Thank you to everyone who gives to
Schechter Manhattan...
and most especially the teachers,
administrators and parents.
And special thanks to Ayala's Mom, Amy Wasser.
Your family holds a special place in my family's heart
Sally Gottesman
Mazel Tov to all of the honorees!
Lorin and Kupferberg Family
Marc -
Thank you for being a smart and supportive trusted advisor - and for being a good friend! We love that we've both had the great pleasure of working with you, and we are impressed and grateful for your profound contributions to the Jewish community in multiple cities over so many years.
Amy and Prizmah -
Thank you for supporting and bettering Jewish day schools with your wisdom, networks and support. Such important work Shoshana -
Thank you for being such an amazing role model for our students, enabling others to "welcome the stranger" in a meaningful way.
With gratitude to all of the faculty and staff of Schechter Manhattan
for your dedication and commitment,
Julie Sissman and Phil Richter
Kol HaKavod to the honorees on their well-deserved honors.
Daniel S. Bernstein
Mazal tov to all of tonight's honorees.
Thank you for all you do to strengthen
Jewish education in our community.
Elaine Morris
To all the honorees. מזל טוב
Thank you for all you do for our school and community.
Thank you to the amazing teachers and staff at Schechter Manhattan for making it such a fun and safe place for our kids to learn. Ittamar, Aileen and Adin Arnold and Skip and Ilana Vichness.
Kol HaKavod to the honorees on their well-deserved honors.
Columbus Square Management
Mazel Tov to the Honorees!
Cherise Solomon Feld and Randy Feld
Kol HaKavod to the honorees on their well-deserved honors.
Gary Family Charitable Gift Fund
Karen and Henry Glanternik
Congratulations to the honorees.
Thank you for strengthening Jewish education!
In appreciation of our new Head of School, Chris Aguero, for his stellar leadership. Lilly and David Icikson
Congratulations to our Honorees
Jewish Law mandates us to educate ourselves and our children in Torah, observance, ethics and theology. Thank you Schechter Manhattan for helping fulfill our obligation to our children. Eileen and Jerry Lieberman
Kol HaKavod to the honorees on their well-deserved honors.
Mimi and Barry Alperin
יהי כבוד חברך חביב עליך כשלך
Your friend's honor should be as dear as your own.
Pirke Avot 2:10
To Marc with much love and respect always,
Your Atlanta friends
Shelli Bank, Michael Rosenzweig, Doryn Chervin,
Steve Chervin, Sue Backer, Marc Backer,
Roseanne Kauss, Andy Kauss, Natalie Kaiman
and Jay Kaiman
Mazel tov to all of the honorees!
Thank you for your commitment to Schechter Manhattan. Rachel Mann and Josh Rosenblatt, Bella, Ruby and Louisa
Mazal tov Marc, Shoshana, and Amy!
Much love and gratitude to the educators of
Schechter Manhattan for helping our children
grow into thoughtful, confident,
and Jewishly knowledgeable adults
Elisheva Urbas and David Morris
Kol Ha Kavod to Marc Gary and to Prizmah
Thank you for all you have done for
Schechter Manhattan through the years.
We are grateful for your partnership and support! Mazel Tov Shoshana Akabas Barzel ('06) You are a shining example of the value of a
Schechter Manhattan education!
Nan and Howard Rubin
Kol HaKavod to the Honorees!
Kol HaKavod to Schechter Manhattan's alumni who continue to make the world a better place!
Alan and Laurie Dien Yaillen
Mazal Tov to all of the honorees!
Elite Service Group
Mazel Tov to all of the honorees!
The Gershon Kekst Family
We are proud to celebrate Schechter Manhattan
on 27 years of providing an outstanding
Jewish Day School Education
Kol HaKavod to Marc Gary, Prizmah
and Shoshana Akabas Barzel
on their well deserved honors.
Harriet and Leonard Mayer
Kol HaKavod to the honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Esther F. and Ivan M. Schaeffer
Andrea Brustein and Michael Firestone
Mazal tov to all the honorees and Schechter Manhattan for the effort, work and passion put into ensuring a Jewish education is provided for the next generation.
Sara Malamut
Mazal Tov to our most deserving Honorees!
Thank you for all you do to sustain our wonderful school and community.
With love and appreciation,
Beth Mann
Kol HaKavod to the honorees on their well-deserved honors.
Ann & Dan Melinger
Mazal Tov to all of the honorees!
Rena Cole & Ephie Bernstein
Kol HaKavod to the honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Congregation Or Zarua
Kol HaKavod to the honorees on their well-deserved honors.
Rabbi Larry Sebert and Dr. Jane Davidson
Kol HaKavod to the honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Alan Levine
To our honorees -- Thanks to each of you for the work you do in the Jewish community and the support you have shown our community.
