Please Join Us

Monday, June 13, 2022 | 14 Sivan 5782 | 6:00 PM

The New York Academy of Medicine

1216 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY 10029


Cocktails/Buffet Dinner & Program





Gary Pretsfelder and Nina Bruder

Schechter Manhattan Community Leaders



Randy Feld, MD, Neal Hoffman, MD & Isaac B. Weisfuse, MD, MPH

Public Health Response Team



Tammi Hawa ('09)

2022 Schechter Manhattan Alumni Leadership Award



We thank our volunteers who give of themselves generously.



E-Journal Text/Artwork due by: Tuesday, June 3, 2022.


Please send ad in .JPG, .PDF or .PNG format. Submit text and ads to: [email protected].


Contributions are deductible for income tax purposes only to the extent that the amount paid exceeds the fair market value of the benefits received. For more information, contact Eric Blomquist, Director of Development and Operations at 212-427-9500, ext. 5 or [email protected].

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