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Wednesday, June 9, 2021 | 29 Sivan 5781
7:00 P.M.
Schechter Manhattan Parents and Community Leaders
Head of School
2021 Schechter Manhattan Alumni Leadership Award

Our Founders and Founding Board
Front row: right to left
Leonard Mayer, Judith Stern Peck, Stanley Gluck, Larry Sebert, Anita Comite
Back Row  Right to left
 Sy Sadinoff, Ted Lazarus, Philip Isaccs, Hugh Pollack, Joe Allerhand, Steven Lorch

Our honorees reflect a strong commitment to Jewish education, Jewish identity, the importance of educating each of our Schechter Manhattan students, and  strengthening the future of the Jewish people.

We are grateful during this time of COVID-19 to our Faculty and Staff, Public Health Response Team, First Responders, Frontline Workers and Community.
We thank you in advance for partnering with our honorees in supporting Schechter Manhattan.
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