Eli Kaminsky
2024 Alumni Leadership Award, Schechter Manhattan Board of Trustees
Eli Kaminsky attended Schechter Manhattan from Kindergarten through 8th grade, graduating in 2008 as a proud member of the school’s third 8th grade class. His high school years were spent at the Birch Wathen Lenox School, where he participated in varsity sports, advanced placement, and peer leadership programs. In 2016, Eli graduated Magna Cum Laude from Brandeis University with degrees in Business, Psychology and History where he held leadership positions in the Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity and contributed to both student newspapers and the campus radio station.

Since graduation, Eli has worked at Anheuser-Busch and L’Oreal in marketing and sales capacities and currently leads Shopper Marketing Strategy at the BODYARMOR Sports Nutrition division of Coca-Cola. He plays guitar in a local rock band, Club Duvet, with music on Spotify and has served as a member of the Schechter Manhattan Board of Trustees since 2022. Joining the board and this honor are especially significant for Eli as he considers his Schechter Manhattan education, particularly its focus on out-of-the-box and analytical thinking, vital to his career thus far.
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