Sara Malamut
2021 Schechter Manhattan Alumni Leadership Award
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Sara Malamut graduated from Schechter Manhattan in 2009. She continued her Jewish education at Ramaz Upper School where she discovered her passion for computer science. In 2017, Sara completed her undergraduate studies at Princeton University and received a Bachelor of Science and Engineering in Computer Science. She currently works at Bloomberg L.P. on a trading execution platform. 
During her time at Princeton, Sara was closely involved with Chabad and the Center for Jewish Life. Sara identified strongly with their mission of promoting Jewish learning and embracing Jewish identities through BANOT (The Princeton Jewish Women’s Network), chagim, such as Passover seders, as well as numerous coffee chats. She was a fellow for the OneVoice movement which strives to reconcile the Israeli Palestinian conflict through culture sharing and community building. 
At Bloomberg, Sara volunteers as a mentor in a variety of outreach programs. She has taught after-school STEM classes for middle school children in underserved public schools as well as introductory computer science classes to college students from diverse backgrounds. At work, she serves as a mentor for new employees in the Engineering department.
Sara is a founding member of Schechter Manhattan Alumni Association. She has helped organize alumni networking events and has spoken about the value of a Schechter Manhattan education at admitted family events. She hopes these efforts will help grow and strengthen alumni involvement as well as inspire others to embrace the values of Schechter Manhattan.
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