Gary Pretsfelder and Nina Bruder
Meg and Seth Akabas
Shelley and Aaron Akabas
Aileen Leonardo and Ittamar Arnold
Sarenne Sutton and Alejandro Benchimol
Elisa Marcus and Dror Bikel
Sarit and Efraim Chalamish
Peg Donohue
Becky Prager and Eli Kaminsky
Melissa Epstein and Adam Jackson
Jordan & Anna Gary
Jennifer Rosenberg & Gil Israeli
Sperling Jody
Pablo and Allison Kapusta
Anat and Yossi Leon
Dana Morgan and Daniel Ori
Dan Perla
Prizmah: Center for Jewish Day Schools
Shira Epstein, David Tolchin, Yadin and Maya
Jody Sperling
Stevens-Kastner Family
Ilana and Skip Vichness
Randy & Debra Weinstein
Roz Weitzner
Marc Wolf
Ariel Kaminsky
Ansche Chesed salutes our dear friend and esteemed member
Marc Gary and the other honorees at this well-deserved tribute.
We are so proud of the many AC families who study at Schechter Manhattan. Your school enriches all our lives!
Rabbi Yael Hammerman
Cantor Natasha Hirschhorn
Rabbi Jeremy Kalmanofsky
Congratulations on receiving the Schechter Manhattan
2023 Alumni Leadership award.
We appreciate all your hard work and your commitment to our community, as well as
the greater New York community.
Mazal Tov!
Alumni Leadership Committee
Chef's Table, the provider of food and flowers this evening would like to congratulate all of the honorees! We are proud to be the parents of alumni
Maddy and Ben Soffer.
Mazel tov to all!
Eva and Bruce Soffer
Mazal Tov to all of the honorees!
Mazal Tov to all of the honorees!
Barbara Julius and Marc Silberberg
Honoring Howard Rubin
for his tireless dedication to Jewish Education.
Marcia and Geoffrey Colvin
Congratulations to all the honorees.
We salute Howard Rubin for his tireless work for Schecter Manhattan.
Marian and Joel Friedman
Kol HaKavod to the honorees on their well-deserved honors.
Lisa Gordis and Aaron Saiger
Mazel tov to the 2023 distinguished honorees!
Special congratulations to Shoshana Akabas Barzel for receiving the 2023 Alumni Leadewrship Award
Said, Ellen, Leila, Tammi Hawa and Gabriel Wolofsky
In honor of Marc Gary
for his life-long support of
Jewish educational institutions
Carol K. Ingall
In Honor of Marc Gary
With Love and Admiration
Rosanne and Andy Kauss
Kol HaKavod to Schechter Manhattan faculty and staff, and to all of this year's honorees!
Michael Geselowitz & Emily Schneider
Mazal Tov to all of the honorees!
Sarah Klagsbrun and Eric Weinstein
Kol HaKavod to the honorees
on their well-deserved honors.
Aileen, Shai, Lev and Jude Vichness
Congratultions Howard Rubin Cindy & David Pinter
In honor of Marc Gary, With continued admiration, gratitude, and love, Robin and Stephen Garfinkel
Mazel Tov to Marc Gary on receiving this well deserved honor. Kol HaKavod. Gail and Len Pogach Family
"Nasi Atah B'tocheynu, You are a prince, amongst us." Genesis 23:6 Your leadership, community concern & menschlichkeit inspire us Rabbi Richard and Sharon Hammerman
Mazal tov to all the honorees! Todah to the faculty and staff of Schechter Manhattan for all that they do! Susan and Philip Rabin
Kol Hakavod Marc for you vision, leadership, wisdom and passion that move our community forward! Sandy and Arlene Remz
Maris and Andy Rosenberg are proud to Honor Howard Rubin, President of Schechter Manhattan Maris and Andy Rosenberg
Cantor Nancy Abramson
Advantage Jewish Families Team
Lauren Albert & Joe Larson Albert
Ellen Alt
David, Susan, Sam, and Lily Cohen
Melissa Crane
Pat and Alan Davidson
Adriane Leveen and Arnie Eisen
Paulayne Epstein
Pat and Jim Fingeroth
Jessica R. Friedman
Andrea & Larry GOODMAN
Naomi Grabel
Cindy Greenbaum and Rabbi Michael Greenbaum
Dena and Mark Hirsch
Rochelle and David Hirsch
Rabbi Jeremy Kalmanofsky
Lauren and Alan Klein
Guillermo, Ariel & Lourdes Leonardo
Ray Levi
Aliza and Benjamin Mann
Barbara and Charles Mann
Naomi and Michael Melinger
Rachel and Harry Moseley
Susan Schwartz and Howard Muchnick
Ronnie and David Parker
Gary Pretsfelder and Nina Bruder
Neal and Diane Rosen
Sheri and James Rosenfeld
Lori Skopp and Michael Schmidt
Shuly Rubin Schwartz and Eric Fishman
Julian and Iris Tishkoff
Carol Kozak and Seth Ward