RPRY Dinner 2022
The Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva honors
Dr. Sandra and Dr. Raymond Cypess
Dr. Rebecca and Rabbi Dr. Joshua Cypess

Guests of Honor
RPRY STEM Program Benefactors
Dr. Raymond H. Cypess, DVM, PhD,
Dr. Raymond H. Cypess, DVM, PhD, scientist, educator, and public health practitioner, is recognized as the modern founder of the American Type Culture Collection, a nonprofit organization that offers the scientific community biological products, advanced model systems, and services that support research in basic science, drug discovery, translational medicine, and public health. As Executive Chairman and CEO of ATCC and ATCC Global, he has brought a unique blend of scientific leadership, business acumen, and fiscal responsibility, along with a visionary approach to the management of a not-for-profit corporate structure, serving the organization for more than three decades. Dr. Cypess holds a BS from Brooklyn College, a BAg and DVM from the University of Illinois, and a PhD in parasitology from the School of Public Health at the University of North Carolina. He also holds a certification in teaching science from the Board of Education of the City of New York. Prior to joining ATCC in 1993, Dr. Cypess was Dean of the College of Graduate Health Science, Professor of Microbiology, Immunology, and Comparative Medicine, and Vice Provost for Research and Research Training at the University of Tennessee-Memphis. He was awarded the University of Tennessee Memphis College of Medicine Outstanding Teacher Award every year from 1989–1993. Prior to that he was Professor of Microbiology and Director of the New York State Diagnostic Laboratory. He also initiated and obtained state funding for a new Department of Preventive Medicine at the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University. Dr. Cypess began his academic career at the University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health—an association that continued for two decades as Adjunct Associate Professor of Epidemiology. Dr. Cypess was recognized with an NIH Career Development Award. He has participated on the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases scientific review boards and various NIH study sections and served on several editorial boards. He is the author of more than 80 chapters, reviews, and journal articles, a fellow of the Infectious Disease Society, and a member of the American Epidemiology Society.
Dr. Sandra Messinger Cypess
Dr. Sandra Messinger Cypess (Bubbie) grew up in Brooklyn as the older child of immigrants: her mother, Sara Feigl, was from Lithuania and her father, Moshe, from a small town in what is now Ukraine. Perhaps the fact that they both spoke Yiddish with a different accent caused her to major in Spanish and become a professor of Latin American Literature. Another early influence on her career was reading all the comic books in her parents’ candy store, where she worked throughout her childhood. She retired in 2014 after teaching on the college level for almost 45 years. She had been Chair of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Maryland, whose faculty she joined in 1994 after having served on the faculty at SUNY Binghamton since 1976, and prior to that, at Duke University, among her teaching positions. She received her BA at Brooklyn College, majoring in Spanish and French. Her MA was awarded by Cornell and her PhD by the University of Illinois. Her research deals primarily with women writers, the representation of women in Latin American Literature, and Latin American theater. She has authored and co-authored a number of books and has written many essays on these subjects. One of her books, La Malinche in Mexican Literature: from History to Myth (University of Texas Press, 1991), is now a canonical text on that indigenous woman, who was the translator for Cortes in the conquest of Mexico. The book will appear in Spanish later this year. Although retired, Bubbie has not stopped working in her field and continues to do research, publish, and give presentations, primarily on women writers in Latin America. She also keeps active by participating in activities with her beloved grandchildren, including games of anagrams, Wordle, Trivial Pursuit, and Ticket to Ride.

Drs. Raymond and Sandra Cypess founded the Cypess Family Private Foundation in 2003 as a means to share the blessings they have received. The foundation has supported Jewish communal organizations to assist those experiencing hunger and living with disabilities, as well as yeshivot in Israel and publications by important thinkers in the Modern Orthodox/Dati Le’umi world. In 2015, they embarked on a partnership with RPRY and the late, beloved Mrs. Sari Shalmon a"h to provide innovative, engaging, high-quality STEM education to all students at the school. In summer 2020, as RPRY was grappling with urgent technology needs imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Cypess Family Private Foundation provided a leadership gift to upgrade the school’s technology infrastructure, ensuring that all students would maintain access to their school community.
Rabbi Dr. Joshua Cypess
Rabbi Dr. Joshua Cypess is a researcher and consultant in Jewish sociology for The Cypess Group, an independent consulting organization. He received a Wexner Graduate Fellowship for the semicha program at the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary at Yeshiva University, and he holds a PhD from the Department of Near Eastern and Judaic Studies at Brandeis University, an MA in Sociology from Brandeis, an MA in Jewish Philosophy from the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies at Yeshiva University, and a BA in Anthropology from Princeton University. He has served as Assistant Rabbi of Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun (New York) and as Rabbi of the Young Israel of New Haven, Connecticut. His work as a pulpit rabbi led him to his current research interests, which include medical sociology, end-of-life decision making in halacha and Jewish practice, and the history and idea of “meta-halacha.” In his recent work, he has turned to two major issues: first, safety and equity in Jewish institutions, and second, disability in halacha and Jewish life. He is currently at work on a book entitled Disability in Halacha.
