2023 Schechter Manhattan Gala Leadership


Gala Chairs
Ittamar Arnold 
Aileen Leonardo
Sara Malamut (’09)
Alejandeo Benchimol
Sheara Braun
Lauren Kupferberg (’11)
Dana Morgan
Daniel Ori
Sarenne Sutton
2023 Honorary Committee
Cantor Nancy Abramson and Mitch Glenn
Chris Aguero
Ellen Alt
Daniel S. Bernstein
Eric Blomquist and Pete Webb
Nina Bruder and Gary Pretsfelder
Andrea Brustein and Michael Firestone
Erica and Noah Cohen
Rena Cole and Ephie Bernstein
Douglas Corzine
Lindsey Cronin (‘16)
Dr. Jane Davidson and Rabbi Laurence Sebert
Laurie Dien and Alan Yaillen
Peg Donohue
Paulayne Epstein
Cherise Solomon-Feld and Randy Feld
Karen and Henry Glanternik
Lisa Gordis and Aaron Saiger
Sally Gottesman
Sharon and Richard Hammerman
Ellen and Said Hawa
Tammi Hawa (‘09) and Gabriel Wolofsky
Lilly and David Icikson
Ray Levy, Ph.D.
Shira Jacobson and David Libchaber
Tymothy Jaddock
Allison and Pablo Kapusta
Ariel Kaminsky (‘11)
Eli Kaminsky (‘08) and Becky Prager
Asaf Kastner and Alana Stevens
Suzanne Katz and Richie Friedman
Lisa Kaufman
Francine and Samuel Klagsbrun
Anat and Yossi Leon
Allison Levine and Jeremy Jacobskind
Eileen and Jerry Lieberman
Susan Lorin and Martin Kupferberg
Barbara and Charles Mann
Beth Mann
Rachel Mann and Josh Rosenblatt
Elisa Marcus and Dror Bikel
Ann and Dan Melinger
Naomi and Michael Melinger
Elaine Morris
Odelia Nahum and Hiram Shaish
  Noah Philips (‘16)
Paige Proctor
Susan and Phil Rabin
Roberta Roth
Nan and Howard Rubin
Esther F. and Ivan M. Schaeffer
Emily Schneider and Michael Geselowitz
Ruth Servi
Julie Sissman and Phil Richter
Deanna and Rabbi Howard Stecker
Ilana and Skip Vichness
Elisheva Urbas and David Morris
Aliza Yaillen (‘09) and Josh Gross
(List in formation)

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