether it is kindness, wisdom, or spirituality, there is hardly any disposition where the two of you are not role models.  We are grateful and fortunate that you use those skills to support SHAS.
Fortunately, SHAS would hardly be described as a place where there are “no men.” We have the greatest staff and faculty in the world. We have a lay leadership led by the unassuming but equally indominable Dahlia Weinberg that is ever present. And we have an army of supporters, ready to help at a moment's notice. I thank this year’s volunteers from the bottom of my heart for ensuring this.
Rabbi Soffer
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