Dr. Rebecca Cypess 
In her professional life, Dr. Rebecca Cypess is Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Associate Professor of Music at Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers University, as well as a faculty affiliate of the Jewish Studies Department and a member of the graduate faculty of the History Department. A musicologist and historical keyboardist, she is the author of Women and Musical Salons in the Enlightenment (2022) and Curious and Modern Inventions: Instrumental Music as Discovery in Galileo’s Italy (2016), co-editor of Music and Jewish Culture in Early Modern Italy (2022) and Sara Levy’s World: Gender, Judaism, and the Bach Tradition in Enlightenment Berlin (2018), and author of over 50 articles, book chapters, reviews, and essays. She is also the director of the Raritan Players, a period-instrument ensemble that has released three full-length recordings to critical acclaim. Cypess holds a PhD, MA, and MPhil in music history from Yale University, an MA in Bible from the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies at Yeshiva University, an MMus in Harpsichord from the Royal College of Music (London), and a BA in Music from Cornell; she has also learned as a full-time fellow at the Drisha Institute for Jewish Education. Her volunteer work for the Jewish community began at Cornell, where she helped establish one of the first JLIC programs and worked with the university administration to bring kosher food to campus dining halls. With Dr. Jenny Mandelbaum, she is founding co-chair of JFAS, an organization of Jewish Faculty, administrators, and staff members at Rutgers that works with the university administration to address issues of campus climate and antisemitism. She is a member and programming co-chair of the Middlesex Black-Jewish Coalition and Secretary of the Board of Governors of RPRY. In 2020 she chaired RPRY’s Reopening Committee, which planned for the school’s safe reopening following the COVID-induced shutdown earlier that year.
Josh and Rebecca are proudest of their three marvelous children, Ben (RPRY ’18, JEC ’22), Joey (RPRY ’21, JEC ’25), and Sally (RPRY ’23), to whom RPRY has provided a solid foundation in limudei kodesh, the understanding of “secular” learning as components of a Torah worldview, and a basis in menschlichkeit that has allowed them to flourish as young leaders with a strong moral core.
Avital and Yaakov Rosenberg
Alumni Leadership Award
Avital and Yaakov Rosenberg, life-long residents of Edison, met back in RPRY. Both graduating in 2001, Yaakov attended RPRY from Kindergarten through eighth grade, while Avital joined the RPRY family in first grade. They both have fond memories from their years at RPRY, having been in the same class in first and second grade. They have maintained close connections with many friends, Rebbeim and teachers who had a great impact on them. RPRY has been a big part of their lives and they are proud to be current RPRY parents and active members of the RPRY community once again.
After graduating Moshe Aaron Yeshiva High School in 2005, Yaakov went to Israel and studied at Mevaseret. He graduated from Yeshiva University with his Bachelor’s Degree in English Literature. After graduating YU in 2009, Yaakov worked at Jobe Industries in Sales and Operations. He recently received his Master’s Degree in Supply Chain Management from Rutgers University Business School and currently splits his time working for Choice Cabinetry and being a stay-at-home dad.
After also graduating in 2005 from Moshe Aaron Yeshiva High School, Avital spent the following year studying in Midreshet Lindenbaum. She earned her B.A. in Biology from Stern College in 2009, and a B.S. in Nursing from the University of Medicine and Dentistry in 2010 and has worked as a nurse for eleven years. Since May 2021, she has been working as a Nurse Case Manager at Clover Health, where she also obtained her case manager certification.
Avital and Yaakov got married in November 2008 and began their life together in Edison, near their families. They were excited to continue living in and supporting the Highland Park/Edison community, where they had grown up and made lifelong memories. They have always felt the warmth and love of the area and always considered Edison, and RPRY, their home.
Avital and Yaakov each wear many hats when it comes to giving back to their community. Avital is the RPRY Plus Vice President and an active class parent. She has also worked tirelessly on many RPRY events, including programming for the Scholarship Breakfast and the Annual Dinner. She also is an active board member at Congregation Ahavas Achim and was previously a member of the Young Community Committee.
Yaakov has played an important role working on the RPRY Golf Outing event for the last several years. He also dedicated his time to fundraising and campaigning for the Scholarship Breakfast. As a proud RPRY alum, he also helps maintain the RPRY Alumni Facebook group, where he is able to connect to hundreds of RPRY alumni. In addition to being involved in many RPRY committees, events and activities, he also dedicates his time as a Tomchei Shabbos volunteer.
Avital and Yaakov have four beautiful children, k”h - Atara, a fourth-grade student at RPRY, Judah, a first-grade student at RPRY, and Max and Noah, who are four years old. Atara and Judah love coming to RPRY every day, seeing their teachers and friends, equally eager to learn and play.
Avital and Yaakov are joined at tonight’s dinner by Avital’s parents, Alan and Jackie Kelin, Yaakov’s parents, Rabbi Dr. Bernhard and Charlene Rosenberg, and their siblings, Ari (RPRY ‘04) and Ayelet Rosenberg, Ari and Ayelet (RPRY ‘98) Feder, Josh and Ilana (RPRY ‘96) Merl and David (RPRY ‘05) and Ariella Kelin. They are also joined by Aunt Sue and Uncle Richie Kelin and Aunt Judy and Uncle Ben Chanowitz and their cousin Mira (RPRY ‘10).
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